Hi there!
Recently I've been trying to upgrade my SGS with a custom ROM, Darky's 4.0. After installing the ROM as instructed (using CWM and copying the ROM to the internal SD card), the ROM Installs, after the 1st boot it keeps looping, see video: (not edited, sorry for that)
Original SGS:
Product code: GT-I9000HKTPCW
kernel: 2.6.28
Build: eclair.ubjg5
The first upgrade I made was via Kies reg-hack to: GT-I9000HKDXEU, 'I9000XXJF3/I9000OXAJF3/I9000XXJF3/I9000XXJF3, and it installed Stock Froyo update. The SGS worked fine with exception of the radio, which didn't lock my 3G over the 850 band.
9000M running STOCK Australian I9000UGJG8 (due to radio issues, besides the Canadian ROM, this is pretty much the only ROM which modem.bin's works properly with my network, 3G 850MHz).
Kernel 2.3.29 [email protected] #2
I tried with the following STOCK ROMs prior to the custom ROM install: I9000XWJM1, I9000XWJG5, I9000XWJM9 and I9000UGJH2.
I have ALLWAYS made an SD unmount and format, formatted the cache and factory reset. After it loops, the only way to get it back is using downloader mode and installing a STOCK ROM via ODIN (always do a .512 pit repartition)
Any suggestions to make this SGS get the ROM? maybe the kernel is bad?
Have u tried to format everything (exept for sd) and flash again?
Btw i love infected
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Format everything? Using which app or program?
I've always used the recovery's wipe commands and the *2767*3855# command. Is that enough? or am I missing another cooler and invasive method ? A friend has suggested to use davlik.
Yeah! Infected rulz, that's what I listen when I'm in the bricking-mood lol
As i saw you have cwm installed... Boot in recovery and select mount and storrage and then select eveeything that contains format (boot wont work to format) and dont select format internal sd but DO select format sd-ext
Edit: if it doesnt work write again then ill upload u the kernel that fixed it for me yesterday. Its from this forum but since ive discovered it by coinsidence, i cant remember how its called. U can format everything then select mout usb storrage (in cwm) and push it on the root of sd. Its an
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
shrooms90 said:
As i saw you have cwm installed... Boot in recovery and select mount and storrage and then select eveeything that contains format (boot wont work to format) and dont select format internal sd but DO select format sd-ext
Edit: if it doesnt work write again then ill upload u the kernel that fixed it for me yesterday. Its from this forum but since ive discovered it by coinsidence, i cant remember how its called. U can format everything then select mout usb storrage (in cwm) and push it on the root of sd. Its an
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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I gave that a shot, still no cigar. I guess that it goes deeper than just a formatting... maybe that secret kernel u have might brick me... erhm! I mean help me
Shoot! and I'll try it.... this OEM sucky ROM aint working that good over the Australian ROM lol. now I lost access to my cam ! sucks.
Try any universal lagfix kernel with clockwork enabled. Since ur phone is still flashable and ur phone still has funktionality (cwm works) im pretty hopefull that it is software/sd format related. Thats one of those cases where servic centre sais a full flash is needed by now only they are able to do that:-( but till now i always found a way to work around that by trying everything in every way. I always thought my phone is bricked anyhow so it can just get better and by coincidence it worked all of a sudden
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Ihave I900T with same rom image
and am trying to upgrade to FROYO as well. Any advice on how to do so would be appreciated. Tried the various registry hacks and none have worked. I'm happy to use Odin but not sure which is the correct ROM image to use (from samfirmware). Thanks!
zevrosenthal said:
and am trying to upgrade to FROYO as well. Any advice on how to do so would be appreciated. Tried the various registry hacks and none have worked. I'm happy to use Odin but not sure which is the correct ROM image to use (from samfirmware). Thanks!
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Well, first thing is first. I've been a couple of weeks away from my SGS tweaking. I'm right know figuring a way to make a backup of my ROM (non-nandroid), in which I can extract the Kernel, Modem and CSC (I received a brand-new unit from my provider, so I will take advantage of it )
That way I can flash them back in case of a screw-up. I didn't have that much luck with modems offered in other ROMs, so I need to keep an OEM copy of my stuff.
