Google Map speech (cutting short) - Nook Color General

I'm beginning to use the NC as a GPS (awaiting my car mount!) and it's pretty annoying that my Google Maps is truncating the last .5 seconds of the spoken directions. I've been getting by with just muting the sound but there are times when I would like to have directions spoken. Has anyone else seen this error? Any workarounds/solutions posted?

I am observing the same thing


HD7 thoughts so far

I am really trying to like this phone even after the mango update..
But I can not understand a few things..
The Volume on this phone is crap There is no way in hell it will ever wake me up using the alarm, My droid I was able to set whatever I wanted to any ringtone or alarm ( my own music) and I was able to make the volume loud enough to actually hear it..
Microphone input why can we not use the microphone anywhere there is a input field? why can we only long press the windows logo or use it for sms? evidently it is built into the OS just fine for voice to txt why not use it across the whole os on any text input field?
No flash?
GPS navigation is piss poor unless you dump 35$ on the Garmin suite.. believe me i have tried every trial and free app this week and they all do not compare to Google maps free on the android..
Also again SOUND unless you drive with NO fan on in the car, no music, and windows rolled up and on a quiet street you will not hear the GPS telling you where to turn.
Battery life:
wow all you have to do is send a few messages and browse the web for less then 5 minutes and you are at a 1/4 power loss ...
Think it is time to head back over to android land where i was able to use the microphone for a lot more voice input...
was able to set ringtone to music I liked and was ABLE TO HEAR IT
was able to HEAR MY alarm clock
was able to HEAR the gps software that was superior and FREE
You could have saved yourself a lot of time, stress and possibly money by reading the posts in this forum which have discussed the points you mentioned about dozens of times.
I feel your pain, I bought a HD7 on launch day and sold it a week later. There weren't any reviews available back then but now, almost a year after launch, all the issues in your post at widely known.
When did you get your HD7?
re: Volume - I've never had an issue with this
re: Nav - GPS's "Turn By Turn" is great and cheap ($5.49 Aussie - Less everywhere else in the world)
re: Battery life - I find it the same as every power hungry smartphone I've owned... I'm used to charging once a day
A lot of the other issues you state will likely be resolved soon... But most you list are WP7 issues rather than HD7 issues...
Perhaps android is more suitable...

Toothless control

I just recently bought a brand new moto x off contract. Great phone. This should've been the nexus 5. Anyway, I am having a problem with touchless control. Whenever I wake it up by, ok Google now, and hit the back to cancel. It makes the usual sound but with static. I uninstalled the updates since I can't delete it and downloaded it again. It fixed it. I noticed that with just Google search by tapping and canceling the mic, it doesn't give me this problem. Anyone else have this?
Techno Droid said:
I just recently bought a brand new moto x off contract. Great phone. This should've been the nexus 5. Anyway, I am having a problem with touchless control. Whenever I wake it up by, ok Google now, and hit the back to cancel. It makes the usual sound but with static. I uninstalled the updates since I can't delete it and downloaded it again. It fixed it. I noticed that with just Google search by tapping and canceling the mic, it doesn't give me this problem. Anyone else have this?
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Don't have that kind of problem. But I've noticed something else: the voice recognition is way too sensitive. Not only that I don't have to say "Ok Google Now" - OK is enough, but sometimes it reacts to my other words too.
piskr said:
Don't have that kind of problem. But I've noticed something else: the voice recognition is way too sensitive. Not only that I don't have to say "Ok Google Now" - OK is enough, but sometimes it reacts to my other words too.
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I also had this problem, but with time, its less and less often. But if you've setup your voice recognition some time ago, you should try it again and wait a couple of weeks to see if the problem is solved.
Never had any static though. Do you have any third party equalizer of something like that? Also check if you have any open background app that can interfere with your audio.
Wow didn't realize topic title till now. Toothless. Lol. Auto correct. The voice recognition is very sensitive. Activated by others talking in public.
Techno Droid said:
Wow didn't realize topic title till now. Toothless. Lol. Auto correct. The voice recognition is very sensitive. Activated by others talking in public.
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Yeah, I was wondering about the 'toothless'
I had a similar issue: Touchless control was activating on ambient noise, or even a loud TV. The key was to re-train the launch phrase in a VERY quiet room. My friend trained his X and there was a barking dog next door while he did it. It activated all-the-time, seemingly out of nowhere.
Once we re-trained carefully, in an extremely quiet environment, it no longer activates un-intentionally.
You might give this a shot! To Re-Train, go to Settings > Touchless Control

