Hello Everybody!
I've had a lot of kind of firmware in my SGS, at the momment I've a Jimmy's/Hamster's lastest Rom but the problem is common with all of Roms. I've a problem with the recognition of my SGS in my computers, it was working fine and suddenly it's not working. I don't know why and I've tried with a lot of kind of drivers... the result is the same, the device is not recognized by Windows 7 and XP (the laptop).I've tried with KIES and Mass Storage Mode but nothing
Somebody know how to fix it o any idea?
I'm starting to think my mobile plug is broken or something like that, but when you plug the wire to the mobile in all modes, it seems working fine in the mobile screen, but in the computer is not recognized.
Thank you very much everybody...
Not an expert, but I found a similar problem and there has been a couple of solutions;
a) Connecting to a laptop which was using both USB's, but the power used by the other slot was too much for the phone to be recognised. Even though the phone was connecting and charging it would not be recognised in Kies. I removed the rest of the USB's unplugged phone reconnected and it was found.
b) Downloaded the latest KIES from samsung webpage, and installed. I closed Kies, then connected the phone and it came up as a USB device. Then I started Kies and was recognised.
Hope it helps...
I've just update my issue with more information, but I tested both possible solutions that you told me but it didn't solve my problem.
There are more information here, thanks in advance
I have a SGS:
Fw: 2.2.1
Kernel version: hardcore speedmod-k12g-256hz #50
Build number: Hamster Roms V6.2
Build Info: 2010. 12
ClockworkMod Recovery v2.5.1.0 SpeedMod ULFK
The problem is that my PC doesn't recognize my SGS.
I've the last KIES version (I've tested download only the drivers, but i could get nothing...)
I've tested in two differents PCs, Windows 7 and XP but nothing.
I was testing a lot of ROMs but really I don't know when it stopped working. I think the last update with ODIN, when it was working, was to update to SO_zImage_opt_ext_root_JPM-JP6_V4_1_OC but I'm not sure. Later I've update my SGS from CMW many times.
I've tried to access by Mass Storage and Samsung Kies but nothing...
The are some extra symphtoms:
When I connect to the charger, in my SGS is activate automatically the MTP application for KIES.
When I connect to my PC, I receive the next warning: USB Device Not Recognized: one of the USB devices attached to this computes has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it....
I've update my last firmware wit WIPE option from CMW, tested with and without LAGFIX but nothing.
I think that something is wrong about the compatibility or updating proccess, but I can't access to connect my UBS in my computer, neither to ODIN with DOWNLOAD mode because my PC doesn't recognize it.
Are there any way to get my PC recognized again my SGS?
Are there any way to know if the problem is anything incompatible with Kernel version and Firmware, or anything like that?
Is normal my SCS being different that PDA or PHONE?
If somebody knows, please help me.
Thank you very much
After searching the forums for a while I did not find a thread exactly matching my problem, so if I've overseen it, please just point me there.
To my problem:
I did a very stupid mistake, flashing a new custom ROM with a different kernel (as usual, cooked in Docs Kitchen) without converting back the lagfix. So I ended up with a non-booting phone - so far, so bad. Note to myself: Never flash a phone during the carnival weekend again.
So I booted into download mode and tried to recover it via Odin, but here I got my really bad surprise: USB device is not recognized, thus I Odin does not see the phone.
I tried 4 different PCs with Win7 or XP, a Linux desktop and a Macbook. I also tried 5 different USB cables (they all work with other smartphones like the Desire and the HD2). Wherever I stick the phone in, it is not recognized (code 10/code 43 in Win7). I used the stand-alone-drivers from the sticky forum thread here, and also most recent Kies versions, always the same: USB device not recognized.
Does anybody have an idea how to revive the USB connectivity? I'm almost at the point to send it in for repairs...
Or can someone elaborate how I could have killed USB with corrupting the ROM? I've to admit I do not really understand how these two are connected.
Hi Amokbunny
You get into download mode but the PC won't recognize the phone?
That's messy and I can think of nothing that could have done that. you did not change the bootloader did you (flashed a full samsung ROM containing a bootloader, for example VJ1)?
