Norwegian Apple Wireless Keyboard settings and how to make your own - Galaxy Tab Accessories

I have a Norwegian Samsung Galaxy Tab and Norwegian Apple Wireless Keyboard.
Norwegian letters "æøå" on bluetooth keyboards are not supported out-of-the-box, so I searched forums without much luck. I found some helpful threads and decided to solve the problem and share the solution. Others can make their own modified keyboard settings quite easily using the same methods.
Using "adb logcat" I found that the keyboard layout files used were the "Broadcom_Bluetooth_HID.kcm.bin" and "Broadcom_Bluetooth_HID.kl" (might not be the same on other devices - CHECK!). I had the "adb logcat" going while connecting and disconnecting the keyboard, so that I could see what keyboard files were used by the apple keyboard. I made a backup of these and started modifying them, with success.
I offer no guarantee this will work for everybody!
"Broadcom_Bluetooth_HID.kcm.bin" --> /system/usr/keychars/
"Broadcom_Bluetooth_HID.kl" --> /system/usr/keylayout/
I did this simply by copying the files with the app "Super Manager".
Make backup first. My backups are included just in case.
I used a hex editor called UltraEdit on pc to change some symbols in the .kcm.bin-file, and I used the "KeyTest.apk" from github to make out all the scancodes and used them when editing the .kl-layout file in Notepad on the phone.
NB! If you use the hex editor, make sure you always change one symbol at a time and always do backups for each little change. Whenever I did some change that the system didn't like, it would turn to using the "qwerty.kcm.bin" as default, then I could use the backup to make it work again.
This is my first attempt of a sort of contribution to this great forum after
using it for years. Hope that others can use what I have learn't to make
their own settings. I have attached my original and edited settings files,
and a picture of the keyboard with scancodes.

I would be so happy if you could provide us with a swedish layout aswell as I am not so into programming!

mikaveikko said:
I would be so happy if you could provide us with a swedish layout aswell as I am not so into programming!
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+1. . .. . .

Danish would be nice aswell.
Atleast its the same letters and not all that weird swedish stuff... ;-D
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App

Nice find, qsarklam!
Could you post some info which hex key is which character, and how to identify individual buttons in the hex editor?

mikaveikko said:
I would be so happy if you could provide us with a swedish layout aswell as I am not so into programming!
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+1 ...........

I have exactly the same issue, need though the German layout. Can anyone from you help me with this?
I would also appreciate the Swedish layout so count me in that one aswell.

Spanish anyone?
Same issue, but in Spanish. The wireless Apple Spanish-ISO keyboard mostly works, even the Ñ, but some letters are not right and accented characters like áéíóú don't work. Also, the caps lock key LED doesn't light.
I tried using HexEditor on my rooted Samsung Galaxy Tab to edit the binaries but I can't figure out what maps to what so I'm stuck.
It's just so frustrating to have that nice keyboard sitting around. Would be a waste to have to buy and carry two keyboards, one for the iPhone and another one for the Tab.
To make matters more complicated, I like running the Galaxy Tab's Android UI in English, and I have a Mac so I can't run the suggested bin editors for Windows.
One would think that with the OS X being Unix-based and Android being Linux-based it should be as easy as copying a keyboard layout file from the Mac (or the iPhone) to the Tab, but it seems there is no such luck.

mikaveikko said:
I would be so happy if you could provide us with a swedish layout aswell as I am not so into programming!
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This thread is great! Anyone who has made a Swedish layout for the Apple Wireless Keyboard yet?

... I have attached my original and edited settings files,
and a picture of the keyboard with scancodes.
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I've got one apple wireless keyboard also, and i'm remapping it. Does your Fn button works? How did you manage to find the scancodes from the F1, F2 ... keys?
Are you able pass the lockscreen with the keyboard? without touching the screen i mean.

