[Q] "Footballer" vs. "Football Player", for Brits... - Off-topic

Hey folks!
I dunno why, but I had something pop into my head on my way to work today, and I thought I'd ask you fine folks.
This question is directed at British, Australian, and New Zealander members of XDA.
Let us assume you're in a conversation with someone, and they either use the term:
A. Footballer
B. Football Player
Would you automatically assume if they said "footballer" they were referring to that sport which you folks call "football" and we Americans call "soccer", but if the person had said "football player" would you assume they meant American Football?
Thanks in advance!

I'd think English football for both We don't really do American Football haha

Oh, ok.
I know you guys aren't necessarily going to be "into" American Football. lol...
I just didn't know if you considered one or the other to be exclusive.
My ex-girlfriend taught me, for instance, that "rooting for one's team" in Brit/Aussie circles would have a, *ahem* completely different meaning than it does here in the U.S. I didn't know if you had the same degree of differentiation for what you call your athletes.
Groovy. Thanks!

SciFiSurfer said:
Oh, ok.
I know you guys aren't necessarily going to be "into" American Football. lol...
I just didn't know if you considered one or the other to be exclusive.
My ex-girlfriend taught me, for instance, that "rooting for one's team" in Brit/Aussie circles would have a, *ahem* completely different meaning than it does here in the U.S. I didn't know if you had the same degree of differentiation for what you call your athletes.
Groovy. Thanks!
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Haha Okay, Wait are you sure? When someone says youre rooting for a team or whatever it means supporting

We usually refer to your version of football as;
"Stop And Go Shiny Helmet Carry Ball"
Sometimes shortened to "American Football"
Go Packers
Also, last I heard football was over because all the players are too busy sleeping with prostitutes to actually play football anymore. That could just be the BBC/Daily Mail scaremongering though.

conantroutman said:
We usually refer to your version of football as;
"Stop And Go Shiny Helmet Carry Ball"
Sometimes shortened to "American Football"
Go Packers
Also, last I heard football was over because all the players are too busy sleeping with prostitutes to actually play football anymore. That could just be the BBC/Daily Mail scaremongering though.
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Can I steal that epically funny phrase?
(my Dad played for the San Francisco 49ers in 1959, 60, 61}
Sent from my Nexus S because it decided to play nice....or telepathically using two tin cans and some string.

Babydoll25 said:
Can I steal that epically funny phrase?
(my Dad played for the San Francisco 49ers in 1959, 60, 61}
Sent from my Nexus S because it decided to play nice....or telepathically using two tin cans and some string.
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Help yourself
Im guessing Super Sunday was an extra big deal in your house then?.....

conantroutman said:
Help yourself
Im guessing Super Sunday was an extra big deal in your house then?.....
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Still is
Sent from my Nexus S because it decided to play nice....or telepathically using two tin cans and some string.

In the UK, Footballer & football player are the same thing, they mean soccer player.
In Australia, they call it soccer and soccer player...football (footy) is either NRL(National Rugby League) or AFL (Australian Football League).

Well I'm not British but I watch the english premier league a lot and go to a lot of games (btw Bolton are beating Arsenal!!) and I'd assume that when you're talking about a footballer that it's the premier league and a football player is like NFL. That might be because I'm one of of few who actually know how to play NFL football and how the rules work and follow it.

Skellyyy said:
Well I'm not British but I watch the english premier league a lot and go to a lot of games (btw Bolton are beating Arsenal!!) and I'd assume that when you're talking about a footballer that it's the premier league and a football player is like NFL. That might be because I'm one of of few who actually know how to play NFL football and how the rules work and follow it.
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Over here, we call them footballers, football players, the-idiot-who-lost-my-200-dollar-bet-because-he-couldn't-score-from-point-blank, the-sissy-diver, and probably that-ambiguously-gay-dude-who-keeps-hugging-everyone.
Oh, and we call them people who carry the "football" around with their hands retards.

