Do I need to have my Samsung galaxy s rooted in order to apply the lagfix? I updated to froyo 2.2 but not ready to root yet based on the different flavours of roms and ways to root this phone along with the current issues some have been facing.
Samsung galaxy s gt-i9000
Baseband : i9000ugjk4
Thanks in advance.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
Yes, your phone does need to be rooted to be able to apply a lagfix
Hi guys,
I have the Galaxy S on T-Mobile and have come to the conclusion T-Mobile will never release the 2.2 Froyo update - I'm looking to root it instead and put on one of the lag-fix's.
Can you guys recommend me the best guides for the following :-
Rooting the Galaxy S
Updating firmware to 2.2
Thanks in advance,
gavk-xda said:
Hi guys,
I have the Galaxy S on T-Mobile and have come to the conclusion T-Mobile will never release the 2.2 Froyo update - I'm looking to root it instead and put on one of the lag-fix's.
Can you guys recommend me the best guides for the following :-
Rooting the Galaxy S
Updating firmware to 2.2
Thanks in advance,
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If you really want 2.2, best options are:
Firmware JP6
Voodoo lagfix pre-3
CF Root
In my opinion anyway!
If you can live with 2.1, then JM9 or even JM8 with voodoo lagfix beta 5 is your best bet.
With both, I like Tatuyama's ROM, I find it the most stable. The only competition really is DocRambone.
and this has what todo with DEV?
Firmware JPA
CF Root
Voodoo lagfix pre-3
here is what i am using now
Dear friends,
Currentlu I am running latest leaked sw XXJPU Froyo 2.2.1 on my Galaxy S 9000. All what i have done is that i just rooted my phone. Now my question is how to replace the current LockScreen with Android stock Lockscreen, I searched a forums here but didnt find anything related with XXJPU ?
NOTE: I used CF-Root to root my phone, and I applied root trough Odin3 v1.3.
Many thanks for help.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Hey mate,
Download GST(Galaxy S Tweaker) from the android market. There is a utility in there for doing changing your lockscreen.
Hey everyone, i recently purchased a sgs i9000 and i really want to root it, i have read a lot about rooting (including reading threads on this site) and i am still a bit unsure. Here are some details about my phone:
Model number: GT-I9000
Firmware version: 2.2.1
Baseband version: I9000BVJP4
Kernel version:
Build number: FROYO.BVJS4
It is branded to Orange (so it has the Orange bootup as well as the Galaxy bootup)
All i am insterested in is rooting my phone to have superuser access. At the moment i am not bothered about flashing a rom during the root process.
Thanks in advance
If you'll be staying at 2.2.1 you can flash a kernel with odin. For instance, speedmod k13e or sth. else. It will make your phone faster and will add superuser and busybox and it takes less than a minute to do that.
you can root it using different ways
1-try z4root from the market
2-using odin flash any voodoo kernel or speedmod kernel
3-i think also super one click will be usefull
So speedmod k13e works with my build number etc? or does it not matter? Thanks
Yeah, 2.2.1 kernels work on all 2.2.1 ROMs.
Guys,I'm new to SGS i9000..I've no experience about flashing ROMS and KERNELS..!!
And im very much interested in flashing roms and kernels..!!
MY Firmware 2.3.3
My baseband version is I9000XXJVO
Build no.XWJVH
Now How do i go about applying root,Kernels and custom roms..!!
PLz tell me what should i do?Should i flash other stock firmware?Is 2.3.4 available and stable?
Please Provide some guides please urgently..I'm confused ..Help please..!!
You can start here
[GUIDE] Flashing/Installing Gingerbread 2.3.4 to I9000
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
There are lots of threads with guides for beginners. We've all been beginners... at the beginning! Try reading these:
[GUIDE] Getting the most out of your SGS [UPDATED: 28.02.2011]
[HOWTO] [REF] [FAQ] [Guides] [Tutorials] Flash/Root/ADB/ROM [MUST READ!]
If I helped you, please click the Thanks button...
Stock XXJVR Android 2.3.4
IS the OFficial 2.3.4? or beta?
Which is the official 2.3.4? recommended to flash?..
Guys, can anyone provide me i9000 drivers plz?..
Is Kies installed? Then you'll have all drivers needed on your machine.
Deacon-Frost said:
Is Kies installed? Then you'll have all drivers needed on your machine.
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KIEs not getting installed..Thats why asking for drivers
Now say if i want to flash CM7..and kernel which includes Voodoo sound and colour...Then how do i go about it..which kernel should i go for..?
And what is all this JVP,JVQ,JVH etc?is it the baseband version or build no. or kernel version??
Before flashing any Rom or kernel do i need to match the kernel,or baseband version?
tell me step by step if i have to flash CM7 and a good kernel..!!what should i do..Please help guys
K to install 2.3.4 official samsung update you first have to install kies and see that is kies detecting your phone or not! If it is detecting then you can update your phone to stock 2.3.4 for that got to and go to toolbox >firmwares> gakaxy s and their read the guide and update your phone!
P.s. Close kies before using odin or you may get into trouble!
Sent from my sgs
kernel: galaxian
Rom: jetpack
Cm7 is a very common rom install jetpack which is very stable and clean and easy to install! U don't even need a computer to do it just some basic knowledge and a rooted galaxy s!
Sent from my sgs
kernel: galaxian
Rom: jetpack
Here can you find drivers:
[Driver] [20.07.2011] SAMSUNG USB Drivers for Mobile Phones +LATEST UPDATED VERSION+
What about milkys rom. includes voodoo sound and colors, and it's "close" to stock.
Think you shold read som threads
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Don`t forget MIUI and Darky`s rom.
I`m a Cyanogen Mod guy myself, the release candidate worked perfectly for my I9000M.
Hi is it possible for me to update my Samsung galaxy tab
Model: GT-P1000
Firmware version: 2.2
Baseband version: P1000JXJM2
Kernel version:
[email protected] #1
Build number
You will install Kies on your PC before, And put your Tab connect to USB. Well you can update via Kies.
sorry for my bad English
Good luck
hi there are no updates available thinking of rooting it but have no idea how and if i can do it with my tab i want version 2.3 or later
makes restock rom, recommend the "GB_Stock_Safe_v5" from overcome
and download your latest version (same region) from then flash it
Maybe you must to un-root your tab but I'm not sure that make you can update.
Warning all your data will be lost.
mouitjskh said:
hi there are no updates available thinking of rooting it but have no idea how and if i can do it with my tab i want version 2.3 or later
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Yes there are plenty of ways to update your device.
You can simply install Samsung Kies, connect your tab and update to official gingerbread (2.3) or you can install a custom GB rom (Overcome Rom).
You can also choose to install ICS (4.0) or JB (4.1), various flavors like AOKP, CM9, CM10 etc.
To get started on custom GB or any other custom rom you should first root/stock your device using the Overcome guide/rom. The original thread is Here but the links are down so you should get the guide and safe-restock/rom files from the mirrors here.
Everything you need to do is included in the guide. Once you have installed Overcome rom you will be rooted and have a custom rom/kernel, from there if y0ou want to go up to ICS etc you simply put the rom on your sdcard, boot into recovery and flash the desired rom.
For me better upgrde to overcome rom..its more stable and have native 3g call..
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda premium
Follow my thread in the Galaxy Tab General section.
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