For those who are not rooted or just don't want to mess with a hexeditor I've got an app that takes care of this and allready supports a lot of different layouts:


Tilt keyboard and Fn+Space function

I just got a new Tilt (unlocked of course!), and after using it for a few days I noticed that there is no easy way to type (with hardware keyboard) symbols as it is posible with HTC phones. I mean in HTP branded phones, if you press Fn+Space you can switch between diferent international characteres, but on the tilt that does not work. Any one know how to get the tilt to behabe like the other Kaisers?...
BTW... I have been looking everywhere with no luck, hope someone has a solution...
Exactly my problem. The Tilt works great, but this little problem I also want to fix.
I've founded here the German Input Cab. Yes, that fixes the vowel problem. But then EVERYthing from a german input is given, what means that very many signs you get by pressing function and a button are switched. What I of course do not want. ;-)
So, the best would be to somehow only get an easy access to the vowels.
In the Windows folder there is a file called sym.txt (sym.0415.txt?) in which you have symbols that are written when you press Fn+space.
If you install (maybe some other programs would also help) you can edit/overwrite this file so that it suits your needs.
Master_H, so you where able to have the tilt recognize the Fn+Space?... please let me know how you did it... that is exactly what I'm trying to solve... you mention German Input Cab, with that did you where able to make Fn+Space work?... Thanks!
jfgarciamex, yes, I was able to have the tilt recognize the Fn+Space, with the German Input Cab. But then everything from the German keyboard was taken. When you have a qwerty you will not be happy with this. Like me.
milujciesie, thanks for your hint, that works. You can also do this with other text editors.
My problem now is, that my hardware keyboard doesn't react correctly anymore when I press Fn+Sym. Then just the normal virtual keyboard pops up but not anymore the symbols. I've searched already but couldn't find it: Does someone have the normal (AT&T) input cab? Thanks a lot!
has anyone found a solution? This is driving me crazy. I type a lot in Spanish and I can't get the right characters unless I go into symbols, which is a real pain!
No, I still have no satisfying solution. There are only two options:
- qwerty with a cab that allows quick access to the vowels etc.
- a new keyboard mat with qwertz for german / the fitting one for spanish.
Option 1 would be the best. Isn't there anybody out here who can help us?
Try Tilt keyboard Fix .... search for it
The cab file is almost 6 months old!
yes, dwny, and I know this fix already since I have my Tilt. But that doesn't solve my problem. With the german cab (for qwertz) you can press "a", "Fn" and "Space" and you get an "ä". That's what I want.
i guess nobody types with accents among developers...hehe
My keyboard works well...just missing the Fn+Space combination. I'm wondering if that could be that the sym.txt file is missing? Will search the windows directory and report back..
EDIT 1: I went back and installed the original ATT Rom. just happens this one doesn't have the Fn+Space combination working either! You just get space. So I see two options: have a non Cingular/ATT layout and be able to use Fn+Space (and go guessing were each of the Fn Characters are), or have the Cingular/ATT layout and have everything work fine, but not be able to put any accents.
I guess someone smarter than most should be able to come up with a new layout...
You will just have to adapt the file sym.409 und Device\Windows. You just can put behind the letter (f.ex a) what special sign you want in which order (by pressing fn space).
F.ex. for letter a
aäàâ ...
If you need a sym.409 file for a german qwertz keyboard, let me know.
By the way. Your cannot change it through the handy, as the file is signed. You will need to modifiy it and the copy it with totalcommander or gsfinder to the windows directory.
I had this problem with my french keyboard, and i found on this forum the right cab which fixed the problem for me
The thread i used was the following one :
Have a look and try, the french cab worked for me while others failed, maybe the spanish cab will solve your problem
ps to tech: mooooo
koumala said:
You will just have to adapt the file sym.409 und Device\Windows. You just can put behind the letter (f.ex a) what special sign you want in which order (by pressing fn space).
F.ex. for letter a
aäàâ ...
If you need a sym.409 file for a german qwertz keyboard, let me know.
By the way. Your cannot change it through the handy, as the file is signed. You will need to modifiy it and the copy it with totalcommander or gsfinder to the windows directory.
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Koumala, problem is a different one. You either use the ATT TILT layout with all the FN keys working fine but the FN+Space combination, or, you use a different layout (e.g. English) where the FN+Space combination works, but most FN key are mapped incorrectly. Your proposal to change the sym049.txt file assumes the FN+Space combination works. But that's precisely what we're trying to solve.
jfgarciamex said:
I just got a new Tilt (unlocked of course!), and after using it for a few days I noticed that there is no easy way to type (with hardware keyboard) symbols as it is posible with HTC phones. I mean in HTP branded phones, if you press Fn+Space you can switch between diferent international characteres, but on the tilt that does not work. Any one know how to get the tilt to behabe like the other Kaisers?...
BTW... I have been looking everywhere with no luck, hope someone has a solution...
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If I understand correctly (which I think I do) this is the solution to your problem:
Disable XT9 (KaiserTweak, or directly via your registry), soft reset, et voila..
Fn+Space is back to its old self
Disabling XT9 won't fix the problem. I don't even HAVE XT9 on my phone, and Fn+Space doesn't work.
Furthermore, the sym.0409.txt file in the \Windows folder ALREADY has all the symbols that should be possible using Fn+Space, but they don't work!
I'm also interested in some way to get this to work without losing my other symbol keys, 99% of the time, I'm writing in English, but as santiargy said, that 1% of the time I write in Spanish sucks because I have to go into the symbol pad to get any writing that makes sense done!
Try MagiKB Lite
rjlynn said:
Disabling XT9 won't fix the problem. I don't even HAVE XT9 on my phone, and Fn+Space doesn't work.
Furthermore, the sym.0409.txt file in the \Windows folder ALREADY has all the symbols that should be possible using Fn+Space, but they don't work!
I'm also interested in some way to get this to work without losing my other symbol keys, 99% of the time, I'm writing in English, but as santiargy said, that 1% of the time I write in Spanish sucks because I have to go into the symbol pad to get any writing that makes sense done!
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You are correct - disabling xT9 is not the answer.
Here is one fix - MagiKB Lite. With this keyboard extender, "You can assign up to 4 additional letters to one key, greatly extend its functions". By pressing and holding any key, you can cycle through all letters or symbols assigned to a key, and you can customize the available options for each key, just like sym.txt did for Wizard (and Hermes I think).
I use MagiKB Lite to have ([{ and }]) assigned to their respective keys, en-dash and em-dash added to the hyphen key, backslash added to the forward slash key, and on and on.
For Spanish, you can have n-tilda assigned to n, etc.
I hope this may be a good answer for you.
I am attaching my personal custom layout for the Tilt - you can easily edit it within MagiKBLite to add your Spanish letters.
Remove the .txt from the file, and place it in \MyDocuments\MagiKB Lite. There is also a Treo750v.lay file that you can look at to see how the custom keyboard files are constructed.
for a spanish qwertz keyboard
do you have a sym.409 file for a spanish qwertz keyboard please?
thank you a lot
koumala said:
You will just have to adapt the file sym.409 und Device\Windows. You just can put behind the letter (f.ex a) what special sign you want in which order (by pressing fn space).
F.ex. for letter a
aäàâ ...
If you need a sym.409 file for a german qwertz keyboard, let me know.
By the way. Your cannot change it through the handy, as the file is signed. You will need to modifiy it and the copy it with totalcommander or gsfinder to the windows directory.
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Auto Suggestions Pop-Up

