I have posted some of these in my blog, together with possible solutions. The list is quite long, to quote it here in its entirety, so have a look and please comment -- here or there, it doesn't matter.
In any case, solutions and ideas, or additions to this list are very welcome.
hi to all
im completely new to the whole pda game, and have recently purchased my vario.
i have spent the last few weeks plodding around the forum, gaining hints and tips - just feeling myself around to understand the capabilities of my ppc.
its great to see so many dedicated people sharing information and helping one another - a real credit, and to the site as a whole, a complete wealth of valuable information. thanks to all involved!!
after my experience here so far, i have a small suggestion that may help everyone, especially other beginners find vital posts, or should i say specific posts within threads.
its very easy for threads to become huge due to thanks yous and suggestions, etc. (they can also stray way off path). obviously these are fantastic and move threads forward, but i was thinking that it would be really great, and save loads of time, if posts where an author, say, releases a tweak/hack or unlocker, has one main thread which they use to release. this thread is locked to replies, but a link is added to another reply thread, where other members can add their comments and suggestions, etc. the author could reply to individuals on this sub-thread, but post important comments and updated releases on the main thread.
thus anyone wanting to either view the history of an item, or just simply download the newest version of a hack could do so without the hassle of searching through say 30 pages.
this would also allow those who want to read the 'other member' comments do so.
obviously the sub thread would link up to the main thread...
i dont want to step on toes, but hopefully other members would agree and some new posts could start this way to see how it goes.
comments, remarks wellcome...
Well I think your idea is a good one in many ways but as updates come about comments and tips also come about and if they are all in order with the updates it does help with it as sometimes the author/developer of the a hack or tweak doesn't always get the instructions perfect and the experience of the other members as they try it and find a better way of using it or installing it helps and if you have them all in the same place and without the need of searching through another forum to find the right part of the page that corresponds with the current version. I think it would almost need to be put into portions. Example for the original hack has a forum then the next version has a forum and then it would keep it in order. What do you think??
as an alternative, a listing of the post # and date announcing the new release by the version number and content listing on the original post of a thread, or the "locked" thread suggested in this thread.
funkydan: I think it would make a lot of sense. I'll try to remember, but it can be hard to enforce. Good policy though.
V vbmenu_register("postmenu_952517", true);
One thought is if when you select New Thread you are given two options one for general threads and the other if you are wanting to post a piece of software etc and if they are wanting to post a normal thread they get taken to the normal thread creator but if they want to post a piece of software etc they are taken to a template where the enter in the info and then automatically another thread is created within that thread for other users to post. What do you think?
I notice a lot of new members joining this fantastic website, great the more members the better the knowledge pool.
Sadly I note that a lot of these new members are all asking the same questions, such as:
Which ROM is best
How do I install cab files
Whats the best software
Tweaks that work for
I like many other members spend a considerable amount of time just gleaning the info we need for our particular device and am grateful for the time spent by the developers who do the hard work.
Thanks to you all
However, the noobs want it all served on a plate!!
I have a suggestion, when a newly registered member of the group joins they are limited only to post in stickies for a the first 20 or so posts. Then, hopefully they would have gleaned the info wanted from those areas before being let loose in the wild.
Just a suggestion
but in a utopy web forum... welcome all we alll say read read read before ask... and search, use the search tab... so if nothing of this happends they always ask... so we are here to redirect them to the right way.
search button
whats that?
About 5 months ago, I had the idea of creating a site strictly for themes for rooted Android phones. Of course, I did my research and there are a few out there, but none of them had the organization or information one needed about any certain theme. So, I went with my idea and now today, here I am with the initial design of my latest project, Central Themes.
The way I see Central Themes is a place where developers can sign up for their own developer profiles where they will be allowed to upload their themes with screenshots, features, descriptions, etc.
Now, while users will not be able to sign-up for their own profiles, they will be able to comment and leave their feedback on themes on the website.
Now, why am I posting this here? Simply put, I need your feedback and who better to ask for feedback than the users of the themes and the developers who create them!
Right now, all I have are the initial designs and that's where you guys come in. Check out http://www.centralthemes.com/feedback and tell me what you think!
What features would you like to see added, what other information needs to be put on the theme pages, would you like forums, etc, etc, etc.
So, please, feel free to send an e-mail to the address on the website or feel free to leave your constructive criticism in this thread.
Travis James
I don't now if is allowed to post this here i know is posted on general but no one go to general so!
Here we have source code please mirror to let the code arrive to all devs more fast possible
Mirror dropbox
Man are you rude! Obviously he just wanted to share. He even sort of apologize if he were on the wrong spot. But yes, the post is misplaced. But you all are. On this forum we try to help eachother. Want to share hate? Guess there are several forums for you. Not here!
did you know? You are a NOOB on XDA so don't blame others if they don't know where to post or they posted something that is not allowed...tell them that they didn't posted in the right section or things like that but no hard feelings please.....:laugh:everyone is here to help each other
Honestly, I'm quite annoyed you all here at xda! You all handle like scum! Sry but I can't say it anyway better.
Just because you are an experienced user at xda, it doesn*t give you the right to blame other people, who want to help the whole community. What is so wrong, to share dev stuff? He didn't just give a mirror, no he uploaded it so we don't need to extra super slow LG server to develop new stuff out of this.
It's really a shame, seeing you all act like this..
If you feel attacked by me now, feel free to press the report button.
Firstly I've closed this thread as there is already one open which you linked to. Development is only for work created by you so if you didn't make it then it shouldn't be there. General is for all discussions which this should've been if there wasn't already one going on.
Secondly I've cleaned the thread as what I read was ridiculous. Simple guidance would've been fine, i.e. it doesn't belong in development but what need was there for so many people to abuse the OP? Zero as stated by Impact7! If you've got nothing useful to say, then please say nothing and just report posts you don't agree with and let the mods take care of it.
Hey guys. I had nowhere else to ask this question, and this is kind of relevant to the subject matter of the website, so I figured I'd ask it here.
Is there a forum dedicated to programming with a huge user base and an active beginners section? Some perhaps very well known website that most everybody uses?
Thanks for the help.
Here is a good place to start:
Programming Basics
LoopDoGG79 said:
Here is a good place to start:
Programming Basics
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How is that even vaguely helpful? He's asking for something specific, and it's quite a sensible request.
@Bodoma there is a programming forum on here, but it's quite new so not particularly busy. Given time I'm sure it will build up, but there's already lots of people you can chat about programming with and get advice from.
That forum is specific for app development for the platforms we cover on xda.
As for specific coding issues, get familiar with StackOverflow.com. It's a *very* useful resource that most developers are aware of, even if just to leech from it (nothing wrong with reading and learning )
Archer said:
How is that even vaguely helpful? He's asking for something specific, and it's quite a sensible request.
@Bodoma there is a programming forum on here, but it's quite new so not particularly busy. Given time I'm sure it will build up, but there's already lots of people you can chat about programming with and get advice from.
That forum is specific for app development for the platforms we cover on xda.
As for specific coding issues, get familiar with StackOverflow.com. It's a *very* useful resource that most developers are aware of, even if just to leech from it (nothing wrong with reading and learning )
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Ooh, I had no idea that forum existed on here. Thanks for the help, Archer. As far as a preliminary glance at what StackOverflow is, it seems like a great platform that I can use to ask a ton of questions and see what kind of answers I get.
I did Google, by the way, but the results that were returning didn't have communities as big as I would like, since popularity is the only way I can tell whether or not the website is reliable, as I do not know enough about the subject matter to use another method of filtration.
Thanks again, I really appreciate it.