OK, I've made the SD card to flash CM7 onto my EMMC.
Now I've got cold feet. Once I do this, will I be able to use Clockwork to restore my backed up rooted-1.1 image, or will I have to restore to stock first?
Can anyone clarify what the restore path is once you install CM7?
Heres a post with all that info
Thank you! That was exactly what I needed!
Can some one help a noob out.
Not sure what I did to screw up but here is my info
I have a Rogers HTC Dream.
Followed this guide
and I am on CyanogenMod - and all good
Used CM Updater 4.5.1 change themes (can't remember which one I am using Dark something or other) all good.
Thought that using Aps2SD was a good idea and installed the Aps2SD program and it partitioned my sd card. Then I screwed up and formated my sd card (what ever). Then did some more reading and found out that I shouldn't/didn't need to use that with CyanogenMod I am an idiot but what ever.
Now I can boot into recovery but can't get to console from there, nothing happens.
Also I wanted to switch back to the rogers rom so found rogers-signedr2.zip from a guide some where on here... Flashed the rom and it boots to Rogers and just sits there. I can go back to recovery and use nandriod to restore my back up but i can't flash any other rom it just sits at the Rogers screen.
Anymore info you need to help out this noob, let me know.
So I have tried this a number of times. When I try to install Nookie Froyo to the EMMC using CWM, I keep getting Installation Aborted. I had flashed it back to stock 1.0.1 to start over but no dice. Then it hit me. Dummy, I didn't re-root.
So, flashed - yet again - back to stock 1.0.1. Used B&N's ROM to update to 1.1.0. Used Auto-Nooter 3.0.0 to root it. Then created a bootable CWM with the Nookie Froyo zip file on it. I really thought I was going to have it this time but once again, Installation Aborted.
So far, the only ROM I have been able to install with CWM is the original stock 1.0.1. Piece of cake there. I have been using the same Nookie Froyo from my other SD card I have, absolutely love it which is why I want to get it on my EMMC so I can free up the card.
Any ideas? I am scratching my head. Been at it for 2 nights.
If you're trying to flash a ROM that is intended to be bootable from SD to eMMC THAT'S your issue. You need to use an eMMC ROM zip file. From what you're saying it sounds like you're not.
Sent from my nook color using Tapatalk
I wish it was that easy. I've been careful in following directions so I definitely have the file that is meant to be flashed to the EMMC - nookie-froyo-0.6.8.custom.3.zip. As opposed to this file - nookie-froyo-0.6.8.SDCARD.2GB.custom.3.zip - which I unzipped and used the resulting image file to create a bootable SD.
I appreciate the response though.
I am new to this stuff and I have read and re-read the volumes of posts and instructions. I am floored by the talent of the Developers and am infinitely grateful for all the efforts! Tried multiple searches to see if someone was having the same problems and have come across those that would get the Installation Aborted message within CWM but they were able to figure it out. Unfortunately, none of their solutions helped. Argh.
I know there were issues with CWM versions before 3.0.1 and B&N software version 1.1. I was on B&N 1.1, rooted, installed CWM, but I couldn't make a backup. So I searched around and found some info saying that those two software versions didn't get along. After I upgraded CWM to 3.0.1, everything works as it should, maybe that's your issue as well. I hadn't tried flashing anything through CWM before upgrading it though, but it's worth a shot.
Now THAT sounds promising! I did try but not since I flashed it back to stock, installed 1.1.0 and re-rooted. Thanks much for this bit of info. I will try this tonight.
I don't feel so dumb now.
Just to experience success, you could just try to flash from this image:
Burn the image to SD card, insert into NookColor, follow instructions to flash.
Worked perfect for me and I had a completely stock NookColor 1.1.
Best regards,
Oh, boy. Back to feeling dumb. For some reason I made the assumption I had to flash CWM then copy the zip file to the the SD card. If I followed Brian's instructions to begin with, I would have saved myself a ton of time. Ah, well.
So I got Nookie Froyo flashed to my EMMC but there are some differences to the SD card version. So after all that, I am back to my SD card installation. i know Brian is working on another EMMC version that sounds like the SD card install. At least now I know what I am doing.
I do appreciate the help, all.
FWIW, I tried, albeit very briefly, the same nookie froyo that you're using, and I found that I like CM7 a lot more. Now that you got your issues ironed out, you might want to give it a shot and see how you like it. There's a good write-up about installing and maintaining a CM7 rom over on androidtablets.net.
Hello, just picked up my NC. Messed around a little bit, got it to root fine, running Froyo off my SD. Want to get CM7, was thinking of going the phiremod route.
