[Q] AutoNooter 2.12.25 to 3.0 - Nook Color General

I am rooted with NC 1.1 having used autonooter 2.12.25. Is there any benefit to reverting to stock and re-rooting using autonooter 3.0? any increase in function or speed or stability?
can I install 3.0 over the top of the existing image? Or do I have to clean wipe?
Thanks for your time and input.

I am interested in this as well, anyone?
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Removing stock apps

Using 1.0.1 NC base, rooted, market. Things are looking good. Eventually, I'd like to do a native android (gingerbread hopefully) install and remove the NC interface entirely.
Anyways. Any way to remove the stock apps? (crossword, chess, email, music, sudoku, etc) ?
I have ROM manager, Astro, titanium backup all installed. just wasn't sure what the easiest way was.
Titanium is probably the easiest way. I know it gives you the option on a lot of them but I've never tried it on any of them
Thanks. I see them in there now.
I assume it's safe. But since I did a backup in ROM manager, I'm betting if something got broke I can retore. i hope.
Yeah that worked. Nothing broke. Thanks.
I just found about about "Zeam". WOW! that is awesome. No need to boot Froyo off an SD card now.. i mean.. why?
My next step is to overclock this thing. What is the easiest way at this point to OC this 1.0.1 NC?
thanks so much!!
Just freeze them with tb...
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To oc there is a stable 1.1ghz kernel, and you can use set cpu app to set it to [email protected] 1100, I use on demand and have had no trouble at all
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Thanks man. I have now downloaded this 1100mhz kernel and this nookcolor 1.1.0.r2 image. I'd like to do the 1.1 just for the "pinch to zoom" alone. Do I do the 1.1 first, then the new kerel? I understand 1.1 isn't needed for this new kernel, but should be fine to do anyways?
I did a fresh backup of my current 1.0.1 ROM, but not sure if restoring this backup after 1.1 is good to do if there are issues?
I am still using 1.0.1 there is a rooted 1.1 sideload, but I just use 1.0.1 and the 1.1 kernel, for my browser I use dolphin hd it has pinch zoom
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Thanks. Just hit it with 1.1Ghz. Seems fine.. how do you verify your running @ 1.1Ghz?
I use set cpu, its an app
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Thanks. I just set SetCPU to "on demand". I assume that's right.
I don't see how pinch is working on dolphin. Hmm..
I gave dolphin hd and I can pinch zoom while browsjng
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Found the issue with Dolphin. I installed the latest which is v4.3. You have 4.2. I had to remove it, then go find 4.2. Now all is good.


I think they are trying to update my NC. But I'm rooted to 1.1.0 already. Should I turn my wifi off for awhile?
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Hmm, could you be more precise on why you think they're trying to update you?
And what is your current setup? Used the NC 1.1 pre-rooted image from xda? Have you turned off the OTA updates with the com.bn.device.fota.mode param?
What makes you think there is an update attempt? I say attempt because usually you would get one unless you've taken proactive steps to block ota updates
Down by the wifi emblem I keep getting a refresh emblem showing up . I flashed the Decad3nce 1.1.0 and haven't had any problems until now.i was thinking that in that Rom there was a block update added to it.
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I could be very wrong. but I'm guessing that the Nook doesn't recognize your version as being 1.1.

A couple noob questions

I'm running froyo off sd, with the 1.0.1 rooted stock, updating the stock would have no effect on how the SD OS would run right?
The answer is no. No worry.
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[Q] Stock setup ques

Ill make this quick
I just fully restored my NC after months of using because I corrupted my boot file. Anyways. Its been awhile since I rooted back in november, so my question is,
What are things nowadays to be done with a stock 1.01 NC?
If you want to stick with 2.1. Autonooter and overclock is pretty much all you can do
Nook Color via Xda App
Or Autonooter 3.0 from Dev forums for latest Stock.
Sent from Nookie Froyo using Tapatalk

[Q] Return Nexus One to Stock

Hi all. I was trying to find a guide to return my AT&T Nexus One to fully stock. Right now I have Clockwork Mod Recovery and CM7 installed. I would like to return it back to stock recovery and stock froyo then update to gingerbread. Can someone help me or is there a guide posted somewhere to do this. I am still a newb at this so I would appreciate some clear instruction if possible. Thanks!
Take a look at the xda nexus one wiki
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Unroot/restore guide on the wiki
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Yes wiki
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Thanks. Should I use fastboot method or PASSIMG? How do I know if I have AMOLED or SLCD screen?
passimg using FRG33
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danger-rat said:
passimg using FRG33
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Will this also restore the stock recovery?
I am planning to do the same as the OP but what I would like to know is it possible to keep Clockwork Recovery while running stock Gingerbread and if so is there any advantage to this?
DXPetti said:
I am planning to do the same as the OP but what I would like to know is it possible to keep Clockwork Recovery while running stock Gingerbread and if so is there any advantage to this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You would have to at least
Root the stock gingerbread for it to be any use at all.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Alright I am really lost.
It seems there are several paths to restoring my N1 from CM7 RC1 to hopefully stock Gingerbread
Fastboot Method
And because I have ClockworkMod Recovery using the backup and restore feature?
I wouldn't mind the last one as it seems fairly simple (I have a copy of the backup on my desktop, just need to figure out where it goes, path etc...) and should restore everything to how it was pre CM7 RC1.
I am worried that because apparently the newer version of CWM Recovery doesn't work with Froyo (2.2.2 which is was I would be restoring to, then factory reset, upgrade to Gingerbread). Also the HBOOTs are different between Froyo and Gingerbread correct? Would CWM Recovery restore the older HBOOT?
Or can I simply use the PASSIMG method with a Gingerbread Stock ROM?
Thanks in advance for putting up with my n00b questions