You folks are awesome, and this thread made me laugh. Trust me, today I could do with a laugh, so thanks very much!
My ex-g/f and I had a number of conversations about the differences between Australia/Europe and the U.S. vis à vis both sports and school. She told me few interesting things.
1. Australia doesn't have schools with big sports teams. The notion of big money teams that aren't professional teams is, I gather, essentially an unknown concept.
2. You don't ask "What team are you rooting for?" because "rooting" means having sex with.
3. Students really don't get to pick what professors they have in college for their classes.
(She also put me wise to the Australia/NZ rivalry and jokes, but I really don't remember them. Well, except for the sheep jokes, but those are really baa-aa-aa-ad.)

SciFiSurfer said:
You folks are awesome, and this thread made me laugh. Trust me, today I could do with a laugh, so thanks very much!
My ex-g/f and I had a number of conversations about the differences between Australia/Europe and the U.S. vis à vis both sports and school. She told me few interesting things.
1. Australia doesn't have schools with big sports teams. The notion of big money teams that aren't professional teams is, I gather, essentially an unknown concept.
2. You don't ask "What team are you rooting for?" because "rooting" means having sex with.
3. Students really don't get to pick what professors they have in college for their classes.
(She also put me wise to the Australia/NZ rivalry and jokes, but I really don't remember them. Well, except for the sheep jokes, but those are really baa-aa-aa-ad.)
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I think that school thing really only happens in North America. I haven't heard of one country in Europe that has like big teams that are a school. They are mostly just formed from people getting together and forming a 'club'. That's basically how all football teams are over here. And the football teams have the professional team, then under teams for like kids and so on. Like there isn't only one Manchester United team for example, they have the reserves team and then youth teams.

Sadly, most schools in Britain these days dont receive enough funding to teach basic maths and English.... let alone fund a seriously competitive sporting team.

conantroutman said:
Sadly, most schools in Britain these days dont receive enough funding to teach basic maths and English.... let alone fund a seriously competitive sporting team.
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I was actually only referring to colleges, not K-12 schools. In that, sadly, the U.K. and the U.S. are essentially the same. There's so much that's not taught or done in schools that was taught or done not that long ago.
Part of the problem is the whole "teach to the test" phenomenon associated with the various state-level tests. Washington DC wants to have the states give that up in favor of pushing its own nationally standardized test. The problem there is twofold:
1. More and more power concentrated and centralized in one all-powerful authority;
2. Replacing one "teach to the test" environment with another one.
Anyhow, I don't intend to turn this into a political debate (which if we keep going down this road it surely will be), I'm simply curious about the differences.
Thanks again!



