While I was in my Internet Protocol's class I heard my teacher mention something about Barnes and Noble declaring bankruptcy? Can anyone confirm this? I did some Google research but didn't find much.
I think your teacher meant Borders.
Reneg4d3 said:
While I was in my Internet Protocol's class I heard my teacher mention something about Barnes and Noble declaring bankruptcy? Can anyone confirm this? I did some Google research but didn't find much.
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I don't think B&N is declaring bankruptcy. Borders is though.
Borders, yes. B&N, not yet. I suppose it could happen, but nothing official yet.
Yes I heard B&N was on the verge before the Nook Color, and now they are starting to gain some ground with NC sales. But I can't confirm because it was just gossip.
Reneg4d3 said:
While I was in my Internet Protocol's class I heard my teacher mention something about Barnes and Noble declaring bankruptcy? Can anyone confirm this? I did some Google research but didn't find much.
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Your teacher needs to find better sources for his/her subject matter
Borders is having liquidation sales now...
I am a digital lead at a Barnes and Noble and I can assure you that we are not nor were not on the brink of declaring bankruptcy.
Thank you for your response
tranquilchao5 said:
I am a digital lead at a Barnes and Noble...
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What do you do for Barnes and Noble...are you spying on us?
tranquilchao5 said:
I am a digital lead at a Barnes and Noble and I can assure you that we are not nor were not on the brink of declaring bankruptcy.
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In that case, when can we expect the official B&N 2.2 on our NCs?
Aaah, the beauty of our educational system.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Reneg4d3 said:
While I was in my Internet Protocol's class I heard my teacher mention something about Barnes and Noble declaring bankruptcy? Can anyone confirm this? I did some Google research but didn't find much.
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He is confused.
It was Borders which declared bankruptcy.
Now, I heard that it may have been strategic bankruptcy prior to acquisition though. Also heard that B&N may be the one who is trying to take over, but then again I am not an insider so who knows.
The Borders store that is closing, do they happen to be within short distance of B&N by any chance? If so, it may solidify the speculation a bit more.
Where I live barnes and noble is very close to borders, that's most likely the confusion. But thanks for all the responses!
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Reneg4d3 said:
Where I live barnes and noble is very close to borders, that's most likely the confusion. But thanks for all the responses!
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
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Ya, same here! They're both directly across the street from each other.
hpark21 said:
He is confused.
It was Borders which declared bankruptcy.
Now, I heard that it may have been strategic bankruptcy prior to acquisition though. Also heard that B&N may be the one who is trying to take over, but then again I am not an insider so who knows.
The Borders store that is closing, do they happen to be within short distance of B&N by any chance? If so, it may solidify the speculation a bit more.
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It wasn't due to acquisition. They needed a big loan to help restructure their debt, and their debtors (the publishers) would only agree to it if the company went into bankruptcy to discharge the dead weight stores.
Reneg4d3 said:
Where I live barnes and noble is very close to borders, that's most likely the confusion. But thanks for all the responses!
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This is why the Fayette County educational system is going to hell. And just exactly where is there a Borders near Barnes and Noble in Lexington?
I had 3 people ask me that. Just thought i'd share
Same here. I answered HELL NO! I don't buy locked down apple ****. I don't drink the koolaid. Haha
Sent from my Nook Color using Tapatalk
Ha, I had someone point at me the other day and swoon to their friends, "Aw man he's got a Ipad!" I just smile'd and kept walking.
Someone just yesterday walked up to me and asked "That's the NookColor isn't it?" He knew... spent about 10 min with the guy showing him this and that, he had wanted to buy one but wasn't sure. Once he saw this fantastic Android tablet with BN ereader software that was running the Kindle app and Angry Birds he was sold!
If there are consumers out there that mistake the Nook Color with an iPad, that just shows how incredibly dumb consumers can really be. They are about as two different devices as two devices can get.
Gave me an idea...
gojeda said:
If there are consumers out there that mistake the Nook Color with an iPad, that just shows how incredibly dumb consumers can really be. They are about as two different devices as two devices can get.
