Does anyone have or know how to get a working market on a nook color with honeycomb on it?
Nook Color using xda app
Workin market on honeycomb
Mine is working.
What is the issue?
Did you installed it the way that is decribed?
adb remount
adb push system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk /system/app
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk
adb push system/app/Vending.apk /system/app
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/app/Vending.apk
adb push system/app/Talk.apk /system/app
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/app/Talk.apk
adb push system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk /system/app
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk
adb reboot
copied from
Different process
I used a different process, where did you get those instructions. I got mines on the UnLockr site. A used a bootable sd card with honeycomb on it btw
oh wait, i see where you got it now, srry i will try it and will see what happens
I'm really confused about the instructions, can anyonne put simpler instructions?
The instructions are quit simple...
have you got an etabilshed adb connection?
this is the basis to follow the installation-process for installing the google market.
once you have an adb-connect put the commands in a batch-file an it will work quit simple.
i dont think i have established an adb for my nook color. I dont know how to check. Im confused. Someone else rooted my nook color and he left so... i dont know a lot
You can find help at
Visit There you can find everything you need.
First you have to dowload the nook sdk.
I would like to visit you in calofornia to give you support, but I guess is it a little bit to far away from europe...
Read the pages on and i'm sure you will manage it.
Hi I was trying to install the new HTC_IME on my phone right now I am currently using 2.0 and I tried to install with appsinstaller and it didn't work. So is there a way to do it threw terminal emulator, or threw recovery?
I don't use adb cause I tried setting it up and it didn't work.
So somebody please give me a good reply! Thanks!
try with astro
if astro doesn't work try this.
you must have adb working. adb does wonders. works every time. top cmds is for adb and bttm is terminal on phone.
Adb remount
Adb push HTC_IME.apk system/app
Adb shell rm system/sd/app/HTC_IME.apk
Adb shell rm data/app/HTC_IME.apk
Adb shell reboot
Or from terminal
Mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
Cp *yourdir*/HTC_IME.apk system/app
rm data/app/HTC_IME.apk
rm system/app/HTC_IME.apk
since you dont use adb, if your using any kind of windows let me know and i can personally walk you thru an adb setup. i have encountered the worst of worst mess ups. durrr lol... fosho . . . . .
that doesnt make any sense, why are you removing HTC_IME right after you're done pushing it?
You need three files for HTC IME to work, HTC_IME.apk, Clicker.apk (both of those in /system/app or /data/app) and (in /system/lib)
Assuming you place all three in C:\
adb remount
adb push C:\ /system/lib
adb push C:\Clicker.apk /system/app (or /data/app if you don't have space)
adb push C:\HTC_IME.apk /system/app (or /data/app if you don't have space)
no need to reboot, just give it time to finish dexopting (about a minute) then go to Settings>Locale & Text and enable (checkmark) Touch Input, disable Android Keyboard if you wish.
About where to get the files? search, but it's easier if you search inside Cyanogen's (version 4.0.4 and below) roms and pull them from those.
rockin_mod said:
if astro doesn't work try this.
you must have adb working. adb does wonders. works every time. top cmds is for adb and bttm is terminal on phone.
Adb remount
Adb push HTC_IME.apk system/app
Adb shell rm system/sd/app/HTC_IME.apk
Adb shell rm data/app/HTC_IME.apk
Adb shell reboot
Or from terminal
Mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
Cp *yourdir*/HTC_IME.apk system/app
rm data/app/HTC_IME.apk
rm system/app/HTC_IME.apk
since you dont use adb, if your using any kind of windows let me know and i can personally walk you thru an adb setup. i have encountered the worst of worst mess ups. durrr lol... fosho . . . . .
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What do you mean by *yourdir*? Lol sorry kinda of a noob to this
Brandice128 said:
What do you mean by *yourdir*? Lol sorry kinda of a noob to this
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First of all thank you for taking my advice , the Q & A section is the best place for all your questions about android . Seeing that your new here it would be wise that you do some research on the following
cyanogen's 1.4 recovery
terminal commands
and so on . There's a lot but as you search you will find them ...
