An very interesting game recommended for you - Off-topic

RUN!RUN!RUN! The sheep family is in danger now. They need to run fast and use their wisdom to get across various obstacles, finally go back home. Features challenging physics-based and puzzle gameplay. Each of the levels requires logic, skill to solve.
This is the casual game SheepRun. Though in Beta stage, nothing prevents it from getting lots of attention. Players cannot always find a game with such spotlights on Android market, but once you found this game, you can’t miss it and need to help those cute sheep.
Wanna know more about the game? You can click the following the link to read the rules and discription in my blog

Won't somebody think of the poor sheep!


Facebook Game of the phone sort

as you might be able to tell im new around here as far as actually posting goes.
a few months back i had a idea for a web based game where you could take control of your own cell phone service provider(ATT,Verizon) or manufacturer(HTC,Samsung) much like games like AirwaySim and Airline Empires have done for airline simulation games.
So i put together a rather crude version of it as far as the user interface goes but i think the basic function of how the game will work is in place.
So i am looking for some people who would be interested in testing this game and giving some feedback about any bugs, features and overall what they think of the execution the game.
if you would like to help out with testing the game and let me know id be more then happy to share a link to get you all setup to begin testing the game with other players once we have enough of them.
if you have any questions go ahead and ask away id be more then happy to answer them.
Mabey posting this in the android development and hacking/apps and games section would have been a better spot
Sent from my 'SilverBullet' HTCDesireZ running CM7

Rise and Shiny recap: Crystal Saga

There's a lot to be said for automation. Thanks to automated processes, our society hums along more nicely than it ever has. But should we include our playtime on the list of things we want to automate? Is it possible to enjoy something like an MMO if we really don't control it at all? If we assemble our army men and wind them up, is watching them go as much fun as controlling what they do?
Ah, such deep questions stemming from such a simple game. Crystal Saga
is a browser-based, free-to-play, Flash-based MMORPG (there's a mouthful) that allows players to do a lot of things, including fully automate the grinding process. I can hear the potential comments already, so click past the cut and let me explain it more.
I need to clarify what I mean when I say "fully automated." It's not as though you can tell your little on-screen character that you want it to go here, attack this, and rescue that. It's not quite that in-depth. Basically the developers have added in a system that allows you to place your character into "AFK mode." How much time he can remain in AFK mode depends on a special item that you can get from quests or from the cash shop (I was AFK for hours and hours and never spent a dime), and what happens during that AFK time depends on what specifically you told your avatar to do during that time.
You're essentially telling your character which mobs to attack, when to heal or use a healing potion, and whether to loot or not. As I say in the livestream, you "set it and forget it" like the Ronco Rotisserie. You can also click a link in your quest to auto-walk back to town or to a specific NPC, and you can auto-walk to any number of quest objectives. In fact, you can play this game and level up without ever really using more than a few buttons.
Gaming purists needn't worry; this system is not new or uncommon. In fact, if you have ever played EVE Online, Alganon or a few other titles, you have automated your play. Yep, if anything, the offline skill training that EVE popularized is much less labor-intensive than Crystal Saga's AFK mode. While I AFKed in Crystal Saga, I had to at least watch for enemies in case I was overwhelmed. Clicking "learn" in a game like Alganon takes no work at all. Hours or days later, you log in your character to find him or her smarter than before! The wonders of science!
More good news: You don't need to worry whether other players, readers, or super-cool column writers care about how you play. Crystal Saga is for younger players, true, but accessibility is not only for them. I found the automated system to be really fun. In an AFK way, of course. I liked coming back to backpacks filled with goodies, and I still had to go back to town and sell the items and organize my skills. In fact, I've realized that AFK modes in games like Crystal Saga only shine light on how incredibly boring and trivial leveling-up has become in many MMOs. The archaic system of advancement hasn't changed in years and years, so why not do away with the process, or make it something that we simply don't have to sit there and watch?
Again, I know what you are thinking. "But that's what makes MMOs fun!" I get that many of you might feel that playing the game is the fun part. I agree that playing is fun. But grinding is not. Of course, this raises another question: Why didn't Crystal Saga just design a better way of leveling? Or better yet, why doesn'tCrystal Saga do away with leveling altogether and invent a brand-new way to play MMOs? Good question, Beau. I think the answer is that these devs do not care to redesign the entire process but instead want to speed it up and get you to the good stuff. In a world filled with "AAA," indie, and free-to-play games that are all filled to the brim with massive amounts of grind, I appreciate these AFK systems that are showing up more often. Give me a cash shop filled with every single item in the game and we have a deal.
I've been playing Oblivion a lot lately. We have all probably played it a lot. If not, we jammed on Morrowindbefore that. Remember "fast travel?" You know, the ability to click on an area in the map and instantly transport there, instead of traveling the long, literal way on horseback? We have all used it at some point. I use it when I am faced with an incredibly long (but not difficult) ride. If it is dangerous and within a 15-minute window, I will be on the trail. Games like Crystal Saga allow for the same choices, and I appreciate that. Long ago I lost the feeling that even the mere presence of such systems tainted my gameplay. They exist, and I don't care.
The rest of the game is fun and colorful, including the pet system. I like the fact that the game runs on anything and that there are always players around. Other than those few facts, there's not much more you need to know about your first several hours in the game (which is how long I generally spend in a game before writing this column). It sort of pains me to say so, but the existence of an "AFK mode" is about the only thing I came across that makes Crystal Saga much fun. It sounds weird, but I got the same feeling when I found pocketfuls of goodies that I used to get when I logged into EVE and saw that my skill training was completed. It's worth checking out, even just to surprise yourself.
Next week I will be looking at Starjack Online, a free-to-play empire-builder that has sucked me in. For some reason, the game does not allow me to stream or video it, so look for a screenshot-heavy article next time. Now, go log in!

