Auto wifi toggle - HTC Aria Themes and Apps

That is a app i downloaded from the market. It basically turns off wifi when it disconects from wifi( saving u battery) and it only turns on wifi periodically or at a set time to automatically reconnect with wifi. Used it today and it worked like a charm. The big plus was it saved me a ****load of battery power. Only complaint is that the settings were kind of confusing but the developers website cleared up the confussion.
U guys should check it out especially if u always forget to turn off ur wifi when ur not using it.
(Also it turns off wifi when the screen is black and the phone is locked)
Sent from my HTC Aria

There is a far superior app for such a thing. Tasker. You can do so many things using different triggers. Besides WiFi on when plugged in, you can have it launch desk clock when plugged in and its left side. I've got one setting that will enable GPS, wait 1 one second, launch GPS Tracker, then display the home screen anytime it gets an sms from a particular source with a specific message in the text. Another useful setting is to kill the phone app at the end of the call. Instead of leaving you on the phone screen it takes you to the home screen. That way you are less likely to redial your last number. Another good one is to turn on GPS anytime you launch navigator or maps.
You want the phone to automatically call the local library if you place the phone face down between 4:36am and 10:03pm while plugged in USB on odd numbered Thursdays in months without an R? Tasker can do that.
Sent from my (liberated) HTC Liberty using XDA App

Tasker sound great i will download it
Sent from my HTC Aria

Wait a second tasker costs money. I have a strict free app only policy lol
Sent from my HTC Aria

This might persuade you...


Auto send/receive while in sleep mode?

Is it just me or can this phone not do it?
On my iphone if I leave wifi on and turn the screen off, it will connect only when needed using the auto send/receive schedule.
My xperia no matter what i do just wont seem to send receive with auto send/receive set to 5 minutes, wifi enabled, and i turn screen off with power button (or even leave it automatic).
Does it work for anyone else or is this just the way the xperia works? It only sends/receives when it's awake, in which case, pretty stupid,cause i can just do it manually if i'm using it.
I think winmo only sends/receives over a cellular connection while the phone is asleep. Wifi on the other hand is disabled when the phone goes asleep in order to preserve battery no sending or recieving emails over wifi with the device in sleep mode
sonus said:
I think winmo only sends/receives over a cellular connection while the phone is asleep. Wifi on the other hand is disabled when the phone goes asleep in order to preserve battery no sending or recieving emails over wifi with the device in sleep mode
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That's really disappointing, it's a feature I had come to expect, thinking the device could atleast witch it on long enough to sync my email just like the iphone does before switching it off again.
guess my only option is to buy a data plan.
Try Advance config
Bottom right softkey "Menu" --> More Settings --> Connections --> Enable Wi-fi on standby mode
Ashwm said:
Try Advance config
Bottom right softkey "Menu" --> More Settings --> Connections --> Enable Wi-fi on standby mode
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Thanks, I have just tried this, but I see that basically what it does is prevent the wifi from sleeping on standby mode, which is going to kill the wifi I presume in a couple of hours.
I guess it's just not possible for it to do what exactly I wanted it to do which is to connect and disconnect when required, to send and receive, while left switched on and the phone is in standby.
I believe that even when the phone is on and wifi is on I think the normal wifi power save (middle slider position) switches itself off after an idle period to save power when not in use, "on" just means available for use, not necessarily powered up.
I need this too, could someone try a mort-script or something to connect to WiFi automatically and then send/receive emails every desired set hours? Think it is possible..
I tried enabling this (and yes, the wifi stays on while asleep) and putting my power save slider all the way to the right, however, after waiting the set time for my auto send/receive (5 minutes) and infact more, it did not send/receive until the moment I woke it, so I don't know if it was just about to do it, or if waking it caused the update.
i will give it another go and see how it goes, if you say that the wifi does infact just sleep itself when idle it shouldn't harm the battery life too much.
Ok, after further experimentation, I got it to send/receive my email while sleeping with the mode set for standby wifi enabled, however, with the refresh time setto 5 minutes, it took almost 15 minutes to update.
15 minutes is about the time I want, but will it take more power if I leave it on 5 minutes, or will it take even longer still if i set it to 15 minutes?
I'll try leaving my wifi on for a couple of days and see how it goes.
Try the program rk-OSR. It can connect/disconnect wi-fi automatically only for synchronizing e-mail.
maedox said:
Try the program rk-OSR. It can connect/disconnect wi-fi automatically only for synchronizing e-mail.
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Thanks, I'm going to see how it fairs over the next couple of days with the wifi set to work during standby (in terms of battery life) and if that doesn't work out i'll take a look at the app.
I don't know what it is but i just have a phobia of running extra 3rd party software on a phone that can only just about handle itself.
You pretty much have to run 3rd party apps on WinMo. In my opinion it's like using a normal computer with windows without installing any other applications. It's barely usable for anything at all without getting really annoyed.
maedox said:
You pretty much have to run 3rd party apps on WinMo. In my opinion it's like using a normal computer with windows without installing any other applications. It's barely usable for anything at all without getting really annoyed.
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Yeh, but what annoys me is that my desktop computer is designed with the hardware to run its OS and a hell of a lot more, the hardware in this thing barely runs the naked OS, so I'm reluctant to add any more.
Anyway, after experiments it's been pretty much a total failure with the sleep wifi thing.
Looks like that 3rd party app will be my last resort, lets just hope it's unobtrusive and has litttle battery drain (aside from the obvious).
Failing that, it's either keep lugging around an iphone or get a data plan. Might sell the iphone to fund it.
You can't seriously consider using the iPhone for this. It's a toy.
I'm sure you'll be happy with rk-OSR.
maedox said:
You can't seriously consider using the iPhone for this. It's a toy.
I'm sure you'll be happy with rk-OSR.
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You;re right, iPhone is a toy, but considering the problems I'm now having downloading email attachments (mp3) and the fact that it doesnt check my mail properly while sleeping, it seems almost worth carrying just to make sure I get my email without having to actively check for it.
I'll take your word though and try rk-OSR and hopefully find a solution to my attachment problem, then I'm a happy happy xperia owner in heaven.
Ok, got rk-OSR installed and it is working perfectly if I use the "test" button. However, I put the device to sleep, set to sync in a couple of minutes, wait 5 or 6, wake it up myself and nothing. Even the log doesnt have anything after my test attempt. What could be the problem?
still wondering how to get the phone to do this... is it not possible for the phone to check emails while it's in your pocket? such a simple concept yet...
alias_neo and dinan, I found a solution!!! All you have to do is to install GProfile and this program called rk-OSR. You create a time-based profile (in GProfile) and choose a specific time (eg: 1am) to run rk-OSR. You don´t have to select anything else (wifi toggle, etc). Then you select the same time in rk-OSR (1 am) and in this program you select the wifi options. It worked for me.
Hope it helps you

