Hi im trying to figure out the galaxy s i9000 droid
i have flashed and re flashed my phone a number of times..
installed CWM and flashed it again.
after installing darkys rom i cannot go back into recovery mode and my phone wont boot if i try.
i have to repartition it with odin to get it to boot again.
but then again if i install darkys rom i can never go back into recovery mode again.
any idias why or how to fix it ? mayB im doing somthing wrong ?
other then that bug my phone seems to work perfectly with darkys rom.
thanks !!
You tried not installing that ROM .
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HI Friends,
I have applied z4root temp root and applied OCLF lag fix in my SGS now. After reboot phone not booting . It got stuck at galaxy S logo.
How can i recover my mobile. The 3 button recovery mode is working now.
What i have to do now ?
1) factory reset in the recovery mode or
2) I have to use odin to flash the stock firmware
Please help..
Factory reset first .
Flash stock via Odin but undo lagfix first .
Thanks for your reply
I Can't boot the phone now. Its got stuck in the logo .
Then how i can i undo the lagfix ?
Does ODIN flashing requires removing lagfix in the phone ?
Can i directly flash the STOCK firmware with OCLF lagfix enabled ?
wifi802.11abgn said:
Thanks for your reply
I Can't boot the phone now. Its got stuck in the logo .
Then how i can i undo the lagfix ?
Does ODIN flashing requires removing lagfix in the phone ?
Can i directly flash the STOCK firmware with OCLF lagfix enabled ?
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Search in the threads for help, but if you flash a stock ROM that includes a PIT file and check "Repartition", you should be ok even without removing the lagfix.
However, search for better answers as I am no expert yet.
This is a good thread to start with as just a way to get your phone up and running...
factory reset works for me.. but all apps gone.. restoring my all apps now...
ok jist is
tried kernal update, fone stuck on boot screen galaxy s i9000M
no matter what i do, even load stock samsung firmware, i get as far as this screen
odlin can still see phone though.
any help would be great
fliptechnologies said:
ok jist is
tried kernal update, fone stuck on boot screen galaxy s i9000M
no matter what i do, even load stock samsung firmware, i get as far as this screen
odlin can still see phone though.
any help would be great
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3 combos buttons work ?
Vol down+home+power on/off ?
Vol Up + home+ power on/off ?
if yes, try to flash the correct rom for I9000M
If you can get into download mode, and Odin sees your phone, then it is very unlikely that you bricked it.
Just flash Darkys ressurection or stock Samsung ROM from Odin.
ok installed darkys, now all phone does is flash galaxy i9000 screen
managed to get past that screen and back to recovery mode, and still d/l mode, trying EZBASE now as i was getting as far as colour S then bursts of vibrations
stuck on boot loop now, still can access recovery and d/k mode, after trying to install EZBase. is their any other siggestions.
pref, instructions and files for re-loading stock firmware for australia on it, if memory calls had 2.2 of eclair
still no luck people, any further advice please
I just had the same issue with my i9000m. Download the fireware I9000UGJL2.exe from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=846913
It fixed my issue instantly. Then go to that kitchen rom website and create your own ROM. My phone has never been faster. GPS works very good, way better than before. Even cell service is 100000000000 times better....
ok, good news is i have it working stock rom and rooted, got most aps back on, now my issue is, i cant install clockwork recovery from rom manager, i tried it via odlin and got the screen of phone and pc and the exclamation mark. can some1 please help out as to how i can get clockwork recovery mod installed.
fone details are
galaxy S i9000I now just without the i
firmware 2.1-update1
baseband i9000xxjm4
kernal 2.6.29 [email protected] #2
build ECLAIR.xwjm8
fliptechnologies said:
i tried it via odlin and got the screen of phone and pc and the exclamation mark.
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What did you try flashing with Odin?
electrotune1200 said:
What did you try flashing with Odin?
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ried flashing
Go to D/L mode and reflash the kernal.
So you tried flashing Chainfires JVB kernal on a 2.1 rom?