Also make a good copy of your /efs folder in case you mess it up. It took me around 3 weeks of reading before I started making any changes to my phone, so I'll recommend doing the same; there's no "quick-start" or quickguide on how to start. You will en up with 6 different windows open reading from everywhere
The FWs from samfw are OEMs. Theres like "not much" of improvemente if you switch to those. Take special attention to the one you chose cause most likely you will lose your 3G and/or 850MHz band. I recommend using only Australian and Canadian ROMs(I9000UGJG8 and I9000UGJH2 worked for me, you might try also I9000UGJK3). Regarding custom ROMs, you will need to try and try until you get it right as our SGS model is not the most popular. This means endless flashing
Sgs froyo flash nam bands
Thanks for the advice. This project consumed my thanksgiving but I finally got a good working SGS in the ATT network. I bought an unlocked SGS from Negri Electronics with the USA 3G bands but it came without FROYO and didn't have the 3 button restore available. After reading and reading (your note about multiple open windows at the same time is all too true!) and trying and trying, I was finally able to get to download mode by installing all the Android SDK tools onto my PC then going in by way of ADB. Far more complicated than a simple registry hack and ODIN but it worked.
I installed the DOC BUJP8 v9 ROM with all the enhancements and AOSP Email (I tried and tried to get stock FROYO email to work with 2 exchange accounts but it was impossibly slow and didn't work) while AOSP is working fine.
It seems, because my SGS had the 850 bands to begin with, that it's working fine. I found this other post on XDA (#770041) that had some keycodes I was able to use (*#2263#) and confirm I still have the 850 band.
Needless to say, make a good backup and be prepared - as already warned - to flash several times and it was ultimately a "trial and error" process that worked.
does anyone have the original brazilian/latinamerican i9000T firmware? I flashed the SGS I got from Negri with spike speedy and it looks like I lost my 850 3G band.
I never did find out how to totally back up the SGS as in back up each PDA, PHONE, and CSC file so as to be able to truly factory default it.
Short story:
I'm bringing in my device (a Samsung Captivate i896) to get replaced at a Rogers store. However, I had installed a kernel (I think, I'm still new to this and I'm not sure which one it was) that flashes (i9000 Samsung Galaxy S) on the startup splash screen. How do I remove this from my startup screen so my device isn't voided?
Long story:
My phone dialler has, literally, just stopped working on me. When I dial out I hear no connecting tone, the other person's voice nor can they hear mine. I also can't receive calls. The only way my phone works is if I put it on speaker function (then I can hear everything) but the second I uncheck the speaker function, BAM the device dies on me. I'm trying to get it replaced.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
Go back to a stock rom.
vbetts said:
Go back to a stock rom.
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Can you give me instructions how to do that? I'm still really new to Android so I am quite lost. Thanks!
NewbDroid said:
Short story:
I'm bringing in my device (a Samsung Captivate i896) to get replaced at a Rogers store. However, I had installed a kernel (I think, I'm still new to this and I'm not sure which one it was) that flashes (i9000 Samsung Galaxy S) on the startup splash screen. How do I remove this from my startup screen so my device isn't voided?
Long story:
My phone dialler has, literally, just stopped working on me. When I dial out I hear no connecting tone, the other person's voice nor can they hear mine. I also can't receive calls. The only way my phone works is if I put it on speaker function (then I can hear everything) but the second I uncheck the speaker function, BAM the device dies on me. I'm trying to get it replaced.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.
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HAHAHAHA!!! DUDE i did this last night!!!! flashed a cw comatible kernel and my phone no longer recoginzed a sim was installed anymore! i lied my ass off and got it replaced because i forgot to backup first and NEEDED my phone that night. couldnt play forever...
So... any idea where we screwed up? besides not backing up? is the usa att kernels not compatible with canadian sims?
Nope, not compatible at all. Once it says AT&T on the startup screen you're totally screwed since the phone will not recognize your SIM anymore (it thinks you're in the States).
How did you manage to get it replaced? What did you tell them? I'm pretty stuck...
I told them that my phone was eracing my music files on the internal sim card. then it locked up well I was transferring files and wasn't able to make calls anymore...
with my new phone I flashed the phoenix 4.1 rom which has a new kernel, and everything is great. Pm me for advice and back up files
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
SGH i896 Captivate Rogers Canada Stock Flash Resources 2.1 2.2 froyo odin cwrecovery
heres the help you need:
some starter info:
Rogers 2.1 stock rom
Rogers 2.2 stock roms
alternate download
some info if you have installed 2.2 and now have e3 recovery and are having trouble installing's, where it "fails verification check" everytime
teach a man to fish...
