Hi all
As you all know all moto android devices have the drivers set to 10% increments which isn't helpful. 96% shows as fully charged and 92% shows as 90%
So does anyone know how to modify the system files/driver to get moto devices to read the battery in 1% increments?
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choudu1 said:
Hi all
As you all know all moto android devices have the drivers set to 10% increments which isn't helpful. 96% shows as fully charged and 92% shows as 90%
So does anyone know how to modify the system files/driver to get moto devices to read the battery in 1% increments?
Sent from my Milestone using XDA App
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It's never going to happen on the Milestone, it's locked into the kernel, which we don't have access to.
Damn. I was hoping it wasn't linked to the kernel. I thought it was just some drivers for the battery reading. Didn't think it would be linlked to the kernel. Damn motorola locking the kernel so we can't get swap :[email protected]
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Hi all. Still having battery issues. I unplugged my phone an hour ago and now I did the #*#*4636 etc and went to "since last unplugged " and went to time spent without sleeping and it says 2 hours and 25 mins. What's up with that? Thank u
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Change 'other usage' to 'partial wake usage' and see what's keeping the phone up.
Rusty hi. It says Android systems.
6 hours of non use since unplugging I'm down to 44 percent battery. Errrrrr!!!!!
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Any ideas?
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Ok so did another test... charged my phone. I waited 20 mins...went to battery and says 20 mins since last unplugged which is fine....them went to battery time spent without sleeping and it was 20 mins.. comon guys how do I find out y my phone is not sleeping. Help a Guy out plz
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Seriously? No one can help besides one person. I would of thought this is a popular topic. Thanks anyways
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
use system panel and see which processes and apps are using your cpu. its a free app, but the paid version gives you much more options and shows you a list of each app that used your cpu. that's what you need.
btw, system panel is by far the best app for this on the market!
xxkhbxx said:
Hi all. Still having battery issues. I unplugged my phone an hour ago and now I did the #*#*4636 etc and went to "since last unplugged " and went to time spent without sleeping and it says 2 hours and 25 mins. What's up with that? Thank u
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What ROM and Kernel are you on and how long ago did you flash to it (assuming it's a custom ROM)?
Reason I ask is that I had sleep issues with a ROM that was fine but somehow didn't flash well. Reflashing the same ROM over fixed my battery issues. This might not be what's going on with you just any bit of info can help when it comes to chasing down ghost CPU cycles/battery issues.
Also, did you recalibrate you battery yet? It could be an issue of your battery not getting charged to 100% or dying before <1%
Ok cool I just downloaded the free version do you think I should buy the paid version better?
RogerPodacter said:
use system panel and see which processes and apps are using your cpu. its a free app, but the paid version gives you much more options and shows you a list of each app that used your cpu. that's what you need.
btw, system panel is by far the best app for this on the market!
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Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Hi! I have cyanogem mod 6.1
0 running kernel 2.6.35
9 cyanogenmod shade @ toxygene #2
I flashed a while ago but it seemed ok then. I'm not 100 percent sure but it kinda seems the problem started when I did a backup and a restore. ;(
ExtraDas said:
What ROM and Kernel are you on and how long ago did you flash to it (assuming it's a custom ROM)?
Reason I ask is that I had sleep issues with a ROM that was fine but somehow didn't flash well. Reflashing the same ROM over fixed my battery issues. This might not be what's going on with you just any bit of info can help when it comes to chasing down ghost CPU cycles/battery issues.
Also, did you recalibrate you battery yet? It could be an issue of your battery not getting charged to 100% or dying before <1%
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Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I'm getting a headache ;(
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
The battery changes in increments of 10%. This makes me sad
Sent from my DROID3 using XDA App
I noticed that too. Didn't make me sad, but I thought it was really strange.
It's a smart phone dangit! Should be able to count battery percentages to the ones place. j/k.
It's just weird. I hope root will come soon.
Accurate Battery will be here once we can get a clockwork recovery.
Not really sure why most devices only show it in increments of 10% since the internal APIs totally support it.
However, to get around this I use "Circle Battery Widget" which will show the battery level to the 1% on pretty much any motorola phone.
You can download it for free by searching for "fr.depoortere.android.CircleBatteryWidget" in the market.
(Sorry, XDA won't let me post links yet )
I also use circle battery widget, works flawless
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dotson817 said:
I also use circle battery widget, works flawless
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Yes that is a great app to use. I dont have a droid 3 until tuesday but hey i know alot lol. The 10 % battery increase is a motorola thing. Its like that on all of their droid phones.
Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Tapatalk
So I've read that Moto phones don't display battery increments smaller than 10%. Has anyone figured out how to change this?
PS: I'm rooted
Sent from my Droid Bionic
Im interested too it drives me nuts. There's gotta be a way.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium
idk how to change it but have you tried circle battery widget in market? It gives the % in "1" increments
jbdan said:
idk how to change it but have you tried circle battery widget in market? It gives the % in "1" increments
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I hope that helps
Problem I have with Bionic
1) CHEAP CHEAP screen
2) Battery increments 10%
3) Battery drains in 3-4 hours
4) Price was $340 and I had to sign a new 2 year contract because I really wanted this device with the best network, Verizon
5) Phone freezes
Those are the problems I see so far
The main problem is that even if I solve the issue with the battery, I can't do anything about the screen
But anyway, if there is a solution to the 10% drops, PLEASE PLEASE let me know
I used to use battstatt and that only showed battery percent in 10, 20 blah blah whatever. Try minimalist text.....its been going down by 1%.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
I'm using minimalistic text for my battery display and it DOES show every 1%
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jbdan said:
idk how to change it but have you tried circle battery widget in market? It gives the % in "1" increments
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circle battery widget works great, thanks
Hi, maybe you can help me
Last two weeks I am having some problems behavior with my battery, after unplugging the phone from overnight charge the battery drains pretty fast, after 5 minutes goes from 100 to 97 or 95. Yesterday decided to reboot the phone when it was 92 but after that the phone reboot with 88 percent.
The day before I let the phone went to 6% and started to navigate and use some apps trying to reach 1% so I can plugged to the charger and see if the problem get solved but, after 30 minutes went from 6 to 4%
I don't know what to do
I am using battery stats since the problem started but I cannot see anything weird, also wakelock detector is going well
Any clues?
Thanks in advanced
Sent from my C6602 using xda premium
So you are using an Xperia z.. This kind of problem is quite unseen in such a good smartphone.. Switch on your Sony pc companion and see if updates are available and if not try installing the stock firmware through pc companion.. It will show you repair your phone option... Try it.. In the meanwhile I will search if any other solution is available
Sent from my A89 using xda app-developers app
Post logs, you guessing doesn't help your case. Something is eating the battery, thats a fact, Better Battery Stats will show what it is. So again: post logs.
Happened to me before,what i did is:
Charge your phone to 100%,unplug the charger and do a hard shutdown(volume up+power 15 seconds).
Keep it off and charge it offline till the battery animation shows full.
Unplug the charger and turn the phone on,you will notice it's not @ 100% so plug the charger again till 100% and done.
Long but good
Sent from my C6603 using xda premium
gm007 said:
Happened to me before,what i did is:
Charge your phone to 100%,unplug the charger and do a hard shutdown(volume up+power 15 seconds).
Keep it off and charge it offline till the battery animation shows full.
Unplug the charger and turn the phone on,you will notice it's not @ 100% so plug the charger again till 100% and done.
Long but good
Sent from my C6603 using xda premium
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Thanks man that's something I will do tonight
schaggo said:
Post logs, you guessing doesn't help your case. Something is eating the battery, thats a fact, Better Battery Stats will show what it is. So again: post logs.
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Is not a guess is something I have been monitoring, I deleted the fast dormancy wakelock and somehow it helped but I was reading that sometimes you need to do something to calibrate the battery, any way, I will post the stats
Raghavender said:
So you are using an Xperia z.. This kind of problem is quite unseen in such a good smartphone.. Switch on your Sony pc companion and see if updates are available and if not try installing the stock firmware through pc companion.. It will show you repair your phone option... Try it.. In the meanwhile I will search if any other solution is available
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Yes I am using a Xperia Z, I already did that, now I am in 307 and I am having this problem with this and old firmware, I also performed a restore of firmware, so my best guess is that my battery needs calibration
Sent from my C6602 using xda premium
schaggo said:
Post logs, you guessing doesn't help your case. Something is eating the battery, thats a fact, Better Battery Stats will show what it is. So again: post logs.
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Here are my stats, nothing unusual in my opinion, what do you think?
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Google services had short of 200 wakeups and system processes produced 300+ wakeups. That's already not so good for a starter. And there's the msm_hsic_host wakelock, which IIRC originates from the modem on the latest Qualcomm boards; they stupidly (?) chose to attach the modem via a usb interface which causes wakelocks, I believe.
