Howdy. I have an android phone that is debloated and runs like a top. Use CWM regularly etc.
Intrigued by nookcolor, bought one. Using nook w rooted stock eclair Rom with preference to ADW launcher. It is pretty cool and overall does the job. But overall wish it was snappier. Not to mention miss the standard notification banner at top of screen etc
Before I blow away and see for myself, wondering how much performance I could gain if I were to blow away stock launcher/ROM and run a native (nook adapted) eclair or froyo ROM.
I tried the froyo build that runs from SD, granted a type 4 SD card, but it was very slow. Presumably running off internal storage would be better.
My only hesitation is that this is a shared device. If I go to a native ROM I will need to use nook apk instead of standard oem nook UI...just not as sexy.
if the speed improvement is substantial enough I will take the plunge. But having hard time w decision. advice?
Many thanks
Go for it, i love this thing it flys on hc with the 1.1 ghz kernal.
Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using Tapatalk
Have you looked into overclocking? General results are it seems "snappier".
The best thing about the nook to me is if I don't like the way one OS runs, it is so easy to return to stock. So I have tried them all. Really. Ended up on Honeycomb v4 on eMMc and don't think I'm going back. Least problems for me, so far. I like the nook app better than the native.
My wife's is running Autonootered 1.0.1 and she likes it better, since her's is primarily a reader with the occasional movie and angry birds game.
I don't read much so the tablet is better for me.
I guess my advice is RESEARCH x 3 and make your decisions based on what you primarily will use the device for.
I've been running 1.1ghz OCed nookie Froyo 6.7 for several weeks now. Getting quadrant scores of around 1800, which is about 600 more than I got with the stock rooted eclair rom. One sticking point, there is a touch input lag with going from screen to screen, but as far as I know it's a driver issue that will hopefuly be corrected. Other than that, every app/game I use runs better/faster on Froyo. Even Flash is working beautifully. You mentioned using the bootable Froyo SD card (I used a class 4 card aswell), and I can confim it's FAR slower than booting it off of the eMMC.
Good luck, hope you make the leap into Froyo.
woot1524 said:
I've been running 1.1ghz OCed nookie Froyo 6.7 for several weeks now. Getting quadrant scores of around 1800, which is about 600 more than I got with the stock rooted eclair rom. One sticking point, there is a touch input lag with going from screen to screen, but as far as I know it's a driver issue that will hopefuly be corrected. Other than that, every app/game I use runs better/faster on Froyo. Even Flash is working beautifully. You mentioned using the bootable Froyo SD card (I used a class 4 card aswell), and I can confim it's FAR slower than booting it off of the eMMC.
Good luck, hope you make the leap into Froyo.
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Was getting slower quadrant with .6.7 then with .5.9
1200 vs. 1800
I'm having my Nexus One for about two weeks now and I already started a thread about the choppy scrolling between homescreens but now I want to know if there are other people that find their Nexus One slow and if they were able to make it faster in any way.
When I bought this phone I thought android would 'fly' on it cause I already had a HTC Magic and that went reasonably fast. But everything I'm using on my Nexus One feels choppy and not fluent as I expected/want it to be. For example when you start the browser or any other program you get this zoom animation which is nice but it doesn't go fluent, it goes choppy like you would play a videogame with 5 FPS.
And as I already mentioned the same counts for the launcher, it's just not fluent and doesn't feel fast at all.
I've tested different rom's, froyo, etc. but nothing seems to make it right so now I'm wondering if there are people that have the same issue's? Is it normal that the Nexus One isn't super fast to use or is there something wrong with my phone and should I return it?
i think something is wrong. especially with froyo the phone is ultra-fast.
Try Linpack and some other benchmarks and post the results.
Or try osmonitor for example and see what the cpu speed does, perhaps it is stuck @ 245 mhz for some reason lol
Ok, my score in Linpack is 6844 (MFLOPS). Don't know if that's good or bad. In BencmarkPi my Nexus One calculates Pi in 2842 miliseconds. And in Neocore I get 26.4 FPS which seems pretty normal to me.
I don't think my problems are hardware related, it more feels like it's the software.