Moved to Captivate Q&A
also, after my first experience, ive done everything possible WITHOUT odin. it took me forever to realize there is an Odin3 and an Odin 1step. have trouble finding info on how to use odin3.
so i use rom manager with clockwork mod (read the e3 link) or custom roms that have clockwork recovery in their kernel. Steam recovery kernels look good too.
Firebird 2.04 Kernel + Phoenix 4.1
Anyone know if the Firebird 2.04 Kernel works well with Phoenix 4.1? Can I use Clockwork to flash Firebird 2.04 Kernel to Phoenix 4.1? Thanks.
Ashyford said:
Anyone know if the Firebird 2.04 Kernel works well with Phoenix 4.1? Can I use Clockwork to flash Firebird 2.04 Kernel to Phoenix 4.1? Thanks.
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wrong thread dude.. try the phoenix thread or the firebird thread.. are you a canadian captivate too? i896 not i897 ?? something tells me that you shouldnt be flashing your phone....
Trusselo said:
HAHAHAHA!!! DUDE i did this last night!!!! flashed a cw comatible kernel and my phone no longer recoginzed a sim was installed anymore! i lied my ass off and got it replaced because i forgot to backup first and NEEDED my phone that night. couldnt play forever...
So... any idea where we screwed up? besides not backing up? is the usa att kernels not compatible with canadian sims?
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What did you guys do? I have been flashing ROMS like crazy and my Rogers sim is recognized.
I have changed kernels, roms and modems with no issue.
well im good now but with my first captivate i flashed a "cwcompatible" kernel with ODIN 3 into the *Phone* box. after that, couldnt make calls, and couldnt get into APN settings because it was telling me there was no SIM installed. i was too new and didnt backup properly.
Now i dont use ODIN and dont have problems. still not sure what i did wrong.
been extra careful ever since tho.
Trusselo said:
well im good now but with my first captivate i flashed a "cwcompatible" kernel with ODIN 3 into the *Phone* box. after that, couldnt make calls, and couldnt get into APN settings because it was telling me there was no SIM installed. i was too new and didnt backup properly.
Now i dont use ODIN and dont have problems. still not sure what i did wrong.
been extra careful ever since tho.
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What you did wrong was use a CWcompatible kernal in ODIN.
The flash files go into the PDA section.
ah just figured out what i did.. and you helped. the kernel i had was for odin, from what i remember but it was going to flash a kernel that had cw in it. i was having trouble doing method because of e3 recovery.
I just opened oden for the first time since that day, and realized i confused PDA with PIT which i knew took a differnt type of file, and went with the next box that took tar... PHONE... my dumb mistake.
Trusselo said:
ah just figured out what i did.. and you helped. the kernel i had was for odin, from what i remember but it was going to flash a kernel that had cw in it. i was having trouble doing method because of e3 recovery.
I just opened oden for the first time since that day, and realized i confused PDA with PIT which i knew took a differnt type of file, and went with the next box that took tar... PHONE... my dumb mistake.
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Glad I could help
The problem when I had AT&T running on my phone (instead of Rogers) is that there's no sideloading, hence, I was unable to enter download mode at all to put the Rogers ROM back on it. Therefore = screwed.
past tense? did you fix it? replace it? and you can always clockwork recovery flash anything.
shawn122 said:
What did you guys do? I have been flashing ROMS like crazy and my Rogers sim is recognized.
I have changed kernels, roms and modems with no issue.
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Same been flashing a few roms, even base on ATT..
Using a Fido sim card..
And it works fine
I bought a Galaxy S i9000 from someone for cheap because they said it didn't work. Anyways, after getting into ODIN on it and flashing a custom rom, I got it to boot. Problem now is, I think the IMEI number on the phone is screwed up (I get a message on phone startup) and can't connect it to the cell network with my SIM card.
Is there anyway to restore the IMEI number back into the phone, so that I can get it to register properly again? Also, then unlock it?
colhavoc said:
I bought a Galaxy S i9000 from someone for cheap because they said it didn't work. Anyways, after getting into ODIN on it and flashing a custom rom, I got it to boot. Problem now is, I think the IMEI number on the phone is screwed up (I get a message on phone startup) and can't connect it to the cell network with my SIM card.
Is there anyway to restore the IMEI number back into the phone, so that I can get it to register properly again? Also, then unlock it?
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My IMEI got invalid too a few months ago when i flashed a custom CM10 JB Rom.
I got my IMEI back when I flashed back to GB via Odin.
Custom Rom developers advise flashing a CM9 ICS first before a Custom JB to avoid an invalid IMEI.
