Just wondering if I can put Gingerbread on it. I tried Honeycomb, and while it sorta worked, it's really just not ready yet for using as a daily OS.
same question for noob like me...
avwuff said:
Just wondering if I can put Gingerbread on it. I tried Honeycomb, and while it sorta worked, it's really just not ready yet for using as a daily OS.
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No not yet... and dont try it cause it will brick your tab, but always remember if you brick it as long as you can get into download mode you can always unbrick your tab (Sprint) using EA-24.
BTW: Wrong catagory for questions. Use Q&A
Sorry I've been reading this forum all day
Yeah I already bricked it a few times and then brought it back with EA24, which is what I am running now. Is there anything better? I really want those CRT on/off animations and stuff.
I too would love to see a GB rom for us. Probably won't happen though.
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA App
avwuff said:
Sorry I've been reading this forum all day
Yeah I already bricked it a few times and then brought it back with EA24, which is what I am running now. Is there anything better? I really want those CRT on/off animations and stuff.
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Well if you could flash a rom to it -it wasn't "bricked". The term "brick" is used far to loosely now. Its bricked when you cant restore with software and you have to either replace or repair board with jtag etc. What you did was simply screw a flash up so device wouldn't boot a rom.
gsu_golfer said:
I too would love to see a GB rom for us. Probably won't happen though.
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You will but you will likely have to wait for your carrier or Samsung to update you via kies or you flash manually once its released.
PS. You shouldnt be creating topic sin this section, this is for devs/chefs only for posting roms/kernels/ref etc. Stick to Q&A and read sticky topics.
Hey, question: It's a sprint Tab, but I don't use Sprint and I don't care if the cell modem doesn't work at all. Is the rest of the hardware so different that I can't use one of the GSM ones, for example?
avwuff said:
Hey, question: It's a sprint Tab, but I don't use Sprint and I don't care if the cell modem doesn't work at all. Is the rest of the hardware so different that I can't use one of the GSM ones, for example?
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Only CDMA Roms
Sent from my SPH-P100 using XDA App
Hi everyone,
I have the Samsung Galaxy s Captivate and I want to upgrade it from 2.1 to froyo 2.2. I understand that ATT has not release it. However, I found this thread and froyo is leaked for everyone.
Here is the thread.
I was wondering if I need to be rooted in order to do this. If so, what is the most easy and most efficient way of doing it? I also want to get rid of all the ATT bloatware, I hear there is a great rom that gets rid of it.
Thanks for listening I can’t wait for your replies.
Hello Michael,
The answer to all of your questions and more are in the thread you linked, including difficulties other people have had and sometimes their resolutions.
Good luck!
You found the thread you need to read. Go through it, even if it does take you about an hour to do. You need to read that way you know where information is on how to fix your phone if anything goes wrong. Everything you do on your phone is at your own risk.
Basically just flash using the one click ODIN for the JI6 build.
One important note is to remove the USB as soon as it reboots because otherwise you can face issues with it becoming stuck in airplane mode. I don't know why exactly but it happened to me and to others.
If you haven't flashed using Odin yet, search for the Odin3 thread. That will give you the steps to use the one click Odin.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
UserNamer said:
Hello Michael,
The answer to all of your questions and more are in the thread you linked, including difficulties other people have had and sometimes their resolutions.
Good luck!
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Well, I only link the download and flash for it. The link provides no explanation on how to flash or install froyo.
flashman2002 said:
You found the thread you need to read. Go through it, even if it does take you about an hour to do. You need to read that way you know where information is on how to fix your phone if anything goes wrong. Everything you do on your phone is at your own risk.
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I don't see where the reading is. Only the download mirrors.
Colton5419 said:
Basically just flash using the one click ODIN for the JI6 build.
One important note is to remove the USB as soon as it reboots because otherwise you can face issues with it becoming stuck in airplane mode. I don't know why exactly but it happened to me and to others.
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cappysw10 said:
If you haven't flashed using Odin yet, search for the Odin3 thread. That will give you the steps to use the one click Odin.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Thanks for the advise doing that now.
So basically I have a couple questions before flashing my phone to Serendipity 4.3
1. If I flash can I ever go back to "real stock"?
2. Since froyo is not out for the captivate. I was wondering if the 2.2 roms were real froyo roms? (Like the Serendipity 4.3)
3. Since froyo is coming out soon, should I just wait for the ATT version of froyo?
4. If I do flash, can I get the ATT version of froyo? (when it comes out)
Thanks for reading
And doesn't exist yet
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Thanks for the fast reply. but for my 4th question i mean when ATT does release froyo can i use it?
rayoubi said:
Thanks for the fast reply. but for my 4th question i mean when ATT does release froyo can i use it?
