[Q] 2 Q's with Official Froyo - Captivate Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Last night I was rudely awakened by what I thought was a text message but from what I can tell, the "battery charged" message now makes a sound notification?! Someone please tell me I am crazy and I was half asleep. Or you can tell me how to stop it
Also, when you first start after the update, you get an option to send Google your location info at random. I want to change that setting and I can't find for the life of me where it is. Anyone know?


Diamond wakes up overnight - what causes it?

I tried searching, honest.
A couple of times a week I would wake up and notice that the Diamond screen is on and of course the power level is low. Something is waking up the device in the middle of the night. Any ideas what it may be?
As far as I know I have no scheduled tasks:
- I don't even have email set up
- ActiveSync is completely manual
- I have klaxxon installed but no alarms set up
- no other alarms
- no scheduled backups
Is there a program that logs events on the PPC so I can see what causes it to wake up?
Well maybe it needs to go to the bathroom or sumting?
Did you check if ur Broadcast channels or not on maybe? Under Phone/ Settings/More If its on it will happen if it switches to another reception tower
I have noticed this once or twice on both my Diamond and the girlfriend's Ignito, once I just happend to notice both screens come on at the same time and it was dead on midnight!! I couldn't explain it and to my knowledge it hasn't happened again on my Diamond but the ignito seems to do it once a blue moon!!
I shall stay up and watch it at midnight to see what happens.
Has anyone used acbtaskman? I read that it has logging capabilities which may shed some light on this.
liakat said:
I shall stay up and watch it at midnight to see what happens.
Has anyone used acbtaskman? I read that it has logging capabilities which may shed some light on this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
nice pun there
when got incoming sms, diamond will wake up.
Maybe u had enable this feature.
maybe he wants some milk
i think if your phone loses signal and regains it, the screen will turn on. IF that's the case...why doesn't it turn off? So it might not be that... :/
if not SMS and not task something, maybe phone call by lovely girl every night when she thinking about u, and she close the call fast..

Questions about Fresh ROM 1.1...

First things first... Long time reader, (well, since november) but a first time poster ... Ive learned an unbelievable amount from this site, and am currently running Fresh ROM 1.1, and LOVING it
However, i have a few questions... I figured it would be easier to condense it into one thread, unless i need to make more...
1. Im loving the new blueish theme. However, even with older versions, and the stock rom, i cant ever tell how much battery life i actually have.. I was wondering if it were possible to have a text indication as opposed to an icon? I remember reading somewhere that the OS only supports 20% (i think) increments... but even so, it would be easier to figure out how much battery i have. Im guessing its some type of image(s) that just update according to the reported battery percentage, but i have no clue.. If thats so, could the images be replaced with images containing text? I figured if this was possible, it could be applied thru a ROM update.zip (as done from recovery).
2. I don't know if this is a Fresh ROM "bug" or not, but i was on the phone the other day, and when i pulled it away from my face to turn the screen on, then disconnect the call, i had to drag down on the screen like it was locked. Now, this was a three way call, and my first ever on this phone. So thats why I am unsure if its even a bug... Perhaps its meant to be? I just found it odd.
3. MMS over WiFi problem... This was brought up in another thread that never received a reply... I doubt this is a Fresh ROM problem, as i had the problem on stock rom as well: when WiFi is enabled, I am unable to send OR receive any MMS messages. The message will show up in the chat log, BUT, when i press "download," the EVDO icon pops up in the status bar for a split second, then disappears and the picture does not download. As soon as i turn off WiFi and press download, it downloads it with no problem. Anyone know what is causing this? and is there a workaround? Or do i just have to turn off wifi for MMS? I thought the system would be smart enough to turn on & use EVDO when needed.
Look into the Tsowen(sp?) battery icon for that. It was the default in 1.0, but if you're interested in accurate battery percentages, the HTC Battery Widget from the market place gives info on voltages, heat, battery type, and level down to 1%.
thanks for that.. i didnt think to look in the market. not exactly what i was looking for but itll do lol.
also you may want to try Power Manager from the market, it has a very accurate percentage readout along with the ability to limit certain things from running at lower battery life, such as dimming the screen automatically and also turning off wifi and gps and whatnot. it has saved me on trips to Philly a ton of times!
1.1 fresh copy paste from gmail no longer works
I usually during work have to touch my email screen when i have the gmail application up and it normally grabs the address thats on the screen in the body of the email......with the new fresh 1.1 it doesnt anymore. Is there a fix for this???
yeah the apps work. i was just hoping there was some way to replace the icon in the notification bar with text.

