I`ve got Motorola Milestone Aiplane problem. When I turn On the airplane mode, its all fine, but when i try to turn it off, the signal dont come back, and also they dont ask me for the pin code like it was on HTC.
Any Ideas ?
Software version : SHOLS_U2_02.31.0 i saw that the latest for the central europe is my version, but other DE,AT and this countries have SHOLS_U2_02.34.0 and SHOLS_U2_02.36.0 , can i install this software?
I've got the same problem with official's release but since i put the 02.36 from GOT when back from plane it asked for PIN code, no more reboot, alarm work fine (but with official too with a trick)
And how can i Install official 2.36 or 2.38 rom ? I dont want to root my phone.
On the case od my phone says that is made in germany. The germany roms are 2.36 and 2.38 version.
what about this site :
When you put the GOT sbf you've got the choise to root or not to root.
To root the phone you have to reboot in recovery mode (Open recovery by GOT) and choose root option (and here you can choose to use their theme or not)
Today a get an update!
Software version : SHOLS_U2_02.36.0 32mb file Now the airplane works fine!
I am new to this forum.
I bought a new Samsung SGS from Orange network UK which is locked.
I unlocked it in India and am using it.
I wanted to wipe off the memory as there are unnecessary apps installed.
If I do the wipe off will my mobile get locked or will it remain unlocked.
I also want to know how to wipe off the memory without getting my mobile locked..... Plzz do help me guys.............
One more thing ..........
My mobile firmware version is 2.1-update1
Baseband version is I9000BVJF3
Build number is ECLAIR.BVJG2
Can any one suggest me the themes that I can install in it and waht are they???
Before you start flashing themes, Have a cruise around the forum and do some research regarding firmwares and flashing.
The first thing you need to do before any themes, is download a nice solid 2.2.1 firmware for your phone.
There is also a 2.3.3 that was just leaked, but is still in a late beta stage.
There's a ton of information on this forum. Take some time and do a bit of reading. You'll be flashing in no time.
ThankYou for your suggestion.
Sure I will go through the forum.
But just let me know one thing if I upgrade my SGS will it remain unlocked or will it be locked as I mentioned earlier that I unlocked it earlier.
It will stay unlocked.
After you unlocked it, check can you enter download mode press and hold volume down, menu, and lock-power button for 10-15 sec.
If you can't than you need to enter download mode on the phone from PC:
-Install Kies from official Samsung site(it has drivers).
-Download adbDownload attached to this post.
-Download Latest Firmware (with bootloader files).
-Odin and pit (512).
-Archive for enabling Google Earth and Maps rotation and tilt attached ...multitouch...zip.
-Kernel, recommended:
and you good to go for the best user experience at the moment.
p.s. All instructions and how to are provided on the liks.
Yesterday I "bricked" my phone cuz i enabled lagfix and after that i put out the battery before he finished the operation, so it was not possible to go into recovery mode, just download mode was possibel.
So today i installed the firmware I9000XWJM1 via Odin and after that I9000XWJVH_XEEJV3 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913).
Now everything seems to be working fine apart from gps (and i guess thats becouse of the product code but i am not sure ..)
Cuz the product code now is GT-I9000HKDXEE and probably i need GT-I9000HKDXEU. Or is it somehing completely different?
my phone's build.prop sais:
I bought the phone from a store in Greece and not from an Operator and i use it with Greek Op... When I bought it, about a month ago I did an OTA update to the version 10h...
My questions are:
1) Is it safe to do a manual update with an Euro Open Version or a Greek Version for v20a or i'll have to stay with TMO (which i think it means T-Mobile)?
2) Will that change the operator in my phone and what other changes are made (except from the s/w version changes. for ex does it change the target_country?)?
3) From the store i bought it they said that I have full waranty from LG Hellas for 2 years. If I can and do the update to the Euro Open or Greek V. will I loose the waranty?
4) If I can do the manual update can you provide me a link with the steps to do it?