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Yes of course, all you'll have to do is an update through kies once you flash back to stock when it comes out.
rayoubi said:
Thanks for the fast reply. but for my 4th question i mean when ATT does release froyo can i use it?
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You won't want to.
He's right.
I wouldn't wait for AT&T, it could be a long time before they release anything. Happy flashing!!
MikeyMike01 said:
You won't want to.
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So true...
Waiting for AT&T Froyo is like waiting to win the lottery...
As the rest have said, FLASH AWAY! Once you start, you'll see how addictive it really is. Try them all. They all have thier own pro's and con's
I sucessfully flashed my phone! I love my phone now, geezes I dont know why i waited sooooo long.
Thanks every1!
Probably going to flash a custom ROM (phoenix 4.1) for the first time this weekend. I currently have the AT&T 2.2 beta flashed from a one-click, but have never gone through the whole process. I have a couple questions.
1. Is the phoenix install instructions on the first page of the discussion in the development section complete? I was browsing through the discussion and some folks said there were some apps missing, like the music player (not that I used the stock one).
2. there are patches listed and it doesn't really say how to apply them. any guidance? rather than page through 700+ pages, is there a summary on how?
3. is there a lagfix in the Phoenix ROM or is it needed for 2.2.1 ROMs at all?
rayoubi said:
I sucessfully flashed my phone! I love my phone now, geezes I dont know why i waited sooooo long.
Thanks every1!
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that was my first reaction too when I finally got around to flashing roms
gokartracer5 said:
Probably going to flash a custom ROM (phoenix 4.1) for the first time this weekend. I currently have the AT&T 2.2 beta flashed from a one-click, but have never gone through the whole process. I have a couple questions.
1. Is the phoenix install instructions on the first page of the discussion in the development section complete? I was browsing through the discussion and some folks said there were some apps missing, like the music player (not that I used the stock one).
2. there are patches listed and it doesn't really say how to apply them. any guidance? rather than page through 700+ pages, is there a summary on how?
3. is there a lagfix in the Phoenix ROM or is it needed for 2.2.1 ROMs at all?
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Each rom is done to the Dev's way so yes some remove some apps that they deem junk. Like all the att crapware that is installed. All the fixes are clockwork flashable that I know of. Most were for older versions of the rom. IF you follow the directions in the FAQ you will be fine, Just make sure then after you flash back to stock that you can get into recovery and DL mode with the 3 button combos just in case something goes wrong
cool thanks. looking forward to it.
Did u have to root first? I want to update to 2.2 i rooted yesterday and now im not sure what to do.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
GrapePopRocks said:
Did u have to root first? I want to update to 2.2 i rooted yesterday and now im not sure what to do.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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Yes you need to be rooted.
shawn122 said:
Yes you need to be rooted.
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Thank you where do i go for the update and instructions? Ive seen different videos so Id like to b sure im doin it rite
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
I've tried a lagfix but wasnt that much improvement..i need something reliable and fast! Please! I know to get rid of bloat etc etc.... I need to know which rom is best? Cognition?? If so, which one? My phone is back to basic superoneclick root w/ non market apps enabled. Havent gone any further this time cause i would like to see what people have to say.... Ive searched and searched but seems like i need it all in one place w/ updated info?? Any help would be greatly appreciated..... Thanks.
regan0314 said:
I've tried a lagfix but wasnt that much improvement..i need something reliable and fast! Please! I know to get rid of bloat etc etc.... I need to know which rom is best? Cognition?? If so, which one? My phone is back to basic superoneclick root w/ non market apps enabled. Havent gone any further this time cause i would like to see what people have to say.... Ive searched and searched but seems like i need it all in one place w/ updated info?? Any help would be greatly appreciated..... Thanks.
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Oh boy.... Another one of these threads.
Short answer.... PICK one, they are all better than stock. There are so many roms out there that only YOU can judge what you want and need in a rom.
Everyone will have a different answer for you. For instance I say Firefly, but only because it works for me
You can't go wrong choosing any of them.
Anything other than JI6, that leaky rom is junk.
Caution swyping! Read at your own risk.
cappysw10 said:
Anything other than JI6, that leaky rom is junk.
Caution swyping! Read at your own risk.
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All i got for ya buddy is ur logo aint lyin .. at all!! regret the day i ever switched to att!!
nickm50 said:
Oh boy.... Another one of these threads.
Short answer.... PICK one, they are all better than stock. There are so many roms out there that only YOU can judge what you want and need in a rom.