If not I guess it's a hardware issue.
formatted to ext4 without any backup
I did a very stupid mistake too. Got darky's rom 9.3., installed i, everything worked great(really awesome thing), then i wnt to recovry mode and entered tthe speedmod and it showed mr that my phone has rtf files system not EXT4 as it should be, thou i installed the speed mode. then i chose to repartition it to ext4 but i didn't choose the backup. Just clicked to format the sd. It did formatted to EXT4, rebooted, i saw the darky's rom logo and the the phone vibrated and the logog of the droid just flashed. I tried to enter recovery mode-didn't load. Started the download mode connexted to pc used ODIN 1.7 with PDA I9000XXJPY.tar, MODEM I9000XXJPY.tar, GT-I9000-CSC-MULTI-OXAJPY-LITE.tar s1_odin_20100512.pit.
The phone has started, appeared teh stok galaxy s logo and it's just flashing. Help needed. Don,t know what to do know. I have galayx s i9000 european version.
somehow i've managed to install new firmare 2.2.1 /I9000XXJPY-baseband / [email protected] #1-kernel version, but z4root isn't working. When i start permanent root the programm ends on aquiring root shell, the debug mode is on
Got it all running, installed Darky's rom 9.3. Thanks anyway.
theduckking said:
Hi Amokbunny
You get into download mode but the PC won't recognize the phone?
That's messy and I can think of nothing that could have done that. you did not change the bootloader did you (flashed a full samsung ROM containing a bootloader, for example VJ1)?
If not I guess it's a hardware issue.
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Yep, I can boot into download and recovery modes, but that's it.
The only apparent change in the new custom ROM was the kernel.
I also cannot really access my external SD card (it shows me some phantom files, but not the actual content of the SD), otherwise I'd try to recover it this way.
I agree with the hardware issue, if it wouldn't have coincided with the flash procedure...anyway, I think I'll send it in for repairs if I don't get it to run on this sunday.
I have the exact same problem, except that I can access my external SD. I got the problem after upgrading to Darkys Rom 9.3 the usual way, but switched from Speedmod to Voodoo. After that update, my USB didn't work anymore.
I can't get neither Xp or Win 7 to recognize my phone. USB device not recognized, and tried all the tricks. Reinstalling Kies and drivers, switching between the different modes (storage, kies media, ask, debug...) But still no USB connection.
I updated to darkys 9.5 (transferring the rom using bluetooth, and updating using CWM), but still it doesn't work.
Can get it into download mode, but still can't connect using USB and Odin.
Did anybody ever find a solution for this?
European version of I9000, bought in Denmark. No Simlock
Same thing here after installing JV1 + Ultibread Rom 1.4... Still no solution
*shameless push*
Any solution here? I dont have that problem, but it sounds too scary to not have a working solution :S
Same prob here! Any news?
Any solution? I have the same problem.
same problem my phone is bricked while flashing a stock rom the windows disconnected the phone while flashing
ended with device not recognized even in download mode
bassem8246 said:
same problem my phone is bricked while flashing a stock rom the windows disconnected the phone while flashing
ended with device not recognized even in download mode
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But if you are in download mode on your fone you'd rather should have a look at your configuration on the computer. Because the fone still can be flashed if the symbol for download still appears.
- Kies is shut down while ODIN is active?
- latest Samsung USB driver installed?
- Odin started with Admin?
Btw. did you try to get into recovery mode? Maybe this also still is working as the partition is quite small and chance high that it was flashed w/o faults. So you may be able to flash a zipped ROM rather than a tarball for Odin.
USB Not working when Phone plugged in... try these..
Unplug Device from PC..
Windows go to Device Manager...
Scroll down to Universal serial bus Controllers
Start with the top one and work your way down ..uninstall them all..
When done reboot Computer and let it install them all.. then try again
2.Settings --> USB Setings (under wireless & network may differ depending on Rom used) --> Try other settings Mass storage
3.Different USB ports on PC
4.Uninstall KIES from PC (reboot PC to take effect) and Reboot and just install samsung USB drivers....
5.Using windows type in msconfig in Start>Run box... windows will pop up and untick KIES from STARTUP TAB
Apply to take effect and restart machine.. try using ODIN to Flash ROM
I myself only use the Samsung USB drivers and ODIN never use KIES
or ...Check my signature and try SD formatter
My Samsung Galaxy S purchased Oct 2010
Model number GT-I9000
Firmware version 2.1-update1
Baseband version I9000XXJM2
Kernel version 2.6.29
Build number ECLAIR.XWJM3
Running latest version of Samsung KIES on Windows 7. Trying to upgrade to OS to Froyo
When I connect my phone via usb I get notification
Installing device drivers
device driver software not successfully installed
MTP usb device Failed.
