Creating drawers to hold shortcuts CM6 rc3 ADW Launcher - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've looked but can seem to find the answer.
(1) I know I can create new folders on my home screens and move icons into it, but don't know how to change the name from "Folder" to like "Multimedia". Is there a way to do it using ADW Launcher or CM6? If so, I havent found it...
(2) Is there a way to create multiple Drawers to hold stuff in ADW or are we stuck with the one launcher screen? Or is this in Launcher Pro, etc?
(3) Anybody know an easy way to create a widget for an application?
I'm just trying to clean up my home screens, which are getting crowded and don't want to move to 6 or 7 homescreens.

you just long press the holder bar at the top to change the name.
only launcher pro has multiple scrolling docks.
no idea how to create a widget.

RogerPodacter said:
you just long press the holder bar at the top to change the name.
only launcher pro has multiple scrolling docks.
no idea how to create a widget.
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long press the "holder bar" at the top....what the heck is a holder bar? sorry to sound stupid, but could you explain? Thanks!
Edit: Roger...bump charging right now at 4197mV and 1427mAh

The bar at the top of the folder, to the left of the X.



Open Home has a really sick app dock, now if you have a custom theme you and you want to use a custom clock then open home is not an option. I am asking if someone can make a widget just like or very similar to that dock. PLEASE..... its a need in the "rooted community".
mimic1011 said:
Open Home has a really sick app dock, now if you have a custom theme you and you want to use a custom clock then open home is not an option. I am asking if someone can make a widget just like or very similar to that dock. PLEASE..... its a need in the "rooted community".
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Doesn't aHome let you do this?
f4phantomii said:
Doesn't aHome let you do this?
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aHome is fixed at the very bottom while Open Home has a slide out dock where you can add as many apps as you want and slide it back and forth.
He wants a widget where you can have different docks though out the screen.
Have a dock widget on each line to reduce clutter on the desktop.
According to what Sistum said. I believe Sweeter Home has this option although it's still in beta. I don't know if I spelled the name right though.
there is one- sort of- a widget by bratag.
i want a live folder with most recent apps (like launchbar)...

Need to find a couple of APKs for my Nook

Hey guys,
A couple of questions. I have already fully rooted my Nook using z4root although I cannot find an update apk for astro. I have searched the forums and cannot seem to find one. Thanks in advanced.
Also, I am confused on how to enable multitouch if someone can clear that up too.
The Astro apk is attached
Go for all your nooks rooting need, including how to enable multitouch.
Also, I am having trouble with launcher pro. I cannot change any of the dock applications. Any thoughts?
You can't change the dock icons in Launcher Pro, that's why I use Zeam instead.
The only thing with Zeam is that the "home" icon is not centered. But at least you can change the dock icons and add shortcuts and widgets to your screens.
neozen21 said:
You can't change the dock icons in Launcher Pro, that's why I use Zeam instead.
The only thing with Zeam is that the "home" icon is not centered. But at least you can change the dock icons and add shortcuts and widgets to your screens.
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You can move the home icon and change the order of the apps by long pressing on them.
neozen21 said:
You can't change the dock icons in Launcher Pro, that's why I use Zeam instead.
The only thing with Zeam is that the "home" icon is not centered. But at least you can change the dock icons and add shortcuts and widgets to your screens.
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Not meaning to hijack this thread but does anyone know where I could download Zeam that is not the android market? My market app is not working correct for now for some reason.

[Q] LauncherPro - How to add apps to the task/quick launch bar

Can anyone tell me how to add apps to the little bar on the bottom of Launcher Pro? Right now I have the default phone, chat, apps, browser, music but I've seen pictures of people who actually have real apps pinned down there. I tried click/holding on the icon and it give me the option to...
"Change Shortcut"
"Change Icon"
"Swipe Gesture Action"
When I click Change Shortcut, my screen goes black for a second and then comes right back to the main desktop and thats it. Am I missing something? I'd like to remove all the generic, ghosted, white icons and pin the real ones down there instead.
This question gets asked a lot and I mean a LOT. Use the search function next time.
But to answere, the NookColor version of Android doesn't have a shortcut picker so doing this with any launcher will crash it. There is currently no fix but there is a work around.
If you have launcher pro on your phone you can set it up how you want it for the Nook and then make a backup. Copy the backup to the Nook and restore it there. You will need an SD card for this.
The work around to getting apps on the dock bar for Launcher Pro is too much work for me, haha. I tried Zeam and ADW.Launcher and discovered both will allow you to just drag/drop to the dock bar instead.
Ya I should have searched better, my bad. Just found the answer 10 times over after a bit more reading. I ended up just using ADW instead since this is my only android device so no backup to take from a phone.

