stretch the screen ? - Nook Color General

Has anyone figured out a sure fire way to fix the stretch to full screen issue with some apps/games. Spare parts fix doesn't really do it.
Is there any way to make apps/games that only fill 1/4 of the NC screen, expand to fill the entire screen ?
Thanks for any tips.
Rooted Nokie 1.1.1 with all hacks and CWR


nexus live wallpaper problem on rooted slide

Well I got CM6 on my slide and I see a prob, actually this happened before.
I use launcher pro and for some reason the nexus live wallpaper, whedn you touch a spot its suppose to have an effect. Well when I touch the screen, the effect appears all the way to the right. Any help oh this? Anybody had this problem?
remixtherom said:
Well I got CM6 on my slide and I see a prob, actually this happened before.
I use launcher pro and for some reason the nexus live wallpaper, whedn you touch a spot its suppose to have an effect. Well when I touch the screen, the effect appears all the way to the right. Any help oh this? Anybody had this problem?
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I noticed the effect is only accurate on the main screen. ie when it's multiple screens, the further away from the main screen I get, the more offset the effect is from where you touch it.
If I go from multiple screens to one screen it doesn't show unless I manually switch to the first screen and then change it the option.
Sorry if that sounds confusing lol, but that's what I did. I know there's an option in screen settings for choosing your main screen.
nexus lwp is not programmed for our displays. it is displaying the touches based on our Touch Screen on a HDPI screen display so thats why on the VERY LEFT screen all of your touches are perfectly drawn. but because our hardware display is smaller the hdpi display your seeing is offset to the right.
hope that somewhat explains it for you.
its the equivalent of comparing a 22 inch rim roll one rotation and a 10 inch rim roll 1 rotation. the 22 inch rim will roll further than the 10 inch.
We unfortunately have the 10 "
Just a thought but the new t-mobile motorola charm is blur with 2.1 and has live wallpaper support including the nexus lwp, considering its the same resolution as the slide and all lower res screens couldn't we pull it from that?
After that post I decided to search for an existing dump of the charm to take a look, I was unable to locate one so I will dump the system from one of the units I have tomorrow then see if anyone is interested in working on the lwp or porting the blur 1.5 with android 2.1 to other devices such as the slide.

Honeycomb: Problem with default screen resolution

Hi, I'm running into the issue that the screen is being rendered larger than the physical size of the screen so status boxes sometimes partially off screen and app icons get half hidden in the corners.
I plaid around with build.prop, but it didn't really help any. Is there a way to modify the home screen without changing the resolution? Also, if anyone knows of a way to change icon sizes short of installing a different launcher, that would be a huge plus.
I've read that there are limitations in place for the preview image that kind of create this problem. If I understand the problem correctly it may be a case of changing pixel density but the preview image doesn't let you go beyond a certain density so even then the problem still exists. It's probably just something we have to deal with until Honeycomb becomes publically available for development.
This makes sense. The only reason I care about this is that when I use Aldiko, I can't see the top line of text because it pushes the words above the actual screen.
Does anyone have a recommendation for an E-Reader that they use successfully on HC???
xdadidida said:
Hi, I'm running into the issue that the screen is being rendered larger than the physical size of the screen so status boxes sometimes partially off screen and app icons get half hidden in the corners.
I plaid around with build.prop, but it didn't really help any. Is there a way to modify the home screen without changing the resolution? Also, if anyone knows of a way to change icon sizes short of installing a different launcher, that would be a huge plus.
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You changed the LCD density in build.prop and the screen didn't change???
What is your lcd _density set at?
Sent from my NookColor using XDA App
I haven't really looked into this but I do know there are ports of honeycomb for various phones such a the evo, maybe try pulling the build.prop from one of those and see howe they altered screen density.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
i've tried changing the number but havent had much success through the buid.prop. Any ideas on a good number and which number to change? Looks like there are 3 density numbers
For Honeycomb, I found that 120 is the best lcd density, it shows all the options when you expand the settings from the clock, it also displays the correct number of running apps in the quick change button (or whatever you call it) Also, Lcddensity is a good app for trying out diffrent settings. For Aldiko, I recommend increasing the margin size to see the top line of text, not a perfect solution, but it works.

