Nook Color Registration - Nook Color General

Hi all !
earlier I registered my Nook Color with gmail id and later I deregistered it.
Now I want to register it back, while using different gmail id, it is not working nor it is letting me to create a new B&N account. How to do this ?
Or do I have to register it again with earlier gmail id ???


[Q] Change B&N Registration Email Address

Does anyone know of a way to change the email address to which the Nook Color is registered (Settings>Device Info>About Your Nook Color>Account) after you've rooted it? I feel really dumb, but I must have typo'd my email address upon re-registering it, leaving the "m" out of "gmail". So now my BN account isn't syncing with the device.
I know that I can go the long way around and reset back to factory presets, register and re-root, but I was hoping there might be a shortcut to editing the device Account settings. Any ideas?

Adding B&N Account

So im rooting someones nook color and they updated to 1.2 and i downgraded them to 1.1 and for some reason when i try to add the B&N account in the initial setup it says something about it can't register at the moment, etc. So i can't get passed the OOBE therefore i bypassed it by skipping that. But when i went to the home screen for the NC i can't find a way to add the account. Can someone help me to get the B&N Account on this NC? Thanks!
do you get error DAD1202 on the bottom left on the error screen? if so the nook is already "partially registered". as in, their servers say it is registered but it is not associated to anyone's B&N account.
however, this is an easy fix, it requires you to call B&N and have them unregister it and then re-register it to a B&N account that has a credit card and address on file.
Hmm sounds about right, i did deregister the device before i did anything.. But the error is DAD1007, i don't know if it's any different. But i called and they told me call back an hour later as their system is down.

[Q] Nook Color : How do I sign in to Market as different user

I'm running MN 4.5.6 on NC 1.2. I signed into Gmail with the wrong user that I had purchased apps from the market. How can I "sign out" of gmail and the market and sign back in as a different user?

[Q] Exchange Email Device ID Change

I am hoping someone can help me out. I have my work email setup on my phone using their webmail address. If I use the standard address, i am required to have Maas360 installed, which is not an option with me being rooted. Anyways, if I have the email program I use, which is either Nine or Mail Wise, setup for ActiveSync, my business server will catch it and block me. So, I have to setup the email app to scan for new emails every X minutes.
The problem I am running into, is I did not know that I had to have ActiveSync turned off, so now my device is banned when using Nine mail. So, I tried the same with Mail Wise, and got banned again. Now, on my third app, AquaMail, I have realized the problem, and its working great. However, I would prefer to use Nine mail. When trying to go back into Nine and recreate my account, i get an error that my device is blocked. I get the same error on Mail Wise. Both list a different Device ID. NineXXXXXXX and MailWiseXXXXXXXX. Is there a way to change this ID? I tried creating a new ID in Titanium Backup and that didn't change the IDs in the mail apps.
Thanks to anyone who can help!

FRP Security forgot Email Address

I just bought a Moto Droid Turbo, I had to test the device so I signed in into play store with a random ID (which I created during the process when we open play store in mobile).
After all the testing I decided to Hard reset the mobile. After resetting, it is asking me to sign in from the ID which was previously synced on this device.
The problem is that I have forgot the email address, though I remember the password.
I tried searching on internet on how to bypass this, couple of videos on youtube tells to hold "world" button on the screen where is ask for email address, but that is not working on my mobile.
Is there any way I can see the email address which I used with this mobile.
Also I didn't link my phone number neither added any alternate ID.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