NOW the yourdir question ,it's on your SDcard where you downloaded your htc_ime.apk , if it's on the root of the sdcard (not in any folders) then just use cp sdcard/HTC_IME.apk or if you downloaded it then it's in your download folder then you do cp sdcard/download/HTC_IME.apk
adb remount
adb install directoryofyourfile\HTC_IME.apk
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worked for me
I just put cm7 on a sd and am running it on my NC. how do I get the market on it? I saw one link but don't understand how to do it.
If all you want is the market, you can download the newest market APK from my webserver. The link is:
To push it to the device simple connect the device to your computer using ADB and type the following in the console:
adb devices
adb install \path\to\the\downloaded\apk.apk
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Wait for it to successfully transfer over and install.
The viola, you have the newest market APK.
However, I suggest that you download the newest GAPPS from the cyanogen website and push over the whole gapps.
To do this, simply download the latest GAPPS from here:
Again, using ADB type the following commands:
adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
adb push [the path to your SDK tools folder]\system system/
adb reboot
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The console will show the progress of what apps are being transferred over and installed. Once it is done rebooting it will prompt you for logging in to your google account to setup your device. You can simply skip this (Tapping in each corner of the screen starting from the top left going clockwise) or you can proceed with the setup process.
Hope that helps
Thanks for the info. It took some doing because I haven't written code since DOS.
Thanx alot man i had the same problem and this worked perfecty
Not sure if it's important since /system/ is mounted ro anyway but all apps in /system/app/ have 644 permissions, pushing files with adb (whether in linux or windoz) will give them 755 permissions defaultly, so I usually do a:
chmod 644 [app-name].apk
after I transfer the file. Might be a good idea to do this if you are remounting it a lot.
PS. Themed Markets :-D
So, I just got this phone.
Not having permanent root is killing me, but I think this should solve the issue of disappearing su and busybox.
The general idea is to move all our root binaries to /data/local/bin, and remount /data to accept suid binaries (the 'su' binary requires sticky bit, aka chmod 4755). After you set that, you bind mount /system/xbin to /data/local/bin. Bind mounts stay in memory, and aren't cleared like mods to /system are.
This won't solve the issue of stuff in /system going away, but it will solve the issue of having your root utilities go away after a short amount of time.
This section would be run from the desktop PC on the first time of 'rooting' the phone:
adb install superuser.apk
adb push zergRush /data/local/tmp/zergRush
adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/zergRush;/data/local/tmp/zergRush"
adb shell "mkdir /data/local/bin"
adb push su /data/local/bin/su
adb push busybox /data/local/bin/busybox
adb push /data/local/tmp/
adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/;/data/local/tmp/"
and the '' file would contain:
mount -o remount,suid /dev/block/mmcblk0p34 /data
chmod 4755 /data/local/bin/su
chmod 755 /data/local/bin/busybox
cat /system/xbin/dexdump > /data/local/bin/dexdump
cat /system/xbin/wireless_modem > /data/local/bin/wireless_modem
/data/local/bin/busybox mount --bind /data/local/bin /system/xbin
on a reboot, all you'd have to run from the desktop PC would be:
adb push zergRush /data/local/tmp/zergRush
adb shell "chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/zergRush;/data/local/tmp/zergRush"
adb shell "mount -o remount,suid /dev/block/mmcblk0p34 /data"
adb shell "/data/local/bin/busybox mount --bind /data/local/bin /system/xbin"
and you'd be back to working.
let me know what y'all think, hopefully this solves something or isn't something already been done before
Thanks for looking!
upon discussing some other possibilities with a friend, he suggested "why not have this all happen on-device?"
it appears there may be a way to temproot/do the above all on the device without the need for a PC!
(dev details: adbd listens on localhost:5037, run zergrush then take adb client on phone connect to adbd on phone and run the temproot scripts)
exciting stuff here, folks!
This should work. If the device is killing any mods in the system folder just move it to the data folder. Just install superuser in the data/app.
Sent from my Sensation using XDA App
Sounds like an interesting idea. I've played around with moving su to different places with no luck, but I hadn't tried moving everything to /data. I'll try it and see if it helps!