I am sorry if this has been answered before, but I can't find the answer anywhere. How can I change the auto suggestions from the one that's in the screenshot to the older pop-up version?
Have you looked under start-->settings-->personal-->input? Once here select the input method you wish to use and customize it all the way. This should inlcude adding your own words to the dictionary/pop up suggestions etc.
I don't know the popup you mean but it sounds to me like it belongs to an older keyboard. You need to install that keyboard, if you can find a VGA version.
Failing that you could try another keyboard like Resco or TouchPal to see how you get on. I think the T9 system in TouchPal is great, a whole other level better than the HTC keyboards.
I was wondering how to get the word suggestions to the one in this screenshot.
Ths thread explains it:
short version: disable T9 and use a different keyboard...
Word suggestions...
datzent83 said:
I was wondering how to get the word suggestions to the one in this screenshot.
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You can't use that one with HTC's keyboards. That belongs to Microsofts' built-in SIP's. I find HTC's much better and quicker to use. If you've only just changed from the 'old' word suggestions from Microsoft, maybe you need a bit more time to get used to them. Other than that, you'll have to use Microsoft SIP's instead of HTC's.
I'm sure if there was a way to resolve your issue, some wiz-kid here would have already done it
I forgot to mention this, but I am not use HTC keyboards. I am using PocketCM Keyboard v0.20.
I figured it out thanks to Steve in this form post #21:
Here is the suggestion which works!
found this in another thread
changes for auto complete
IMPORTANT: previously be sure that HKLM\Software\Tegic\eT9\XT9SupportMSSip has a value of 0.
Simply change these two registry keys under:
HKLM\system\currentcontrolset\control\layouts\e 0010409
Ime File : \windows\xt9ime.dll change to Ime File :\windows\compime.dll
Layout Text : XT9 IME change to Layout Text : COMP IME
And soft reset.
suggest words in a drop down list as in WM6

