SDcard and External SDCard - LG Optimus 2x

Hi all,
I would like how to reverse Internal SD card and External SD Card.
Because Internal SD is 5,51Go and the External SD Card i bought is 16Go. And i would like, for exemple, that Gameloft games SD contents go on external SD Card instead of Internal SD Card.
Does any have an idea ?
Thanks by advance

Theres allready another thread on the topic

spawndk said:
Theres allready another thread on the topic
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Thank you very much ! i search for that but it seems that my eyes are broken
Than you again !


[Q] Moving Apps form Galaxy to internal SD is possible?

Hi I have upgraded my Galaxy S to Froyo with "official" firmware, everything is running ok, I also installed the OneClick LagFix (this change my quadrant from 892 to 1915) but now I only have 400Mb free in the phone memory, I would like to move some apps to the SD but I get the following error "Error moving app. There is not enough memory" (Possible this is not the correct message, i get this message in spanish )
I dont have a external SD, but I have 14Gb free in the internal SD, is not possible move apps to this memory?
Thx in advance
install Froyo, then you can run apps from External SD
AllGamer said:
install Froyo, then you can run apps from External SD
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I do believe thats what he did, as he wrote it in his first sentence...
luischorradas said:
Hi I have upgraded my Galaxy S to Froyo ...
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yes, but all the apps needs to be re-installed and select External SD during install
or you can force them to External and hope it works with those 3rd party programs that moves apps to External SD
Thx AllGamers, I would like to install in the internal SD partition that have 14Gb free, because I don´t have external SD
Thx in advance
there are tons of 3rd party apps to choose from that helps you manage where you want your apps to go, check these out:
there are more to choose from...
This Apps runs OK only if you have a External SD, but I'd like to move to internal SD in Galaxy S
APPs into external SD card
I've a question, is possible to install the apps into the external microSD card?
I know that Froyo permit to do it but only into the internale SD card and i want to use the external one (i've bought a 32Gb for it!!)
Have you any solution?
Thank you!!
I've tried to send my apps to the internal sd card but whenever I click move to sd card it tells me I havnt got enough memory so I thought they go on the externel sd card?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Riverriz said:
I've tried to send my apps to the internal sd card but whenever I click move to sd card it tells me I havnt got enough memory so I thought they go on the externel sd card?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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I quit trying this.. anyone knows why we can't move it to SD?
Doc ROM XXJPO 7.6.2
SpeedMod K9
[Q] App2SD & Data
SGS i9000 16Gb & 32Gb SD card
Using DocRambone rom 7.62 & SpeedMod kernel v9
Q. I can move an app to SD w/o problem but the data file that is consuming a large portion of my internal memo stays on internal SD. Is there a way to move the app and it's data to the SD?
greyfox505 said:
I've a question, is possible to install the apps into the external microSD card?
I know that Froyo permit to do it but only into the internale SD card and i want to use the external one (i've bought a 32Gb for it!!)
Have you any solution?
Thank you!!
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I too have a 32Gb card installed.
You can move the apps and there are a number of 3rd party apps that will do this for you quickly or you can do it from settings in managing the applications. I found that this was not the space saving solution that I thought it would be.
It is the data that needs to be moved, e.g., DoggCatcher is my news reader and it had about 3Gb worth of data. Moving the app didn't save any space but using the setting in the program to move the data did the trick. Play around with moving a couple of apps and see what you get and check to see if the app will allow you to move the data to a new location.
Some apps simply stock pile a lot of data. My eBook program, Audible which I can't do without is another one - over 1.5Gb. I'll contact Audible about this one.
some times when you check on sites like AppsBrain
it will tell you if the App is App2SD compatible
meaning it can be isntall to SD also data store on SD
as mpierce said, it's pretty useless to force a program to SD, meanwhile the heavy stuff remains in the phone internals
luischorradas said:
This Apps runs OK only if you have a External SD, but I'd like to move to internal SD in Galaxy S
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Can everyone please read before replying?? He wants to move his apps to the INTERNAL SD (so do I) and NOT the external SD. This is not possible as far as I'm concerned. Got the same error as luishchorradas.
luischorradas said:
actually u cannot move ur apps to the internal sd card as internal sd card (16 gb) is only meant for media (videos, songs etc.) and if u want more 16gb for ur apps u will hv to put an external sd card (galaxy s supports 16gb) and ya if u move to sd it will move to external sd card.
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Finally ... Thanx Coolfriend for you help
Sorry to resurrect an old thread. But I don't believe "move to SD" moves anything to the external SD card. The apps move to the internal SD card. Yes unmounting the SD card disables apps, but if you browse through the internal card, you'll still see them sitting there.
Me to, same problem, no google search helps :-(
vvslavavv said:
Sorry to resurrect an old thread. But I don't believe "move to SD" moves anything to the external SD card. The apps move to the internal SD card. Yes unmounting the SD card disables apps, but if you browse through the internal card, you'll still see them sitting there.
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sorry for necro'ing but it does indeed move it to the external SD, i've tried moving a couple apps with my Galaxy S to the, as it says, "move to USB memory" but as i check the free memory, it used the external SD memory, not the internal.

