manifest goodness and the now reading link. - Nook Color General

I love my nook and use it to rea frequently. Other than magazines I use Aldiko. I would love for the book ion to launch aldiko, but I figured out to do this I have to edit Aldiko's manifest to have a view action in android.intent.application/drp.
I can edit it, but cannot repackage it so it will install. I have tried several ways, but they all fail on install and do not work when I manually push them.
So, anyone know how to eit the manifest of an app, then repackage?
I have androzip, root explorer, astro and the signer app from the market on my nook.
I run osx and have adb and eclipse working on my mac.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks for all this.


[SOLVED] How do I reinstall some bloatware w/Odex (Daily Briefing)?

I searched and found lots of threads on removing the bloat, not many on how to reinstall. I am going to flash a friend's phone to Cognition Froyo Beta6 and I know she uses this app.
I have successfully reloaded other removed .apk's using the Sideload Wonder Machine. However, this particular application won't install successfully (I'm testing it out on my phone just to see if it can install; I'm running Cog Beta5.5). After it tries to install I get a line saying Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT].
In DG's list of removed bloatware there are two files for Daily Briefing: InfoAlarm.apk and InfoAlarm.odex. Maybe the odex file is the problem? Do I do anything with that file? Drop it in /system/apps before trying to install the apk file? Any help appreciated.
Just get the genie widget. It is much better in my opinion and does the what the daily briefing widget did plus some. Just a thought.
Thanks, I will take a look at Genie Widget.
For what it's worth, I did finally figure out how to reload Daily Briefing. I'll post how I did it here since it may help someone else who is trying to reload an app that includes an odex file.
I used Root Explorer to put both of the files in system/app. Then I adjusted the permissions for the .apk file to: User; read, rewrite, execute - Group; read, execute - and Others; read, execute. I did not "install" the app. I just rebooted the phone and it was there. I don't know for certain, but I would expect this to work for other apps that have a corresponding odex file.
mobius911 said:
Thanks, I will take a look at Genie Widget.
For what it's worth, I did finally figure out how to reload Daily Briefing. I'll post how I did it here since it may help someone else who is trying to reload an app that includes an odex file.
I used Root Explorer to put both of the files in system/app. Then I adjusted the permissions for the .apk file to: User; read, rewrite, execute - Group; read, execute - and Others; read, execute. I did not "install" the app. I just rebooted the phone and it was there. I don't know for certain, but I would expect this to work for other apps that have a corresponding odex file.
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Thanks for your instructions mobius911. This got me going in the right direction for my issue, which was reinstalling a couple other AT&T apps - AT&T Navigator and Family Map. I got the original AT&T APKs from designgears' list of removed apps in his Cognition mod []. I knew which one was for AT&T Nav ("ATTNav") but I had to search to find out which APK was the right one for Family Map []. Then I used Droid Explorer [] to install the APKs into system/app. It was pretty easy to do once I figured it out but jeez, it sure took me a while to get there.
deanhatescoffee said:
It was pretty easy to do once I figured it out but jeez, it sure took me a while to get there.
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That should be the slogan for XDA/Android newguys everywhere. I applaud you, and would give you a cookie if I could.
mobius911 said:
I searched and found lots of threads on removing the bloat, not many on how to reinstall. I am going to flash a friend's phone to Cognition Froyo Beta6 and I know she uses this app.
I have successfully reloaded other removed .apk's using the Sideload Wonder Machine. However, this particular application won't install successfully (I'm testing it out on my phone just to see if it can install; I'm running Cog Beta5.5). After it tries to install I get a line saying Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT].
In DG's list of removed bloatware there are two files for Daily Briefing: InfoAlarm.apk and InfoAlarm.odex. Maybe the odex file is the problem? Do I do anything with that file? Drop it in /system/apps before trying to install the apk file? Any help appreciated.
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You by any chance have both files still for daily brief? Want to get them back on my phone.
i followed the instructions on root explorer and i get stuck in a boot loop upon reboot. any ideas?
I figured something out with this. I just bought the Samsung Desk dock and wanted DeskHome to work. It has an icon for Daily Briefing and I actually like the program. I am running Cognition 2.3b4 and it does not have the Daily Briefing on it. I had tried backing it up with Titanium backup, but it did not restore correctly.
Anyway, onto the meat of the matter. Cognition v2.3b3 actually DOES have an .apk for the daily briefing in it and it does not require the odex to work. I am assuming Designgears modified it. If you download the Cognition v2.3b3 and extract it to a folder somewhere, you can browse to system - app and find the InfoAlarm.apk there. Then use Root Explorer to copy it into the system - app folder on your phone. Reboot, and you will have Daily Briefing.
This is pretty much the same thing that deanhatescoffee did, but I was unable to find a link to where the extracted .apk files were.
Here is a link to Cognition v2.3b3.
ACK! I guess I am a new user so I can't post links? Anyway add an http and www up above and that's the link.
G.Hook said:
I figured something out with this. I just bought the Samsung Desk dock and wanted DeskHome to work. It has an icon for Daily Briefing and I actually like the program. I am running Cognition 2.3b4 and it does not have the Daily Briefing on it. I had tried backing it up with Titanium backup, but it did not restore correctly.
Anyway, onto the meat of the matter. Cognition v2.3b3 actually DOES have an .apk for the daily briefing in it and it does not require the odex to work. I am assuming Designgears modified it. If you download the Cognition v2.3b3 and extract it to a folder somewhere, you can browse to system - app and find the InfoAlarm.apk there. Then use Root Explorer to copy it into the system - app folder on your phone. Reboot, and you will have Daily Briefing.
This is pretty much the same thing that deanhatescoffee did, but I was unable to find a link to where the extracted .apk files were.
Here is a link to Cognition v2.3b3.
ACK! I guess I am a new user so I can't post links? Anyway add an http and www up above and that's the link.
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For simplicities sake...
Thank you very much!

