Having trouble.. - Nook Color General

So I had an issue on my CM7.0.0 NC that everyting would forceclose as soon as it booted. Seeing as how it included Rom Manager, I couldn't even get into CWM to flash a new version, so I unrooted and rerooted it. I get it running fine, but once I use RM to flash CWM, nothing happens. It gets to the "Touch The Future of Reading" screen and just stick there. I'm able to revert back to stock, but can anyone help at all?
I'm getting into recovery by using "reboot into recovery" from the RM screen is that matters

Ok..as long as I boot cwm from the sdcard, it works fine. The minute I try to flash cwm through Rom Mananger, it stops working


[Q] N1 won't boot into recovery

I installed CM6 stable on my N1 after performing a nand backup. I restored to the original rom today to check something out. Now I can't boot into recovery. I get the exclamation android Guy. I used amonRA. Any suggestions?
i've got the same error and i tried with awrecovery.img instead of recovery-RA-nexus-v1.7.0.img and its working
I think the stock ROM flashes stock recovery when you reboot. You are actually in stock recovery when you see that screen. Try hitting the volume down and power buttons at the same time. Same exact thing happened to me.
I just decided to skip the stock ROM for that reason.
I bet there is a workaround for it though.
One work around would be to flash recovery using rom manager.
pwig is right, you replaced your recovery with the stock one.
You need to re-root (if the stock isn't rooted - which I believe it isn't, since the only builds that include recovery are completely stock), and after rooting re-flash the recovery with Amon_RA's recovery.

[Q] Tab Missing Recovery?

Hello all..
So I picekd up a t-mobile tab off craigslist yesterday, which was pre-rooted (no superuser though) and has the Roto JMI rom (if that's what it is) installed with the [email protected] #1 kernel.
Last night I tried rooting/installing CWM with the one click thing, run.bat or run.sh in my case since I'm on a mac. It wouldn't work and got stuck in a recovery loop. Every time I would boot, it would go straight to recovery. So I managed to get a data wipe done and now I'm back to the way it was before.
I rooted it with SimpleOneClick and it's rooted with superuser now. I've installed rom manager, tried to flash CWM, but when I do it just says successfully installed CWM.
When I try to boot to recovery, it just stops at the 'Galaxy Tab' loading screen. No stock recovery, no CWM, no nothing. The only way to get it out of this mode is to issue an ./adb reboot bootlaoder command. After I do that, it works fine. Can start up, shut down etc.
What did I do??? Is there any way to flash the recovery via adb push like I did the first time I rooted my phone? I can't seem to find the recovery to push to the phone, so yeah.. I'm confused here.
sanchez said:
Hello all..
So I picekd up a t-mobile tab off craigslist yesterday, which was pre-rooted (no superuser though) and has the Roto JMI rom (if that's what it is) installed with the [email protected] #1 kernel.
Last night I tried rooting/installing CWM with the one click thing, run.bat or run.sh in my case since I'm on a mac. It wouldn't work and got stuck in a recovery loop. Every time I would boot, it would go straight to recovery. So I managed to get a data wipe done and now I'm back to the way it was before.
I rooted it with SimpleOneClick and it's rooted with superuser now. I've installed rom manager, tried to flash CWM, but when I do it just says successfully installed CWM.
When I try to boot to recovery, it just stops at the 'Galaxy Tab' loading screen. No stock recovery, no CWM, no nothing. The only way to get it out of this mode is to issue an ./adb reboot bootlaoder command. After I do that, it works fine. Can start up, shut down etc.
What did I do??? Is there any way to flash the recovery via adb push like I did the first time I rooted my phone? I can't seem to find the recovery to push to the phone, so yeah.. I'm confused here.
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Not sure about t-mobile tabs (I've heard they can be a bit tricky) but if you can install Modaco/paulobrian kernel (thread in the dev section) then that has a fully working CWM built in. Backups and restores work perfectly with this. The "official" one from koush (sp) is abandonware...
paulshields said:
Not sure about t-mobile tabs (I've heard they can be a bit tricky) but if you can install Modaco/paulobrian kernel (thread in the dev section) then that has a fully working CWM built in. Backups and restores work perfectly with this. The "official" one from koush (sp) is abandonware...
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I actually just got it all set up after trying many things using this thread:
Worked like a champ.
sanchez said:
I actually just got it all set up after trying many things using this thread:
Worked like a champ.
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Excellent .

Cyanogen Mod v7 question

I installed the AWESOME Cyanogen v7 ROM, which makes the Nook an even nicer experience than the stock rooted ROM. I got into a bit of trouble though and had to do a restore and reinstall. I went into ROM Manager, and choose "Reboot into recovery" which brought me into Clockwork Recovery. I could not get out! Every time I rebooted, I ended up back in and could not for the life of me figure out how to boot back into normal Cyanogen. Is this a bug, or did I miss something?
Run the file I attached from a CWR bootable Sd card.
(It might work just from the normal cwr, but im not sure)
It will remove your CWR install.
Then it should boot back into cm7.
AFAIK, people are having this issue when they dont reboot after flashing cwm, then trying to go into recovery immediately after flashing.
No idea why it does this, but try rebooting the nook before trying to go into recovery once you flash it again in Rom Manager.