Anyway, can you give me Better Battery Stats "Other", "Kernel wakelocks" and "Partial wakelocks" as well as "Alarms", please?
schaggo said:
Google services had short of 200 wakeups and system processes produced 300+ wakeups. That's already not so good for a starter. And there's the msm_hsic_host wakelock, which IIRC originates from the modem on the latest Qualcomm boards; they stupidly (?) chose to attach the modem via a usb interface which causes wakelocks, I believe.
Anyway, can you give me Better Battery Stats "Other", "Kernel wakelocks" and "Partial wakelocks" as well as "Alarms", please?
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Here are my stats from yesterday. Today I am having gmail sync for 35 minutes I don't know why
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gm007 said:
Keep it off and charge it offline till the battery animation shows full.
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How long the "off" charge took with you, and what is the "full battery" animation?
Is it full green battery with the lightning bolt (something like on attached picture), or should it change to something different ?
Thanks in advance
RalphLauren said:
How long the "off" charge took with you, and what is the "full battery" animation?
Is it full green battery with the lightning bolt (something like on attached picture), or should it change to something different ?
Thanks in advance
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Yes this one.
Sent from my C6603 using xda premium
Again the usb modem wakelock is there for 1h+ and 1h powermanager. Of 4h waketime you had 2h screentime.
I see AudioOut_2, appears often when having screen and ui feedback enabled. I'd suggest to disable all 4 options at the bottom at "Settings > Tones".
Do you live/work/be in an area with weak or no signal? I see 2h 44 no data connection. Could the phone be constantly searching for signal in that time?
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Hey folks! I have recently started observing that my phone is consumimg excessive battery. I really cant seem to understand the cause, but for sure, I know there is an issue unknown to me. As I can see and observe, the situations I've faced are as follows:
1. When fully charged and unplugged, usage on wi-fi, screen on and some music leads to empty battery in almost 2 hours sharp.
2. When fully charged and unplugged, wi-fi off, sync off, GPS off, data off and literally everything off including the screen, then from 100% charge to 25% charge in 8 hours.
3. When I use the phone, as mentioned in point 1, suppose the phone discharges from 100% to say 60% in 40 minutes, the thing I do is turn the screen off. Then as soon as I do this, the battery level rises up until I turn the screen on again. Funny! :/ xD
4. Now the final case is this. When I turn of the phone at suppose 20%( probably unreal charge stats), connect it to a charger, and then while connected, switch on the phone, the phone gets charged up to like 50% or so. Epic fail!
5. Oh I almost forgot, battery usage charts show Android OS consuming 40-85% of the charge at all times in which the wakelock stats are an alarming 3-4 hours as per the 2nd point. Screen consumes 30% of the charge and Android System follows
I am posting my battery usage screenshots here.
1. The first screenshot was the one before I rebooted at 20% charge. Look at the roller coaster battery stats. XD
2. The second screenshot is the one showing all the stupid processes consuming excess battery.
3. Observe the difference towards the extreme right of the third screenshot and the first one. The third screenshot was the one after I rebooted. There is a long white line at the right end of the third one which shows the rise of battery charge from 20% to 56% precisely. Bloody hell!!
Kindly, anyone who feel that they can help, look into this matter and suggest me good options to follow.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
Two more screenshots!
Just look at the time at which each screenshot was taken and compare the stats Yourself. This **** is freaking me out each day.
LOL and the charge was at 19% at 00:33. At 56% at 00:39 and now at 82% at 01:15. Highly quick charge and discharge. what do I do?
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
rokr05 said:
Two more screenshots!
Just look at the time at which each screenshot was taken and compare the stats Yourself. This **** is freaking me out each day.
LOL and the charge was at 19% at 00:33. At 56% at 00:39 and now at 82% at 01:15. Highly quick charge and discharge. what do I do?
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
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Mention your rom and kernel.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
Umm the screenshots are from the Xperian UI ROM. I dont know which kernel it is, but the screenshot here can help You maybe. But but but, I faced the same problem of excessive battery drain even on the official 2.3 ROM of LG. Every ROM is having the same effect more or less.
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
rokr05 said:
Umm the screenshots are from the Xperian UI ROM. I dont know which kernel it is, but the screenshot here can help You maybe. But but but, I faced the same problem of excessive battery drain even on the official 2.3 ROM of LG. Every ROM is having the same effect more or less.
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I think ths is because of the xperia apps. I remember when i used optimusZ by eminent. The drain was high, even when i removed it. Check your wakes with betterbatterystats
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda app-developers app
Well You are right about Xperia apps. The Facebook inside Xperia extensions suck up the battery. But that is just a part of the story for me. I've been having the same amount of consumption in almost all the ROMS I've tried so far.
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