[Q] Moving apks from my phone to the gtablet

I've given up trying to get full access to the Market. But I was able to find some of the apks on my Droid and was able to bring some of them over using a usb thumb drive. However, not all the apps I had downloaded to my Droid was visible. My question is do some apps delete their apks when done installing? I did have some that gave me a parse error when trying to install them on my tablet. Is there a hidden directory where I can find all the apks of the apps I've downloaded? e.g xplane, rush hour to name a few? Thanks. Or... is there a way to download the apk from Market to my PC directly? I'd be so happy if I could just get full access to google market!
Reggie777 said:
I've given up trying to get full access to the Market. But I was able to find some of the apks on my Droid and was able to bring some of them over using a usb thumb drive. However, not all the apps I had downloaded to my Droid was visible. My question is do some apps delete their apks when done installing? I did have some that gave me a parse error when trying to install them on my tablet. Is there a hidden directory where I can find all the apks of the apps I've downloaded? e.g xplane, rush hour to name a few? Thanks. Or... is there a way to download the apk from Market to my PC directly? I'd be so happy if I could just get full access to google market!
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The apks are usually in your data/apps or data/apps-private. You should be able to get to these directories using RootExplorer on your phone if its rooted. Then get yourself a free Dropbox account which allows you to transfer files to any device you installed Dropbox on.
Look in these two locations. In the second one (/mnt/asec) you'll see the folder name of the app and inside that folder is the pkg.apk so you'll probably want to rename after you move it.
/mnt/asec/(name of app)
Have you tried these methods yet?
Reggie777 said:
I've given up trying to get full access to the Market. But I was able to find some of the apks on my Droid and was able to bring some of them over using a usb thumb drive. However, not all the apps I had downloaded to my Droid was visible. My question is do some apps delete their apks when done installing? I did have some that gave me a parse error when trying to install them on my tablet. Is there a hidden directory where I can find all the apks of the apps I've downloaded? e.g xplane, rush hour to name a few? Thanks. Or... is there a way to download the apk from Market to my PC directly? I'd be so happy if I could just get full access to google market!
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Bluetooth File Transfer might help.
I put this link up a few days ago because I had the same problem.
Also, This video really worked for me with getting full market (roughly 98.9% really)
Reggie 777, thanks for asking this question. I've been trying to figure out the same thing and asked about it in another thread but didn't get a clear answer.
So, to the experts: do you have to be rooted to do this? I've looked in both of the locations that tcrews mentioned and don't see much, if anything. I'm using Astro FileManager, if that helps.
wordweaver27 said:
Reggie 777, thanks for asking this question. I've been trying to figure out the same thing and asked about it in another thread but didn't get a clear answer.
So, to the experts: do you have to be rooted to do this? I've looked in both of the locations that tcrews mentioned and don't see much, if anything. I'm using Astro FileManager, if that helps.
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Astro doesn't show the files in /data and you'll need to be rooted and use something like Root Explorer. I just tried Astro and once I go in to /data I see nothing (and my phone is rooted). Using Root Explorer I see all the folders under /data and go into the folder app. I see my apps installed internally there and in /mnt/asec I see my apps installed to SDcard there.
wordweaver27 said:
Reggie 777, thanks for asking this question. I've been trying to figure out the same thing and asked about it in another thread but didn't get a clear answer.
So, to the experts: do you have to be rooted to do this? I've looked in both of the locations that tcrews mentioned and don't see much, if anything. I'm using Astro FileManager, if that helps.
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No root neccessary to use Bluetooth File Transfer method.
I can only guess you need root for the method on the video because you do need to have an OS with GAPPS and Android market installed.
Root is needed to use Root explorer methed.
The Z4root1.2.2 app is a good tool to root without unlocking the bootloader and you can still keep your stock OS. However I'm assuming GAPPS may not work correctly with the stock TAPNTAP OS so getting full Google Android market with that OS is prolly not going to happen.
Thanks to everyone for the help. I am processing and digesting the info and playing around with the suggestions.
Thanks to sjmoreno for telling me where the apps are. And also tcrews. I would never have thought of looking in /mnt/sec. I was actually able to find the apks I was looking for... xplane. et al. Now I'm fiddling with the bluetooth transfer. Got the phone and tablet paired... connection is not working yet. But I'm still trying.