Did any Americans on this forum vote for the bush?
Personally I hope not......
wonder how many recounts they do this time around ?
and maybe a trail ?
read about there being very many activists trying to keep people from voting this time
flyers saying the election had been moved to the day after
people comming round to peoples doors saying that the election place they were to go to had been shutdown and they could just write their vote in and give it to them
pretty crazy well suppose some people care more about who win then the democratic process
I'm sure there are some.
The fact that the rest of the world was hoping Kerry would win, has little influence to the us-citizens. Like we should care what America thinks of who we should vote for.
I just hope that this victory, doesn't give Bush a carte-blanche on his foreign policy. The fact that he no longer has to worry about getting re-elected won't help his diplomatic powers. He also doesn't have to care anymore about men coming home in body bags. These men believing they fought for freedom, democracy and the glory of the US, but in fact only went to defend the intrest of some multinationals.
Jupiter said:
Did any Americans on this forum vote for the bush?
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Statistically, one out of two.
Not sure your question is really inocent though :roll:
I think you like hot & touchy thread
The fact that the rest of the world was hoping Kerry would win, has little influence to the us-citizens. Like we should care what America thinks of who we should vote for.
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yeah it could even have the opposite effect a lot of people would get stubbern and do the opposite then what some snotnosed rest of the world person would advice
I just hope that this victory, doesn't give Bush a carte-blanche on his foreign policy. The fact that he no longer has to worry about getting re-elected won't help his diplomatic powers. He also doesn't have to care anymore about men coming home in body bags. These men believing they fought for freedom, democracy and the glory of the US, but in fact only went to defend the intrest of some multinationals.
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but how that he dont have to worry about reelection he may begin to worry about how he looks in the history books and be less confrontational agenst the rest of the world when it comes to deplomatics
here a big news papir had a pole
32000 people voted
kerry got 79%
nater got 8%
nobody got 7%
bush got 6%
so one might say that if that pole had been reality bush lost to nobody
Please give me 5 specific reason why Kerry should have been elected, concrete issues/reasons, not just buzz words.
imho then kerry was less religous in his motivs when it came to politics thinking stemcell research and giving gay people the rights of marriage in some form or another
imho then kerry was less likely to offend and alienate allies and other countries in the world
imho then kerry would not have a prison camp on cuba where the internaitiol laws conserning prisoners of war were not enforced
maybe the kerry administation would have had less % of people being investergated for insider deals and corruption
and finaly then imho then it keeps a better balance if the house of rep
and the senetors and president is not in the hands of a single party
it's more moderated
just a few things i could come up with on the top of my head
of cause there are surely people who differ in openion
Please give me 5 specific reason why Kerry should have been elected, concrete issues/reasons, not just buzz words
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Who said I wanted Kerry to be elected. Its a case of Predator vs Alien. Whoever wins, we lose!
Not sure your question is really inocent though
I think you like hot & touchy thread
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Who, me?
Jupiter said:
Not sure your question is really inocent though
I think you like hot & touchy thread
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Who, me?
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paulmc said:
Please give me 5 specific reason why Kerry should have been elected, concrete issues/reasons, not just buzz words.
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I'll give you my personal opinion, conceptual more than practical as I do not live in the US, nor be concerned with elements such as "he voted that" or "he said this".
I think Bush is a dangerous religious totalitarist. I have no reason to vote for Kerry, but plenty to wish that Bush be moved aside from active international politics.
To me this man should not be re-elected as he should be forced into in LaHaye and charged with the 5 following elements against him:
1. Invading a sovereign country in complete violation of all international law, without UN approval, under very suspicious reasons, obviously telling lies about AMD and supposed connection with Ben Ladden
2. When forced to admit the is no connection between Sadam Hussein, Ben Ladden and AMD, thus no reason to invade this country, not even admitting he was wrong or worst, he got cheated or even worse of all, he deliberately lied to his people, to the nations concerned and to the rest of the world.
3. Establishing concentration camp for Afghanistan prisoners in complete violation of international law, and principles, and international treaty without having those prisoners charged of anything, and allowing no international control of what is happening in this camp
4. Sending his army to perpetuated atrocity and humiliation to irakee prisoners who have not even been charged of anything. (Keep in mind that all the US commanding officers in Irak saw before leaving, the French film "The Battle of Alger" showing what France did during the battle of Algeria, were we did exactly what you are doing presently in Iraq because we were facing the same problem). Let's call it what it is Atrocity. And we know what we are talking about for we did it too!
5. Legitimating the exclusive right for the US to strike any nations they think be a potential threat to their interest and freedom, and denying any one else the right to do so. This is to me the worst of all as establishing this principle is like opening the box of Pandora. It is open to excess, abuse and one-sided interpretation.
I've put a lot of strong word in my post. Take a moment and think about it
- Why does most of the earth citizen desired that this guy be not elected?
- Why did France, which is one of the FEW developed nations that NEVER started a war against your country and which stood many times with your people to fight all along your history, decided to stand-up and shout so loud.
- Why did my small country (France), which has relative small influence, little to offer and many to loose, be backed up by so many countries in its protest?
The US cannot be right against the rest of the world; else this is not democracy any more.
This is to me the 5 reasons why Kerry should be elected.
What would be 5 reasons to elect Bush?
- Why did France, which is one of the FEW developed nations that NEVER started a war against your country
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so that mean that there are pretty few developed nations since when i think i can mention
briten / canada
who were at war with us
[quote="Rudegarso that mean that there are pretty few developed nations since when i think i can mention
briten / canada
who were at war with us
Sorry I did not get this ? What is you point ?
If you talk about nations who were officially at war with the US, you can add UK, Italy, Spain, Philippine, Laos. Buy my post was more about Western European nations
i were just wondering which countries had been to war with US since they were formed and you helped me by adding some that i dident remember
IMHO, for me it's kind of obvious why Bush will win... (not that I like to see him win), but remember that ever since Bush started his presidential period, the US where attacked in their own territory, so basically all Bush has done is to govern based on terror, and in the other hand all Kerry has done is negate the terror threat and threaten to reduce the weapons and national security budgets. Ok, it might be true that the terror threat is not that great, but tell that to the American people and I bet they rather not take chances.
So, I think that for the American people, which basically has lived in terror for more than three years, it's imperative that Bush takes care of business, you know, fight for "freedom" in his own selfish pathetic way :evil:
Like the old sayng goes "better safe than sorry"... :roll:
[thought]I wonder why Al Gore didn't run this time? [/thought]
i believe it's rare that a loosing party put the same guy up more then once
popular vote showed that people dident like him too much last time
that he were to unanimated for their taste