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using XDA App
This works for my phone-- I've rooted it with this method, and rebooted then ran my 'on reboot' script, and the phone is good to go again.
Right now I'm working on a method to do all this on-device and at boot.
The process should work, since the zergRush exploit restarts the adb server as root, so in theory connecting to the adb server from the phone itself should give it root privileges.
Once you've got root privileges, the app can decide whether it's been 'rooted' before or not, and apply the proper script (either install busybox and su, or just re-mount the necessary partitions).
Hopefully this all makes sense, I'll try to make a proof of concept sometime soon... but I'll probably make a windows GUI first.
What about running a script that gives root on each boot
Sent from my Sensation using XDA App
you might talk to the guys that wrote the visionary root app that we used on the G2/desire z. i think it was paul obrien. it was an app that would do this on reboot for you.
Script Manager by devwom
Pirateghost said:
you might talk to the guys that wrote the visionary root app that we used on the G2/desire z. i think it was paul obrien. it was an app that would do this on reboot for you.
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Sent from my Sensation using XDA App
Pirateghost said:
you might talk to the guys that wrote the visionary root app that we used on the G2/desire z. i think it was paul obrien. it was an app that would do this on reboot for you.
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Speaking of visionary, has anyone tried that route yet?
malickie said:
Speaking of visionary, has anyone tried that route yet?
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Tried Visonary no go.
So nice of thecubed to up and leave the revo community and not say anything. Great job thecubed!
I've been Supercharged and Gingervolted!
RootedUser said:
So nice of thecubed to up and leave the revo community and not say anything. Great job thecubed!
I've been Supercharged and Gingervolted!
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Why you mad 4 bro?
Sent from my HTC PH39100 using xda premium
Not mad at all! "Bro"
I've been Supercharged and Gingervolted!
I got an OTA update to 10.2.1 on my Kindle Fire 2 (not HD) before I had a chance to try to root while on 10.1.3. Have any of you KF2 owners tried to root on the new ROM version?
Got it to root but I can't get my Holo Launcher HD to work. Does anyone have a fix for this?
strat6 said:
Got it to root but I can't get my Holo Launcher HD to work. Does anyone have a fix for this?
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just rooted my kindle fire 2 and wanted to know if there is a possibility to prevent it from auto-updating in the future?!
strat6 said:
Got it to root but I can't get my Holo Launcher HD to work. Does anyone have a fix for this?
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How did you get it to root? I followed the instructions given in
'[VIDEO] How to Root the Amazon Kindle Fire HD Tablet'
adb shell
rm -r /data/local/tmp
ln -s /data/ /data/local/tmp
adb reboot
adb shell
echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop
abd reboot
adb shell mount -o remount,rw /system
adb push su /system/xbin/su
adb shell
chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su
chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
rm /data/local.prop
adb reboot
adb install Superuser.apk
I typed in the directions as shown. On the step,
'adb install Superuser.apk'
I got an error that said the file was already there. I suspect that it didn't install. All other steps seemed to complete properly. I also tried the 'rootQemu.Bat' file way shown in,
But it didn't complete.
Any help?
---------- Post added at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 PM ----------
PMcHargue said:
How did you get it to root? I followed the instructions given in
'[VIDEO] How to Root the Amazon Kindle Fire HD Tablet'
adb shell
rm -r /data/local/tmp
ln -s /data/ /data/local/tmp
adb reboot
adb shell
echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop
abd reboot
adb shell mount -o remount,rw /system
adb push su /system/xbin/su
adb shell
chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su
chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
rm /data/local.prop
adb reboot
adb install Superuser.apk
I typed in the directions as shown. On the step,
'adb install Superuser.apk'
I got an error that said the file was already there. I suspect that it didn't install. All other steps seemed to complete properly. I also tried the 'rootQemu.Bat' file way shown in,
But it didn't complete.
Any help?
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Well, managed to get root again by folowing the above using copy/paste. Had to unplug/plug in the KF each time. What a pain. Amazon sucks for doing this to a good piece of HW.