[Q] LauncherPro Homescreen

i don't know how to set a different wallpaper for each homescreen in launcherpro
P.S. im not allowed to post a direct link so i cant give you an example
Press the Menu button on your device
Now press Wallpaper
Choose one
EDIT: Just realized it was multiple wallpapers.
Wallpaper Plus also does the job.
Search for multipicture wallpaper in the market,is free and is awesome.
I recommend Wallpaper Plus, it's better
Dose any one know how to customize home screen icons in the launcherpro.
Means rename or change icons
Shiwantha said:
Dose any one know how to customize home screen icons in the launcherpro.
Means rename or change icons
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Depends on what icons you are talking about. In terms of the dock, just long press on a dock item, and click the change icon option when the menu opens.
As for icons on the homescreen itself, you can change an applications shortcut icon whenever you create it. Just long press on the homescreen, Select Shortcuts, then Applications, Pick an App, then click its icon to change it.
You can also use Desktop Visualizer -
This will let you set make custom widgets in many sizes and set the image for them to what you want. This will allow you to use oversized icons, or even custom designs such as the WP7 designs you might see around here.
Hope that answers your question
papertreeprophet said:
Depends on what icons you are talking about. In terms of the dock, just long press on a dock item, and click the change icon option when the menu opens.
As for icons on the homescreen itself, you can change an applications shortcut icon whenever you create it. Just long press on the homescreen, Select Shortcuts, then Applications, Pick an App, then click its icon to change it.
You can also use Desktop Visualizer -
This will let you set make custom widgets in many sizes and set the image for them to what you want. This will allow you to use oversized icons, or even custom designs such as the WP7 designs you might see around here.
Hope that answers your question
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Thanks 4 da answer, but I was referring to the home screen icons, not docks.
kind of the way ADW offers, I was looking for an alternative like bettercut. cause It dosnet work.
Shiwantha said:
Thanks 4 da answer, but I was referring to the home screen icons, not docks.
kind of the way ADW offers, I was looking for an alternative like bettercut. cause It dosnet work.
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Like he said; Desktop VisualizeR.
zHk3R said:
Like he said; Desktop VisualizeR.
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well thats in widget state, Just have to live with it for now........
Thanks all for the comments........
PS, I couldn't click thanks4 papertreeprophet. cause its limited for each day..
when creating the shortcut, at the screen where you can rename the shortcut, click the icon, and it will allow you to choose whatever you'd like.
Instead of placing icons on your homescreen from the app drawer, long-press on the homescreen and go to shortcut, that will let you choose the icon and name. This only works for apps, not folders.

Template for Nova Launcher themeing

in the last few months I really start to like the theme with a static wallpaper (or multi wallpaper) where there is just everything and you use uccw/transparent icon on the phone.
I'm then having problem because often is hard to understand where a widget will be really positioned or is hard to put an icon in the right position (maybe you want to add a counter to it and the counter is not matching the icon in the wallpaper).
I'm using nova launcher (not sure why I choosed that, apex was a little bit laggy scrolling wallpaper launcher I didn't know about it but right now I love it but because I purchased nova, let's keep nova).
What I'm then wondering is if there are template with line where you can exactly understand where the grid of nova are (7x7, 6x7 and so on) or if someone has some suggestion on how to do that.
I already tried to just craete a pics in photoshop with the resolution of the htc one x and splitting it in 7x7 grid but, not sure why, my grid isn't matching the real grid of the nova homescreen (maybe because there is no notification bar on the top?? don't know).
Any suggesiton or premaded template around (tried to google it but without any good result).
I do the same thing for my homescreen setups. Icons on wallpaper, etc. What you are going to want to do is create all the settings you want on nova. The grid, hide notification bar if that's what you want (it will change the size of spacing in the grid) then put an icon in every space. Preferably a square icon. Take a screenshot, and import it into Photoshop. Create a new action (Google "Photoshop actions") and create guides around every one of your icons. Save the action as the name of the grid size you were using in nova so its easy to remember for later. Then go to the wallpaper you were planning on using and run the action. The guides you made in the previous document will show up and you can use that to format where your Widgets/icons will go.
If you're still confused I could make a little video tutorial tomorrow if you'd like.
Tapatalk² from my Optimus V
kcls said:
I do the same thing for my homescreen setups. Icons on wallpaper, etc. What you are going to want to do is create all the settings you want on nova. The grid, hide notification bar if that's what you want (it will change the size of spacing in the grid) then put an icon in every space. Preferably a square icon. Take a screenshot, and import it into Photoshop. Create a new action (Google "Photoshop actions") and create guides around every one of your icons. Save the action as the name of the grid size you were using in nova so its easy to remember for later. Then go to the wallpaper you were planning on using and run the action. The guides you made in the previous document will show up and you can use that to format where your Widgets/icons will go.
If you're still confused I could make a little video tutorial tomorrow if you'd like.
Tapatalk² from my Optimus V
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Me 2 trieing to make 3 homescreen wallpaper with "no icons" (blank png above icons on wallpaper). I perfectly understand what u trying to say and i think this is the way to do it but i got a problem. I can use guidelines as action for positioning but wall res (which i do in photoshop) is 1440x1280 and screenshot is 540x960. So cant get that accurate position even with guidlines... So my screenshot is little "zoomed in" when i put it in photoshop. Should i "level" it back by manual expand till my eye thinks its good or? Any suggestion?
Hi mates, have anyone of you eclipse template for Nova Launcher?
[edit] ech