I'm a little bit confused with the CW version and ext4 compatibility. I'm just a little worried cuz I ended up in a CW boot loop when i tried flashing Froyo to internal mem. But I think its cuz i had flashed the old recovery? Anyway, got back to stock and upgraded/re-rooted.
So can i just go from Rooted 1.1 to burning a bootable clockwork 3.0.1 on to my SD card? Then flash a ROM and Gapps?
The bootable SD card thread says something about the partition needing to be ext4, which is what's freaking me out. Is there a kernel to flash before? am i skipping an entire step here?
Thanks for any feedback
djlim4 said:
Hello, just picked up my NC. Messed around a little bit, got it to root fine, running Froyo off my SD. Want to get CM7, was thinking of going the phiremod route.
I'm a little bit confused with the CW version and ext4 compatibility. I'm just a little worried cuz I ended up in a CW boot loop when i tried flashing Froyo to internal mem. But I think its cuz i had flashed the old recovery? Anyway, got back to stock and upgraded/re-rooted.
So can i just go from Rooted 1.1 to burning a bootable clockwork 3.0.1 on to my SD card? Then flash a ROM and Gapps?
The bootable SD card thread says something about the partition needing to be ext4, which is what's freaking me out. Is there a kernel to flash before? am i skipping an entire step here?
Thanks for any feedback
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Thats what I did and it worked perfectly. Phiremod has gapps and market built in.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
I found this post a very useful and detailed description of installing CM7 on internal
It includes the steps for formatting required for CM7.
Don't forget that you will need a uSD for 'data' after as well as the one for installing.
Hope this helps!
I have a question, I was wondering if this is possible. OK, I have been on CM7 for a while now and now I'm looking into going back to stock now there is a way to run CM7 from an SD card, I would like to go that route from now on if possible. OK, little back ground first. I was on GMPower's Auto-Nooter 3.0 running 1.1 software version with CWR When I made the choose to move to CM7, I made a full nanodroid backup first before I made any changes, I also did a test and did a restore to make sure it worked fine. Then I installed CM 7 with and have been running fine (of course with the known issues that CM7 has). Now with the question, If I boot with my Monster RootPack Clockwork Recovery SD since it's CMR 3.0.05, can I restore my nanodroid backup and it restore fine since it should restore all my emmc partitions? I know I would first wipe the cache and then format the /system and /data partitions then do the restore. With all that being said, or would I have to completely return my Nook back to stock and redo everything? If this has been answer please don't shot me and sorry for the bad grammar (I'm no English manger)...LOL
It's possible - I just did the exact same thing myself. So, it can be accomplished. that being said - it took me a while to get it back. I consider myself fairly well versed in most things android (have a 1st gen droid phone for a while now - been through many custom roms), and on my Nook went from stock to rooted stock to cm7. I got to a point where I just wanted to start over fresh, so looked into getting back to a rooted stock version. From what I have found, a lot of what you will go through depends on how deeply you've delved into cm7 (mainly do you have clockwordmod installed on the internal memory, etc. My situation was running cm7 from internal, but was still using clockwork from an SD.
Long story short - my method went something like this (after many trials and errors):
- used the SD I installed CM7 with since it would boot into clockwork.
- formatted system and data
- applied stock 101 zip I had copied to the SD
- had some issues booting correctly (not sure if you will) but ended up holding power and 'n' for about 10 seconds to get to the factory restore and after that completed, my nook booted as it should into a fresh install
-re-rooted using autonooter.
I had attempted the "interrupt power 8x" trick but got nowhere with it since it was a huge pain in the butt to time it correctly. There are lots of great guides around, you just have to find the correct one for your particular situation and may have to use one to get to point A, then another to get to point B.
Hope my ramblings help - bottom line is yes, it's possible
Hey everyone, first off, this forum rocks and has helped me by readin other posts quite a few times so thanks to all who contribute.
My question is this: I am currently running CM7 through verygreen's boot from SD thread and it has been working great (since I got my new Sandisk SD card). I am debating on if I want to go the other way and root the nook and use CM7 that way. Is there a way that I can do this without losing everything I have now? I would really hate to re-download all of my apps and everything so I was hoping that there was a way to go around this.
Does anyone have a way to do this? I am sorry if I missed the thread that explains this but I did try searching with no luck. Any help in the way of a suggestion or a link to a thread will be awesome. Thanks all, and again, you guys rock.
Titanium backup, make backup, flash rom to emmc, restore apps n such