Sorry, football season is starting this weekend.
Must update my Hermes before the match starts.
Actually does anyone know of an app, which has the whole English Premier League schedule on it?
While I do think Arsenal, Man U. and Chelsea suck a fat one I do love watching the Premier League.
there is a program, I use it and it's fantastic. http://www.mbovin.com/teamstats/ppc.php
Oh, yea... INTER ALL THE WAY!!! Sucks they lost Recoba... but Zlatan is still the man. Not to mention Cruz and Stankovic. But they definitively need to get rid of Julio Cesar and get a decent goalie.
And as for the Premiership, I follow Liverpool religiously. I think Riise and Reina are very underrated players, Crouch sucks but I admire his adventurous and risk taking spirit, and Gerrard needs to get his s&*t together!
Cheers for the program...
It works great.
Crouch made it on to the England squad again, so he must be improving a bit.
Liverpool! Awwwwwwww!
Yea... FC LIVERPOOL! I know they aren't the greatest but they have spirit and very good players.
Hey, they went where Arsenal couldn't go last Champion's League
But maybe this year the Gunners will do something. I actually think they did just fine last season when Henry was out injured. An indication that while individualism in soccer is obviously appreciated, it is still a team sport. I don't think Arsenal will hurt much without him. They have great players and great team spirit. Just not as much as Liverpool but that's just my opinion.
I think being the fan of the strongest teams must be right as boring than being Michael Schumacher fan. Isn't it?
devis....that program...simply brilliant...thank you thank you thank you
Excellent program, can we have more apps for Windows Mobile that show Spurs at the bottom of the league!!!
Thanks... it took a lot of search to find it, and I actually kept in touch a little with the creator. Very nice guy, and helpful too.
Speaking of which... he will add leagues upon request. Should you have a league that isn't featured, feel fee to email him. If he can add it, he will.
Anticro said:
I think being the fan of the strongest teams must be right as boring than being Michael Schumacher fan. Isn't it?
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Depends on the point of view.
If you're one of those people who like drama then you will pick a mid-range team and every game they play will be a drama.
If you are one of those people who complain a lot, then you will pick a crap team and then ***** left and right about how badly they're doing, just to have something to ***** about.
If you're a person like me... (hard to believe since I know i'm the greatest ) then you will pick the team that you like, and no matter how they do, you still support them.
So there... hope I've been able to shed some rays of bright light in this obscure and highly confusing choice of sports entertainment.

Favorite NFL Team?