Lets help each other get internet points in cell phone games

Every once in awhile, most of us find ourselves hopelessly addicted to a likely awful game, and said game offers perks to people who are social and have 'friends'.
I find myself in such a situation, playing Rage of Bahamut. In this game, when you finish the tutorial, you can input a referral code.
I figure us antisocial people could use this code to post the game they are playing and any pertinent information that anyone feeling benevolent could use to help you out.
For my case, once you finish the tutorial in Rage of Bahamut, just input my referral code, jel76572 and both of us will get 100,000 rupies and a rare card that you can't get any other way.
So what awful game are you hooked on?

[FREE][GAME][LAUNCH] Figure Soccer

Figure Soccer is a game for everyone who loves challenging levels. Try to place all figures on the playground at the right position within the given time limit so that the ball will reach the goal. You think that´s still a way too easy for you?! Definitely not! You must touch every single figure at least once before it reaches the goal and if time runs out the level will start from the beginning.
If you still think you are able to complete the first ten levels without cheating and much work, try it out by doing it yourself. You will be surprised how such an easy game can make you go crazy within the first levels.
*if you wish to get stuck in more levels, just leave a comment or give the game +1 / the update will be published very soon*
To download the game please search the Game "Toxid Rain". The game is from the same developer (3-60 Mobile GAMES) I´m sorry but I can´t post links. May someone else could do it.
Tat's nice... Cool

Hi there! looking for your feedback!

Hi All!
I'm quite new android games developer. I'm looking for developers community feedback on my first "serious" project.
So, as I'm keen on brain teasers I wanted to create some puzzle game. I've started my research and found out one of old style games called Freeways. So I thoutght that I can improve it from design and car behaviour perspective.
For last couple of weeks I have few thousands of downloads but very few feedback!
And I don't know should I upgrade it further or there is no chance to find my audience....
I've spent like 1 year to make it and absolutly dissapointed that there is now feedback from players. Should I start another project? Another 1 year?
Please advise... Thank you in advance!
Link to my game is here:
Motorways mind logic puzzles - Apps on Google Play
Stack the states in brain teaser IQ puzzle. Memory & thinking car traffic maze.
Feedback, yes well here you go...
Looks like a data miner to me
No reason to know my precise location or browser history, share with 3rd parties or for me not to have the option to delete collected data.
I wouldn't even install it... based on that alone.
The games I have are all firewall blocked
My favorite apps have zero permissions and never request internet service. They are also some of the best.
Hi Blackhawk! That's a feedback already. This is set up of ads mediation I'm using. Probably it stops other users aswell. Probably I need to find another mediator
Carrot Games said:
Hi Blackhawk! That's a feedback already. This is set up of ads mediation I'm using. Probably it stops other users aswell. Probably I need to find another mediator
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I know you want sponsorship and to generate revenue. I can understand that. It's a tough business. Poweramp has a good business model and is one of my few gladly paid for apps. A lot of bang for the buck and nothing comes close to it for a stand alone music player.
Unfortunately from a user prospective that degree of data mining is potentially harmful. Personally I won't tolerate it... no app is worth that. All social media and shopping apps are banned from my devices. Done that for a decade now. One of the first things I targeted when I started using Androids.