Thanks too to tekrhino for the bluetooth suggestion. Got the transfer program for my Droid. I'm learning how to use it. Seems easy to set up, but won't actually send anything... Still exploring it.
The video on the Market fix doesn't work for me because no matter what I do, Market does not show up in the running apps section of settings. It doesn't even show up in system apps. It only shows up in the downloaded section.
As they said in Galaxy Quest... "Never Give Up. Never Surrender." Thanks everyone.
I use TitaniumBackup syncing with dropbox, but really the market fix isnt hard... Running tntlite larest.
+1 for dropbox. You can also use astro to backup the apk's. They are stored in a folder named backup on the root of your SD card.
I use the program AndroZIP from the Market on my phone.
Do an application backup (part of the app) to my SDCard (it creates a app_backup folder on your SDcard)
Then, you can do bluetooth transfer, or plug phone and gTablet into PC with USB cables, wait for the drives to show up, and move the APK files over. Works well. No root required.
Since my phone is not rooted, I am not sure if this is grabing every application, but it seems to be. I was able to transfer whatever I wanted over from my phone to the tablet this way.
+1 titanium backup and dropbox.
Dropbox is handy but not necessary. Titanium is a must have purchase if you enjoy flashing new roms and don't feel like manually restoring all your apps and settings every time.
If you can download titanium to your Gtab your done. Dl titanium on your phone and backup your apps. Grab the file off your phones SD And move it to your Gtab. Open titanium on your Gtab and select the apps you want to install. You can even save app data this way and continue saved games from your phone ;-)
Reggie777 said:
Thanks to everyone for the help. I am processing and digesting the info and playing around with the suggestions.
Thanks to sjmoreno for telling me where the apps are. And also tcrews. I would never have thought of looking in /mnt/sec. I was actually able to find the apks I was looking for... xplane. et al. Now I'm fiddling with the bluetooth transfer. Got the phone and tablet paired... connection is not working yet. But I'm still trying.
Thanks too to tekrhino for the bluetooth suggestion. Got the transfer program for my Droid. I'm learning how to use it. Seems easy to set up, but won't actually send anything... Still exploring it.
The video on the Market fix doesn't work for me because no matter what I do, Market does not show up in the running apps section of settings. It doesn't even show up in system apps. It only shows up in the downloaded section.
As they said in Galaxy Quest... "Never Give Up. Never Surrender." Thanks everyone.
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Make sure both devices have BTFT installed, that way you won't have any any problems with FTP OBEX protocals.
The app works great and reduces the extra steps you need to take with TB and DB with having to move apk's between the source device to your pc then from your pc to the target device. BTFT is a good source device to target device app.

How to install apps from computer?

Is there anyway to download and install games/apps from the computer? Can I go into CWM - Mount USB - and then create a folder in my Gtablet and put all my apk files in that folder and then somehow install them once booted into my tablet?
I have never used android before so please forgive my ignorance... I just just flashed Clock Work Mod via NVFlash so I am still learning. I would like to install PSX4Droid and Final Fantasy 7 among other games.
Thank you for your time.
twistid1 said:
Is there anyway to download and install games/apps from the computer? Can I go into CWM - Mount USB - and then create a folder in my Gtablet and put all my apk files in that folder and then somehow install them once booted into my tablet?
I have never used android before so please forgive my ignorance... I just just flashed Clock Work Mod via NVFlash so I am still learning. I would like to install PSX4Droid and Final Fantasy 7 among other games.
Thank you for your time.
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if they are android files (which, by apk, I assume they are), then yes. Just put them in a folder, use a file explorer to browse to them and open them, and they should install. Of course, installing is no guarantee that they will work on the gTab.
Also note that if you load an app that does not appear in your market, you will not be able to get updates to the app via the market.
You should have a folder called download in the root, use that for consistency.
However, I have found the easiest way is to email them to yourself at the gmail address you use on the tab.
The regular gmail reader provides for installing the APK from inside the message (just click Install!).
Works every time.
(Plus this gives you a backup copy of the app to install from anywhere you have web.)
The easiest way is to place them on a usb flash drive & use a file explorer (i.e root explorer) to install them.
I also want to mention that the new web-based Market will install the programs onto the tab for you when you click to install them from the PC.
No muss, no fuss. I was pretty surprised when I discovered it accidentally.