[Q] ROM Manager not installing downloaded ROM

I can't seem to get a ROM to install on my motodroid - I have the latest ROM Manager and the ClockworkMod recovery app flashed but every time I try to install a ROM (either downloaded w/ ROM Manager or via a file saved to the SD vai the USB cable) I get the attached alert display. Alt+Ctrl+Del reboots me back to the starting point...
What's wrong?
Having the same problem!
Having the same problem and getting the same screen after reboot.
i dnt think rom manager works on milestone/droid .. AOR is recommended ..
rrohanjs said:
i dnt think rom manager works on milestone/droid .. AOR is recommended ..
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ROM Manager works on Droid, but not on Milestone.
I have a Droid, i am still having the same problem with rom manager. I used superoneclick to root, I have the latest busybox update, and superuser.
ashersgate said:
I have a Droid, i am still having the same problem with rom manager. I used superoneclick to root, I have the latest busybox update, and superuser.
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I don't know if this works like it does on Milestone, but have you tried holding the camera button+volume up?
Try 4.....
Tried holding those no good. would like to get gingerbread on it soon. thks for the help so far.
Think I did push those button soon enough. 5th try it is installing.
ashersgate said:
Think I did push those button soon enough. 5th try it is installing.
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So that key combo worked?
It brick the phone but i was able to recover from it. How can I get the apps on my sd card back on my phone.
seems like holding 'x' work to get me back from brick
I was able too restore back to the rpm i was using before i started with a backup in rom manager......awsome so now i can play without worry,,,,,, thanks so much!!!!!!
More on the problem
So, I consistently get the screen in the original post if I try to select the option presented after the download is complete to automatically boot to recovery and install the ROM - but if I install from a .zip while already in ClockworkMod, I am successful in installing a ROM. The problem seems to come with doing an over-the-air download in ROM Manager then attempting to transition to ClockworkMod to do the install. Alt-Ctrl-Del while on the screen displayed in the original post reboots and gets me back to my existing ROM...
It seems like something is not working as it should be, but it seems I have a way to make things work...
"Reboot into Recovery" also fails
I just tried to "Reboot into Recovery" from ROM Manager and that also failed (gave me the dead screen shown on the original post)...
Booting while holding x gets me into ClockworkMod successfully. I currently have ClockworkMod version installed (it has given me the most success so far).
Any suggestions?
It seems I was wrong - I'm not currently able to boot into recovery using the x button during boot...
Getting better
I flashed back to the "current" ClockworkMod - - and now I can "Reboot into Recovery"...
Maybe not better...
Errr My device seems flaky - I tried to install a ROM and the transition to ClockworkMod did not work again... Isn't this supposed to "Just work"?
More success yesterday
Once I got Pete's Gingerbread ROM loaded/installed (via .zip file) my problems getting to ClockworkMod and trying new ROMs seem to have cleaned up.
After performing the "e-mail connect" (to do that I had to turn off Droidwall) I was successful in downloading directly to the phone and flashing a new ROM.
Good luck all...

Motorola Milestone A853 Major Issue!!!!

Hi all, my name is Daniel.
I am using a motorola Milestone A853 for the past one year and never faced any issue while rooting or installing custom roms right upto cm10.
from last two months the milestone has not been working properly. It so happened i had installed CM 9.0.1d and everything worked fine. but once the battery died the phone did not boot up and was stuck on moto boot logo and kept restarting from there. I tried to go into open recovery (fufu minimod) using the X+power key and it goes into recovery but after loading recovery it did not display any options and the other text was red in color and it showed the error failed to load menu.init. I replaced the update.zip file along with the open recovery folder, but still nothing worked. I then tried another open recovery but still open recovery never loaded. Then i SBF'ed the device and went back to stock and was able to use my phone again. But then when i try to root the device again i am not able to root using vulnerable SBF as it does not install though RSDLite shows pass. Then i used superoneclick to root and that did the trick. But still open recovery never installed or load. Luckily androidiani recovery which displayed an error cannot mount but still created the menu and i was able to install custom OS but only cm 7.2.4e and not cm9 nor cm10. I cannot reboot the phone as the phone never starts up. only after clearing dalvik and wiping cache phone boots up. After a certain time now i still cannot install cm7.2.4e as it does not load and gets stuck on custom bootscreen, so i installed MIUI rom which works and starts up but i still can never reboot my phone.
Errors Seen E: cant mount /cache/recovery/command
Kindly help as the phone is just barely working.
Your phone has some serious issues...
How stable it is with stock rom? Maybe You should flash a stock 2.2 and see if you have any issues.
If not, then flash vulnerable recovery and so on, step-by-step.
Maybe it will be easier to locate the source of the problem this way.
Tried Everything
Erovia said:
Your phone has some serious issues...
How stable it is with stock rom? Maybe You should flash a stock 2.2 and see if you have any issues.
If not, then flash vulnerable recovery and so on, step-by-step.
Maybe it will be easier to locate the source of the problem this way.
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Thank you for your reply. I have tried flashing stock 2.2 and still I cannot reboot the phone without wiping cache and using the reset factory option in stock recovery. Using superoneclick I can root it and install androidiani recovery but I cannot use cm10 or cm 9. after installing cm9 the phone just restarts after cm9 boot screen and after installing cm10 the phone shows the stock android boot screen. cm 7.2.4e installs as well as miui but if battery dies or if I have to restart the phone if it gets sluggish and slow then I cannot...everytime for the phone to boot I have to wipe dalvik and cache for custom roms and for stock roms I have to wipe cache and factory reset.
SO basically I am stuck...have tried changing the sd card, repartitioning the sd card, but nothing worked
Open recovery cannot be used only andoidiani works after popping up some errors.
Kindly help.