I gotta go with the Dallas Cowboys!
But, this year I don't see them going all the way. Romo still has a little more conditioning to do in my opinion. Also, T.O. is out for a couple games. :\
So who is your Favorite NFL Team?
Mine is the one with best record
Romo has been done in by the Jessica! She is nothing but bad luck...
Au contraire, mon ami... the correct answer is the reigning NFL champion Indianapolis Colts.
The Pats are gonna crash and burn...
(only because someone gave me 3 cowboys shirts last year-i really don't know why! but they're cool in the summertime...)
I wouldn't be surprised if the colts won the super bowl again this year
for life!
tks989 said:
for life!
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I never had anything against the Giants but damn.. Eli needs to become a little more reliable. That game against the Bills... the Giants defense won that game for them.
Well, I'm am a home town kind of fan. I was born just south of St. Louis so I started out a Cardinal fan. (Yes a Cardinal FOOTBALL fan) I moved to Louisiana in 77 and for over 25 years I tried really really really hard to be a Saints fan........ but they never fail in finding ways to disappoint. Now I live in the Dallas area, so I'm gonna give them Cowboys a try. Ready made dynasty with 5 S.B. championships. I think they are going to be a team I can get behind. Looks like TO has shed the primadonna status and the drama that goes along with it. Just need him back and healthy. Romo has come into his own, but he needs to shed the distraction if you know what I mean. He also needs a little more maturity and experience. If they make it to the Super Bowl, it may be more pressure than he can take.
I have to pull for the Patriots somewhat.... they have one of my kin folk playing on that team (Wes Welker) so I gotta hope he does well.
GWelker62 said:
Well, I'm am a home town kind of fan. I was born just south of St. Louis so I started out a Cardinal fan. (Yes a Cardinal FOOTBALL fan) I moved to Louisiana in 77 and for over 25 years I tried really really really hard to be a Saints fan........ but they never fail in finding ways to disappoint. Now I live in the Dallas area, so I'm gonna give them Cowboys a try. Ready made dynasty with 5 S.B. championships. I think they are going to be a team I can get behind. Looks like TO has shed the primadonna status and the drama that goes along with it. Just need him back and healthy. Romo has come into his own, but he needs to shed the distraction if you know what I mean. He also needs a little more maturity and experience. If they make it to the Super Bowl, it may be more pressure than he can take.
I have to pull for the Patriots somewhat.... they have one of my kin folk playing on that team (Wes Welker) so I gotta hope he does well.
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Do you want the Cardinals back? I'm sure we Arizonans can arrange to cover the shipping charges...
Denver Broncos. Though their past is more interesting than current performance.
FoneJunkie said:
Do you want the Cardinals back? I'm sure we Arizonans can arrange to cover the shipping charges...
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LOL, I wondered if someone was going to make that offer. I think the folks in St. Louis might pass on that.
I grew up in New Hampshire and have been a life long Patriots fan. I remember watching them get demolished by the Bears in their first Super Bowl. That just makes these last few and this season so much sweeter. I was hoping for two perfect teams this year, but Miami had to blow that by winning a game!
Did any of y'all watch the Pats - Ravens game? I'll prob get flamed now.. but Murderin Ray Lewis and the Ravens went to town on the Pats in that game. I also feel that they won. The time out called on that 4th down play was by a ravens staff member who legally was not allowed to make time out calls. The refs ignored it.
Ravens won that imho.
This makes 3 for the Cowboys! And yes, I think we might go all the way...
Houston Texans baby!! Mario Williams > Reggie Bush & Vince Young
donutman said:
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I don't care what football team you like, but you have to be gay to not like the Dallas Cowgirls.
GWelker62 said:
I don't care what football team you like, but you have to be gay to not like the Dallas Cowgirls.
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lmao you got that right
Well my lifelong beloved team has had some very bad seasons...however, I have always been and always will remain a loyal member of the Raider Nation!!
Oakland RAIDERS!!!
PS- the thumbnail is actually my first boot screen, and I have another Raiders image on my second boot screen...this is how much I love my team...pretty much everything I own has some form of Raiders insignia on it!
16 wins, a all time NFL record. The Pat's ROCK!! They seem extra motivated by the negative-press and non-believer's...
ericc191 said:
Did any of y'all watch the Pats - Ravens game? I'll prob get flamed now.. but Murderin Ray Lewis and the Ravens went to town on the Pats in that game. I also feel that they won. The time out called on that 4th down play was by a ravens staff member who legally was not allowed to make time out calls. The refs ignored it.
Ravens won that imho.
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Yeah i think the Ravens deserved to win that game, but the thing about the Pats is that even though they've almost lost several games, they still pull out the W if even at the last second. And although Im not a fan and i was rooting for them to lose as much as anybody, I think they are an amazing team.

