One thing I really miss is the Share Menu found so often in other android builds.
Does anyone have any idea where to start looking to get this enabled on Nook Color (NC)? I'm about to start poking around in the filesystem, but thought it might be helpful to get a thread started...just in case anyone has an idea.
Long time android user, first time NC owner.
Hmm? I see the share menu in the expected places. You just missing the menu button maybe?
Hey everyone!
I got my kaiser last week and I'm wondering if someone can help point me in the right direction of a list of nice keyboard/front panel shortcuts for either the HTC ROM or even just windows mobile.
I know about holding down H in certain places, but I'm not convinced that the list it shows is the final list. I say this because I am a heavy texter and am getting very tired of having to go into the messaging section, hit the right soft key, hit n, then S, jsut to begin typing in the recipient. I'm coming off a sidekick 3 where its literally just 1 key combo to start a new message. Knowing this phone is a bajillion times more powerful and useful, I'm expecting there to be a similar combo to increase productivity.
Thanks for the help ahead of time!
None of you helpful and oh-so-wise individuals on here can show me a buried thread or link somewhere to a shortcuts list?
Or even a program to add shortcuts?
I find that hard to believe.
I am pretty sure that everyone has thrown the idea of porting WebOS over from the Palm Pre to our Android Devices is out of the question. But does anyone think that they could build an alternative home application that would function like the Palm Pre's home with cards and such? Just an idea.
EDIT: Sorry, just noticed that there an actual thread you are supposed to post your ideas in. If you want to delete this and move it be my guest I didn't mean to post in the wrong area. Although I doubt anyone will actually find this in that thread.
Hi all,
First thing, if this is the wrong forum to post this in then I must apologise wholeheartedly and ask to be pointed in the right direction.
I did try the Rom developers forum but have had no replies so far.
I have an SE x1i, WinMo 6.1 and Software version R3AA013. I hope I got that correct.
It's a great phone but I'm now finding little improvements that I would like to have to suit my needs.
What I am trying to achieve is to have an on screen icon similar to the enable/disable flight mode icon, that finds out the state of a few certain system settings and change them to an alternative state.
I would like to have a "car mode" icon that, with one touch, enables bluetooth functionality and at the same time changes an advanced power setting so that, while in "car mode" and on battery power, the "Turn of device if not used for xx min" is unchecked.
With a second touch of that "car mode" icon, those settings are reversed.
I am trying to find out (a) is it possible, (b) has someone already done it, (c) could I do it myself?
I could achieve this on my PC as I have had some experience with VB6 about 6 years ago but have not kept up with it or the changes in programming.
I know pretty much nothing about Windows mobile. It seems very similar in some aspects but also very different in other aspects to other windows operating systems.
For that matter, pretty close to the same applies to smart phones as well.
I hope I have explained myself clearly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers and thanks,
Maybe this program: ?
Thanks Xera, will have a look at this. From what I've read, it seems to do what I want.
Will repost when tested.
Sorry [email protected],
Got your name wrong.
I hope it's not OT in this section, but I figured it belongs here more than to General...
I've been wondering for quite some time there any guide for how to create the extended lockscreen for I9000 ROM? I've tried searching for it quite a few times, but never managed to find any info about it. Most of the posts mention something along the lines of "I think I saw one somewhere in thread X", but when trying to locate the actual guide, you usually end up going in circles and the guide is nowhere to be found neither here on XDA nor anywhere else.
So - is there any such guide? And if it isn't, could someone who knows how to make the extended menu perhaps spare a few words/tips/links? I could probably try to make a proper guide out of them once I'm succesful in creating the extended menu myself...
I notice there isn't many themes/ROMs that offer the extended menu. I think having a proper guide would benefit everyone - the extended menu is SO handy...
Here you go
Oh, it's in Vibrant section...damn...never occured to me to actually look there. (Like I needed another proof that this splitting of Galaxy S forums into hundreds of subforums was a very bad decision...oh well...)
Thanks a lot!
Hi all!
It's a while ago, 8 years, since I posted.
I just got the OP10pro and when I create a shortcut I got at least two options.
An 'add' button and 'touch and hold'.
The first one adds a shortcut, but it's not showing up on the home screen.
The second one works fine.
Buy now I have two shortcuts, somewhere, but I don't know where. When i try to add a shortcut again (for example a certain vpn server location) it says that it already excist.
I tried to search on my phone here on the forums but I can't seem to find anything. Or actually, I find alot but not the right thing.
Anyone know where to start?
After my last HTC i kind of forgot a lot of Android knowledge and didn't update it anyway
Never mind...
It added the shortcut under the main apps icon.
I get it now.
Maybe this didn't happen on Android 10 and older?
Anyway, good to be back