[Q]TouchDown not syncing - Nook Color General

Has anyone noticed that on rooted 1.1.0 touchdown is not syncing anymore? I'm sure it was working on my auto-nooted 1.0.1 but then I restored several times and now on the newly installed rooted 1.1.0 I can no longer sync my google contacts. I then tried it on nookie froyo and can not get it to work either. Can anyone with touchdown verify that?


[Q] Unable to download from market. Rooted 1.1

I messed up my NC last night so I went back to the stock 1.1 ROM via CWR. I then rooted it using autonooter 3.0.0. Everything is working fine again except market. I can not download anything. It says "starting download" and thats it. How do you resolve this? I am sure this has been asked before so feel free to point me to the needed thread. Thanks!!
See the steps 7-15 on the autonooter 3.0 thread. I rooted mine tonight for the first time via autonooter 3.0 and had the same issue until I signed into youtube and gmail. Just follow the steps and you should be good to go.
Go into your browser and make sure you are logged into google mail. If you are logged in, log out, then log in again. I ahd to do this a couple of times today before it worked out it should download.

Nc unrooted by itself.

Can anyone help? Here's what happened. I rooted my nc then I was playing with for a while. Then I clicked on one off my files that I installed myself, clicked on it and my nc restarted. When it turned back on it had the nc boot screen instead of the customized boot up screen. When I tried setting it up again and signing on to my gmail account it was working. So I had to unroot the whole thing. Now everything works. But can someone explain why it restarted and kind of unrooted by itself? Thank ill really appreciate it.
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Perhaps a Software Update reset your NC.
What file did you run? Also, what firmware version is your Nook currently running vs what version was it running before?
My firmware version is 1.0.1 right now. It hasn't changed. I used autorooter 2.12.25.
I actually just had the same thing happen to me with mine. It's a 1.1 from the box. All I was doing was changing some wall papers, then re-booted to try and install a different keyboard but didn't get there before seeing there was an "authentication problem" and needed to reset. I noticed some quirks after I was playing in rom manager and tried to reboot into recovery from there...whoops. I flashed nookie froyo and didn't like it, and I think reverting back gave me some issues. I've unrooted and re-rooted as of last night. I think I may just exchange it while I have the option. I used the 1.1 image posted somewhere here to un-root and used auto nooter 3.0 to root.
This just happened to me. I think it had to do with verifying my books, making sure they are legal copy's or something. or maybe updating one of my subscriptions. (Don't know)
My Nook is updated with 1.1.0
I rooted with autonooter 3.0
My thinking is that I should de-register and re-root
Than access my nookbooks thru a market app.

Issues with the update 1.2

I rooted my nook using MN 4.5.6 after I updated to 1.2
My device failed to reboot after I updated the flash player to 10.3, I suggest that no one does that.
Flash only works with built-in browser, for example if you install Dolphin browser it won't work on it.
I'm unable to update the market app like i have done in the past, thus the problem with tilting the device sideways to load more apps still remains.
Anyone has a solution to any of these issues?
bump bump bump
I wish I could be of some help, but at least I can reply as to whether I'm having the same issue.
My (well it's technically my wife's) NC came with 1.1
I updated that to 1.2 from the barnes & noble site, then rooted it with the latest manual nooter (4.5.18 I think.)
I did not update flash however, and flash works just fine in Dolphin HD.
The easiest thing to do would probably be to just flash to stock and then re-root it. You'll end up losing stuff, but it's probably the most sure-fire way to get back to a working state.
Edit: I have no idea what can be done about the market issue. I'm having that as well and it's kinda irritating.

No Market Functionality with 1.3 & MN 4.6.16 - Please Help!

After the original 1.3 update broke the root, I re-flashed 4.6.16 and all was well, I downloaded & installed from market and everything was just fine....until recently.
I am still using my 3 installed apps without issue (overdrive, kobo & kindle), but I am unable to download new apps or updates. The download seems to happen, but I get an "!" in the notification area telling me that the app/update was not downloaded.
Last night, I used settings to clear market data, I uninstalled the market update (rolled from 3.0.27 back to 2.3.*) and re-booted, and still no luck. Then I tried a full restore from Titanium backup of all settings/app data from when it was successfully re-rooted with market working, re-booted and still nothing.
Could I flash 4.5.25 over what I have? Then re-flash 4.6.16, would that fix things? Does anyone else have this problem?
I searched the threads but no one else seems to have lost all market functionality.
Any help is greatly appreciated - I need to update some apps and I would like to add some more. Now it's just a reader and....a reader. I would hate to wipe it and set it up all over again.
I Gave Up....
....Restored 1.2, Flashed 4.6.16 and market is back and operational. I deleted the pre-installed flash 10.* using TB, then downloaded flash 11 from the market.
I then changed "auto" to "manual" to block the ota 1.3 update which I assume is inevitable. I followed the instructions found here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=946969
All seems well -- but that last thread is kind of old, I am hopeful nonetheless.
Does anyone know if my problems are solved? I did not reboot for fear of the boot loop.
I don't care about whatever B&N 1.3 does, 1.2 with full market is much happier for me.

