Adding B&N Account - Nook Color General

So im rooting someones nook color and they updated to 1.2 and i downgraded them to 1.1 and for some reason when i try to add the B&N account in the initial setup it says something about it can't register at the moment, etc. So i can't get passed the OOBE therefore i bypassed it by skipping that. But when i went to the home screen for the NC i can't find a way to add the account. Can someone help me to get the B&N Account on this NC? Thanks!

do you get error DAD1202 on the bottom left on the error screen? if so the nook is already "partially registered". as in, their servers say it is registered but it is not associated to anyone's B&N account.
however, this is an easy fix, it requires you to call B&N and have them unregister it and then re-register it to a B&N account that has a credit card and address on file.

Hmm sounds about right, i did deregister the device before i did anything.. But the error is DAD1007, i don't know if it's any different. But i called and they told me call back an hour later as their system is down.


[Q] Address Book

I have a Att Captivate. I just rooted it. Can I remove the Att address Book that came with he phone without causing problem? I wanted to replace it with the one by Assurant. Please Help. I don't want to start by causing myself problems.
Do you mean remove the default contact program?
AT&T has a backup program that back's up the address book, but if you don't set it up first, it doesn't do anything.
No I mean, can I replace the default address book. It does not have all that I'm looking for in a address book. I would like to replace it totally with the Asurion Mobile AddressBook for Android. But I don't want to cause phone problems that can not be reversed. If I can what do I delete?
there's plenty of storage on the phone and the address book app isn't that big. Just use the One you want and try to ignore the fact the other one exists.
The first step for installing the new address book is to remove all other address books because of conflict. So do I just ignore this step?
patillo5 said:
The first step for installing the new address book is to remove all other address books because of conflict. So do I just ignore this step?
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maybe provide a link to the app?
I am still unsure what you are trying to do. Android stores data in different databases - There are front end apps that access this data. There is the Contacts application that lets you link contacts from google, phone, exchange, etc.
The only place i have to even see anything called the AT&T address book is under contacts->settings; if i go to set up AT&T address book it is just to manage contacts online and backup and recover. I have no app for AT&T address book - but then i never set it up to start with.
If you do have an address book outside of the rest of the databases, then it is possible your email and other apps won't have access to your contacts - but again, I am not familiar with the app you mention. I can't find it in the app market, or via google.
Removing original AB, adding Asurion
alphadog00 said:
If you do have an address book outside of the rest of the databases, then it is possible your email and other apps won't have access to your contacts - but again, I am not familiar with the app you mention. I can't find it in the app market, or via google.
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I am 99% sure he's referring to Asurion Addressbook for Android 1.6/2.0
I am a noob so I can't post a formatted link but the website is
ok, OP [original poster] In terms of removing the stock contacts app.... Use "Titanium Backup" and remove
------[contacts 2.1-update1]
*********BUT DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!! I tried it and it made my phone unstable...
However, I did find that I don't have conflicts with Asurion ..... So far....
WHatever you do, don't try "Phonebook 2.0" it's the worst app ever.

[Q] Change B&N Registration Email Address

Does anyone know of a way to change the email address to which the Nook Color is registered (Settings>Device Info>About Your Nook Color>Account) after you've rooted it? I feel really dumb, but I must have typo'd my email address upon re-registering it, leaving the "m" out of "gmail". So now my BN account isn't syncing with the device.
I know that I can go the long way around and reset back to factory presets, register and re-root, but I was hoping there might be a shortcut to editing the device Account settings. Any ideas?

[Q] Registering with Barnes and Noble

So what do we do if registering with BandN fails.??
Is it necessary even if we dont plan on using a Barnes and Noble account and haver never been in one??
You have an unrooted Nook and can't register with B&N? Can you specify the problem? I went to the B&N site on my computer, created an account, then when I got my Nook signed in and it automatically registered.
its a rooted nook.
it throws an error when trying to log into an existing account or trying to create a new one.
error 500
says call b&N which i did. they recommend returning it.