Apps sizing correctly

Hey I'm on 1.0.1 rooted and after watching peoples videos of playing say need for speed running full screen and when I load it up on my nook if does not fill the whole screen. They also appear to be on the Barnes and noble rom
Let me rephrase my notifacation bar does not go away so the app does go full screen but the motivation bar stays there(set at lcd density of 250)

Does anyone have the straight poop on wallpaper for HC?

I am having trouble with using custom wallpaper and need some input from you fine people. I understand our tab has a resolution of 1024X600 so plain, dumb redneck logic tells me a wallpaper image of that size will fill the screen perfectly and completely. However, that is not the case apparently.
If I put a 1024X600 image on the tab and select it as wallpaper, I am presented with a photo-cropping interface that FORCES me to crop the picture. OK, no biggie, it is high-quality at 300dpi, so I do that and it includes the whole picture I want displayed.
The problem comes when you actually go back to the home screen, the picture has been blown up so damn large that it only shows a small piece of the image.
Does anybody have any real specs on what format the wallaper needs to be in?
I've searched forever regarding this as well...and can't find a straigt answer. What's strange to me is that if you click on a picture on the web, and select set as wallpaper, it will be formatted relatively accurately (there's a little cropping, but not much) if you save the same photo, and set it as wallpaper through the setup screen, it's all zoomed in and cropped horribly.
I've used an app called Wallaby to set wallpapers. you can tell it to NOT resize the image you select, and it works OK.
Basically, what I've found is that even though the resolution is 1024X640, you actually need an image that's more line 1024 wide by 1920...the reason for this is that when you are presented with the "crop" screen, you select a box, but it will only actually show the top 1/3rd of that box as your wallpaper. If you make the box smaller, it will select the top 1/3rd AND zoom in. the odd part for my is that the box is not axis are only able to crop vertically AND horizontally, not one or the other.
If you pull out a wallpaper image from a rom, you'll see that it's REALLY tall, and the bottom 2/3rds are pretty much blank...that's how it needs to be made in order to look right on the tablet.
so, if you can locate an image that's 1024X1920, it will not zoom in, but it will only show the top 1/3rd of the image on the screen as wallpaper...
Hit up the market for MultiPicture Live Wallpaper. Free app. Easiest way to get the most of your wallpapers back in landscape. Most of the current versions of android are based around Portrait orientation so it crops to fit across a few smaller windows.
For those with newer devices that are landscape oriented, we get screwed. lol But, gladly this app is free to get what you need done at the very least. Has some other interesting features too, need be, but a lot are paid features, I think.
Hope this helps.
Flick ur pics from the market does a really fine job also.
Sent fom my OC'd CM7 gTablet
theclassicalgod said:
Hit up the market for MultiPicture Live Wallpaper. Free app. Easiest way to get the most of your wallpapers back in landscape. Most of the current versions of android are based around Portrait orientation so it crops to fit across a few smaller windows.
For those with newer devices that are landscape oriented, we get screwed. lol But, gladly this app is free to get what you need done at the very least. Has some other interesting features too, need be, but a lot are paid features, I think.
Hope this helps.
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I actually have had multi-picture live since I first got the tab. It does something very strange with BoS. Multi-picture provides for screens 1-7 but the device shows screens 8-14 so it won't even configure correctly at all. I am sure it is the difference in res for screen.
Actually, I have been able to get both 1024X1024 and 1024X600 images to work with the regular wallpaper chooser. The problem comes after waking it up from sleep, the image is borked.
Tried Wallaby - absolutely worthless for me. Wallpaper Wizardrii is ok, but still difficult to work with.

[Q] Flash 10.3 Fit to screen or Original size

I might be going mad but I am sure I remember pressing the menu button while watching a flash video in full screen and getting the option to view as fit to screen or original size.
Cannot seem to do this now. Am I imagining things?