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For a Craigslist ad. "7-inch iPad - newest model!"
plympton said:
For a Craigslist ad. "7-inch iPad - newest model!"
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Right?? I would have probably said, "yes it is! In fact, i'm on the production team and I have another one at home. This is probably going to be $600 when it comes out officially, but seeing as how it's Christmas and all- how would YOU like it for $400?"
xwint3rxmut3x said:
Right?? I would have probably said, "yes it is! In fact, i'm on the production team and I have another one at home. This is probably going to be $600 when it comes out officially, but seeing as how it's Christmas and all- how would YOU like it for $400?"
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HA! That'll be the day
johnopsec said:
Same here. I answered HELL NO! I don't buy locked down apple ****. I don't drink the koolaid. Haha
Sent from my Nook Color using Tapatalk
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Well, for all possible reasons you could have given, this is really not the best. Why? The Nook is even more locked down and limited than the iPad. Hell, you cannot even install applications ("extras") officially. You cannot even put your sideloaded books on your home screen.
The NC became interesting when it got rooted, but then again the iPad can be jailbroken as well and has a lot more functionality from the get go even in its locked down state.
Now keep in mind, that people who mistake your NC for an iPad won't be rooting or jailbreaking their devices. For those people the NC does not come anywhere close to the iPad when it comes to actual functionality (without rooting or jailbreaking).
These would have been some valid reasons for buying the NC:
The NC is only $250.
It's more compact than the iPad.
It runs Android, you like Android and you will be able to load Android apps on it when B&N open their app market or now if you root.
Please, I like Android, and I like my NC, but this Android fanboyism is no better than the Apple kind, especially if it's this misguided: Out of the box the NC is a lot more locked down than the iPad. B&N don't want this to be a full-fledged tablet and they will strictly control their app market once it's launched. Rooted nooks cannot access many B&N in-store feature (see thread in this forum), and surely we'll lose root during the next update, which might not even ask your permission to be applied (also from another thread and data analysis on the "firmware over the air" entries in database files on the device, which are set to automatic update.)
So in effect you were saying: "I don't buy locked down apple ****! Instead I'm buying locked down Barnes and Noble products."
You have GOT to be kidding me!
Until B&N pushes an update to unroot it...wow...
Here's the best part.
The options are just opening up for this hot holiday item, right now you can play a large amount of games and other locked out Apps Barnes & Noble don't want you turning their lower priced ereader into a full fledged android 2.2 tablet.
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2.2...lol..I should email the seller to show me a screen cap of 2.2 on there and running Flash.
Plus he mentions giving you access to parts of the android app store. Um...which part would that be exactly?? And all for only $400! Wow. Pity some poor sucker is going to fall for this.
Well, he's mostly right about the "full fledged android tablet" part
HeroHTC said:
2.2...lol..I should email the seller to show me a screen cap of 2.2 on there and running Flash.
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He won't... cause these are unopened in original packaging and stuff...
devis said:
He won't... cause these are unopened in original packaging and stuff...
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Oh, you mean that he only buys them AFTER someone pays...
Pretty slick, but man I could NEVER do that to ANYONE.
Sad thing is, this creep is probably stalking these forums right now and even reading this post.
If he is, he better put some change in the Cyanogen tip jar.
Well, i can't really blame him though... he's only catering to the "ignorant, can't read simple directions" or the lazy bunch out there.
Ugh. You'd think that someone attempting to sell products would have a better grasp of grammar and spelling.
They don't exactly mention that they do anything more than just rooting the device. Some poor sap is going to buy one, receive it, fire it up and look for Angry Birds and cry. Like others have said, they'll think that it's running Android 2.2 and has access to Android Market. Fail.
He's from Milton, WI. I've been there.
lol, all his feedback is as a buyer, and some from the same vendor I believe (as feedback is a copy/paste) and he touts "100% feedback." Wow. I hope he loses money when someone complains and PayPal takes their money back.