[Q] SD cards and mounting help

Hi guys, i don't know if this are the right place to post my question so sorry for my probably mistake..
To return in topic. I have an O2X with cm7 and i recently got a 16GB sd card. The cm7 mounts the internal sd card as /sdcard and external sd card as /mnt/emmc.. when i install some apps or games the system use the internal memory and the internal sd card (for app's data).. I've searched on the forum but i'm not understand very well so my question is, what is the best choice of "management" of this memories?? is possible to mount external sd card ( mnt/emmc ) as sd card ( /sdcard ) and eventually don't use the internal sd or mount it as /data partition?? Thanks in advance guys
Ps: Sorry for my bad english
In CM7 you got a option in settings and cyanogenmod settings where u can switch this. Go through the menu and look. Don't remember where but it's there.

Using internal SD card in HellFire 1.9

I just flash Hellfire 1.9. I saw option under storage to mount the internal SD card. But when I click it, it says that its safe to remove sd card and nothing else happens?
Anyone knows how to use internal SD card. I wanna install my apps on internal SD card instead of external one? ( I remove external one alot)
Thank you so much,
Duc Truong
phusacon said:
I just flash Hellfire 1.9. I saw option under storage to mount the internal SD card. But when I click it, it says that its safe to remove sd card and nothing else happens?
Anyone knows how to use internal SD card. I wanna install my apps on internal SD card instead of external one? ( I remove external one alot)
Thank you so much,
Duc Truong
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use one of this File Explorers ::.
regards Fr0z3n

[Q] Internal SD card...

Does someone here know if internal sd card is a normal micro sd??? It can be replaced??
This is because the internal sd of my captivate is corupted, so i guess i need to replace it, so it is easy to do it???
Thanks in advance...
I've seen many posts here from people trying to flash a ROM to their external sd because the internal one was broken or inaccessible. I believe the internal is a soldered chip and not replaceable. So if yours is broken, you can't use that one but it is possible to use an external sd as system. Search xda should give pointers.