[Q] GPS always running and how to fix?

My wife and I both have the captivate and for some reason her GPS is always on. (The icon in the notification bar is always blinking) Its getting to be really annoying since her battery life has gone to complete crap, lasting no more than a few hours at most. How can I figure out what is causing the GPS to constantly be running?
I don't have this problem on my phone, it is just hers that does it.
It's likely an app still running in the background, grab one of the plethora of free task managers on the market, should help you narrow it down
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Will one of these programs list everything that is running? I ask this because the GPS turns on immediately as the phone boots, and stays running. So, I know its not an errant app.
Yes they will
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
You can turn off GPS
You can trun off the GPS by going to settings->location..-> uncheck use GPS
eitan123 said:
You can trun off the GPS by going to settings->location..-> uncheck use GPS
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While this is a good temporary solution for saving battery, I don't consider it a fix because then the phone would have no GPS capabilities at all.
The phone should behave the way mine does, when something requests to use the GPS, the icon shows up in the notification bar, otherwise, it does nothing. Her notification bar ALWAYS has the icon on it, blinking away and doing something.
I am going to try some task managers tonight and see if we can narrow it down.
tikicult said:
Will one of these programs list everything that is running? I ask this because the GPS turns on immediately as the phone boots, and stays running. So, I know its not an errant app.
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Apps can start as soon as the phone boots. Again, I suggest going through the apps you have installed that use GPS and review each one to be sure nothing is amiss.
My friend got a Captivate this week. His GPS also runs constantly. I compared our phones side by side, and he had almost no apps running - just the basic apps. We totally cleared out his home screens. I was completlely puzzled why his GPS was running.
We both went to Settings->About Phone. He was running firmware 2.1, I was running firmware2.1-update1. He just got his phone, I'm not sure why it has the older firmware on it.
I'm wondering if this is the reason?
Perhaps deactivate google location update information services.
If it happens from the get go with no apps running, your gps could be running simply to let google know your location. Reset system to factory and opt out of (allow my location - or something like that)
give Startup Auditor a try - free app on android market
If you are within return period take it back and have it replaced. You shouldn't have to use any fixes on a brand new unit. Now if you've messed with custom ROMs or kernals that could be the cause. If you've done nothing to it and it's stock I'd do an exchange.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
It's got to be an app running in the background. You didn't happen to go into the GPS test service menu, did you? Because I know some people go there and press home instead of back to quit it, and the test app runs in the background (though I would imagine once the battery dies and the phone is recharged and restarted, it probably wouldn't still be running...
Last week, I traveled to some remote area that only has 2G data service. I found my phone's GPS stayed on when I fired up the Google map and closed the app right after. This never happens when I'm in 3G data service area. The GPS will be off automatically even before the home screen shows up.
I have to use the power widget to toggle the GPS off and on to turn it off.
So, it may be something special about EDGE service.
I was able to produce a similar issue twice by switching away from the camera app using the home button without having taken a picture. This is obviously with geotagging turned on in the camera options. I even turned GPS off, but it went right back to searching for satellites when I turned it back on.
This is inside a building with no hope of getting a GPS fix.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Try use the back button instead of home button to get out of your camera app. Most apps will do a cleanup/release resources when using back button. But if you use Home button, most apps will stay running in memory without release any resources.

