[REQ] Flashable GApps for Eclair - Nook Color General

Does anyone have a CWM flashable gapps zip? All of the ones I can find require adb pushing to /system. Preferably with Gmail contacts sync and the full suite of the Eclair GApps.


[Q] Gapps needed with CM6 nightlies?

Is flashing the latest Gapps with roms still necessary or can we just install the apps from market now?
pongalong said:
Is flashing the latest Gapps with roms still necessary or can we just install the apps from market now?
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At least you need a market app already on your phone.
I think all other ones you can install....
GApps package includes more than just the Google Apps... there are some Google Sync and Backup apps as well... but you could trim down the package to include only those files and remove the actually apps like Gmail...
craigacgomez said:
but you could trim down the package to include only those files and remove the actually apps like Gmail...
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How can I do it ?
Remove apk's from zip?
Yeah you gotta install gapps or you won't get access to the market
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
You need some parts of the GApps part... but you can get rid of all the application like FB, Twitter, GMail, Youtube which are now available via the market. If you want to trim down the package... remove all "now-in-the-market" apps from the zip file and resign it and flash it (search for resigning instructions). If you use clockwork recovery, you can turn off signature checks and leave the zip unsigned and flash it.
You should always update to the latest gapps when available. If you don't, and google releases an update to a google app, it will be installed in the nexus one's pathetic internal storage area. (Yes you can then move it manually using rootexplorer to system data)
Sent from my Nexus One

How to install gapps on CM7?

Hi, I just installed CM7 on my Gtab. I did a Google search on how to get Market (& other google apps) and I found you have to flash "gapps" through Clockwork Recovery. Is this through the app, or the recovery? I'm completely lost. I'm no noob, but I've never used CyanogenMod before. Can someone point me to a download and walk me through it?
Sent from my Droid Charge running GummyFroyo 1.9.1
Technomancer pointed out that you can find the apps on goo-inside.me but I have not tried it myself.
I choose the regular approach, I download the apps from apktop.com and install the apk. Simple, and the bonus is that I get the modded maps which allow me to do navigation (saves me 30-60 bucks)

[Q] Invert inverted apps

I've a quick or not so quick question, I'm currently using the Arcania mod http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1579813
and right now it uses inverted apps, maybe a lot of people like it, I don't (get headaches
is it possible to re-invert them back to normal, I tried it once with the infinitum mod (copied apk's from another rom) but got a lot of force close errors
thanks in advance
Try install gapps via recovery..
If that doesn't work then uninstall all the apps you don't like via titanium backup and then install gapps.
When you tried it with infinitum did you clear the data from the apps that you changed..?
Yeah sure but the inverted apps also included the dialer and contacts and that's not included in the gapps package
Your going to have to extract a stock zip, or any rom that has the stock apps you want and install them manually..
You will have to move them from your sd card to the system and change the permissions first.

Custom G-Apps Package CM7 and CM9

Is it possible to build a lightweight GApps package by editing an existing GApps ZIP? If it is could someone tell me which are the essential things to retain there. I tried one and I left only 3 files- Market.apk, GoogleServicesFramework.apk and MarketUpdater.apk and it crashed my CM 7.2.
I think they are all required. Which gapps did you download? There are seperate for the versions of CM7. Also, did you check the MD5 and make sure it matched?
Yess, finally did it. Took Gapps 20110828 for GB and unzipped it. Took out all useless apks from system flder and zipped it back. Flashed it and it works fine. I dont have that stupid Car Home, Gtalk and many other bloatware.... only market. Thanks Bio.

Help with cyanogen gapps

I want to try cyanogenmod and install all that is needed, obviously also vending and stuff but I don't want to have goolge+ nor hangout not gmail. Can I install gapps and remove them 100% safely? Is there a way to install only a subset of the apps contained in the zip? Any solution?
Cellulario said:
I want to try cyanogenmod and install all that is needed, obviously also vending and stuff but I don't want to have goolge+ nor hangout not gmail. Can I install gapps and remove them 100% safely? Is there a way to install only a subset of the apps contained in the zip? Any solution?
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Best thing to do is to just flash the gapps then manually remove the apks of the apps you don't want from the system. You could modify the zip (remove apks) resign it and flash the 'lighter' zip, but make sure it is done properly because the last time I done it I ended up in a bootloop which pretty much wasted my time.
What do you mean exactly? Should I flash, boot up, and with a file browser seek these files and delete them, or delete them after flashing, without letting my device boot up?
Cellulario said:
What do you mean exactly? Should I flash, boot up, and with a file browser seek these files and delete them, or delete them after flashing, without letting my device boot up?
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Flash the ROM then the gapps, then reboot the device via the recovery. Once it is booted use the built in file manager (or your own choice manager) with root access to remove the apks. Once removed reboot the device and your done. This is what I always do, I don't like messing around with zips.
Also be careful of what you remove, if unsure then google the apk name, better safe than sorry.
Or alternatively you can use a claimed to be lightest gapps package.
TechnoSparks said:
Or alternatively you can use a claimed to be lightest gapps package.
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I'd also recommend using a light/slim/small gapps package, you can find many of them on xda. If some apps are missing (like Gmail or maps), you can install most of them from play store once you have the Google service installed (they are on any gapps package)
Go for the pico modular package from the following link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2397942
try find with google 7-2_GApps_Minimal_4.4.4_signed.zip only 23mb tested with all rom based cm 11 4.4.4