[Q] Failed to add google account

I was happy with the NF, and added all the gApps after installing it. It worked fine. However the contact.apk was missing, so I reinstalled NF using CWR.
After that the contacts was back but since then I can't add google account after gApps are added. The "can't establish a reliable data connection to the server" error showed up every time.
I tried to reinstall NF, back to stock 1.0.1 and NF again, changing the time, delete settings.db, or even the YouTube trick. All of them don't work.
Any suggestions to solve it?
*update*: Youtube trick worked:
1. Go to and sign up for a new account, using the email address you want to add to your phone
2. Open the YouTube application on your Adroid phone, sign out of your account if you're currently signed in (menu button -> sign out)
3. Sign in-menu button-my account, log in with your EMAIL ADDRESS (not your YouTube username)
4. Now You're all done - you can sign out of the account in the YouTube app again if desired. Go to Settings-Accounts and you should see your account in the list.
Market is not working anyway...
Getting the same error after installing Nookie Froyo v0.6.7 to SD, and adding the Gapps (per the wiki), try to add account/Google results in "can't establish a reliable data connection to the server"
I can surf web, use the Facebook and Youtube apps.
Google's Blunder
Search google for can't establish reliable data connection change the options to 'latest' and it looks like this one's on google. I just flashed my firmware for my elocity a7 and got the same error all last night and this morning when trying to sync my google account. Hold fast, daylight will break soon. . .
The YouTube worked when I try to add "" after my username.
However, the Market gives me a "A Server error has occurred. Retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen." error message and I can't get in. Contacts and Gmail is now working though.
Im having the same issue.
Picked up my Nook Color yesturday evening, I've booted Honeycomb off the SD card and then used HoneyGApps.v2 to install Market and a bunch of other apps.
However I get the following error when attempting to add my Google Account:
"Cannot Establish a Reliable Data Connection"
Tried a few things like clearing app cache and rebooting but I can get around this issue.
Anyone have any ideas for what I could try? Im connected to a strong wifi connection so its not a connectivity issue, I can browse the net no problem.
Signing into Youtube with your gmail account username/password gets you logged in, but it looks like a Google network server is down now, so still no Market access
It's Google's problem after all?
I used a WHOLE DAY trying to fix it...(censored)
you sure it's Google's server down?
wrdoss said:
Signing into Youtube with your gmail account username/password gets you logged in, but it looks like a Google network server is down now, so still no Market access
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I opened the Youtube app and tried to sign in.
Even though I haven't "setup" a youtube account before... I used my Gmail address I was trying to add to my Nook. Youtube signed me in.
I went back to Settings -> accounts -> Accounts & Sync.. it gave me a black screen that was there for about 20 seconds. Then I got the "add account" screen with my GOOGLE account listed. When I opened it, it had nothing listed. Then, Calendar showed up. As I sat there, Picassa Web Albums, contacts and Gmail later appeared and started synching.
The sync of those items took about 20 minutes. (I did uncheck picassa).
Trying to open Market, I now get "a service error has occured" so I tried...
Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> All -> Market
Clear Cache then Force Stop -- DO NOT clear data
Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> All -> Google Services Framework
Clear data then Force Stop
It didn't help.
Also, I notice my browser seems a little slow, and while the facebook app runs, it takes a bit to load up... And when I launch the Gmail app, it shows about have the screen worth of mail, but I see the "loading conversations" at the bottom of the screen for about 5 or more seconds
I just turned my Nook on this morning to find that I can now add my Google account and open the Market. (Morning being 7.50am UK Time).
Must have been a glitch or a few reboots required....
@dhumpherson, what issue did you have previously with adding your account? Was it after you click ont he android robot (right at first screen) and attempt to enter your gmail account? That is where i cannot have success. I did enter into gmail before rooting, and i've read that may be an issue and i need to get rid of the data saved from that login, but i haven't located instructions yet for that.
If you had been unable to login at that initial screen but found an answer please let me know what you did. *If i enter an incorrect password the continue interface will tell me this, so it knows i'm entering the correct one when i do, but it just returns me to the login page, after the display blinks.

[Q] HD+ factory reset

When I registered my new Nook HD+ it adopted my wife's name as the primary user. Apparently this cannot be changed. Can anyone here verify that a full factory reset erases the primary user profile name? I do not want her name on the device.
wb8nbs said:
When I registered my new Nook HD+ it adopted my wife's name as the primary user. Apparently this cannot be changed. Can anyone here verify that a full factory reset erases the primary user profile name? I do not want her name on the device.
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If you meant "erase and deregister", yes it will remove her name. But if you register again with B&N using the same email address, her name will come back. You must register using a different email if you want your name on it.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 using XDA Premium
Got it
leapinlar said:
If you meant "erase and deregister", yes it will remove her name. But if you register again with B&N using the same email address, her name will come back. You must register using a different email if you want your name on it.
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Thanks. I took a deep breath and reset to factory default. Then changed the email on the BN account to a different provider. It still came up with my wifes name. Next, established a clean new BN account under my name and a different email provider and reset again. That time it worked. Now busy rebuilding the Nook as I had it configured.
I think it's could be not so easy, as it looks like.
I'm not sure, it's not confirmed, but I have a report from user who says his Nook was blacklisted after (he said "just erase and deregister from a device itself".
So, in order to make a pure reset, you probably have to login to your wife's B&N account, goto Manage My Nook, select a device and Deregister it.
It will delete all of the books purchased on this account, and you will be able to legaly register a device after that.
barmalei7 said:
I think it's could be not so easy, as it looks like.
I'm not sure, it's not confirmed, but I have a report from user who says his Nook was blacklisted after (he said "just erase and deregister from a device itself".
So, in order to make a pure reset, you probably have to login to your wife's B&N account, goto Manage My Nook, select a device and Deregister it.
It will delete all of the books purchased on this account, and you will be able to legaly register a device after that.
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If the device successfully completes the erase and deregister then it is removed from the account on the B&N server. Then the device is free to be registered to anyone else. However, if it just erases and does not successfully complete the deregister (by not being connected to wifi at the time) then it is still registered to that account and not available for anyone else. Then the solution is to register the device to the same account again and try the erase and deregister again.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 using XDA Premium
leapinlar said:
If the device successfully completes the erase and deregister then it is removed from the account on the B&N server. Then the device is free to be registered to anyone else. However, if it just erases and does not successfully complete the deregister (by not being connected to wifi at the time) then it is still registered to that account and not available for anyone else. Then the solution is to register the device to the same account again and try the erase and deregister again.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab 2 using XDA Premium
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If I'm following your issue, when you first set everything up and sign into your shared B&N account, it set's the Nook as 'Mary's Nook' and you want it to be 'Mike's Nook'?
If that is all you want to do, do the following:
After unlocking and seeing the main home screen, tap on 'Mary's Nook' in the top left hand corner, tap Edit Profiles, tap Edit Mary, select the 'Change Name' in the menu, and change it to Mike.