Ow and I ran OSmonitor now and there's something strange. It says Memory Total: 217.440K Free: 67.500K
Is this a known bug or should it say 512MB?
renegadEEE said:
Ok, my score in Linpack is 6844 (MFLOPS). Don't know if that's good or bad. In BencmarkPi my Nexus One calculates Pi in 2842 miliseconds. And in Neocore I get 26.4 FPS which seems pretty normal to me.
I don't think my problems are hardware related, it more feels like it's the software.
Ow and I ran OSmonitor now and there's something strange. It says Memory Total: 217.440K Free: 67.500K
Is this a known bug or should it say 512MB?
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your using eclair without a highmem kernel, thats why it only shows that much RAM. What roms have you tried? Try cyanogens or even stock froyo and see how the speed improves. I think you may be feeling its slow because of the extra animations that werent present during 1.6 which is what the MT3G is on
flybyme said:
your using eclair without a highmem kernel, thats why it only shows that much RAM. What roms have you tried? Try cyanogens or even stock froyo and see how the speed improves. I think you may be feeling its slow because of the extra animations that werent present during 1.6 which is what the MT3G is on
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But the kernel thing doesn't affect the speed? I believe stock Froyo is one of the best I've tried so far. I tried cyanogen too, 5.0.7 I believe, but the launcher was extremely slow on that one.
Or am I flashing my roms the wrong way so things don't run smooth? I just download the .zip files, put them on my sd card, boot into recovery, whipe and flash. Normally it should work that way I believe.
And on my HTC Magic I was using a rom with Sense UI that worked very smooth. Maybe I should try the Desire ports but I like the stock Nexus One UI better.
Also I can't understand why there are developers OC'en the Nexus One? If it's really that fast already why would you risk that you're phone dies quicker for that extra performance?
And I don't hate animations, I even like them, but not if they are choppy.
renegadEEE said:
But the kernel thing doesn't affect the speed? I believe stock Froyo is one of the best I've tried so far. I tried cyanogen too, 5.0.7 I believe, but the launcher was extremely slow on that one.
Or am I flashing my roms the wrong way so things don't run smooth? I just download the .zip files, put them on my sd card, boot into recovery, whipe and flash. Normally it should work that way I believe.
And on my HTC Magic I was using a rom with Sense UI that worked very smooth. Maybe I should try the Desire ports but I like the stock Nexus One UI better.
Also I can't understand why there are developers OC'en the Nexus One? If it's really that fast already why would you risk that you're phone dies quicker for that extra performance?
And I don't hate animations, I even like them, but not if they are choppy.
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the kernel is actually the primary factor when it comes to speed. how the kernel manages actions on the phone is the deciding factor on what makes it run fast. you can have a very fast phone hardwarewise, but if the kernel is designed poorly, the phone will run slow as well. Using a kernel that does not have highmem enabled means your probably running an older kernel that does not have updates for speed. the latest froyo kernel has highmem and JIT enabled for faster application use as well as over smoother feel.
i love the animations as well
im coming from the G1 and i havent had any of the of the problems you seem to be having. you are flashing the roms correctly (unless there are additional things such as google apps you need, idk whats the procedure on that for the nexus) Im running fully stock with froyo FRF72.
I would imagine that Desire would be SLOWER than stock android not faster. However the animations may be better optimized. I only used sense on the G1 and it was slow as heck on there (i would have used it all the time otherwise) The main reason that things look so choppy is because rendering is not handled by the GPU, rather the CPU. This puts more strain on the CPU than should be necessary.
I don't get why they OC the CPU either. Seriously, 1gHz is fast for a PHONE. I can understand why when the phone starts getting dated why you would....but its not gonna be dated till at least Q4 2010 when the 1.2-2gHz snapdragons are coming out.
Qualcomm will have a 1.5gHz ready for new phones this year. DUAL-CORE
As for the problem. Sounds weird. Try LauncherPro for a test. That is smooth launcher that flows like butter. If that is choppy then there is something seriously fu-bar going on with yer phone
I've flashed the stock froyo FRF50 now and till now it looks a lot better. OS manager now shows a total of 400MB memory. Is this the normal amount it should show? Or should I be looking for another kernel for froyo? And what is the difference between froyo FRF50 and FRF72?