It seems Windows 7 is not recognising Android driver(s) on my phone. Is this a known/new issue? I connected my phone to a Windows XP machine and it recognised the phone straight away and was visible in KIES. Is there a setting in Windows 7 that needs to be adjusted perhaps? Can anyone offer a suggestion as to how to recify this problem?
not recognising Android driver(s) on my phone. Is this a known/new issue?
Multiple posts on the forum .
MTP usb device Failed. >>> search
have you tryed to reinstall kies? and u can firs put phone on mass storage and wait to install drivers =)
I had an older version of KIES, did a search for Galaxy S updates, one of which was an updated version of KIES, now installed. I put the phone in mass storage mode, connected, then it told me to exit mass storage mode, had to disconnect in order to do so. Have searched MTP usb device on this site, read the archived entries and varied solutions, none of which work. Fairly sure its a Windows problem, because as I eluded to previously, it connects to Windows XP no problem.
Windows recognises my phone in Real Player mode, but not in KIES mode! KIES then says connection mode not supported, please connect in KIES mode, the Windows fails to recognise my phone.
rpjd said:
Windows recognises my phone in Real Player mode, but not in KIES mode! KIES then says connection mode not supported, please connect in KIES mode, the Windows fails to recognise my phone.
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There is a lot of thread about it, but well...
Start fresh:
- Uninstall Kies (phone not connected)
- Clean your registry with ccleaner (google it)
- restart your PC
- Dowload the last 2.x Kies realeased from samsung website
- Install Kies as administrator
- Go in your SGS setting device -> Application -> devlopment -> Uncheck USB debugging
- Restart your phone (even if not needed, do it)
- When the phone is up, plug the USB cable.
No luck with that either!
rpjd said:
No luck with that either!
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It should work no matter what:
Your windows 7 system have a problem somewhere (Drivers outdated?, antivirus?, firewall?, service not properly started? etc.. can be a lot of external things)
If you checked all that, it could be an hardware issue (i doubt that)
Are you using the stock USB cable right?
Anyway triple check everything, update, restart. It must work or you have or you are a very very very special case (i doubt that too).
Its an odd one alright
I'm reasonably confident, while not being an expert, that Windows is the problem, only wish I knew what exactly. I'm asking on Windows forums as well.
My I9000's Rom is SuperAOSP 8.6, when the phone was connected with pc by USB, odin3 can't find it's ID:Com.
It means I never can update my phone's rom. Please help me!
dneking said:
My I9000's Rom is SuperAOSP 8.6, when the phone was connected with pc by USB, odin3 can't find it's ID:Com.
It means I never can update my phone's rom. Please help me!
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Try different usb port, different usb cable and were you on the download mode when trying?
Look here for my experience and click the thanks if it helps. Mine's been fine ever since cleaning but the drivers could also be the issue (a lot of people have that issue).
For me, installing samsung kies program (which included drivers) did the trick, lol
I had that issue once. When I flashed deodexed JVK, my phone had problems detected by computers. And I mean computer"S". I installed and uninstalled several drivers and even clean my USB. Nothing worked. I was told that the ROM or something I did changed the phone's characteristics. Therefore, your phone ain't have drivers for it no more.
I sent my phone for repair. Thank God, they warranted it.
usb issues
Hello everyone.
I'm desperate, after upgrading from odin, a gingerbread 2.3.4, I can not connect via USB in any way, or download, or mass storage, kies ...
as I am not root, I can not install a new kernel from cwm
I can not do anything to have recovery 3e
Anyone know solution?
these are the data now:
Firmware: 2.3.4
Base band: I9000JVP
Kernel: se.infra I9000JVP-SEP-40 @ # 2
Its a long shot but heidall? Also try another usb port/cable? I've even installed ubuntu before to help diagnose.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA Premium App
Hi to all!
From Yesterday i have i sudden problem i never had.
When i connect my i9000 does not anymore show the 2 drives (usb storage of both internal external sd) on my computer.
I use Glitch kernel with latest cm7 kang.
When i connect the phone via usb to the pc,sometimes i get the erroe usb device not recognised (win 7 x64), and connects and disconnects randomly(always showing the error),other times doesnt do anything.