I came across a friend that has quite the ins at Oakley. In short, I can get literally any frame or goggle that is current, in store or on website. This is not a gimmick or scam, and minus a few friends that i've helped out im only going to do this for a couple weeks. I'd particularly liked if you bought more than one pair of either goggles or sunglasses. Can also get discounted clothing.
This stuff is 100% authentic from the store. Depending on the order you'd be saving roughly 20-45% per sunglass or goggle. PM me if you want, or just shoot a link in a pm to what you may want. Like i said this isn't going to last months, and I wont be able to take orders of 20 pairs for people to re-sell.
Figured I could help a few people that have helped me with this world of rom flashing and such. . .
fleurdelisxliv said:
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Sent from my SilverBullet 'HTCDesireZ running CM7'
deliriousdroid said:
are caps really necessary?
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he's shouting in case the guy's wearing sunglasses and can't hear him!
fleurdelisxliv said:
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No nothing like that. I know people who actually work for marketing and store managers.
deliriousDroid said:
Sent from my SilverBullet 'HTCDesireZ running CM7'
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lets get real no need to explain my caps but for some reason my work comp does what it wants to on this forum so if its caps its caps and if its not its not!
if anyone is military, police, ems or any of that good stuff go to the site i posted and sign up rly awesome deals all you have to do is fax them proof and they will get you signed up
I thouht this might be of interest: http://nyti.ms/JmkCqd
Good for B&N. I'm sad to say that my next tablet will not be a Nook. With all of the tablets on the horizon and the sweet Samsung 7" for $250, I will move on.
I hear that the deal with Microsoft is meant to boost the education division of B&N. Hopefully when my son is of middle school age, we will be done with carrying 10+ pounds of books.
And running some form of Windows 8, I suspect... Ah weel, we'll always have the old Nook Color (and Paris).
Yeah, this was a mistake and will be costing them customers in the long run. Worse, this looks like the embrace section of Microsoft's infamous embrace, extend, extinguish strategy.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
bornagainpenguin said:
Yeah, this was a mistake and will be costing them customers in the long run. Worse, this looks like the embrace section of Microsoft's infamous embrace, extend, extinguish strategy.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
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Don't be so pessimistic we don't know what will come of this. From what I read this may be education focused and could bring a lot to the table for educational books and readers which is sorely lacking. This does not appear to be a general tablet play and if it bolsters education resources I'm all for it
Just putting my 2 cents in so dont hate on me, but I think this may be a relatively good move for Microsoft since this will now give them a massive book market (which zune sorely lacks) and there is a SLIGHT (as in 10% or less) chance that we may see a Nook windows 8 tablet in the future.
J515OP said:
Don't be so pessimistic we don't know what will come of this. From what I read this may be education focused and could bring a lot to the table for educational books and readers which is sorely lacking. This does not appear to be a general tablet play and if it bolsters education resources I'm all for it
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Microsoft is still Microsoft. Their corporate culture leaves me with absolutely no optimism wherever they're involved somewhere, because it ensures they're going to mess things up for everyone else. Embrace, Extend, Extinguish--maybe you've heard of it? This is Microsoft's modus operandi in pretty much any market they enter. No sir, I do not feel any reason to be optimistic and many many reasons to be pessimistic.
Barnes and Noble were one of the few companies to see Microsoft's Android\Linux patent play for what it was and had nothing to lose in telling the patent troll to go bugger itself and to fight those patents in court. This move means that Barnes and Noble will shut up about the whole thing from this time forward, and Microsoft and resume their McCarthyistic extortion racket again.
Oh and for those saying that this doesn't change Barnes and Noble, maybe you might want to read this. A complaint. Singular. Probably from a small town in Washington state...