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so is your nexus smooth and fluid now? because mine is very smooth swiping the homescreens. using launcher pro. no choppiness at all.
Stock launchers to me are kinda choppy too. And that was my only complain with the nexus. Like the previous posters advised, try launcher pro and adwlauncher, tweak the settings to your liking and you'll see the difference. As far as kernel for froyo try pershoots kernel, it seems to be very smooth and speedy.
renegadEEE said:
I've flashed the stock froyo FRF50 now and till now it looks a lot better. OS manager now shows a total of 400MB memory. Is this the normal amount it should show? Or should I be looking for another kernel for froyo? And what is the difference between froyo FRF50 and FRF72?
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Ok, thanks for al the replies and great advice! With the fresh Froyo rom and a better kernel everything goes way better now!
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renegadEEE said:
Ok, thanks for al the replies and great advice! With the fresh Froyo rom and a better kernel everything goes way better now!
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400 is normal. FRF72 seems to help battery life greatly for me. browser seems more stable and google apps have been updated (alarm and calendar)
renegadEEE said:
Ok, thanks for al the replies and great advice! With the fresh Froyo rom and a better kernel everything goes way better now!
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Minor suggestion - install ADW.Launcher (you'll have to tweak the settings a bit to make it nice) or Launcher Pro (works great as is) with your Froyo ROM. You'll thank me for it. The stock launcher scrolling is choppy - always has been, never was really fixed in Froyo (at least as of FRF50 - I haven't even bothered trying it with FRF72).
Anyone working on getting gingerbread working on our acer yet? I was just curious...I still have not tried putting the phone to the stock rogers 2.2 yet...I am running a leaked version of 2.2 however it is a bit buggy...when I turn it on I loose most of the apps that were loaded on my SD card...was hopping to just wait for a custom 2.3...cheers
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
I don't think Acer will give it, but chances for cooked roms are not too bad.
Watch [email protected] forum, there is a post, I am not allowed to post links yet.
andymp3 said:
Anyone working on getting gingerbread working on our acer yet? I was just curious...I still have not tried putting the phone to the stock rogers 2.2 yet...I am running a leaked version of 2.2 however it is a bit buggy...when I turn it on I loose most of the apps that were loaded on my SD card...was hopping to just wait for a custom 2.3...cheers
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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Thanks...I will keep my eye on that thread...I just picked myself up a Dell Streak and a Samsung Captivate to play with so my Liquid e has been collecting dust...might give me a reason to play with it again...Can't wait...Again thanks man
Android 2.3 are coming to liquid and liquid e. But all hardware will not never work perfectly if acer doesnt relase official 2.3. If you want more information, check modaco forums.
im actually burning the 2.3 right now so ill let you all know how it goes. im a bit of a noob but i can definatly tell if my phone doesnt work properly i did a quick quadrant on my stock rogers 2.2 and got 643 so we will see how that improves with 2.3.
im actually a little confused about that cause i just got my liquid and came from the crappy x10. the x10 was laggy and slow as hell but it scored aroung 900 on the quadrant.. the liquid scored much lower but it seems soooooo much more responsive and fast to launch apps...
oh well i love the acer.
The reason for the scores is in the hardware. The X10 and the Liquid E have the same CPU, but the Acer's CPU is downclocked for battery life. The Acer has 512MB RAM, whereas the X10 only has 384MB. Lastly, the X10 has 1GB internal storage, and the Liquid has 512MB. The slower CPU would account for the lower Quadrant score, while the higher amount of RAM would account for the phone feeling overall more snappy.
colinjlyon said:
im actually burning the 2.3 right now so ill let you all know how it goes. im a bit of a noob but i can definatly tell if my phone doesnt work properly i did a quick quadrant on my stock rogers 2.2 and got 643 so we will see how that improves with 2.3.
im actually a little confused about that cause i just got my liquid and came from the crappy x10. the x10 was laggy and slow as hell but it scored aroung 900 on the quadrant.. the liquid scored much lower but it seems soooooo much more responsive and fast to launch apps...
oh well i love the acer.
