Help Me Please - Galaxy S I9000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

after applying new ROM I have this problem:
In "Android System recovery <3e>"
"update media, please wait
E:Can´t mount /dev/block/stl10
(Invalid argument)
e:copy_dbdata_media:Can't mount DBData"
you can see a picture of phone:
can anyone help me?

ax_araujo said:
after applying new ROM I have this problem:
In "Android System recovery <3e>"
"update media, please wait
E:Can´t mount /dev/block/stl10
(Invalid argument)
e:copy_dbdata_media:Can't mount DBData"
you can see a picture of phone:
can anyone help me?
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im no pro. but im sure it has to be 2e to do it, not (3e) to get to 2e u need firmware 2.1 eclair how i help. some1 correct me if im wrong


[Q] What is this? ERROR Message on Recovery Screen!

I got this this msg on recovery:
E:Can't mount /dev/block/stl11
(Invalid argument)
upadate media, please wait...
upadate media, finished
--Appling Multi-CSC...
Instaling Multi-CSC
mps_dat value: XEE
copy_multi_carrier from: XEE
multicsc : can not acces to /system/csc/XEE/syst
copy_common_data E:Can't mount /dev/block/stl11
(Invalid argument)
E:Can't mount /dev/block/stl11
(Invalid argument)
I got this msg after my galaxy forced close, I guess it was was stuck on boot, it would not pass the S logo, was showing black screen and it was vibrating once_ pause_ twice every minute. I tried to flash with odin3 1.7 , pit 512, eclair, it worked, canot access market(msg still there), i flashed with froyo xxjpo, same message, and not able to download from market, and not have unmount option on sdcard...
thanks for helping guys, great forum!
try to see if you can format it
if not, then you are potentially looking at a dead internal SD
thanks for ansewer
I tried that it said fromat complete, but i still have the error message! the phone is working fine, other then being able to download from market...
u think that I can replace the sd card?
I had this same error using I think it was JM8 Firmware at the time, try a different firmware, fixed it for me =]
thanks I just flashed
it's working!
rasdaq said:
it's working!
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Click to collapse
Good good

[Q] Telstra GT 9000T Can't mount dbdata

I tried to flash to jpu with Odin, Odin stopped responding before doing much, and I ended up with this error on my phone at the reboot:
E:can't mount /dev/block/st110
(invalid argument)
E:copy_dbdata_media:Can't mount DBDATA:
copy default media content failed.
I've tried to flash the telstra firmware back and tried a couple other roms. Odin reports success on everything but the jpu, but I still get the error after the reboot.
Can anyone provide this noob with some guidance?
Did you find a solution to this? have the same problem...

[Q] e:cant mount /dev/block/st111 market not working

I have darkys rom 9.1 installed and ive had this issue as ive come up the version as well, for some reason my cache wont format and i think this is causing market issues for me.
When i goto update or download a new app it says downloading for 2 seconds then just disappears.
If i try clear cache in clockworkmod it says
"formatting cache"....
e:cant mount /dev/block/st111
(file exists)
error mounting /cache/!
skipping format...
cache wipe complete
e:cant mount /dev/block/st111
(file exists)
e:cant mount cache:recover/log
e:cant open cache:recovery/log
e:cant mount /dev/block/st111
(file exists)
e:cant mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p2
(file exists)
e:cant mount /dev/block/st111
(file exists)"
Any ideas??
Ok i found a fix. Flash JPC with 512 pit with repartition on, and use the csc file provided in the folder.
Flash, and then you can install the latest roms to get back to normal!
Can you let me know if this works please mate as I have had same issue with the same Tom, even flashed a different Tom and same proven exists now
yep it works! send me a pm if u have any troubles. cheers

[Q] What happen with My galaxy tab p1000?

On first boot I get :
Update media, please wait
E: Can't mount / dev/block/stl10
(Invalid argument)
E: copy_dbdata_media: Can't mount DBDATA:
your storage yet, please use UI menu for format and reboot actions
copy default media content failed
What I have to doing now???
Help me, please

[Q] need help urgent here

Hi, I'm using darky 10.1 before..
i try to install using SGS kernel flasher..
but after reboot, it just stucked on i9000 logo.
and when I pres vol up+home+power, I could not enter cwm recovery.
I found "android system recovery<3e>"
what should I do?
E: can't mount /cache bla bla in red text.. help please..
I think I must install cwm using odin.
how to install cwm using odin?
vol up+home+down is working.
need help.
E: can't mount /cache bla bla in red text.. help please..
this part is important, give us more info
or if you want to flash with another ROM you can do it, your able to get into download mode
its your call mate
good luck
RorixRebel said:
E: can't mount /cache bla bla in red text.. help please..
this part is important, give us more info
or if you want to flash with another ROM you can do it, your able to get into download mode
its your call mate
good luck
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Click to collapse
I would like to install another ROM, but I must disable lagfix.
(and I can't disable it due I can't access cwm)
e: copy_dbdata_media: can't mount /dbdata
your storage not prepared yet, please use UI menu for format and reboot actions.
Meida files copy failed.
#manual mode#
--applying multi-CSC...
installing multi-CSC
can't access to 'system/csc/XEE/system'.
sucessfully applied multi-CSC
e: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument)
e: can't mount /cache/recovery/recovery_kernel_log
e: copy kernel file :: can't open /cache/recovery/recovery_kernel_log
e: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument)
e: can't mount /cache/recovery/log
e: can't open /cache/recovery/log
e: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument)
e: can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log
e: can't open /cache/recovery/last_log
e: failed to mount /cache (invalid argument)
I think i remember this error.I had it one time when i forgot to take out my external sd and sim while i updated my speedmod kernel.Then i could see i have speedmod kernel in the phone information,but no CWM in recovery.I fixed by flashing the kernel again with Odin.I hope this helps.
problem solved!
thank you for answering..