I tried cleaning the port,different pc usb port,different pc's, factory reset,different cable,older versions of glitch kernel or cm7.
Formatted also boot and system folders(of course also wipe data etc).
Installed kiss,boot the pc with phone off and then on.
Tried win7 x64 drivers.Sometimes i get on windows unknown device that i cannot find drivers that accepts.
On off usb debug mode and restart.
Nothing seems to work for me.
So id like to ask.....Should i try to go back on stock(firmware+kernel)?
And how is it done???
Or maybe its the port fault?
Any ideas?Noone?
Could someone please tell me how to go back on stock?
First to stock kernel then to stock firmware?
The "device not revognised" error is related to USB debug mode, unless you have installed Google USB drivers.
Its not supposed to occur with debug mode=off.
Going back to stock (Leaked JVU) is explained here:
Thanks for the link.
Going back to stock worked for a friend of mine,which came today(he has the same phone with cm7.2 rco and glitch kernel but with usb port working)by simpling entering on download mode and flashing with odin.Drivers installed (from samsung drivers folder,after installing kies)
On my phone,on download mode,or it doesnt say anything or i get on pc the message uknown device,cannot install etc.If i try to manual push the drivers it says the device cannot start.
So it must be a hardware related problem no??
In this case ,because i am still on warranty,is there any other way (for example via cwm) to put stock firmware and kernel in order to claim warranty?
Many thanks for your posts.
Used to work fine, last time I connected was doing an upgrade about 3 weeks ago to the UCLA modem and kernel and 2.3.6 ROM.
Today I tried to connect via USB to transfer a new book I'd downloaded, and Windows didn't recognize the device. Has the error USB Device not recognized.
It shows on the device in the status area that MTP is installed, and it says on the device that USB is connected.
Tried everything. I have the latest version of Kies, uninstalled and re-installed. Deleted the device, let windows re-install it. The tablet charges fine via the same cable. I've tried different USB ports.
My Samsung Galaxy S2 Skyrocket connects on the same computer, seen by Kies, can transfer USB. Works on the same USB port!
And of course I have USB debugging turned on.
Any thoughts. I am certain it was due to the change of ROM.
Hi Harry_fine,
Try it :
- Disable usb debug mode
- Lock the screen <-- very important step.If you don't do this, kies doesn't recognize the Tab*
- Connect Tab via USB to Win7 64Bit
- Start Kies
To get kies to recognize the tab, you need to have the original touchwiz launcher set as the default launcher
I seen this on other post. May be it can help you.
Good luck.
harry_fine said:
Used to work fine, last time I connected was doing an upgrade about 3 weeks ago to the UCLA modem and kernel and 2.3.6 ROM.
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Are you sure you are in correct forum? I have never heard about UCLA modem or 2.3.6 ROM for GT8.9
Latest modem we have is KJ6 and Android version should be 3.2
Sorry, I was confusing this with my Galaxy S2 Skyrocket.
This is kernel, Android 3.2, which I think is the latest official stock for the Tab. I think I used P7300XWKL4_P7300ATOKI1_P7300XXKJ6_HOME.tar.md5 for the upgrade.
Didn't work, same problem. Anyone else?
Tried a solution I found online, found some very long file extensions on the SDCARD, removed them, rebooted phone, and now no problem connected as a drive using MTP, and installing driver.
so what's the solution??
lastiko said:
so what's the solution??
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Simply install the drivers, reboot the PC, then connect the device.
subtil123 said:
Hi Harry_fine,
Try it :
- Disable usb debug mode
- Lock the screen <-- very important step.If you don't do this, kies doesn't recognize the Tab*
- Connect Tab via USB to Win7 64Bit
- Start Kies
To get kies to recognize the tab, you need to have the original touchwiz launcher set as the default launcher
I seen this on other post. May be it can help you.
Good luck.
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it really works out.......thank you :good:
i have a galaxy note 10.1 and it didnt recognize not even the Adapter Cable.....
I have Samsung P7300
just want to root it, but my PC does not even recognize it. not even Kies..
done all the things searching on XDA and other sites, but still the same Problem,
I cant even find the MTP thing under USB Storage.
I can Connect my Samsung galaxy S Plus i9001 to it.
i have installed/uninstalled Drivers, and kies many times.
My problem is why there is NO MTP Option in this device, it is not even rooted.