I think that's the problem....
electrotune1200 said:
So you tried flashing Chainfires JVB kernal on a 2.1 rom?
I think that's the problem....
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ok thanks, what should i flash then, or how can i update to 2.2 or 2.3 without loosing files and apps ?
Man you should not try to flash things when you don't understand them.
For this moment you tried to flash a kernel that is for a gingerbread rom (JVB, android 2.3.3) on your Eclair 2.1. Don't you think you should read a bit more before flashing everything on your phone?
Go to the official rom thread and follow the guides to flash a gingerbread(2.3.3) or Froyo(2.2) rom
Ok ill put this as plain and as simple as i can
1. I am new to flashing
2. I asked how to do it, as after all this is a q&a section
3. I feel my questions hvae not been answered correctley
so i shall explain again and this time links may help
1. I want a kernal that will give me recovery options
2. I do not want to loose anything on the phone
3. I want to upgrade to 2.3
so i would like links please or someone who can take the time to write a quicvk step list telling me what to do.
You really need to go to main thread and all info is there, it would take ages to talk you out of this...its all out there, seek and you shall find, its tough love
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
happened to me ea few nights ago but EZBASE rom got me out of it ,then you can flash a rom from there try it
I agree! Ezbase is a cinge!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
/me shakes head, i sware i asked for links, i guess ill go get in trouble again and repost this in a different section.
Just use the search for ezbase 3, would you like your bottom wiped! We try to help...and what thanks??!
Sent from gt i9000 insanity 8.5/fugumod
I got my samsung galaxy s gt-i9000 (in download mode) hooked up to odin (multi downloader 4.03), but whenever i try to flash a custom rom (created in romkitchen.org) it keeps saying ''check the image files !!'' i selected the 'one package' option, and i selected the rom at the bottom ''select integrate package'' section..
I'm clueless right now, please help?
Simple question are you following the how to instructions in rom kitchen .
Looks like you are not following the instructions .
Rom Kitchen + ODIN thats a new one on me .
Thanks you for the quick awnser, i will try to explain the problem.
For some darkbrown reason my clockworkmod recovery doesnt work anymore, so i cant get into recovery (with 3 button combo) And on top of that my phone cant load, it stay's stuck on the galaxy s screen. (i formatted data&system in recovery this afternoon) i can only enter download mode. So i'm trying to flash a new rom onto the phone but i cant get it to work with Odin3 or with odin multidownloader. with odin3 it stays stuck on the 'setupconnection' message, and with odin multi downloader it just say's 'check image file !!'
Where can i find the 'how to' instructions on the romkitchen.org website?
Excuse me if im a noob, im just trying to get me a better phone
I am just querying your attempt to do something that's not in the instructions as far as i am aware .
Very simple rules of flashing one backup and two if you do not understand what you are doing you brick your phone .
If you want to flash A NEW ROM YOU USE SAMFIRMWARE.COM roms and ODIN .
Custom rom via CWM
download a stock froyo rom follow instructions and flash with Odin with pit and repartition checked .
Why did you format data and system??!!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I know :$
But i got it working again! thanks a million guys!
For future ref, check out the ezbase rom, stock rooted rom, great as a recovery image
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Okay, i will keep that one in my mind!
I just got help from someone over @ romkitchen.org, he helped me out, now i got a romkitchen personal rom with clockwork kernel, i'll see from here what rom ill choose.
Beware, u will get addicted to rom flashing!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Hi everybody
I have a big trouble with my SGS GT-I9000HKDIRD .
Before i have Froyo with VooDoo Lagfix and rooted. I have try to revert it back to stock firmware and now i am stuck.
What i have done :
- disabled lagfix (also done repartition)
- unrooted
Current simptoms :
SGS will start up , the animated logo will appear and glow for a while and after it reboot.
What now ?
Thanks for help
reflash stock firmware via odin, u ll get all firmwares from : http://www.samfirmware.com/
you dont need to deactivate lagfix
Make sure to do 3 files in odin with re partition checked.
Good luck.
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