If Microsoft was smart they would get on the bandwagon and add support for android devices in windows. They are already making more on licensing fees on patents for android than windows phone, why not increase their profits even more. I hope Microsoft sees the advantage in making this work for the consumer, and not forcing BN to drop the SD slot and push people to their online services, which is how Microsoft has killed a lot of software. Sure in a perfect world online services would be great, but nothing is perfect and I have too much experience with Microsoft to trust their online services for anything important..
FloydF said:
If Microsoft was smart
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FloydF said:
I have too much experience with Microsoft to trust their online services for anything important..
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I think you answered your own question.
FloydF said:
I hope Microsoft sees the advantage in making this work for the consumer, and not forcing BN to drop the SD slot and push people to their online services, which is how Microsoft has killed a lot of software.
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You seem to think it is accidentally that these things happen, it isn't. Microsoft cares more about control than they do profit, because they know that with control comes the ability to name their own price. But first they need to kill off alternatives to set up their toll booth.
Sent from my LG-VM670 using Tapatalk
Both Nokia and Intel are readying Windows 8 tablets and HTC is probably waiting to unleash one later two. It's all part of the Microsoft global domination strategy. By 2016 tablets will overtake laptops. MS will have a big play in that. Having a captive E-book and media outlet like B&N makes good business sense. We shouldn't under-estimate the productivity clout that MS Windows brings to the market. If the hardware is good and reasonably priced, they will make a big splash in the tablet world.
This is probably a play into the digital textbook business more than anything else. According to the Economist (http://www.economist.com/node/21554200) the deal includes B&N's college textbook arm. I think Microsoft wants to have a ready supply of e-textbooks when they finally release Window 8 in a play to capture the student market away from Apple. This would mean having the textbooks, software, and hardware. This is a good play for all of those. What it means for a hack-able nook in the future.... well at least other tablets at our price point are getting better.
While I won't say that this is definitely a good thing for all B&N costumers (because this could be a grim glimplse of the shape of things to come) there is an upside to this. B&N and their Nook have been having trouble going against Amazon and Apple because both of those companies have much deeper pockets. This little cash injection might just keep either of those companies from squishing B&N, which, in turn, is good for the consumers. Their competition favors us, mostly. The rest . . . . well, we'll see.
Check it out posted on the verge http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/27/5034992/google-nexus-5-smartphone-white-color-leak
Sorry if old/boring/uninteresting
Looks nice but i'd rather the frame be white swell rather the just the back
Roxas598 said:
Sorry if old/boring/uninteresting
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You forgot unnecessary new thread in the mix.
[email protected] said:
You forgot unnecessary new thread in the mix.
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Oh really? Meh!
Roxas598 said:
Oh really? Meh!
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Yeah, this is already being talked about in the designated leak threads.
JCreazy said:
Yeah, this is already being talked about in the designated leak threads.
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Aww damn sorry I did a search beforehand but I obviously didn't search hard enough
I heard it was possibly fake, not sure though
rohithaip said:
I heard it was possibly fake, not sure though
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If it doesn't come from Google there's a high chance its fake
Sent from my supercharged LGOG
javskies said:
If it doesn't come from Google there's a high chance its fake
Sent from my supercharged LGOG
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True, I have to stop relying on unofficial sources.
It's an obvious fake, look at the camera and power button position on the first and third image.
SetPT said:
It's an obvious fake, look at the camera and power button position on the first and third image.
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There's a reason that reputable sites like The Verge and Android Police are referencing it from evleaks twitter account. evleaks has been in the game for a long time and is rarely wrong about anything he posts. It's usually a safe bet that if he puts it out there, then it's going to come to pass.
Watcher07 said:
There's a reason that reputable sites like The Verge and Android Police are referencing it from evleaks twitter account. evleaks has been in the game for a long time and is rarely wrong about anything he posts. It's usually a safe bet that if he puts it out there, then it's going to come to pass.
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What i'm trying to say is there is something wrong with that leak.
Maybe we'll have a white nexus 5, maybe not (most certaintly yes), but the inconsistency in the image is visible.
I would not say verge and android police are reputable sites.
