How much free memory does the Optimus 2x have for applications??
I've read somewhere that it comes with 2GB free storage?
Do some reading before starting a new post.
Your answer is right HERE.
Hope this thread gets trashed soon to keep the forum clean...
I should have read
LOL his question is about app storage memory, not RAM. Though I'm sure he appreciates your friendly response.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
Just saw on another forum that there's 1.3gb free for apps.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
@mccune Like Kendoji said: my question is about APP STORAGE.
@Kendoji okay many thanks for the info!
Sorry 'bout that. Was a long night of forum reading. I owe you an apology.
I have no problems to apologize when I have to. A lot of questions are asked frequently on XDA. So there are times people react a little harsh. Like I did. You see, we all learn every day
Good stuff, I think this calls for a group hug!
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA Premium App
I have asked a mod to help cleanup general and q&a section.
If there is a ROM or something else you worked on and have stopped or there wasn't enough demand for it please ask a mod to remove said thread.
Let's try not to make a thread for every single question, my thread is still available. I still closely monitor it whenever something is posted.
Also there are other threads for q&a no need for 25+ thread for single questions.
Sorry if it seems like I'm ranting, kinda want to, we just got this forum so it would be "easy" to sort through info, but I feel it bloated as H***.
Sent from my SGH-T679 using xda app-developers app
Great idea...btw you can PM any one of the Moderation Team or all. Or hit the report button, but I am always available, Thanks in the Effort.
I messaged joshkosh and he said he would after he took kids to school yesterday, although he never did get around to the cleansing lol
Sent from my SGH-T679 using xda app-developers app
tazmaniondvl said:
I messaged joshkosh and he said he would after he took kids to school yesterday, although he never did get around to the cleansing lol
Sent from my SGH-T679 using xda app-developers app
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Yes, life does take up time, as all know just like the rest, us Moderators have lives and sometimes that consumes more of the XDA time . We are hobbyist just like you and we are volunteers just like others on this great Forum.
But for future requests or issues, the report button is there if needed, or a PM to all on the Moderation Team as you can use the term "shotgun effect", you will hit something...:fingers-crossed:
Thanks again Sir, for your efforts.
tazmaniondvl said:
he said he would after he took kids to school yesterday
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Is he a bus driver? Just curious. o.o
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app
Sorry to sound like a **** but XDA isn't a help site. It's a development site.
Do we mind helping people if they need it? Of course not, otherwise Q&A sections wouldn't exist BUT we expect users to also help themselves.
Over the last couple of days, I've noticed you've created a fair few threads asking questions which can easily be solved by searching. Believe me, searching works. It's not just there to look pretty.
You'll manage to learn and know a lot more if you actually search for the answer yourself. Plus you may get that extra good feeling inside because you've been able to answer your own questions without having to ask other people all the time.
Sorry I wont spam anymore west ion sir. Take care!!!
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda app-developers app
That went well.
Im 90% sure that Im jumping from my Samsung note 2 to the htc one, its been a long time since I was on the htc threads, as far back as my desire hd lol
My question is before I make the change is how are all you guys finding your htc one, are you happy and have any of you come from a Sammy phone. Id love to hear all your thoughts on the screen, camera, battery ect ect ect . . .
Feel free to write some reviews too.
Thanks guys and girls . . .
Don't start threads like this. You don't get to make us jump at your call. No one is owed anything other than the freedom to read any of the thousands of remarks already posted here that answer your question.
(Having said that, I love my One!)
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
NxNW said:
Don't start threads like this. You don't get to make us jump at your call. No one is owed anything other than the freedom to read any of the thousands of remarks already posted here that answer your question.
(Having said that, I love my One!)
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
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Geez, I thought most people wouldn't of minded posting their views, if you don't want to, don't post.
I posted my view. And it's positive. And I hope you agree and enjoy your HTC One as much as I do. But come on, meet us halfway. Search a little. You have to admit, your question has already been answered. A forum is a shared resource. Respect the time of the people visiting this place and do your "due diligence". That's all I'm sayin..