That's what i did, I got my IMEI back and currently using a custom JB Rom.
To unlock your phone, try to search in General Forum, there are some threads that discusses how to do it.
Yup, had the same thing with an upgrade. It's like the ROM upgrades but the IMEI bits don't.
You need to downgrade to get your IMEI back. Once you have it back DO A NANDROID!!
Then you can try to upgrade again.
It usually happens when you skip a version of android.. eg froyo to JB.
Just downgrade via Odin to stock firmware and upgrade each version in order.
Simple as that.
sent using my fat fingers from the robot eating the apple...
Well, restored to 2.3.6 and worked fine. I then installed CM 7.1 (Worked) then went to CM7.2 (Worked) and when I went to CM 9.0, it then stopped. No message about invalid IMEI or anything, just no bars.
Not sure, reverting back to CM7.2 for now.
You can try doing this process again but now backup your /efs library with Nitrality or some other /efs backup app.... make another copy of the backup in your pc and just restore it when needed...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
Before trying to flash, get into recovery and format these partitions:
and delete dalvik cache as well
Reboot phone and let's see if it starts up this time.
When you go back to gb using this app backup your imei
If someone help me i definitely HIT THANKS....
VIP1 said:
You can try doing this process again but now backup your /efs library with Nitrality or some other /efs backup app.... make another copy of the backup in your pc and just restore it when needed...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
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Tried this. I restored back to factory default image, worked.
Upgraded to CM 7.1, worked
Upgraded to CM7.2 Worked. Used Nitrality to backup /efs folder
Upgraded to CM 9.0, did not work. Restored /efs from backup. Did not work. Reboot, did not work.
So, for now it's back to CM7.2. I gave it to a friend to test out, if it works then he will be keeping it for a while and i'll try something else to upgrade it when he wants to. Thanks again for the help, seems it wants to be stubborn.
New here and hoping someone can help me with my problem.
I've got an AT&T Captivate i897 that I put Jelly Bean on. The first time I did it, I didn't do the efs back up (the directions that I followed never mentioned it). This caused my phone to have a generic IMEI. After doing some digging, I found out that returning it to the stock GB 2.3.5 would put the correct IMEI back on the phone. I did this, and it did. I did a back up using EFS Pro 1.9.12. I then went back to Jelly Bean, hoping I could do a restore and all would be well. Unfortunately, this is where I am stuck.
EFS Pro 1.9.12 doesn't recognize the phone when I plug it in. I got the newer 2.0.26 version. This recognized the phone, but there was nothing for it to restore. I also tried using a root manager app, but there was no efs folder in there for me to put the back up in to.
If anyone could help, that would be a huuuuge help.
If there was no efs folder, should just be able to make one and put the files inside. It's odd this only happens for some people, when I updated to 4.2.2 everything worked fine for me no efs backup etc.
But try putting the folder there anyway, reboot into recovery, fix perms, reboot. Might work (idk I've never had this problem, but putting the required files where they should be and letting the phone fix the permissions should help)
CM10 is the base of most custom ROMs. From stock (rooted and with CWM) flash CM10 and you'll see a backup of your original EFS folder on your internal SD. Check your IMEI in CM10, if good go ahead and flash your favorite JB ROM. Many custom JB ROM's require CM10 flash anyway (to create needed JB file system).
x0ne215 said:
If there was no efs folder, should just be able to make one and put the files inside. It's odd this only happens for some people, when I updated to 4.2.2 everything worked fine for me no efs backup etc.
But try putting the folder there anyway, reboot into recovery, fix perms, reboot. Might work (idk I've never had this problem, but putting the required files where they should be and letting the phone fix the permissions should help)
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Tried this.. I think. When I plug the phone in and turn it on as mass storge, I get an F drive and a G drive. G seems to have all of the phone info on there, so I just create a folder G:/efs and unrar the backup into that?
Val D. said:
CM10 is the base of most custom ROMs. From stock (rooted and with CWM) flash CM10 and you'll see a backup of your original EFS folder on your internal SD. Check your IMEI in CM10, if good go ahead and flash your favorite JB ROM. Many custom JB ROM's require CM10 flash anyway (to create needed JB file system).
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I used CM10 to put JB on but I don't see a back up of my original EFS.
ice_w0lf said:
Tried this.. I think. When I plug the phone in and turn it on as mass storge, I get an F drive and a G drive. G seems to have all of the phone info on there, so I just create a folder G:/efs and unrar the backup into that?