[Q] Weird things going on!

Ok lets say i am in yahoo (dowloaded offical app not the pre-installed at&t IM app). I will finish what i am doing in yahoo, leave it running and return to the HOME screen. A few minutes later (after receiving no messages) I wake up my phone & it is yahoo! It shold still be at the HOME screen as this is the last thing that was open before sleep mode. This also happens randomly with my text and call log. I will make a call and hang up. Phone times out in 15 seconds and is left on the home screen. I wake it up and my list of calls is on the display....this should NOT BE! Text messages show up after the wake up some times as well. Additionally I am on my 3rd captivate with a brand new sim card and I will be on the phone for 5 minutes in a COMPLETE singnal area and my call will not just "drop" it's almost like the entire phone app disables and I lose all signal for 10 seconds & it regains and the screen blanks out. What gives??!!! I am using task manager and I have the "phone" ignored as proccess that it should not auto-kill so I do not know! Any help with any of these issues will be appreciated!
I would uninstall task manager first to make sure it's not the problem. If its still happening keep uninstalling apps one at a time until you get back to the factory loadout.
My thinking is that if this is your third phone then it's most likely a software issue. I haven't seen anything around the forums about similar problems out of the door so I have to think its something you've modified or an app that is causing the issue.
The only alternative i can think of would be to start reading up on each app you've installed to see I'd they've been tested on the captivate.
Good luck
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App

Automated GPS on/off and sync on "autopilot"

I puzzed why entering navigation (Google or Premium...same issue) doesn't automatically turn on the GPS and disable it on exit. The car panel setup allows for automatic turn on of bluetooth, but again no automation of GPS turn on/off. So I'm wondering if there an app out there, that will turn on GPS when charged and disable it again when disconnected from the charger? That would do the trick IMO.
Also, if anybody knows of an app that will automate syncing of the standard accounts (i.e. stock, exchange, facebook etc.) depending on time of day and weekday, I'm very interested? Exchange ActiveSync could be ex. be synced "upon new mail" during 8-17 and in user defined, reduced intervals (hourly, every 2 hours etc.) or completely off for the rest of the day/night. You might want to get updates on facebook, gmail, sense, news etc. a couple of times during workhours, but then more frequently when off work. You might change setting for the weekend and hollidays. Could be a very neat app - if it's out there?
Thanks guys!
If you leave GPS enabled then when you open nav software it turns on and when you close it it turns off, there is no extra battery drain from leaving it enabled all the time, at least none that I have found.
I don't think many people appreciate this. Lots of posts about GPS disabled to save battery life. As you write, on GPS-aware apps turn on GPS so the battery drain is minimal.
My experience of the Desire HD is that the GPS and wi-fi radios are very efficient in terms of battery life but the 3G radio is absolutely and utterly fecking terrible and runs the thing down at an astonishing rate. HTC need to re-engineer this software urgently.
I use "tasker" to define a task to switch on/off the GPS when running a specific application. works fine!
goofy584 said:
I use "tasker" to define a task to switch on/off the GPS when running a specific application. works fine!
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+1 for Tasker.
I don't use it to turn GPS on/off as you don't need to - just leave it enabled and it'll only be called upon when an app needs it.
What I do use Tasker for though is turning auto-sync on and off depending on the time of day. I believe that is similar to what you're looking for?
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
SunjinSak said:
+1 for Tasker.
I don't use it to turn GPS on/off as you don't need to - just leave it enabled and it'll only be called upon when an app needs it.
What I do use Tasker for though is turning auto-sync on and off depending on the time of day. I believe that is similar to what you're looking for?
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
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Will try to leave the GPS on to check if it in fact doesn't affect battery drain unless called upon by an app.
Tasker sounds very intesting so thanks a lot!