Everyone will have a different answer for you. For instance I say Firefly, but only because it works for me
You can't go wrong choosing any of them.
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well I am looking for suggestions on which rom might be best suited for my phone and my only criteria really is thats its fast and reliable. So basically Im just askin if you had to pick one for me what would it be?
regan0314 said:
well I am looking for suggestions on which rom might be best suited for my phone and my only criteria really is thats its fast and reliable. So basically Im just askin if you had to pick one for me what would it be?
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That is unanswerable every single phone is different, and people have widely different tastes. The trick is finding a rom that works best FOR YOU.
studacris said:
That is unanswerable every single phone is different, and people have widely different tastes. The trick is finding a rom that works best FOR YOU.
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dude, youre takin this a little too seriously, im just lookin for a good suggestion to start with, and i know every phone is different, thats why i put what phone i have. thanks
The suggestions are to try them out yourself........
They are all better than stock........
You have to figure it out for yourself..........
And he meant that every Captivate is different.......If you did some more reading...you would know what he meant........
The "all in one place" is the first 3 pages of the dev section........http://forum.xda-developers.com/forumdisplay.php?f=706 any thread that starts with [ROM] is what your looking at
if you want a fast rom i would recommend the cyanogen mod 7.
people talk about how its unstable and has bad battery life
but its all wrong,,,
from my experience cm7 has been a stable like all the other roms but just faster..
It's the fastest you'll ever get right now and it has all different customization you can do.
so try it out.
Might want to try cm6 its outdated but fast and more reliable
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
ok soooo this is super annoying now...
I have tried every tutorial I can find for flashing roms to my captivate, every one still gives me the write error after reinstall packages. I have tried changing every setting i can think of.... someone please help!! very frustrated at this point
heres all my phone info:
att captivate sgh-I897
android 2.2
kernal: jetaek.le[email protected] #1
build: froyo.UCJI6
as of right now i have it rooted via newest version of superoneclick.
Are you trying to get CWM on the phone?
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nickm50 said:
Are you trying to get CWM on the phone?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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ya, any file i put on the root of the phone gives me the same answer, whether its cwm or update.zip
You have 3E recovery.
The easiest way to get around it is to Flash the .tar version of speedmod with the full version of odin.
This only works on 2.2 If you need any more help. I will be around for a bit.
nickm50 said:
You have 3E recovery.
The easiest way to get around it is to Flash the .tar version of speedmod with the full version of odin.
This only works on 2.2 If you need any more help. I will be around for a bit.
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good answer! but if you are on 2.1 you can put the new rom on the sd card first and then flash speedmod. it wont boot into the rom but will give you recovery to flash the new rom.
yes, no need to root just odin flash speedmod then flash a rom.
if you want complete and reliable and well polished then flash andromeda, it's a bit older version of 2.2 but the work was great.
if you want super fast flash something that says js8, i hear the paragon rom has a great kernel. id say cm7 but maybe you should work up to that, it isn't hard but you need odin to flash back if you have problems, there aren't any 2.2 kernels or roms with the proper update script and binary to be flashed from the recovery that cm7 uses.
Dani897 said:
but if you are on 2.1 you can put the new rom on the sd card first and then flash speedmod. it wont boot into the rom but will give you recovery to flash the new rom.
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Nice. That makes sense that it will work.
OCLF (one click lagfix) use ext2. Titanium or some system app remover app to get rid of bloat and you should be good to go. At the end of the day different ROMs and such are for asthetics... no one has over 340 mg of Ram available so performance not much different from one to the next once lagfix installed. Until you OC/UV and that is tuff to maintain stability with.
Now we all know that there are no "Best Rom" threads but sense this one has changed course ill leave it open.
Each rom runs differently for each person. This is due to the many different ways we each use our phones. Once you get the hang of it, try out a few and find your favorite. Good luck on your quest.
Sent from the shadows
Ok so i finally got it to work, i used this application for my pc and it did the trick... it was called something like AIC tools?? Forget the name exactly, T work so cant see it right now. But it was awesome, if anyone needs to know what its called lemme know and ill post it when i get home. Im trying cognition 4.3 right now.
Have a small problem tho if anyone can help that be great,
Basically, my home button goes nuts every once in a while and acts as if its bein pressed a bunch of times when my fingers are nowhere near it.... weird... does a ghost come with cognition?? Lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
regan0314 said:
Ok so i finally got it to work, i used this application for my pc and it did the trick... it was called something like AIC tools?? Forget the name exactly, T work so cant see it right now. But it was awesome, if anyone needs to know what its called lemme know and ill post it when i get home. Im trying cognition 4.3 right now.