Thank you very much!
anyone??? please i feel so idiot that i cannot update it!
go to this link, it will open white page, in adress bar after "=" sign at the end just put your IMEI number and hit enter, copy info WITHOUT you phone IMEI and paste here
Regarding your questions:
1. It is safe like you do this with ota or lg tool, every flash have risks
2. No change
3. Yes, and no, if your currently phone software is online aka http://lg-phone-firmware.com/index.php?id_mod=15 and you can download it and flash it then you have no worry about warranty, but if isn't and if you flash v20, and in the meanwhile you need to use your warranty..then you cant go back to latest stock software for you phone and maybe you have problems than..because you cant use recovery phone in lg tools for reverting to stock for two reason: Obviously there isn't jet JB for your region otherwise you would not post these questions, and second if you update manually to v20 only way to reverse to stock is to use different method (downgrading) also included in link above(problem if you dont have matching v10h software if you have some branding apps included). Or you can wait official JB for your phone's region. So check that you can download from internet your currently stock software.
4. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=36676469&postcount=1 look here for methods, i use it all including LGFlash tool (this method is not in the list) and never had problems..
Freddowar said:
my phone's build.prop sais:
I bought the phone from a store in Greece and not from an Operator and i use it with Greek Op... When I bought it, about a month ago I did an OTA update to the version 10h...
My questions are:
1) Is it safe to do a manual update with an Euro Open Version or a Greek Version for v20a or i'll have to stay with TMO (which i think it means T-Mobile)?
2) Will that change the operator in my phone and what other changes are made (except from the s/w version changes. for ex does it change the target_country?)?
3) From the store i bought it they said that I have full waranty from LG Hellas for 2 years. If I can and do the update to the Euro Open or Greek V. will I loose the waranty?
4) If I can do the manual update can you provide me a link with the steps to do it?
Thank you very much!
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1) Software-wise it is safe. It is also possible to go back to LG-P880-V10h-NOV-19-2012 if you want to later.
2) It won't change your operator. Also, your phone should remain linked to Greece (or perhaps Germany as that's in your build.prop) and T-Mobile by IMEI.
3) I don't know whether the T-Mobile version has additional software installed, but it seems likely. They should be able to tell that that software is missing. If you don't have any specific T-Mobile software on the phone they probably cannot tell the difference after you go back to LG-P880-V10h-NOV-19-2012. Of course you can be smart about it and make a CWM-backup + Titanium Backup of ALL your apps so you can restore everything after reinstalling LG-P880-V10h-NOV-19-2012. In that case they cannot tell the difference. Note: You need to then also remove CWM and root after the restore before you send it in for repairs.
4) I preferred this method: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2069723.
thank you both!!! very much!!!!
hpnxfox said:
3. Yes, and no, if your currently phone software is online aka http://lg-phone-firmware.com/index.php?id_mod=15 and you can download it and flash it then you have no worry about warranty, but if isn't and if you flash v20, and in the meanwhile you need to use your warranty..then you cant go back to latest stock software for you phone and maybe you have problems than..because you cant use recovery phone in lg tools for reverting to stock for two reason: Obviously there isn't jet JB for your region otherwise you would not post these questions, and second if you update manually to v20 only way to reverse to stock is to use different method (downgrading) also included in link above(problem if you dont have matching v10h software if you have some branding apps included). Or you can wait official JB for your phone's region. So check that you can download from internet your currently stock software.
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Fortunately, the rom he has is standard, so he just needs to worry about potential extra apps. Root+Titanium backup should cover that, as he can reflash->root->restore all apps+data with Titanium Backup->remove root.
Hi guys , After a month of searching the whole internet , I was not able to find the solution to my problem , so this is my last hope.
I was gifted a Nokia Lumia 620 by a friend who used to work for Nokia( Now left and in very bad terms with the company ). The phone works like charm and has not given me any kind of trouble. Till a month back I found that I was not able to update the firmware of my phone. On checking the net , I found that the phone's firmware version was a pre-release one i.e. 1030.5603.1249.003 ( This phone was released with 1030.5603.1250.00x in my country India ). So i tried to manually update by downloading the updated firmware .To my surprise I could not find the firmware for my product code which is 059N7C6 . Instead I downloaded firmware of other product code but of same RM-846 . Tried to flash the phone using NCS but could not. I was not able to bring it to the flash mode. Tried every method out there ( Vol down & power , Vol down & power then vol up ) but could not. Actually even keeping the vol down and power button pressed for like 10 min I dont get the vibration( except when the phone is switched off and when i try it , then the phone just switches on.). But as soon as I release the buttons I get a vibration . Is this the vibration that all the methods talk about?? But even after this I get an error message during the recovery method of flashing. I have also tried the refurbish method by changing the product code. The phone goes to go the flash mode and the flash starts but again an error occurs . In both the cases the error i get is " Message not send " .so my questions are :