Is it possible to turn the screen off and keep gps on?

I used to do this all the time on my TyTN 2, but I still haven't been able to get it working on my N1. I use GPS to navigate on my bike, where I can't plug it in to charge and there is no cradle. I keep my phone in my pocket, and listen to the directions in one ear on my headphones. It was pretty easy to turn off the screen of my WM and keep the GPS running, keeping the battery use down. On my N1, I haven't found any way to kill the screen without killing the GPS app. This makes it impractical for navigating around Jakarta, where I might kill my battery sitting in traffic with the screen on. Is there any way to turn off the screen without locking everything up?
Thanks for your help.
this annoys me too, and i both love it and hate it. currently there is no way you can do this without altering the maps code. the onPause obviously seems to be programmed to suspend the GPS signal when activity loses focus, and nothing short of changing that code i imagine would fix this issue.
though i do commend google for how they set android up to function this way, its different and novel, but i dont ALWAYS necessarily like it, like this situatino in particular.
I don't understand the problem. I turn the screen off all the time.
I don't have a car dock, so I start navigation and place the phone on the seat beside me, I turn the screen off to save battery and then just listen to the directions all the way to my destination.
Never had a problem.
And I've used the My Tracks program to track my mountain hikes, screen off and in my pocket.
Both ways worked both before and after I rooted and installed CyanogenMod.
Clarkster said:
I don't understand the problem. I turn the screen off all the time.
I don't have a car dock, so I start navigation and place the phone on the seat beside me, I turn the screen off to save battery and then just listen to the directions all the way to my destination.
Never had a problem.
And I've used the My Tracks program to track my mountain hikes, screen off and in my pocket.
Both ways worked both before and after I rooted and installed CyanogenMod.
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weird everytime i've turned off the screen i believe the GPS disconnects, which can be seen as soon as the screen is turned back on and it reaquires the lock. even in maps if it briefly lsoes foreground focus the GPS signal stops. perhaps i never tested enough during actual navigation, but i thought this is what happened to me. hmmm
Well, try Navigation and My Tracks. I've gotten some pretty detailed longer (3-5 hour) hikes mapped. The screen was off the whole time.
And I've probably used Navigation with the screen off at least 10 times. And some trips over 30 minutes. It always told me when to turn at the right time.
The GPS turns off if maps isn't in focus and I'm glad. It would kill your battery if it ran all the time. But it caches your location and automatically turns GPS on when you open the app.
But if you start navigating the only way to get it to stop is by hitting Menu-Exit Navigation. Locking your screen is okay. I do it all the time.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Sounds like it isn't a system level problem then.
Navigation will lock the GPS on for you so turning it off isn't a problem.
The same with My Tracks then too.
So to the OP, if the program you are using is not forcing the GPS to stay on when the screen is off, you could try contacting the developer and asking for that option.
Ok I just tested this and I was wrong, when the screen is off the lock stays in tact completely and same accuracy. So if does indeed work. This was tested running navigation in maps.
I guess I should mention that I'm using igo. It was the first program I found with offline maps available for Indonesia. When I turn the screen off, it definitely loses its lock and has to search again when the screen comes back on. So, it sounds like switching programs should solve my problem. Is that right?
Edit: just opened navigation, and it says it's not available here yet. I might just have too bring my WM with me when I need navigation on a ride. Oh, well; by this time next year I should be back in the states where features aren't geographically blocked. Thanks for your help.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
ill_dawg said:
I guess I should mention that I'm using igo. It was the first program I found with offline maps available for Indonesia. When I turn the screen off, it definitely loses its lock and has to search again when the screen comes back on. So, it sounds like switching programs should solve my problem. Is that right?
Edit: just opened navigation, and it says it's not available here yet. I might just have too bring my WM with me when I need navigation on a ride. Oh, well; by this time next year I should be back in the states where features aren't geographically blocked. Thanks for your help.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
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yeah it seems to depend on how the developer coded the app you're using. google maps navigation seems to leave the GPS on with the screen off. the app you are using must not, but maybe you could contact the developer and ask them to change this?