Wanted: keyboard cab w/ numbers

Maybe I'm not using the proper search string, but I'm looking for an onscreen keyboard cab that shows the numbers WITH the letters on the same "page" without having to tab back and forth between numbers and letters. Is there such a thing out there?
Thanks in advance!
If you go to settings ->input "small keys" numbers will be included on default.
If you wish to have bigger keys with numbers on them, a 3rd party keyboard application may be required.
radi0chik said:
Maybe I'm not using the proper search string, but I'm looking for an onscreen keyboard cab that shows the numbers WITH the letters on the same "page" without having to tab back and forth between numbers and letters. Is there such a thing out there?
Thanks in advance!
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if you don't mind an on screen keyboard that has nice big keys and numbers and some symbols on the same page as the letters, then keep reading. the thread i am about to refer you to contains such a keyboard albeit you'll have to do a "long press" to access the numbers and symbols...
see this thread for a nice keyboard suite ripped from the latest generation of HTC phones...
i advise reading the first few posts of that thread THOROUGHLY to get an idea of DOs and DONTs so that you're installation goes smoothly. the developer/maintainer of the thread (rightfully so) demands that his users be thorough and appreciative because he really has done a good job at ripping the keyboard and the language packs and packaging it into a set of installable cab files that (usually) work on nearly all phones and nearly all ROMs and nearly all popular languages.
good luck!
ekw said:
If you go to settings ->input "small keys" numbers will be included on default.
If you wish to have bigger keys with numbers on them, a 3rd party keyboard application may be required.
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hah! I'm an idiot. I guess that's what I was missing. Need more caffeine today. Thanks!

new texting keyboard for 240x320 myns vogue?