Sent from my HTC One using xda app-developers app
This phone is rubbish it is slow and unresponsive and crap
iPhone Is Better
Just report and go on guys, no need to feed the troll
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk now Free
Yeah Already Done
Sent from my HTC Desire C using xda app-developers app
AppleBeatsAndroid said:
This phone is rubbish it is slow and unresponsive and crap
iPhone Is Better
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Im really glad you made an account here just to state your opinion. Helpfull as shiz <3
Thread closed,
If you have issues with your phone please make a post in the Q&A section giving as much detail about your problem as possible. Posts like this are not helpful.
Bruh there is so much lag on this jawn bruh . It's unbelievable son I can't stand this ish. I be trying to text my girl it lags , I snap chat it lags , I try to call my homies it lags . This makes Me want to drop the two hunnah to get my nexus cinco fixed . I'm pissed bruh ???????????????????????????????
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium HD app
LifeAssault said:
Learn English?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium HD app
Errrrmagerrrd. . ..... turn offs yo s-voice home launch braaaaah, den chu needztos turn off yo motions n gestures n ish n then yo air views dawg, that will help u to Holla atcho gurrrrrl braaaaaahhhhhh..... if that don't work homie. ... pray for root, or stop trolling
Moderator Edit: Removed quoted comment.
LMFAO!!!! that seriously make me laugh. Btw what lag??? I run Power Saving and I get no lag... I kep telling u guys it's the way you set up ur phone.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Enthropy seeder helps quite a lot actually guys, ive noticed a lot less ui lag when opening apps,
Sent from my SM-T110 using XDA Free mobile app
lesonal said:
Bruh there is so much lag on this jawn bruh . It's unbelievable son I can't stand this ish. I be trying to text my girl it lags , I snap chat it lags , I try to call my homies it lags . This makes Me want to drop the two hunnah to get my nexus cinco fixed . I'm pissed bruh ???????????????????????????????
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium HD app
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Fosho bruh, fosho.
thanitos said:
Enthropy seeder helps quite a lot actually guys, ive noticed a lot less ui lag when opening apps,
Sent from my SM-T110 using XDA Free mobile app
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What is this enthropy seeder?
My contribution to the urban convo:
Dis lag for dayz make me ratchet!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Not entierly sure on the technical details but basically it improves memory access, its here in xda somewhere just google seeder should be the first or second link
Sent from my SM-T110 using XDA Free mobile app
thanitos said:
Not entierly sure on the technical details but basically it improves memory access, its here in xda somewhere just google seeder should be the first or second link
Sent from my SM-T110 using XDA Free mobile app
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It requires root
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using XDA Free mobile app
I think my IQ dropped from viewing this thread...
Sent from my AT&T Samsung Galaxy S5.
I hate it when people create a new thread for an existing topic. I think it makes it difficult for people to find useful information because it gets scattered amongst the different threads. It only happens when someone fails to search first or when they feel that their opinion is so important that they deserve to have their own thread. The mods should move the few useful posts to the existing thread and remove this one altogether.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
dibeachdude said:
I hate it when people create a new thread for an existing topic. I think it makes it difficult for people to find useful information because it gets scattered amongst the different threads. It only happens when someone fails to search first or when they feel that their opinion is so important that they deserve to have their own thread. The mods should move the few useful posts to the existing thread and remove this one altogether.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
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I completely agree. However, you should get use to it, because it will happen more and more. A popular phone means it's going to be popular with the lazy and ignorant as well. The only thing to do is use the "report" button to notify the mods.
I've been a member for several years. I'm used to it, but it seems to be happening a little more often now. I know that the mods have a lot of ground to cover. I'm usually reading through Tapatalk, and I haven't seen an option to report.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Please keep all comments on lag to the already existing thread.
This thread is closed
Have a great day!