Cause well it is froyo and has jit? my phone spontaneously corrupted overnight so i need to do a reformat :[
rsx19 said:
Cause well it is froyo and has jit? my phone spontaneously corrupted overnight so i need to do a reformat :[
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Cog comes with a lagfix. works great too
From my personal experience. No. I put my phone up against a coworker running Cog wiht the lagfix. I see no difference. I love Cognition, been running DG's work since Super Rooter. But in this case, I already did everything manually and the lagfix doesn't seem to make a difference. I'll wait for Voodoo, which apparently will be a while. But that's ok.
Ever since jh7 there has been no need for a lag fix.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Not sure if there's any data one way or another yet, but I'm curious if anyone in the know has any opinions on whether or not it it's best to master clear your phone back to jf6 before moving to cognition 2.2. Does anyone think it matters? Or is it just as well to flash over whatever ROM/configuration you're currently running?
I was unable to use master clear (may have to do with running Odin in a virtual machine) so I just flashed JI6 (had been running JF7) and then did the Cognition kernel swap installation. Froyo with Cognition runs beautifully! I'll have to see how battery life is, but everything else is wonderful, and the phone runs smooth as butter (no lagfix!)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Since i couldn't find any similar thread, here is my problem:
I used every Cognition ROM, since SRE 1.3.1c to Beta7, but always noticed that the SMS order was wrong.
I'd a 5-6 minutes difference between sent and received sms. So, my sent messages were located in the bottom, and the received in the top, making them difficult to read..
Now, i'm using Shep's ROM with xcaliburinhand Kernel, and i noticed that my SMS are place in order now! No timming issue!
But.. With Cognition Beta7 my battery lasted 25-40 hours!!
And, with Shep's ROM, only last 10!
Any suggestions?
i can't even send a sms/mms at all at cog 2.2 beta7....
Juat waiting beta8
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I am not sure What is going on with both of your issues, I have been using Cog on and off sense SRE started and have never had those issues, SMS ordering was never an issue and have not had trouble sending out mms. Are you guys useing TBU to restore settings?
Same here. I am on cog6 with no sms or mms issues.
My procedure is always the same:
- Stock with odin JF6
- Root
- Flash any ROM with Clockwork Recovery Mode
I never used any Backup (Except Google's contacts, GMail and Calendar). I never trusted any settings backup..
I'll try Cog B7 with xcaliburinhand's kernel, and others combinations..
But i really want to know if it's a Modem, Kernel or ROM issue, 'cause if it's a Modem fw issue, i could flash anything, and then, flash the Working (no issue) modem over.. Just to be prepared..
I think it's an issue with the Carrier timestamps. If you install Handcent and look at your messages, you'll see they will be put in order. I had the same thing happen to me a day or so after I installed 2.2, but never had it happen on 2.1
miztaken1312 said:
I think it's an issue with the Carrier timestamps. If you install Handcent and look at your messages, you'll see they will be put in order. I had the same thing happen to me a day or so after I installed 2.2, but never had it happen on 2.1
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I to use handcent and have not experienced this issue
Sent telepathically using vulcan mind meld app.
SnakeHaveYou said:
My procedure is always the same:
- Stock with odin JF6
- Root
- Flash any ROM with Clockwork Recovery Mode
I never used any Backup (Except Google's contacts, GMail and Calendar). I never trusted any settings backup..
I'll try Cog B7 with xcaliburinhand's kernel, and others combinations..
But i really want to know if it's a Modem, Kernel or ROM issue, 'cause if it's a Modem fw issue, i could flash anything, and then, flash the Working (no issue) modem over.. Just to be prepared..
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I noticed that there is one diff in how we flash a new rom
Odin one click
Master clear with odin one click
Rom manager flash
you might want to back up with Titanium back up you user apps as the master clear will wipe the device. might be something left over from a stock flash that may mess you up. but that is just my 2 cents
miztaken1312 said:
I think it's an issue with the Carrier timestamps. If you install Handcent and look at your messages, you'll see they will be put in order. I had the same thing happen to me a day or so after I installed 2.2, but never had it happen on 2.1
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Yep, it's a Carrier issue (and it get worst sending SMS between different carriers!) But, i had this issue in Stock Eclair, SRE Eclair, Cog Eclair and Cog Froyo.. It only gets fixed with Shep's ROM, that's the weird thing
zelendel said:
I noticed that there is one diff in how we flash a new rom
Odin one click
Master clear with odin one click
Rom manager flash
you might want to back up with Titanium back up you user apps as the master clear will wipe the device. might be something left over from a stock flash that may mess you up. but that is just my 2 cents
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Yes, i do the Master Clear too.. Also Dalvik, Cache, Battery and Data wipe from Clockwork..