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Quadrant = bull****
I wish everyone would stop posting there stupid quadrant scores all over every forum.
wtf does a high quadrant score do for you if you have a laggy rom???
I've found that using an external class 6 sd card and move all apps to it using the older method increased the speed of the phone considerably. I'm thinking that the internal memory is slower than other phones.
friend has this, doesnt like it
get a class 10 card (just got one).wow my phone got a new brain
Hello sorry for offtopic i need help to figure it out what is best for my bf he has to renew contract soon with telus but was thinking on change to rogers, is it more reliable, rogers users? Im just impressed that being in CANADA you have ripping off companies rogers, telus, and bell 3 bigs, with those prices and limits, pay for income calls too? wtf, no way. Anyways i was checking for that deal in rogers with the acer liquid but doesnt convince me, soo what are your suggestions to a good plan with data and decent minutes and texts for less than 40 bucks is that possible, tho minutes ill complement with a freephoneline sip config and texts i can complement with google voice . He needs to keep his number
I'm thinking about getting one and just using it as an android tablet.
I wouldn't be surprised if it ran honeycomb quickly with a 1ghz overclock
comdei said:
I'm thinking about getting one and just using it as an android tablet.
I wouldn't be surprised if it ran honeycomb quickly with a 1ghz overclock
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I just got one yesterday and it is nice. Only dislike I have is it gets fingerprints on it very easily. Screen is beautiful and so crisp makes me wanna cry . I got mine OCd to 1.1ghz and I love it
mcp2009 said:
I just got one yesterday and it is nice. Only dislike I have is it gets fingerprints on it very easily. Screen is beautiful and so crisp makes me wanna cry . I got mine OCd to 1.1ghz and I love it
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I just got mine wondering if you could tell me which option you did to root your device and how did you overclock it ?
Patrikc8 said:
I just got mine wondering if you could tell me which option you did to root your device and how did you overclock it ?
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No problem. I used this to root. And I use this kernel I'm using 1.1ghz eclair and this rom
I'm on the same boat as the OP. Can't decide between the Nook and the Viewsonic G tablet. How stable are the 2.2 roms on the Nook? I watch streaming live sports on my Streak and Nexus S a lot so flash is a must have for me.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
Honestly it's pretty bad. Running it off of a SD card is dirt slow for me compared to my Incredible, and lots of people are bricking their nooks trying to run off the emmc.
Plus, we have no hardware video acceleration at all in Froyo. Youtube doesn't work either.
My hopes are hanging on Cyanogenmod 7. If it doesn't come out before my return period is up, I'm afraid I may be returning the nook.
mcp2009 said:
No problem. I used this to root. And I use this kernel I'm using 1.1ghz eclair and this rom
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so the root allows you to install android applications
the kernal allows you to over clock it
what does the rom do?
thank you
computerpro3 said:
Honestly it's pretty bad. Running it off of a SD card is dirt slow for me compared to my Incredible, and lots of people are bricking their nooks trying to run off the emmc.
Plus, we have no hardware video acceleration at all in Froyo. Youtube doesn't work either.
My hopes are hanging on Cyanogenmod 7. If it doesn't come out before my return period is up, I'm afraid I may be returning the nook.
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on a class 6 sd card, i scored a 1560 quadrant on sd booted nookie. Thats not overclocked either. My best on stock rooted eclair with 1.1 ghz was just under 1200. Thats a big difference. Flash and youtube worked. Maybe you are trying to run it off a class 2.
It works fine.
cabbieBot said:
on a class 6 sd card, i scored a 1560 quadrant on sd booted nookie. Thats not overclocked either. My best on stock rooted eclair with 1.1 ghz was just under 1200. Thats a big difference. Flash and youtube worked. Maybe you are trying to run it off a class 2.
It works fine.
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Quadrant score has nothing whatsoever to do with the inherent latency or slow speeds of even a class 10 sd card compared to internal flash. Its flat out sluggish in comparison.