Call of Duty? FIFA? GT?

I couldn't possibly care less about these sort of games. This puts me in, I'd venture, less than 3% of the young male population of this country who can buy an Xbox or whatnot in the first place.
Homework or a public speaking competition? Sweet Idea, will post my arguments once others give me ideas
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
More like inciting a flame war. ^_^ j/k
I've never liked racing, shooting, or sports games, which I've found doesn't sit well with most men my age (22). Just wondering what fellow techies think.
Usually I get a "wow, I can't believe another human being has different tastes than me" response. I don't think I've ran into a "Wow you're so gay" response but it's only a matter of time. =/
ninestraycats said:
More like inciting a flame war. ^_^ j/k
I've never liked racing, shooting, or sports games, which I've found doesn't sit well with most men my age (22). Just wondering what fellow techies think.
Usually I get a "wow, I can't believe another human being has different tastes than me" response. I don't think I've ran into a "Wow you're so gay" response but it's only a matter of time. =/
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Yep same. I'm different to everyone in my school. Everyones got iphoned, I got a Desire, now everyones jealous haha.. anyways, I like racing and shooting games. Just the real ones. CoD and GT not things like killzone or WoW. Though I don't play often, every 2–3 weeks maybe, I do enjoy some adrenalin pumping through my veins when I due just begore the end of the mussion. It makes me more determined to finish correctly the next time etc..
Everyones always asking me when I'm online next to play a bit of CoD or whatever and I just don't understand how you can become addicted to something that doesn't actually exist. Well it does but not really, you know what I mean : )
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
LOL been a gamer for too long. But I have never told anyone that they were "gay" because they didn't like to game.
But.. usually they were women.
well im different to everyone in my school.
most of the lads in my year like football and cod.
"medal of honor- is ****"
"driving games - ****"
"every other game apart from cod and fifa- is ****"
i have been called gay because i have long hair and i like rock music and drum and bass (and others).
i think the reason they call you gay is because they don't like people that are different and like other things.
about 1 year ago everyones phones where sony ericssons (crap ones)
and samsung tocco lites (horrible)
but 1 lad had a t-mobile g1.
i had my 7 year old htc himalaya brick (excellent phone)
now quite a few have htc's desires, hero, legend. (and obviously don't know about xda (what a pitty))
people seem to follow other people and call you weird because you are not following.
sorry if i drifted off topic.
i like driving games, fps (half-life excellent!!)
im a gran turismo guy i love that game, i also enjoy a nice helping of cod now and then too, i cant stand football soccer or basketball games though
COD - meh
FIFA - meh
GT5 - drool
Well, an explanation is warranted for the above...
I never really got the hang of FPS games in multiplayer, mostly because I used to pwn at CounterStrike and Half-Life, but a hiatus during my formative days (read, TEENAGE) lost my edge in FPS games. Mostly I will check out the single player experience, and if it gains enough traction amongst my friends, I'll get the original copy. Mostly, for group enjoyment purposes, we game L4D if we wanna play FPS. I'm just waiting for Crysis 2 (as an excuse to upgrade my Gfx card more than anything else )
FIFA... well... is a game for douchetards who imagine that they have the skills needed to take Leo Messi/CR to whatever glories that in real life they couldn't achieve (both for the gamers and the players). Simply said, it gives little to none benefits, and merely act as an escapement and commercial device. For the more serious guys, we play futsal, which is like football played in a netball field. Pacing is fun, especially since players with less stamina can join in and height doesn't bring that much of a benefit (read, GIRLS CAN PLAY TOO). And for the brainiacs, we play Football Manager 2011.