Well.. Testing, after Back to Stock JF6, Master Clear, Data, Battery, Dalvik and Cache Wipe:
- Cognition 2.2 Beta7 > SMS timming issue
- Cognition 2.2 Beta7 + xcaliburinhand's Reoriented 2.0.1 Kernel > SMS timming issue
- Cognition 2.2 Beta7 + xcaliburinhand's Reoriented 2.0.1 Kernel + JH2 Modem > SMS timming issue
- Shep's Stock ROM + xcaliburinhand's Reoriented 2.0.1 Kernel > SMS timmng fixed
So, the only thing that fix this problem is the Shep's Stock ROM..
SnakeHaveYou said:
Yep, it's a Carrier issue (and it get worst sending SMS between different carriers!) But, i had this issue in Stock Eclair, SRE Eclair, Cog Eclair and Cog Froyo.. It only gets fixed with Shep's ROM, that's the weird thing
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That's the reason I noticed it. I was texting my ex girlfriend who uses Sprint, my cousin on Verizon, one of my girl friends on T-Mobile, and my best friend on AT&T. Everyone was messed up except my best friend. Or maybe its cause the other three are female. Who knows. I'd place a wager on the Carriers just to be safe and not get yelled at. :-D
Sent from my Captivate
I had the MMS/SMS timing bug with Cog's 2.1.6 build.
I'm on Cog's 2.2.6 Froyo and haven't experienced any issues.
And my txts are all over the place... my brother who is on Sprint, a buddy in town on T-Mobile, and my sister-in-law who is on Verizon on a Kansas phone # (and I'm in Colorado).
I dunno.. seems to be pretty random.
Last load was Odin back to stock.
Then used ROM Manager to update to Cog's 2.2 build.
Hi all,
my phone just shat itself today.
Running cognition 2.3b6
Yesterday, started doing a few reboots by itself (i was switching landscape and back while going to apps/settings, things started lagging and then u'd see the cognition bootup screen).. only happened twice. first times in 4 months of use.
This morning, it did the same thing and reset. so i pulled the battery, and thought id give it a proper reset.
On bootup i saw some things crash (clock/finance/reader) etc.. i thought yeh ok. whatever.. and then the market suddenly updated all these apps (maps/gmail/voice search etc..) all of which should've been up to date.
thought that was wierd, android market went back to old non-green market. and now most 3rd party apps crash when i open them. i.e. astrid/astro/google reader/ any game
things like maps/gmail/browser etc.. work fine.. i notice my ram is up at 230mb/304mb is this causing the crashing?
So i've rebooted a few times and still the same issue (although market has gone back to green market)
anyone seen something similar? i really dont want to reinstall as this rom has been great till this point.. sigh... really reminds me of windows back in the older days.
thanks in advance for the help.
What kernel are you using?
I think you are going to have to flash stock master clear, start over
kernal? to be honest, no idea.. i just flashed from jh7 back to stock (ji6 i think) to 2.3b6
kernal looks to be
[email protected] #1
Jf6 ji6 is leaked froyo
Pm me if you need help
yeh sorry JF6, that odin guy is what i use every time..
i'm just wondering what could've caused it? how can a crash totally disable nearly everything..
i'll reflash using the odin3 back to stock then back to 2.3b8 i guess now.. but if anyone knows how to save it please let me know.
Do you know what lash fix you are running?
Sound like data corruption but it had never happened to me
lash fix?
last fix?
what do you mean by that?
quasio said:
lash fix?
last fix?
what do you mean by that?
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Lag Fix is what he ment. If i remember right the older vodoo lag fixes that were used in the older kernel versions had stability problems that have been fixed in the newer versions.
oh i c.. its the voodoo from 2.3b6..
i've just privacy-> factory wiped my phone. and that seems to have fixed it..
tho i might as well upgrade to 2.3b8 to see if it helps
First I apologize if this has been asked already.
I have recently installed froyo 2.2 with cognition 3.0.4. And ever since I did this I no longer can send photos or videos to anyone. Is there a setting that I might be missing, or maybe an app that might help me in this situation?
Jerry F.
Samsung Captivate i897
Froyo 2.2
Cognition 3.0.4
Have you first tried the basics? ex. Flashing back to stock with odin then reinstalling Cog iv never had that kind of issue with a Design Gears rom they have always been quality. it may just be an issue related to that.