[Q] Run Installed apps from Nook Home

Hi, i just followed a procedure to install the Quickoffice.apk on my Nook Color. In this procedure i unistalled the quickoffice_viewer that the Nook has for reading the PDF files. This is because it can not be two similar apps installed.
The issue that i have rigth now is that when i try to open a PDF file from the Nook Home it doesn't work, like it was trying to find the quickoffice_viewer and dont find it.
Is there a way t´hat i can tell the Nook Home that for opening PDF or Office files it has to use the new Quickoffice appliucation installed instead of the quickoffice_viewer?
Thank you

[Q] Nook apps from Galaxy Tab 4 Nook on HD/HD+

Now that the Galaxy Tab 4 Nook is out, how hard would it be to pull the Nook files and create a cwm-flashable zip so we could get access to the Nook app store and potentially a better reader app and the UI on our Nook HD/HD+ running CM11?
I have been wondering the same thing for my devices. I actually went so far as to get the apk for the apps. However, when I loaded the apk and logged in, the device would run the apps but I could not do anything once inside and the kids section would not show the books that I have. I could see the books I had in the regular books section but I could not read any of them. It gave me a message about not being able to download to this device. I have no knowledge of editing the apk for use but I'll put it out there for people to work on.
Anyone have a idea of how to modify this apk to get it to work on CM11 or other ROMS?
The app probably has a build-in prevention to not allow the non-stock rom to run.
OK, I'm certain I'm about to show my ignorance but, why does this link not download NookApp.apk?
That's what the link says but the actual file downloaded was, and there is no apk file inside. Is an apk file just a wrapper, similar to epub, so that I can change the name from apk to zip to look inside? Can I just rename to NookApp.apk? I want to poke around with this but I'm confused.
bfollowell said:
OK, I'm certain I'm about to show my ignorance but, why does this link not download NookApp.apk?
That's what the link says but the actual file downloaded was, and there is no apk file inside. Is an apk file just a wrapper, similar to epub, so that I can change the name from apk to zip to look inside? Can I just rename to NookApp.apk? I want to poke around with this but I'm confused.
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Yes, an apk is really a special zip that has been renamed so that it can be installed in android. So yes, you should be able to just rename it to apk so it can be installed. And any apk can be renamed a zip and explored.
Edit: It really does download as an apk. Your software may have recognized it as a zip as part of downloading and renamed it to a zip. (Or Windows may just be displaying it as a zip if you have Windows set to not show extensions of known file types). But what I said above holds.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
I see you're right. I was using IE11 and it downloads as a zip. If I download using Firefox, it downloads as an apk. Strange. I've never ran into that before.
- Byron
Alright. The nook app let's me log in and empty categories. However I do not know what directories it is looking for things in since nothing has anything in it. Also shop will not load, as in it loads, but says no data found.
Using cm11, m11 build.
Goggles2114 said:
Alright. The nook app let's me log in and empty categories. However I do not know what directories it is looking for things in since nothing has anything in it. Also shop will not load, as in it loads, but says no data found.
Using cm11, m11 build.
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On Stock, the default nook directory is in /data/nookmedia.
Sent from my BN NookHD+ using XDA Premium HD app
So we should be able to create/modify that folder to trick it into working or is there more to it than that. It will see some of my books but I can't access them.
Sent from my HTC6525LVW using XDA Free mobile app
Thanks hmiem81 for posting the apk. I can also see my books, but not download them. Also, it says not authorized on this device. That makes me wonder if messing with the build.prop might fix it? But I don't know the info for the Galaxy Tab Nook.
Update: it created a NOOK folder, so I assume files should be placed in the appropriate subfolder. However, it won't recognize that any files are there. Also, even though it registers as an epub reader, when I try to open an epub from a file manager it crashes, so it can't be used to read drm-free epubs either.
Does anybody have the latest apk for version I'd also be grateful if somebody could post the build.prop from a Galaxy Tab Nook. Thanks.