Weird battery issue and a couple of quirks

I have been loving the N1 since I picked it up a couple of weeks ago. It is so quick, the screen is fantastic but the best thing is that I can tailor it exactly to my needs/preferences. There are a couple of things I can't work out and your help would be really appreciated:
1. I had my phone in a bag today and when I took it out 2hours later the battery had died. Strange, because the battery has been fine. When I charged it and went to find out what had used the battery it just had 'while last unplugged for 0s' in a grey bar at the top. Any idea what this means?
2. I have one issue with Handcent. The customisation is unbelievable but I can't switch one thing off. When I long hold the search button it now gives me the option of quick message or voice search. I would just prefer it to go straight into voice search (default) but can't seem to get rid of the handcent option. There is a setting for it in handcent but if you choose to switch it off it still stays as an option when you long press search it just means you can't access the quick message when you press it(?) anyone figured this out?
3. When I am listening to music and someone calls it doesn't interrupt the music. Is there a setting for this? I have it on vibrate
Sorry for the long post and newbie questions, thanks for reading it and any help is greatly appreciated. Lets hope Google keeps developing it because they are developing the most innovative web based solutions and this phone is awesome already!

[Q] How do i find out what is causing this spam notification?

I'm getting this notification randomly about some sort of battery saving program and when I tap it, it opens up a web page. I don't know what has caused it to occur. It started when I installed imilka's cm9 but I did a fresh install and so I was installing lots of software back on yo my phone at the time so it could be anything.
I get the notification about 3 times per day and its starting to annoy me because it is clearly malware that I have not asked for. Goodness knows what other problems it might be causing.
Here's a screenshot. Hopefully someone can enlighten me... just let me know if there's any other info I can provide. Might not be able to respond until later tonight as I'm about to go to work.
Thanks for the help.
Try Air Push Detector and Addons Detector application from the play store.

Random Ringtone Playing, No Notification Sent

It's not saved as one of the ringtone or notification sounds on my phone.
It does not do any type of notification I have already tried notification sniffers and it does not do any type of notification at all.
I kill all apps, turn of the screen, nothing can stop it from playing the entire toon for about 45 seconds.
I have posted on several boards but cant figure it out.
I've attached the audio that I recorded of it playing.
They did tell me to run a bug report directly after it happened which I did. They told me to upload it to battery historian: https://bathist.ef.lc/
But I can't figure out what to do once I upload it or how to parse the information.
audio sound:
Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life
Does the sound play at any specific time or is it at least once a day or something?
Usual practice is to see what your most recent apps were, as one of them may be causing this. You might even check for latest updated apps, because it could be something added by a new feature/update.
If that's not finding an issue, you might boot into safe mode and seeing if the noise stops happening - this would indicate that an app is causing it. Alternatively, maybe uninstalling all other apps is a good place to start. If it goes away, then add apps back (maybe a few at a time, to make it easier) and monitor for when it comes back.
I'm not familiar with that Battery Historian app, but it seems interesting. If you can identify when the sound happened, it should line up with the "audio" events shown in the graph. I assume there's some way to zoom in on that graph, so maybe you can see what happened during that time, and help narrow down a possible app that could be causing this.
thanks so much for your reply.
The sound happens so infrequently, the last time it happened was 2 weeks ago. Sometimes it might happen 3 or 4 times in 1 day. And the phone use and app use are static and have not changed. Same phone use every single day. It's impossible to figure out it seems.
It's so frustrating.
I ran the bug report directly after the sound played so the end of the historian file is when it happened and looking at the "audio" I do see something there that played for 59s which is about right for how long the audio is.
But I can't figure out any info about the audio besides what is on the tooltip.
Maybe someone knows more about this battery historian.
Bug report for who? If you're just throwing out a but report to an app or even the OS, chances are that it will be ignored as irrelevant, unless you can convince the place you're reporting it that this is something they are causing... I'm guessing that report is not going to do what you think it is.
I don't see how battery historian is going to help, so maybe you need to pursue the thread which recommended it. I did a quick search and I don't see how that app will help identify the problem.
One other idea I saw was that maybe a browser tab is generating the noise. Websites can sometimes provide notifications and such, if you allow them to. I never do, but I can imagine that as a source of noise.
In the end, this is likely an app that you have. You just have to remove as many as you can, and see if it goes away. If it doesn't then you can look deeper at your remaining apps. If it does, then the job is easier and you just need to add them back in (if you still want them) until it comes back. Since it's so infrequent, it's going to be difficult to have happen... but I doubt it's an OS-level problem otherwise others would have the same issue.
thanks for your response and I have been trying to do that but it has not worked so far and that is why I am posting here.
Something on my phone is firing this sound and if you are telling me there is no way for me to figure it out from some type of log, then I have to tell you that you are wrong.
Everything that is done on Android there is a record of I just need to figure out how to read this record.
Not everything is always logged with any OS or app. There are settings to set log-levels higher or lower. Most apps set only "warning" or "error" level logs, generally speaking. There are often ways to increase this, but it's not there by default for sure... I wouldn't expect a sound activity to be logged by default as it's not an error.
But, if you know better than me, then I'm sorry I can't be more helpful. I will stay out of it going forward. I would love to hear how you find it, because it's great information for anyone on XDA (and I would certainly like to know as well).

