I have a HTC hero cdma on android 2.1 with the buffed rom & the other day my nephew took my memory card out my phone and formatting it thinking That would make the music save onto his phone (kids these days ) so now I'm stuck with this rom. What files do I need to copy to my SD so I can start flashing to different roms again?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Just add whatever Rom you want to the SD card and flash it. You should still have recovery even after formatting the SD card.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a copy of your sd card on your computer. But yea as the previous poster said copy a rom onto the root of your sd card amd boot into recovery. Flash like normal.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
Having had an 8gb sd card fry in the last month, I can attest to ensuring you have a backup of some sort... (at least the card had a lifetime warranty through Kingston - I didn't have a backup though...)
I've had about 4 ROMs based off DC and after having each one for about a week I get an SD card error saying I need to reformat. I do think its the SD card though. its the oem . So I wanna get a new SD card today but won't have a computer til I get home. I'd rather if its possible to swap cards with out having a computer though. So my question is, if I unchecked Dalvik to SD and Apps2sd, in dconfig, will it move them back to int mem? Thus enabling me to swap the cards? (after partition of course) i would try it without asking but don't want to go the entire day without a phone. Thanks!
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Even if you do move dalvik and aps back to the phone that will only preserve what's on your ext partition. Everything else on your fat32 part will be left behind.
Ok damn. Thanks, guess I need a computer. At least I didn't try and go without a phone today. Thanks for the reply.
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If I swap my SD card and don't have a partition on it will I screw up my phone?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
In my experiance it depends on what rom you are running. When I was using Fresh 2.4, if I even looked at my sd card it would send me into boot loops! With cm6 I found swapping cards and such with this rom to be a little more forgiving. Some apps need to be reinstalled though
I just swapped cards this afternoon. I copied the files from one directly to the replacement and so far no problems.
DamageControl v2.09.01
2.6.29 [email protected] #1
With no partitions on the card you can swap to your hearts content.
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App
So I was thinking of upgrading my SD card from 8GB to a 16GB card and I have a stupid question to ask -
If I copy the entire content of my current 8gb card onto the new 16gb one and plug it in, will everything work normally as before?
If not, is there another method to doing this?
It should work exactly the same. Actually, there are some things that dont need the sd card data.
Even I have this doubt.
Sent from my HTC Incredible S using XDA App
I did the exact same thing. Literally just copy everything over. And it will work exactly the same as before.
Sent from my Incredible S using xda premium
I did it several times (8->16->32) and confirm that simple file copying works fine.
Thanks a lot for the replies ^^
Probably the most NOOBISH question ever... but here goes and any help would be greatly..... greatly appreciated.... ive rooted (woo hoo i know lol) ive installed CM9, all the stuff is on SD card, can i remove the SD card and re-partition it? i think ive set 25 out of my 32GB card as the wrong kind of memory
probably really stupid thing ive done lol
Yes you can repartition the external SD no hassles there...what do u mean all the stuff? Copy the stuff to your PC and format the SD card and repartition it.
I mean all the zip files for cm9 and cmw and kernel and gapps things are on my SD card, if I just remove the SD card all together from the phone and switch it on will it jot work? Is my phones os running directly from SD card do I still need the partition etc
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
The phone OS doesn't run from the SD card! Even if you had the .zip on the SD once you flash, the .zip has no say...else after you flash a ROM, the usable internal memory should change accordingly!
Ha haha sorry for the noobish replies ha its all new to me so now my phone is rooted and I have all the things I want on the device I can remove SD card and format it to just be external memory for the phone
Thank you
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Hey, I am a complete novice and very new member. This HTC vivid happened to be my first android phone. Rooted, unlocked bootloader and flashed recovery mode on it. I just noticed that anytime I restart the phone, it sure will unmount the sd memory card. And before I can access my files on this memory card, I would have to go to storage setting and mount it back manually. It wasn't like this before. I guess the memory card on boot before. I have changed the sd card and its still the same.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
tunnex190 said:
Hey, I am a complete novice and very new member. This HTC vivid happened to be my first android phone. Rooted, unlocked bootloader and flashed recovery mode on it. I just noticed that anytime I restart the phone, it sure will unmount the sd memory card. And before I can access my files on this memory card, I would have to go to storage setting and mount it back manually. It wasn't like this before. I guess the memory card on boot before. I have changed the sd card and its still the same.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That would be a ROM issue...
What ROM/kernel...
And I assume its your external SD card yes?
Sent from my Vivid 4G using Tapatalk
Yes, it is external SD card. I am on stock ROM.
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app