I used CM10 to put JB on but I don't see a back up of my original EFS.
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Which ever drive is the internal sd, if you can't tell put a folder on your EXTERNAL SD named blah and which ever drive doesn't have it is the external. You also fixed the permissions after placing the folder? If it isn't properly chmod'ed, the phone may not recognize it's existence or be able to access it. Once you put the folder on the internal sd, boot into recovery and fix permissions.
Tell me how it goes.
x0ne215 said:
Which ever drive is the internal sd, if you can't tell put a folder on your EXTERNAL SD named blah and which ever drive doesn't have it is the external. You also fixed the permissions after placing the folder? If it isn't properly chmod'ed, the phone may not recognize it's existence or be able to access it. Once you put the folder on the internal sd, boot into recovery and fix permissions.
Tell me how it goes.
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Ok, here is what I have...
G:/ was my internal sd. So I created G:/efs with my unrar'd back up put into that folder (I'd post a pic, but I'm still under the 10 post rule).
I then reboot the phone into recovery mode, went to advanced, and hit fix permissions. That did its thing, and then I rebooted the system. Checked the phone data and it still has the wrong IMEI.
I'm wondering if at this point I should just wipe it all, return to stock GB, do a back up again (any suggestions for something other than EFS-Pro for backup/restore?), and then put CWM+CM 4.2.2 back on and do a restore.
/efs is a folder in root, not in your storage. Need to use root explorer. Better go to stock to restore your IMEI.
Val D. said:
/efs is a folder in root, not in your storage. Need to use root explorer. Better go to stock to restore your IMEI.
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Why not just put it in storage then just copy it to root with root explorer? Less work no need to reflash.
I know, but OP is not very confident what to do. Also, just restoring /efs very often won't restore phone's IMEI. The easiest and guaranteed method for him is back to stock.
Ok.. some success! I returned it to stock, did a back up, put the mod back on.. and now I've got the correct IMEI :good:
Now I am trying to take the AT&T sim card from the gophone that I bought so that I wasn't cut off from the world (the phone worked on my contract with my contract number) and put it into the Captivate, and I get Emergency Calls Only. I go into status and I get:
Network: Unknown
Service State: Out of Service
Mobile Network State: Disconnected
My phone number: Unknown
I'm guessing at this point that I just need a new sim card?
Also, thanks for all of the help so far.
Can you try this SIM on another AT&T phone?
What exactly JB ROM you flashed after stock ROM?
Val D. said:
Can you try this SIM on another AT&T phone?
What exactly JB ROM you flashed after stock ROM?
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SIM works in another AT&T phone (Alcatel OT-510A to be exact).
I used the [NIGHTLY][ROM][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 for Samsung Captivate right from the Captivate Android Development thread.
Hmm... check what modem (baseband) version you have in Settings>About Phone. With CM10.1 it must be I9000UGKG3, I think.
Val D. said:
Hmm... check what modem (baseband) version you have in Settings>About Phone. With CM10.1 it must be I9000UGKG3, I think.
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I have I9000UGKG3
Did you try this phone on stock ROM? Was it working with no issues? I'm out of ideas...
I'm not sure about the gophone sim, but glad to hear you got the other one working . Is your contract provider AT&T as well? If not probably would need to be unlocked for use with AT&T.
anyone else think this should be over in q/a forum
Hi everyone,this is my first post here on xda but i have been observing and following XDA forum for quite a while now,
Now recently I tried to install Origional CM10.2,
Steps i followed were
I had 2.3.4 ( i did installed CM9 almost an year back but then odin back to stock for reasons i dont remember now)
First i Flashed Speedmod kernel via odin 1.7, and then flashed glitch kernel zip using the recovery that came the speedmod kernel,
Wiped devlik cache and went on to install CM10.2,
Everything went fine till i noticed that i was not getting any reception and after googling a bit,identified the problem as efs folder corruption!
I immedietly flashed back to 2.3.4 using oddin and that solved the problem, and my fone was getting the signals on stock 2.3.4,
Following instructions from google, I used EFS recovery softwere to backup my EFS folder,
and then followed the same sequence to flash again to 10.2CM, but here come the tricky part, EFS pro didnt seem to work on CM10.2, i have everything installed perfectly, debugging mode is on, still cant get to restore the efs folder!
I even tried manually copying the backed up EFS folder and putting it in system folder using root explorer etc,but that didnt seem to work, I changed the permission to Read/write aswell, still it says operation failed!