[Q] Moto Voice Activating on It's Own

I'm having a problem with Moto Voice. Every morning I stream Spotify for a few hours at work with my earbuds in. The phone is in my pocket. For some reason Moto Voice activates by itself and stops the music. When I pull my phone out of my pocket it has that blue screen that is prompting me for a command. This happens randomly every day (maybe 5 or 6 times). I've tried re-training my voice and even did a factory reset. Any idea what the problem could be? I'm on Verizon.
My Moto X has done the same about five times in the 28 hours I've owned it. I'm thinking of recording a new trigger phrase just in case mine's too simple and is getting triggered accidentally by ambient noise.
SiliconS said:
My Moto X has done the same about five times in the 28 hours I've owned it. I'm thinking of recording a new trigger phrase just in case mine's too simple and is getting triggered accidentally by ambient noise.
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I tried that a couple of times. Didn't work for me. Right now I'm using "Wake up Moto X".
I'm experiencing the same problem with two different Bluetooth devices: an LG Tone headset and a FlexSmart In-Car Transmitter. Moto Voice seems to activate whenever Bluetooth is disconnected or in my case when I power off either device.
As a test, while connected, I disabled Bluetooth through the Settings toggle and a few seconds later Moto Voice proudly exclaimed, "Please say a command".
I changed to the default "OK Google Now" this morning to see whether it helps.
I did wonder whether the Moto Assist screen was appearing for other reasons and not actually being triggered by my voice (such as when the phone switches to car or sleep profiles), but I'm not yet sure.
All the podcasts I listen to think it's hilarious to say the trigger phrases and set off everyone's phones in their cars.
Figured out what the problem is. The headset jack is faulty. If the plug on the ear buds moved a little while it was in the phone, the sound would cut in and out and sometimes activate Moto voice. Got a new phone on the way!
Has anybody solved this issue? Every time I get out of my car, Voice starts up, whether I was streaming or not. I have turned off the Driving part of Moto and it didn't make a difference. It's not a huge deal, it just times out after a while but it is frustrating.
I'd forgotten about this. Changing my wake-up phrase to "Hey Moto wake up" seems to have fixed it - I think I've only had one unexpected trigger since I did that.
I think I solved my issue. I had installed "Bluetooth Connect and Play." I thought it might be the problem so I disabled it - the issue continued. I deleted it entirely today and the problem has stopped. I guess I'll finally have to figure out Tasker and set it up. I bought it on sale a couple years ago and have never spent enough time with it to figure out how to program it.

[Q] Launch phrase then long delay of listening

So I love using my launch phrase. And the percentage of 'correctness' is amazing. But whenever I do it anywhere except somewhere that's dead silent, it just keeps listening. For like...30 seconds. Even if I said two words. I find this quite annoying. Any fix for this? Anyone else experiencing this?
smokeydriver said:
So I love using my launch phrase. And the percentage of 'correctness' is amazing. But whenever I do it anywhere except somewhere that's dead silent, it just keeps listening. For like...30 seconds. Even if I said two words. I find this quite annoying. Any fix for this? Anyone else experiencing this?
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This is because the phone is still listening for the sounds around you, it doesn't differentiate between a dog or your voice, it just hears sounds, so as long as they environment is noisy, the voice commands wouldn't work properly.
There is no fix for this because it's not a bug, it works as intended but if any other sources are making noises, the phone won't distinguish your voice properly; the only thing you can do is to speak louder or try to be close to your phone when using your voice.
Galaxo60 said:
This is because the phone is still listening for the sounds around you, it doesn't differentiate between a dog or your voice, it just hears sounds, so as long as they environment is noisy, the voice commands wouldn't work properly.
There is no fix for this because it's not a bug, it works as intended but if any other sources are making noises, the phone won't distinguish your voice properly; the only thing you can do is to speak louder or try to be close to your phone when using your voice.
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I understand exactly what you are saying. But, on my old GNex (and on this phone) if I use Google's voice detection services it works without these incredibly long delays. The only reason i prefer this service is that this service reacts to my command without having to touch my phone first.
smokeydriver said:
I understand exactly what you are saying. But, on my old GNex (and on this phone) if I use Google's voice detection services it works without these incredibly long delays. The only reason i prefer this service is that this service reacts to my command without having to touch my phone first.
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I think this is the most interesting thing, of course Google has many advantages with its own implementation, but the fact to have the always listening function on the phone is priceless.

Random music muting

After upgrading to 8.1 on my Pixel, I noticed that in Android Auto, when listening to Spotify, the music will intermittently have its volume lowered (like a notification or driving direction) for a few seconds. However its not related to receiving any actual notifications or driving directions (happens even when not navigating). Nothing is actually being read out, and I can't find any rhyme or reason - happens typically once a minute, and I can't correlate any pattern (e.g. coming up to lights? start or end of song? moving or stationary? its totally random).
Its only happening since 8.1 (pretty sure that's when it started happening - before I had a perfect experience) and its bloody annoying. Anyone experienced this and/or found a fix?
I have an OG Pixel XL, same sort of thing on mine, but it happens with both pocket casts and GPM as well, sometimes it mutes for a couple seconds for no reason, sometimes is outright pauses for no reason and I have to hit play again.