I haven't ran froyo on anything better than a class 4 sd card. I wound up back on 2.1 on internal memory. It was just a little too laggy. I'm currently working on getting it on emmc. I was shopping around in the $300 range right before christmas and the nook was the best option for an android toy. Prices may have changed on others since then, but the nook hardware is really nice besides lack of bluetooth. Price vs what you get I don't think it can be beat.
ryan562 said:
I'm on the same boat as the OP. Can't decide between the Nook and the Viewsonic G tablet. How stable are the 2.2 roms on the Nook? I watch streaming live sports on my Streak and Nexus S a lot so flash is a must have for me.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App
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it really depends, it runs fast off the emmc (internal memory, if you didnt know) or a class 6 or class 10 micro sd, but if all you have is a class 2 or 4 its near impossible to use...
if you wait a couple of weeks the CM7 rom (android 2.3) should be completed... i cant wait!
computerpro3 said:
Quadrant score has nothing whatsoever to do with the inherent latency or slow speeds of even a class 10 sd card compared to internal flash. Its flat out sluggish in comparison.
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a huge part of quadrant is the i/o of storage, so wouldnt a faster card result in a higher score (and therefore faster device?)
mckooter said:
a huge part of quadrant is the i/o of storage, so wouldnt a faster card result in a higher score (and therefore faster device?)
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oooohhh, shutdown computerpro...
but seriously, mckooter's arguement makes sense
mckooter said:
a huge part of quadrant is the i/o of storage, so wouldnt a faster card result in a higher score (and therefore faster device?)
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Yes, but the increase in score between a class 2 and class 10 card is miniscule compared to even overclocking just 100mhz. Try it yourself. The difference in speed from a class 2 card to a class 10 card is a few mb/s write speed. The difference in write speed between a class 10 card and the internal flash is likely an order of magnitude or so. Of course we can't know for sure until we can benchmark the emmc, but this would be consistent with the performance of other devices.
Regardless, froyo on a SD card is not as fast as I need it to be, period. I hate using a device when I "outrun" it - I don't like waiting around for softkeys to pop up, etc.
Back to Stock
Having a screen related issue with my NC, and I just wanted to confirm before shipping it back that all I have to do to return it to the stock 2.1 install + standard recovery is do the 6x interrupt.
Are there any steps I am missing?
I'm running the 1.0.1 NC interface, 1.1Ghz OC, and Zeam interface over it. It's very fast and feels native. I see no reason to boot from an SD card when I have the "android interface" essentially anyways.
However I cannot play any video other than H.264 SD. (and no hulu/netflix yet of course)
I have been running Nookie Froyo on the EMMC for a while now and have been getting Quadrant scores in the 1400-1500s every time. Just follow all the info on and you will be fine.
|attf| said:
I'm running the 1.0.1 NC interface, 1.1Ghz OC, and Zeam interface over it. It's very fast and feels native. I see no reason to boot from an SD card when I have the "android interface" essentially anyways.
However I cannot play any video other than H.264 SD. (and no hulu/netflix yet of course)
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You know in the last 24 hours I really focused on this, as opposed to doing the whole Froyo thing.
Wow. Now I really enjoy this thing. Lack of flash is a big issue, but honestly using button savior instead of softkeys and getting updated to 1.1 have made this a fantastic daily use tablet.
I'm running stock, 1.1.0, Zeam, Dolphin HD and loving it. No Flash, but that doesn't really bother me. Can handle movies, YouTube, Angry Birds, web browsing, every eReader format and service, and my favorite news reader - Pulse. Started using Calibre and Aldiko for a ton of additional news sources for train reading. Got a ton of other apps as well, and in my opinion there is no noticeable lag in anything I do on the Nook, but I mostly love it as a hugely capable reader. Great device!
Sent from my rockin' rooted Nook Color using XDA App
Yeah, nice. I did have to go to Dolphin 4.2 to get pinch-zoom to work. The latest (4.3) doesn't work.
Today I tried that bootable honeycomb. It's slick looking.. but not fast yet. With 1.1Ghz and 1.0.1, I'm hitting about 1200 on the bench mark. Fine.. I just really wish we had video acceleration for video OTHER than h.264. I don't "read", but bought this to play with. If i'm out and about, i use my iphone to tether the NC.
