I havent had time to delve into dual booting froyo and eclair off the eMMC (dont want to lose the stock nook applications by just going to nookiefroyo) but the eclair video player cant handle orblive streams.. any ideas?
Nookiefroyo runs to slow off hte SD Card for me to use that
I'm new to Android and SGS is my first android phone. I got it a week ago and love it, not just the phone but also the OS compare to what iphone offers. so please excuse if I ask something silly.
Poping in a 8GB sdcard for and for the first time I see that Android / SGS does media scanning on the internal SD and external card (which I've never seen with Iphone). SGS informed me to format the external SD and I did, but for the next couple boots, it asked me the same thing again. However to me 16GB is more than what I need so I decided to remove the external to save some boot time and not to see the annoying formatting notification.
Kies lets me update to JM3, and then I found XDA and this forum custom roms. Tempting and immediately go straight from JM3 to JM5 using ODIN and Hackalair (update.zip), apply 1clicklagfix by Ryanz.
My first experience with the custom room was fast, very impressive but I figure out there's no Google voice search with Hackalair as he's removed most of the bloatwares from the origin package. Trying the external SD again to see if it's any better. It's sorta worse, the phone seem not to recognize the external SD card anymore, and then luckier after couple boots, the phone notifies me to format the card and never be able to complete the task.
I found Samset 1.9f, download it and update.zip from Hackalair to Samset, I got 2082 quadrant score, not sure if it's fast but compare to the chart it shows me, this is twice faster than the original SGS score. Bad thing, still no luck with the external SD card and no Samsung AP app (not sure if samset removed it)
So my question is this the phone hardware problem? Knowing that I have no problem using this card on my Blackberry. I've got the phone and have no issue to format & reinstall the ROM, is there anyway to do a proper format on the internal SD card and install the custom rom with google voice + Samsung AP app (i need these 2) and wonder if doing so will help me fix the thing.
This is off topic a little but I get used to Iphone's app that vibrate the phone when the outgoing call picked up. Can we have something similar with SGS? I also want to find an app that allow me to map a hotkey to compose SMS (i can press volume up on iphone to have a new sms compose screeen). Beside this, I found Android is more like a PC to me than iphone in many ways.
Thanks for the help guys.
I installed CM7 on EMMC and under Settings-->Storage, I am only seeing ~0.9GB of internal memory - wondering what happened to the rest of the 8GB? Not talking about an insertable SD card here, but the built-in memory on the NC (8GB Sandisk SDIN4C1-8g).
I had this same issue with Froyo, and brought it up but didn't really get any feedback, so now I'm wondering if it's just my install?
My SD card is only 2GB and I use my NC as MP3 player for the car, so it'd be really nice to be able to load up a few more tunes again. Besides this, CM7 is pretty awesome.
not just your install, I am seeing the same thing on mine. I also see the same thing on the honeycomb builds i've tried
i think thats just how the internal memory is partitioned... it'll prolly be fixed by the time a stable cm7 rom is out
Appreciate it! Glad to know I'm not the only one
Known issue that is being actively worked on. Has to do with how the partitions are being mounted on start-up. The other 7 gigs are sitting there unmounted in all current Gingerbread and Honeycomb ports.
Been a lurker since I bought a Nook and the Froyo is by far my favorite so far however I do have 1 question concerning it. Has anyone been able to get a 16gig class 10 mSD card to work? I've tried to burn it several times and while it will boot up it FC's pretty much any program I open. Dolphin, Nook reader app, Settings, NookColor Utils, Market, etc. Are these Rooted image's not designed to be able to run on mSD cards that are class 10's? Thank you very much for any light you can shed on this and hello everyone!
Just a update, even leaving this latest build (3/31) @ the default settings (didn't resize the last partition) it works for a short bit, but then everything starts FC'ing again. Think it's the class 10 part of this that is messing up?
Anyone care to share what they did to get their class 10 card to work? (if it did)
Currently I am running CM7 off internal memory and I have a SD card that has the apps and what-not on it.
I bought another SD card with the idea of making it a bootable Honeycomb install so I can try it out. I mean I completely enjoy CM7 and have everything set up perfectly the way I want it, but I also like trying new stuff.
So the question is this. Is it possible to do this in a way where the HC install won't affect the CM7 install? I mean when you go to install an app on HC would it put stuff on internal memory or somehow screw up the CM7 install? The idea is that when I want to go back to my stable CM7 I would just put its card in so the second HC card would just be for screwing around.
Anyway...that's the question. I'm guessing if I dug around enough and pulled information together from multiple threads I might figure it out, but perhaps others are interested in doing what I'm talking about too...so hopefully this is a useful post.
If you are running a ROM from SD, everything will be on the SD. The ROM is setup in such a way that it thinks the SD card is internal memory, so everything will get installed to it.
The only downside is that SD is much slower than internal (especially if you don't have a good card), so the experience usually suffers a bit.
You can certainly do this. I'm running stock 1.2 on EMMC and have a dualboot SD card of Phiremod(CM7) and Honeycomb (the latest version from Divine_Madcat). Nothing on internal is touched.
Regarding performance on SD, I have a transcend, class 6 that works flawlessly for CM7 and is a tad slow on Honeycomb. Might pickup a class 4 Sandisk tomorrow (if the price is right!) as i've heard that those are the best and are consistently faster.
Thanks guys. Got it going and its not half bad. I think that if the EVER release the source, this would be an awesome OS for the Nook.
Does anyone know if there is a Android SD rom available, like those people use for their HD2, etc. I want to try other ROM quickly but I don't want to go thru the steps to flash. It would be nice if I can just boot the rom from the SD card somehow.
That would require someone making a SPL/SBL like magldr.
The s7 doesnt have a custom SPL, do any tegra2 devices have a custom spl?
Until that time dont even bother thinking about something like that as it's a massive feat to pull off. The HD2 already is recorded in the annals of history as one of the few devices to have a good working custom spl as it's exceedingly rare for a device to recieve so much deep support to make it happen.
I was asking because I noticed there is a custom ROM running directly on SD card for nook color...hope someone will figure out...
The nook color was almost designed with that in mind wasnt it? It's prob easier if that's true, more importantly there's many nook users/devs in comparison to the S7