That's what worked for me. Also reinstalled the Holo HD launcher and its working again. I saw people in other forums trying to remove the navigation bar in the go launcher, Holo gives you an option to hide it(It still pops up occasionally though). You can also add a home button to the screens so when you're looking at all your apps there's a touchscreen home button.
They definitely made this tablet time consuming to customize but with root and a custom launcher I still think this things a steal at $159.
lost root, adds are back
I recieved the ota update10.2.1 and lost root. Was able to gain root again and since then lost root and adds are back. Didn't loose launcher though. I'm going to try to Root again and try to block the ota this time.
Root problem kindle fire 10.2.1
strat6 said:
I recieved the ota update10.2.1 and lost root. Was able to gain root again and since then lost root and adds are back. Didn't loose launcher though. I'm going to try to Root again and try to block the ota this time.
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Hi, I have the kindle fire 2 10.2.1, but I have trouble making the root.
Which method I can use to do this?
Must be the same as the kindle fire HD?
Describing the kind of trouble are you having would be a good place to start...
"That's a special kind of stupid. The kind that makes me laugh"
soupmagnet said:
Describing the kind of trouble are you having would be a good place to start...
"That's a special kind of stupid. The kind that makes me laugh"
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I used "Qemu automated root" and it said it was successful and I see the SU App. I am not able to go to root explorer in ES file explorer (SU permissions denied) and the Root Explorer paid APP, I am not able to change permissions of any files/folders from Read only to R/W
I guess this means I am not rooted or there a step I missed? I did end up doing it manually by copy and pasting the code into cmd window but same results...
I tried to follow these instructions, first it says ''Neither ADB nor the SDK need to be installed as all needed files are included in the attachments below (though it won't hurt anything if they are).'' but when you go to the video it says '' Be sure to install ADB on your computer first!''
I have installed it but thats confusing information to begin with right there.
I have installed ADB and downloaded the files, putting the SDK file in C: drive, now it gets confusing....
I have run the Qemu program and it hangs at ''Daemon Started Successfully''
Nothing happens from this point onwards, I've looked around and asked but receive no answers, so I do more googling and find this - ...........
this seems ok instructions but I have no clue what to do with these instructions!
''After you download the file, extract the contents and pull SU from /system/bin/ and SuperUser.apk from /system/app/ and put them in the directory you'll be working from''
After that, execute the following commands:
adb shell
rm -r /data/local/tmp
ln -s /data/ /data/local/tmp
adb reboot
adb shell
echo 'ro.kernel.qemu=1' > /data/local.prop
abd reboot
adb shell mount -o remount,rw /system
adb push su /system/xbin/su
adb shell
chown 0.0 /system/xbin/su
chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
rm /data/local.prop
adb reboot
adb install Superuser.apk
Anybody care to translate these confusing conflicting nonsense instructions please?
Yes I'm well aware I will be wrong with some of my statements.
I need and idiots guide as it were.
Please reply with helpful comments guys, cheers
I should mention I tried following the video instructions but there is a great big picture of a KFHD in the middle of the screen and the quality is so bad you can not make out what is being type in the command prompt..... did a video with step by step instructions, that is what I used and worked fine.
Chelle01 said: did a video with step by step instructions, that is what I used and worked fine.
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there is no such site as Revkyle,com, and the youtube version makes no mention of rooting anything.
Can you post a link or be more precise please?
I'm finding this very stressful, thank you for the reply
Please tell me you don't mean this
I can't see what he's typing, I'm a real noob, I have no clue what he is talking about from 2:20(ish) onwards, I do have ADB in the device manager, from there he might aswell be speaking martian, seeing as you have followed his instructions ( I don't know how you managed that) would you translate what he's saying for me please?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggghhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Why cant i get help on this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First CALM DOWN. We are all here to help each other, but we are not on here 24-7 we have other things to take care of. This is the website You use command prompt on your computer to do this. Directory is a place on your computer like c drive, you have to know where you put it to be able to make a path to it. Do you understand this? Sorry I'm trying to see what you know and how I can help you.
I got there in the end cheers