Now that we have a couple rom choices...I thought I would start a thread about raw speed.
I'M running the 0.6.8 1100 rom
with the update
Quadrant scores...1567, 1792, 1963, 1983
I never thought we would see 1900's from this device.
This sucker flies.....I'm loving my NC again
sudermatt said:
Now that we have a couple rom choices...I thought I would start a thread about raw speed.
I'M running the 0.6.8 1100 rom
with the update
Quadrant scores...1567, 1792, 1963, 1983
I never thought we would see 1900's from this device.
This sucker flies.....I'm loving my NC again
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Quadrant score doesn't mean much. Compare real world usage and you'll see that stock rooted performs much better than 0.6.8 at this time. It's especially evident when scrolling through rich websites which will stutter badly on 0.6.8. The same sites are smooth on stock. Eventually froyo will get there, but not yet.
Quadrant is meaningless for comparing one device to another, across different Android Builds. It is somewhat meaningful as a gauge on the same device for comparing between builds, in the same sense that you can gauge a car's speed by knowing it's horsepower - more is better.
That said, CyanogenMod-7.0.0-RC1-encore-KANG, which is currently running on my nook, errors out on Quadrant. General usability is on par with my G2, so take from that what you will.
nswenson said:
Quadrant score doesn't mean much. Compare real world usage and you'll see that stock rooted performs much better than 0.6.8 at this time. It's especially evident when scrolling through rich websites which will stutter badly on 0.6.8. The same sites are smooth on stock. Eventually froyo will get there, but not yet.
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this is true, even though i love honeycomb as much as i do the best rom to run is stock
im running honeycomb and i am getting about 1600's-1700's when i run but as nswenson said quadrant scores dont matter to much
Just installed a fresh CM7, stock kernel and then an OC kernel. I gotta say, CM7 felt noticeably slower than rooted 1.2. Quadrant showed 500+ points improvement on CM7, but that's obviously theoretical. Fruit ninja stuttered like crazy on CM7 no matter what kernel/setting I used. And browser performance didn't seem as slick.
I don't know, maybe it's just my nook, but I'm back to rooted 1.2....for now.
Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache.
Mine is definitely speedier.
tech_head said:
Wipe Cache and Dalvik Cache.
Mine is definitely speedier.
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Tried that, but no luck. Not a big deal. I used to run CM7 a month or two back and it was pretty good. I thought I'd give it a shot again since deep sleep is supposed to be working now. I still think my 1.2 battery life is better now.
Did you install CM7 to eMMC?
Yeah. Never liked how SD worked.
I would be surprised if games are not faster in my kernel than they are in stock 1.2.
There are several optimization in my kernel that is beneficial to 3D.
dalingrin said:
I would be surprised if games are not faster in my kernel than they are in stock 1.2.
There are several optimization in my kernel that is beneficial to 3D.
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That's the thing. I tried all sorts of speeds with your kernel and nothing was as smooth (at least in fruit ninja) as your kernel in 1.2. Fruit ninja was hugely stuttering. At first I thought maybe i had it OC'd too high as I've read too high can cause that, but then I lowered it to different speeds with no luck. Tried both nook tweaks app and the Cyanogenmod settings. The only thing I didn't try was using SetCPU.
All's OK though, it's just an observation/personal experience. I'm one of the few it seems that actually likes rooted stock (OC'd, of course). Both, when optimized, run pretty similar, aside from my last try with CM7.
Edit: I should note that in previous CM7 installations and the OC kernel I was able to get much higher Fruit Ninja scores. I thought it was either A) because frame rates were higher or B) frame rates were slightly lower. Never really looked into it.
Kayak83 said:
I'm one of the few it seems that actually likes rooted stock (OC'd, of course).
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I've seen quite a few people do the same lately, trying CM7 and settling on rooted stock, though citing aesthetics rather than performance. I can't speak for rooted/OCed 1.2, but CM7 definitely runs faster and smoother, on eMMC or SD, than 1.2 unrooted did. Of course, I can't compare app performance, since I didn't have any apps on 1.2