EFS pro was my best hope but it just doesnt work, tried a newer verison of it(newer than the one that i used to backup the efc on GB),that opened but didnt have my device in supported list,and neither was showing any backup!!
This is what i have been doing for past two days
Now I am back to 2.3.4,and IMEI is working fine now.
and additionally just to check whether this happens only on cm10.2 or other versions as well, I flashed Cm10.1 aswell as cm9, same problem there aswell
(As far as i remember ,last year when i flashed CM9,it worked fine but was laggy so i flashed back,only thing i did differently was that i didnt install any kernel)
So any ideas how i should proceed now?
I would thankful if someone can help me ,
and sorry for the long story,i wanted to give as much precise info abt problem as possible!
MUBASHIR888 said:
Hi everyone,this is my first post here on xda but i have been observing and following XDA forum for quite a while now,
Now recently I tried to install Origional CM10.2,
Steps i followed were
I had 2.3.4 ( i did installed CM9 almost an year back but then odin back to stock for reasons i dont remember now)
First i Flashed Speedmod kernel via odin 1.7, and then flashed glitch kernel zip using the recovery that came the speedmod kernel,
Wiped devlik cache and went on to install CM10.2,
Everything went fine till i noticed that i was not getting any reception and after googling a bit,identified the problem as efs folder corruption!
I immedietly flashed back to 2.3.4 using oddin and that solved the problem, and my fone was getting the signals on stock 2.3.4,
Following instructions from google, I used EFS recovery softwere to backup my EFS folder,
and then followed the same sequence to flash again to 10.2CM, but here come the tricky part, EFS pro didnt seem to work on CM10.2, i have everything installed perfectly, debugging mode is on, still cant get to restore the efs folder!
I even tried manually copying the backed up EFS folder and putting it in system folder using root explorer etc,but that didnt seem to work, I changed the permission to Read/write aswell, still it says operation failed!
EFS pro was my best hope but it just doesnt work, tried a newer verison of it(newer than the one that i used to backup the efc on GB),that opened but didnt have my device in supported list,and neither was showing any backup!!
This is what i have been doing for past two days
Now I am back to 2.3.4,and IMEI is working fine now.
and additionally just to check whether this happens only on cm10.2 or other versions as well, I flashed Cm10.1 aswell as cm9, same problem there aswell
(As far as i remember ,last year when i flashed CM9,it worked fine but was laggy so i flashed back,only thing i did differently was that i didnt install any kernel)
So any ideas how i should proceed now?
I would thankful if someone can help me ,
and sorry for the long story,i wanted to give as much precise info abt problem as possible!
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Were you rooted when you tried to manually restore your efs folder? It should let you change it if you have the right permissions.
I would try to make a manual backup of your efs folder while you're on stock GB and try it again on the ROM you wanna use if you lose your IMEI again. Perhaps try another ROM as well, see if you get the same issue.
I have had problems with losing my imei after flashing to cm10 variants as well. In the steps that I took in this video I didn't lose it and I haven't had anybody else report that they have in the comments.
BWolf56 said:
Were you rooted when you tried to manually restore your efs folder? It should let you change it if you have the right permissions.
I would try to make a manual backup of your efs folder while you're on stock GB and try it again on the ROM you wanna use if you lose your IMEI again. Perhaps try another ROM as well, see if you get the same issue.
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Arent Cyanogen Mods are already rooted?
I used the File explorer that was included in CM10'.2 and in settings i changed its permissions to ROOT ACCES.
Still i cant copy anything to EFS folder.
To be on the safe side,i tried Rooting Cm10..2 with Vroot,one click softwere and it showed that my phone had root Permissions!
Still I CANT WRITE ANYTHING WITHIN SYSTEM FOLDER,root explorer says that I dont have Root permissions, even after i rooted with Vroot!
I am confused
MUBASHIR888 said:
Arent Cyanogen Mods are already rooted?
I used the File explorer that was included in CM10'.2 and in settings i changed its permissions to ROOT ACCES.
Still i cant copy anything to EFS folder.
To be on the safe side,i tried Rooting Cm10..2 with Vroot,one click softwere and it showed that my phone had root Permissions!
Still I CANT WRITE ANYTHING WITHIN SYSTEM FOLDER,root explorer says that I dont have Root permissions, even after i rooted with Vroot!
I am confused
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I would suggest trying with another file explorer. There are many on the Play Store (I personally like Root Explorer but there are free options).