i do like the keyboard that it comes with, but my fingers are too big. i hit the "." when i mean to hit "space", and i hit other buttons when i dont mean to. i want something that will learn my keystrokes. my buddy was telling me about HTC_IME and clicker, but i cant seem to find the right files. i looked into a tatto build, and took the apk files, but they wont install. i get "this program can not install on this device" error
just seeing whats out there. i tried installing the 320x480 myns, but the screen doesnt line up right on anything for me.
I use the free ShapeWriter keyboard found in the Android Market.
Hope this helps.
staticchmbr said:
i do like the keyboard that it comes with, but my fingers are too big. i hit the "." when i mean to hit "space", and i hit other buttons when i dont mean to. i want something that will learn my keystrokes. my buddy was telling me about HTC_IME and clicker, but i cant seem to find the right files. i looked into a tatto build, and took the apk files, but they wont install. i get "this program can not install on this device" error
just seeing whats out there. i tried installing the 320x480 myns, but the screen doesnt line up right on anything for me.
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If you want only the english can ignure the steps with language... But you must change to 120 dpi and change the dialer (contacts.apk)....look here:
Htc ime... it´s a long way....
Installation Instructions
1. Install both HTC_IME.apk and Clicker.apk.
2. Rename/remove the file /system/lib/ (I suggest renaming to You need root permissions to do this (the program Root Explorer works great.)
3. Menu -> Settings -> Locale & text. Enable 'Touch Input'.
4. Go to a text field and long-hold until a menu pops up.
5. Select 'Input Method' and then 'Touch Input'
1.1 Download the latest htc ime from here
or here:
2.1 make the system root/write access to change the name of libt9
- open terminal
- type "su"
- type "mount -o remount,rw /system"
... and then I could rename the file w/ Root Explorer (must be root explorer..i think)
3.1 change the language: look here:
a bit easier: change to htc ime...go to sms and long press on the input a menu come and you can change....
go in a explorer to: data/data/ (now visible)--and copy it to sd card...
open the xml and change the language code (like in the link)....copy it over the old one....
please do not change the lang setting in text input settings...(you don´t see a lang in this box now)
i think it was all
edit: for the correct view: change to 120 dpi....and take my corrected dialer:
Now it´s all...i hope
Super easy, you can get the HTC keyboard in 240x320.
Just follow the instructions,
You will need to d/l the two files and install root explorer.
I'm curious - why do folks like the HTC one better?
berardi said:
I'm curious - why do folks like the HTC one better?
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Because we have now QWERTY(Z) compact qwerty and this is what i like a normal phone a normal mobile phone
edit: @ GeJohnO...sorry..2nd link from me is the same...i only have a bigger statement because of language collect all important info´s and correct the 110 dpi issue (HTC_IME looks not good in 110 dpi)
With kind regards..Alex
personally i like the HTC keyboard because i feel the text prediction better because of the clicker.apk includes a calibration app and it seems to adapt to me alot fast than other keyboards.
i also like that if i want to use a number or symbol i can just long hold on a key instead of having to switch to a secondary menu all the time
also staticchmbr i feel like i know you from somewhere?
staticchmbr said:
i do like the keyboard that it comes with, but my fingers are too big. i hit the "." when i mean to hit "space", and i hit other buttons when i dont mean to. i want something that will learn my keystrokes. my buddy was telling me about HTC_IME and clicker, but i cant seem to find the right files. i looked into a tatto build, and took the apk files, but they wont install. i get "this program can not install on this device" error
just seeing whats out there. i tried installing the 320x480 myns, but the screen doesnt line up right on anything for me.
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That's your problem. You have a 240x320 hardware screen on the Vogue, and you are trying to use a resolution that it is not meant for. I do not understand why people think they can do this, and still expect things to function. First of all, you do not NEED the extra resolution, I run about 20 games and 15 apps on my phone, of all different sources, and 240x320 is fine. Secondly, use LCD density "113", just change the build.prop file before flashing NAND, and you are good to go. I have zero issues at all, with any apps.
i AM running the 240x320, but tried the 320x480 just in case that was the issue. finally got it installed, but everytime i run the calibration it says" SORRY, the application has stopped unexpectedly. please try again".. maybe i just dont have the right file? i got it from another topic on here:
Can someone please tell me what is wrong with the default Android keyboard? I am 6'7" tall, and my hands are HUGE. My pinky is bigger than my wife's thumb, and I actually text with MY thumb, just fine, which is friggin huge, and I have no issues.
I am just baffled, because I see these 'alternate keyboard' threads all the time, so obviously there must be an issue for some ppl with the keyboard, but I guess for once it is not for us fat-fingers folks. Is it hard to use for small fingers maybe? I am so curious about this as the Android keyboard is such a breeze for me to use.
I agree. I prefer the default keyboard myself.
It's faster too
eh, maybe im just not coordinated enough lol
myn said:
I agree. I prefer the default keyboard myself.
It's faster too
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Yeah, I love the speed of the default keyboard. I've tried Betterkeyboard, and all those, Shapewriter, I think just about every one, and while some are cool, and hold potential, for me none compare to the speed of input in the default. I can type pretty damn fast with the default.
The only keyboard I can see being significantly better is Touchpal. If you remember it from Winmo, it was a FAST and efficient keyboard. But the developer keeps promising a release date, and renigging on it. If you feel like a laugh, go check out the forums:
berardi said:
Yeah, I love the speed of the default keyboard. I've tried Betterkeyboard, and all those, Shapewriter, I think just about every one, and while some are cool, and hold potential, for me none compare to the speed of input in the default. I can type pretty damn fast with the default.
The only keyboard I can see being significantly better is Touchpal. If you remember it from Winmo, it was a FAST and efficient keyboard. But the developer keeps promising a release date, and renigging on it. If you feel like a laugh, go check out the forums:
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have you tried better keyboard?
inertone said:
have you tried better keyboard?
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Yeah I really couldn't find the appeal what do you like about it?