These guys just follow the standard blogging information dissemination of re-posting the same info/stuff everywhere.
That being said I'm definitely getting a white nexus.
It is NOT a fake.
Look at the official black render from the Google Play Store page, it have the "issue" about powerbutton and camera too. It is simply an error that comes from LG/Google
the1onewolf said:
I would not say verge and android police are reputable sites.
These guys just follow the standard blogging information dissemination of re-posting the same info/stuff everywhere.
That being said I'm definitely getting a white nexus.
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Not sure why you say they're not reputable sites. They've got a history of fairly accurate reporting, a few "sources" that they can identify legitimacy from, and they tend to pass on things that common blogs gobble up and spew out. Despite all the leaks of release dates as an example, I saw no indication from either of anything until the evleaks post, which many including other sites like Android Central and Engadget use.
Add to that the Google themselves left a message to the Android Police apk teardown team in the code of the latest Google Play Store release before it went live. Watching the G+ Nexus community post blog after blog talking about "unofficial" this and that, with no coverage from sites like Android Central, Android Police, The Verge and Engadget shows that they don't tend to simply post whatever is floating out there, they take their time to vet it.
Like any news outlets, of course they've been fooled a couple of times but overall their accuracy, as well as tact in reporting make them more reputable in my eyes.
And black Nexus 5 for me please, though I will admit that it is the first white phone I've ever even remotely thought of getting.
the1onewolf said:
I would not say verge and android police are reputable sites.
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Show me a more reliable source of information on this phone than Android Police, @evleaks, or The Verge.
None of these sites have ever claimed to know "facts", they simply put the information out there with a disclaimer to "take this with a grain of salt".
the1onewolf said:
I would not say verge and android police are reputable sites.
These guys just follow the standard blogging information dissemination of re-posting the same info/stuff everywhere.
That being said I'm definitely getting a white nexus.
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Remember last year when Google was going to announce the N4 and the event got cancelled because of the giant storm in New York? They invited The Verge's Editor in Chief personally instead and announced it there.
Anyway, kind of brings me back to my original point. Many reputable tech publications across the board follow the evleaks twitter. Head over to his and look at his followers, you'll see many tech giants in there. Take a look at this article that talks more in depth about Evan Blass (evleaks) and you'll see why he's someone that the tech industry pays very close attention to.
Well not to rehash this.
I think what I said was misinterpreted.
There certainly are many reputable sources (industry insiders, distributors, manufactures, people closely connected and etc) out there and evleaks is definitely one of them. When it comes down to exclusives, breaking news and leaks these kinds of sources are generally very reputable because they're in the heart of it and in the know.
However, these blog organizations are just outsiders who just quote reputable sources - in this case they basically just posted what evleaks wrote. In a sense all they did was "retweet" what evleaks. Saying what the other reliable guy say doesn't make you, yourself, a reputable organization. That rep comes from the own content you produce and the way you vet information.
When it comes down it, these blog sites are just all following the same sources on twitter or whatever. Most people here probably follow these same sources as well. These are not exclusive sources who only give your organization exclusive information - this is free information that is posted for all to see and it's just being passed around/circlejerked by all the blog sites and even xda right now.
As for the content these blog sites actually produce. Well the way these blog editors review products is cursory and superficial at best. Whenever, I watch a review posted by a blogging site I can tell they haven't dug deep enough and that's because those guys aren't real industry experts or even "power" users. I'd love it if these guys actually would dive in their products more and even disassemble the products to check the quality of the internal components. I know alot people who use a product heavily or for a particular purpose/industry would really love and appreciate that.
That's where I'm coming from and that's my two cents.
Now back on the subject.
I really hope they do simultaneously release both colors.
I always hate it when they release the white version 3-5 months after.
why do people believe this is real? anyone could accomplish that using photoshop
hello00 said:
why do people believe this is real? anyone could accomplish that using photoshop
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It may be a fake rendering, but the information itself may be real. Evleaks has always been dead on with his stuff in the past, so I think his leak is credible.