[Q] [NC][1.2][1.3] ManualNooter 5.12.19

Since this BBS considers me a noob, I am posting to this forum instead of the developer forum.
There has been some excellent work done on updating the ManualNooter to support the latest Nook Color software release 1.4.1. GMPOWER posted a new ManualNooter version 5.12.19 that rolls up all of the previous versions plus the tweaks to get 1.4.1 working on the NC.
I started with a stock 1.3 then updated to 1.4.1 before applying MN 4.15.15 then MN 4.6.16 before changing the permissions allowing 3rd party apps. Of course Market and the B&N Shop didn't work as documented. Next I tried 4.6.16 without success before applying GMPOWER's 4.15.19. Now I can download purchased items from the Shop but none of the Google apps work including Market.
I know that billingdl was able to get everything working doing something similar to me, but I can't seem to get the Google apps working. They fail when loading so I assume that it is a problem with them trying to authenticate my account. I would have gone back to a stock NC last night if I would have found the link to the one-click factory restore and tried just applying 4.15.19. Does anyone have any idea on how I can get the Google apps working again?
milliman said:
[...] I started with a stock 1.3 then updated to 1.4.1 before applying MN 4.15.15 then MN 4.6.16 before changing the permissions allowing 3rd party apps. Of course Market and the B&N Shop didn't work as documented. Next I tried 4.6.16 without success before applying GMPOWER's 4.15.19. Now I can download purchased items from the Shop but none of the Google apps work including Market.
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I understood the "secret" to GMPOWER's mn-5-12-1X was that it did NOT incorporate some of the database mods that the previous versions did. If you ran the previous versions, they broke things, in other words. I was in the same situation, and actually did the factory reset then just ran GMPOWER's latest. Everything is working fine now.
What method did you use for a factory reset. There are about 3 of them out there. A couple of days ago I saw a link for one-click reset, but now I can't find it.
Thanks bobstro!
I stopped being lazy and took my NC back to a stock 1.4.1 then applied GMPOWER's fix. Market and Gmail work along with the B&N Shop downloads. I still can't get the Google search widget to open up in a browser though. Now I have the fun of restoring all of my apps to the NC. At least everything work. Thanks to bobstro for the nudge and GMPOWER for his excellent work.
milliman said:
Since this BBS considers me a noob, I am posting to this forum instead of the developer forum.
There has been some excellent work done on updating the ManualNooter to support the latest Nook Color software release 1.4.1. GMPOWER posted a new ManualNooter version 5.12.19 that rolls up all of the previous versions plus the tweaks to get 1.4.1 working on the NC.
I started with a stock 1.3 then updated to 1.4.1 before applying MN 4.15.15 then MN 4.6.16 before changing the permissions allowing 3rd party apps. Of course Market and the B&N Shop didn't work as documented. Next I tried 4.6.16 without success before applying GMPOWER's 4.15.19. Now I can download purchased items from the Shop but none of the Google apps work including Market.
I know that billingdl was able to get everything working doing something similar to me, but I can't seem to get the Google apps working. They fail when loading so I assume that it is a problem with them trying to authenticate my account. I would have gone back to a stock NC last night if I would have found the link to the one-click factory restore and tried just applying 4.15.19. Does anyone have any idea on how I can get the Google apps working again?
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where is this new MN?????? I looked everywhere....how can i get it?
I've found it... for everyone else...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1054027&page=162
milliman said:
I stopped being lazy and took my NC back to a stock 1.4.1 then applied GMPOWER's fix. Market and Gmail work along with the B&N Shop downloads. I still can't get the Google search widget to open up in a browser though. Now I have the fun of restoring all of my apps to the NC. At least everything work. Thanks to bobstro for the nudge and GMPOWER for his excellent work.
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That's pretty much what I did. Sorry, I don't use that widget, so can't help you there!