GT5 is going to be something of a old history for me. It's more of a nostalgia device than something of real enjoyment. Back in the days, me and my brother played GT1, GT2, GT3, and probably GT4. To my brother, who is an engineer by now, it is the most accurate depiction of a car on the race-track. I'll skip the nostalgia bit... Anyway, since neither of us own a PS3, and neither of us plans to own a PS3, this game will forever reside in the droolworthy section of our hindbrains, possibly forever.
The problem with me is I'm probably in the less than 0.05% zone. I'm a self-professed geek that likes to party and do sports. I could, enjoyably, spend the afternoon tinkering with my PC/phone or just dump everything to hang out with friends, chilling out and maybe finding the answers to life (we checked, its not 42).
So gaming is cool and all that, but it's not the be all and end all for me
Gotta say... I love GT5 lol. I think I like it more than GT3 or 4 because I'm actually trying now lol. I used to have a Game Shark, Code Breaker, and Action Replay to cheat my way to having (basically) infinite cash, the AI guys wouldn't move, and every car would have like 16x acceleration lol. It made it fun cause I could get what I wanted when I wanted, but ruined the sense of accomplishment needed to make it feel way better. I actually HAVE to try and succeed in this now, which is awesome imo.
Call of Duty is cool, but I'm not into it as much anymore as I am with GT5 now.
FIFA is a game I'll never play. I don't do sports, nor like them; especially soccer.
Sent from my Droid Incredible running Myn's Warm Two Point Two RLS5.
sakai4eva said:
To my brother, who is an engineer by now, it is the most accurate depiction of a car on the race-track.
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That is VERY cool and I didn't know that. Sucker as I am for new experiences, it makes me want to play it again with this knowledge.
sakai4eva said:
Pacing is fun, especially since players with less stamina can join in and height doesn't bring that much of a benefit (read, GIRLS CAN PLAY TOO).
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Haha, I hope I'm reading your implications right: b/c size isn't an issue, women can play the sport side-by-side with men. The other implication would be a little... off-putting. >.<
flyboyovyick said:
well im different to everyone in my school.
i have been called gay because i have long hair and i like rock music and drum and bass (and others).
i think the reason they call you gay is because they don't like people that are different and like other things.
i like driving games, fps (half-life excellent!!)
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Sorry I paraphrased your Quote
1) Nothing wrong with Long Hair and playing Bass. I did both for a long time - but now the hair fell out and I play a little guitar (i.e. it stares at me taunting me on the wall collecting dust due to RL stealing all my time)
2) Your unique... just like everybody else
3) Half Life is probably the BEST GAME EVER. And I'm a sucker for driving games. I haven't purchased GT yet as I know my wife would kill me while I was going around the track at 4am.
YOU DON'T LIKE THOSE GAMES!!! wow!!, i didn't know another human being could have such different taste to me.
But seriously 'normal' at my school is f'd up compared to everybody elses, screamo metalheads and emos rule the street and jocks are considered to be on the same level as the scum you find in public toilets... its a weird place.
Im lucky anyway because im a self admitted nerd at school but for some strange reason nobody believes me? (WTF's with that!?!) Which is especially strange considering people are paying me to set up snow leopard hackintosh on their pc's.
My favorite shooter is Gears o' War 2 (can't really call it fps), but, uh, what do you guys think of bioshock? I personally don't like it, much to the disdain of all my friends who are obsessed with it.
urbanengine1 said:
But seriously 'normal' at my school is f'd up compared to everybody elses, screamo metalheads and emos rule the street and jocks are considered to be on the same level as the scum you find in public toilets... its a weird place.
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Wow, that is strange. At my school there was no "jock" contingency either, but why would there necessarily have to be, stereotypes are stereotypes.
What IS indeed common to probably every school ever are cliques. I'm guessing it's the 'us vs. them' mentality that's so crucial to so many living things.
ninestraycats said:
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Soccer is the worst game (notice I didn't call it a sport) in the history of mankind.