1. Is my phone a demo phone ? (i dont think so coz my phone works like charm and performs all the functions )
2. Is there any process to update this pre release firmware ?
3. Have i downloaded the firmware of wrong product code ? (FYI i had downloaded the firmware of product code 059R680 EURO1 GB DEVELOPER DEVICE by using NCS coz i could not find the firmware pertaining to my region )
4. Is there any other method to enable the flash mode on the phone ?
This forum is my last hope. Don't want to ditch this phone cause of no updates . Thanks in advance.
Hello Folks,
the last days I have read so much, but all tutorials I read are pretty old or lead me in a dead end road.
Could somebody give me some infos what to do and how I get to a good result for my dad's Samsung GT-I9000
Unfortunately I have no windows computer here, which gives my headache with tutorials based on a windows connect. what I have:
- Mac OSX 10.10.4
- Heimdall 1.4, Kies, SmartSwitch installed
- Samsung Galaxy S i9000 (branded from 3 Austria - Hutchinson)
this phone was unlocked from a shop before, but my dad got no "unlock number". it has worked unlocked for some years. I wanted to try out if I can get into recovery by pressing "Vol.Up - ON" (no home button) and it just restarted. since then I get the popup for using "unlock PIN". even a working 3 SIM card from a friend does not work anymore. Android Eclair just shows a SIM symbol in the upper right corner with a red exclamation mark.
If possible, I want to update to a pretty new Android. I have read the post here that Coderom with Android 5.1. even runs on this model fine.
If I would like to jump from this pretty old firmware to such a new one, do I need to root, unlock it first and flash step by step newer Android version? or is it possible to flash the Coderom immediately (after root, unlock and probably a recovery installation)?
If a custom ROM is flashed, is the phone still SIM locked?
Modell GT-I9000
Firmware Version 2.1-update1
Basebandversion I9000NEJG1
Kernel Version 2.6.29 [email protected] #2
Buildnumber ECLAIR.NEJG3
IMEI is shown
IMEI is shown
WLAN-MAC-Adress is shown
Bluetooth-MAC is shown
*#1234# shows:
Phone: I9000NEJG1
*#7465625# results in:
Netzsperre {on} /// netlock
Teilweise Netzsperre {off} ///partly netlock
SP-Sperre {off} /// SP-lock
CP-Sperre {off} /// CP-lock
First I have tried to backup the important data from the phone (only contacts and photos).
Until now I could not backup the efs folder/partition. (probably I need root first, right?)
I could hardly connect Kies with the phone, but I have not got any data with it. And I got an initialise error if I wanted to update (so 2.2 or 2.3 was not possible). An info box showed to use Smartswitch.
So I have used Smartswitch on the Mac and could connect via USB to the I9000. I have seen public folders and made a backup of the contacts and pictures. An upgrade was not possible too. Thus, the 3 branded Android Eclair is still on the phone.
With "Vol.Up - ON - Menu" boots the recovery.
With "Vol.down - ON - Menu" boots the yellow construction figure state for Odin. (download)
No play-store on the phone. Only google market (where I have not found anything useful). I have searched on apkmirror and could not really find apps for Android 2.1.
what would you suggest to do and in which sequence? (without windows)
- root
- unlock
- backup efs folder
- install clockwork mod
- format somehow f2fs ?
- flash coderom
(do I have to care about german language too? or are most distributions CM etc. multi language?)
thanks for any help!
It is strange, I have problems now to get into that recovery with the three button combination. Downloading modus works fine.
=>>> Now I got it....I must hold all 3 buttons the same time and wait 2 times for the Samsung logo. After that, I need to leave the power button but not the other 2. That starts the Samsung Recovery.