chinese input and keyboard layout

hi, I just installed the chinese input method that I found on this forum (the ngn4_cht_ezinput) and I love it. However, I got a little problem. Since the input mehod comes from a diff device, it has different keyboard layout than my tilt 2. Is there anyway to get the tilt 2's own ATT keyboard layout with the input method? I want it so I can use my keypboard to type stuff.
thanks a lot guys
PUTALE said:
hi, I just installed the chinese input method that I found on this forum (the ngn4_cht_ezinput) and I love it. However, I got a little problem. Since the input mehod comes from a diff device, it has different keyboard layout than my tilt 2. Is there anyway to get the tilt 2's own ATT keyboard layout with the input method? I want it so I can use my keypboard to type stuff.
thanks a lot guys
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Try this...
thank you so much for the link.
I have already gotten the chinese input to work with the program I have previously download a working chinese input. However, my problem is not that I cannot input and view chinese but rather, I cannot use my included keyboard layout to type them due to the different layout that ATT uses on the Tilt 2. Anyone has any idea how can I use my keyboard to type them?
thanks a lot guys.
Try This! So far best for me.
PUTALE said:
thank you so much for the link.
I have already gotten the chinese input to work with the program I have previously download a working chinese input. However, my problem is not that I cannot input and view chinese but rather, I cannot use my included keyboard layout to type them due to the different layout that ATT uses on the Tilt 2. Anyone has any idea how can I use my keyboard to type them?
thanks a lot guys.
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Install from smaller to bigger file size. Including SIP, Ping Ying, Chinese Serch, Chinese Writing and recognize Chinese charators , work for me. Been using since WM6 till now. Now problem at all.
thank you so much for your feedback. I follow the instruction and installed it. It does let me type and read chinese but again, my ATT keyboard on the tilt 2 still is not working properly, ie the physical keys are not matching the onscreen keyboard layout.
Looks like it maybe impossible to use the physical keyboard with all of these other input methods that are not officially supported.
dominicong said:
Install from smaller to bigger file size. Including SIP, Ping Ying, Chinese Serch, Chinese Writing and recognize Chinese charators , work for me. Been using since WM6 till now. Now problem at all.
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Thank you very much.
if you are using energy rom.. mayb u could try this:
quoted from Energyrom thread.
Carrier Provisioning: There are many different carriers, and some require different provisioning. If you are experiencing issues such as sending/receiving SMS/MMS, or your physical keyboard is not mapped corrected, you MAY need to provision for your carrier. For AT&T and T-Mobile, go to Start > Tools > Carrier Provisioning and select your carrier. For other carriers, go to Start > Connections > Connections > Advanced > Select Networks and either select from the drop down menus to edit or click on New to add a new one (you may need to contact your carrier to get the configuration information).
you can try 搜狗 input for wm