Post facts about your country

Cool idea for a thread, so:
My country has 2 names: Palestine and Israel
It is where the three religions came to earth: Islam, Christianity, and Jew
Some parts of it are divided using a huge wall to separate the Israeli parts the Palestinian parts.
We have a lot of Mosques and Churches there.
Jesus Christ was born in a city called Bethlehem and it's where most of Christian tourists go.
I think that's enough for now
Cool idea
I´ll fill it later
good for u , living in a warzone u can play tdm in real life
Post facts about kwait
In england we are all awesome.
We have a queen who has pretty much no power over england.
I live there.
I am awesome.
England = Awesome.
My EVO can kick your EVO's A$$!
Unites States......Nough Said
o o o o o!!! We haz a black President
T.C.P said:
Unites States......Nough Said
o o o o o!!! We haz a black President
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Cheers!!!! Well-played, sir!
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I live in the U.S.A.
We stick our thumbs in everyone's pie and expect thanks for it.
We as a nation are broke but continue to spend billions to help bail out other countries.
We have almost no export except for wheat, corn, soybeans, and rice.
Although our nation was built on religious freedom and immigration we are trying to thwart both.
And our president is just a big a dumb ass as the prior one.
But with all that being said I'd still rather be living here then anywhere else in the world.
I live in the U.S.A, where private citizens can build massive arsenals of weapons while listening to gangster rap. I love this country so much!
Scent phrum mie fone!
I live in the UK...
Health Care
Money if you're over 60
Money and House if you have no Job
westicle said:
I live in the U.S.A, where private citizens can build massive arsenals of weapons while listening to gangster rap. I love this country so much!
Scent phrum mie fone!
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+1 were every hillbilly is married to their cousin
for guys in the US say something about your state that will be good
I'm from Belgium; and we have all.
We have a King, who coast lot of money but don't have power (Just for the chow)
We have a Prince who is waiting to replace his father, bet even the king knows he isn't ready.
Fore the moment still after 207 day's we don't have a government
We have three language communities
The dutch community would like have much.
The France community won't nothing, but thy don't will give something.
The German community; well it's not clear what thy will.
We have a large government deficit; but we saved our banks to sell it to a other country.
Because our country have a large deficit thy decided to sell our public buildings, but now we rent them
We have a minister who is always tired, and he has the power of pensions
Every year our government says that we need to attract foreign companies to settle in Belgium. But in the last years there are more companies who left Belgium.
Our telecomunicate, electricity and gas products are among the most expensive of our neighboring countries.
But I think it's funny here, certainly if your job is Stand up Comedian, our government/country gives you enough stuff to talk/laugh about.
husam666 said:
for guys in the US say something about your state that will be good
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CALIFORNIA( Golden state)
we has the BAY Area, nough said ......
MacaronyMax said:
I live in the UK...
Health Care
Money if you're over 60
Money and House if you have no Job
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Expensive Cigarettes
Expensive Transportation
Unorganized Government
Had a blind guy as governor
Too many tourists
Making fun of tourists, ie, when they ask you where the WTC is tell them to get on the train, take it 3 stops and they will see it. And yes, they were less then a block away from the site.
It's boring
Hmm.. Ok I live in Colorado
Home of Pikes Peak - where our Anthem was written - it truly is "Purple Mountains Majesty"
Awesome if you love to ski, hike, canoe, mountain bike, or hunt and fish.
Terrible transportation/roads.
Where I live there is a pawnshop, liquor store, church, and car dealership on EVERY corner. (Colorado Springs)
Has a great "Make My Day" law - you enter my house I can legally shoot you and get away with it.
avgjoegeek said:
Hmm.. Ok I live in Colorado
Home of Pikes Peak - where our Anthem was written - it truly is "Purple Mountains Majesty"
Awesome if you love to ski, hike, canoe, mountain bike, or hunt and fish.
Terrible transportation/roads.
Where I live there is a pawnshop, liquor store, church, and car dealership on EVERY corner. (Colorado Springs)
Has a great "Make My Day" law - you enter my house I can legally shoot you and get away with it.
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^^^ home of eric cartman from south park
Well I live in Northern California
1. Governor was a the damn terminator
2. Schools are "dead broke"
3.Lots of "Gangs"
3.Warm weather
4.Hispanic gangsters act like africans
Imo not much has been accomplished in California..
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