How to move files, photos, vids to sd card on marshmallow

Hello. I have just upgraded to marshmallow S228_160621_ROW. I changed my sd card to internal memory and it became invisible. Is there any way to move photos, vids or files to my sd card and also to be able to see them?
SACS73 said:
Hello. I have just upgraded to marshmallow S228_160621_ROW. I changed my sd card to internal memory and it became invisible. Is there any way to move photos, vids or files to my sd card and also to be able to see them?
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Yes... There is only one way... Which is... You have to make your SD card to portable storage.... Before doing this action take a backup of your SD card... After completing the process you will see your internal storage's contents again on file manager or explorer.
mrinalkd27 said:
Yes... There is only one way... Which is... You have to make your SD card to portable storage.... Before doing this action take a backup of your SD card... After completing the process you will see your internal storage's contents again on file manager or explorer.
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From your answer , I understand that if the sd card is internal storage, there is no way to move media files to the card and to be visible. Am I right?
SACS73 said:
From your answer , I understand that if the sd card is internal storage, there is no way to move media files to the card and to be visible. Am I right?
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Once your card is set as internal, then there is virtually no difference in the SD card storage and the 8gb internal storage. After formatting to internal SD card, the storage becomes "internal shared storage" and anything on internal or SD is treated as a single storage. So basically if any file is in internal or SD will then make no difference to the way Android will detect it.
However, I shall tell you a difference.
After formatting SD as internal, the internal goes to the location /data/media and SD goes to /sdcard
tanish2k09 said:
Once your card is set as internal, then there is virtually no difference in the SD card storage and the 8gb internal storage. After formatting to internal SD card, the storage becomes "internal shared storage" and anything on internal or SD is treated as a single storage. So basically if any file is in internal or SD will then make no difference to the way Android will detect it.
However, I shall tell you a difference.
After formatting SD as internal, the internal goes to the location /data/media and SD goes to /sdcard
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I don't understand. In the phone's settings-->storage and usb, I see internal storage and sd scan disc. Also in phone's file manager, I see only internal storage, which is the phone's internal storage and not the formated as internak storage sd card. Also in ES file explorer I see sd card and storage with emulated folder and self folder and nothing else in it. Also the only way to see the option to move media files from internal storage to sd, is when I connect a usb flash drive and after they moved to sd card they become invisible and the phone's media apps don't detect them.
SACS73 said:
I don't understand. In the phone's settings-->storage and usb, I see internal storage and sd scan disc. Also in phone's file manager, I see only internal storage, which is the phone's internal storage and not the formated as internak storage sd card. Also in ES file explorer I see sd card and storage with emulated folder and self folder and nothing else in it. Also the only way to see the option to move media files from internal storage to sd, is when I connect a usb flash drive and after they moved to sd card they become invisible and the phone's media apps don't detect them.
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Bro I told you all that is completely normal and is working just as it should.
Your SD card is now treated as a part of your internal storage.
I have a 16gb card as internal. See the ss below to see what the settings treat it as...
This means that if you have any pics, or videos, then it doesn't matter whether they are on SD or on internal, because they are basically the same.
As far as transferring stuff to other devices, lemme tell you that SD as internal won't work with other devices... So if you have a pic on SD and you remove SD and plug it in your PC using USB adapter to view it, then you will not see anything...
The only way for transfers is
1) Apps like ShareIt
2) USB to phone.
BTW internal SD will only help you if you want to install more Apps than allowed by the internal 8gb storage alone.
tanish2k09 said:
This means that if you have any pics, or videos, then it doesn't matter whether they are on SD or on internal, because they are basically the same.
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By that you mean that if the internal gets full from pics, I can move pics to sd and be also visible?
SACS73 said:
By that you mean that if the internal gets full from pics, I can move pics to sd and be also visible?
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Bro. First of all :
After SD as internal format, all pics start going to SD card instead of internal. Internal storage is pushed with apps and data with the option of moving some apps to SD card too.
It's too simple but you seemingly don't understand it.
Look bro @SACS73 I already spent my time trying to reply to you and helping you when no one else was active.
The least you can do for me is to press the thanks button on my posts here.
tanish2k09 said:
Bro. First of all :
After SD as internal format, all pics start going to SD card instead of internal. Internal storage is pushed with apps and data with the option of moving some apps to SD card too.
It's too simple but you seemingly don't understand it.
Look bro @SACS73 I already spent my time trying to reply to you and helping you when no one else was active.
The least you can do for me is to press the thanks button on my posts here.
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The pics continue to go to internal storage. Its too bad that you are so aggressive. Obviously you behave like this because you are miles away from me.
SACS73 said:
The pics continue to go to internal storage. Its too bad that you are so aggressive. Obviously you behave like this because you are miles away from me.
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I'm a bit in haste because this whole a7k forum is being run because of me and the devs rarely come online.
I do my best to stay away from posts that are too noobish. It would just waste my time. And if I reply to you, then I certainly feel that the post should not be ignored.
Also, I was not aggressive at all. I was just straight forward.
Your statement has left a scar though. I will never help you on this forum anymore. Best of luck getting help from other people who might come up once a while. It really hurts when you try to help but no one cares.
As the saying goes :
"Everyone seems to care when it's too late."
Thanks for the chat