Have a small problem tho if anyone can help that be great,
Basically, my home button goes nuts every once in a while and acts as if its bein pressed a bunch of times when my fingers are nowhere near it.... weird... does a ghost come with cognition?? Lol
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
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Questions pertaining to specific roms should be asked in their thread. Most times you're not the only one that's had that problem and it's already been addressed. That translates into search and read.
but can't find an answer.... is it doable? Also, what other mods can I do to it? I wish XDA had a section for each version of the tab, I have a huge headache from trying to find my answer.... thanks guys
bump..... Please guys, help me out. I tried rooting last night but failed, guess I tried the root from a different tab... so please help me out... I'm getting ready to smash this thing
Really, no one can help me out? ... maybe another forum has more courteous members.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Do you think that bumping your post two hours after posting it is courteous?
I just got a Galaxy Tab WiFi myself, but I did my research *before* I bought it. No Gingerbread is available, that I know of. There are not many alternative ROMs for the WiFi only model.
What did you use in your rooting attempt? The only two ways I know are with a Windows app or with z4root, an Android app. I haven't tried either one, here is a link to z4root on this forum.
I installed GB 2.3.3 using this thread
hope that helps
SuperOneClick should be able to help you root your Tab.
Here's the Noob Rooting Guide with links and downloads.
Always do your research. The Development forums will be one of your best resources for your Tab.
I installed GB 2.3.3 using this thread
hope that helps
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That's for the 1000 not 1010 which is the wifi only model, thank you though.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
brucemcl said:
Do you think that bumping your post two hours after posting it is courteous?
I just got a Galaxy Tab WiFi myself, but I did my research *before* I bought it. No Gingerbread is available, that I know of. There are not many alternative ROMs for the WiFi only model.
What did you use in your rooting attempt? The only two ways I know are with a Windows app or with z4root, an Android app. I haven't tried either one, here is a link to z4root on this forum.
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No offense but if you're going to criticize you might as well not even comment to avoid any frustrations or arguments as a result. Thank you for the link, I was able to find z4 and lag fix yesterday.... applied both but i might roll back on the lag fix since I have no haptic feedback now unless anyone knows of a fix? I wasn't able to find anything on Google... wifi only tab and p1010 aren't too popular searches.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
*sigh* waiting for this too..
****ty Samsung , is it so hard to just make an official Gb for this little tab considering the workforce they have at their disposal.
At one point I had heard that the Sprint stock GB (2.3.4) update worked on the Wifi only tabs, but I don't have a wifi only to test with.
I haven't heard of any alternative roms for the wifi only version.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk
Check with Kies, see if you have a firmware update. I only have a P1000, but maybe it's similar.
oh yeah, give time for people to reply your thread. Don't be a spoiled kid.
Sent from my Galaxy Tab P-1000 using Tapatalk
EDIT: from other answers here the Sprint GB 2.3.4 ROM stock or rooted sounds the way to go, so it looks like this should work for you as it did for me on my Verizon CDMA tab.
It's hard to say for sure, experimentation is part of the fun, but killing the tab isn't. I didn't find any definitive answers on flashing a Sprint CDMA ROM on to a Verizon CDMA Galaxy Tab (for example), so I decided to try for myself:
I suspect doing a FULL ROM flash would be a *very* bad idea (it seems doing that with a GSM ROM on other (non-GSM) tabs KILLS it). However, the technique I used was only to apply the kernel and filesystems, so I would *think* if you had a backup from before (always best to have a backup anyway, right?) you could always revert. You may want to look around and check to see if stock WIFI images are out there (I don't know for sure) but the Voodoo or CwM (ClockworkMod) recovery backups should be fine either way.
Then if you apply the filesystem and kernel files from 2.3.4 and they don't work you should be able to revert (I would assume, I can certainly flash back and forth on mine). I would *think* the kernel supports vanilla hardware + CDMA additionally (i.e. you don't need it, but it doesn't hurt), but may be fine.
But again, unless you're prepared to take the risk, I cannot say for sure, you can wait and see if anyone else chimes in, but that's my take.
pvtjoker42 said:
At one point I had heard that the Sprint stock GB (2.3.4) update worked on the Wifi only tabs, but I don't have a wifi only to test with.
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I don't feel like bricking mine to find out lol
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loserbaby said:
EDIT: from other answers here the Sprint GB 2.3.4 ROM stock or rooted sounds the way to go, so it looks like this should work for you as it did for me on my Verizon CDMA tab.
It's hard to say for sure, experimentation is part of the fun, but killing the tab isn't. I didn't find any definitive answers on flashing a Sprint CDMA ROM on to a Verizon CDMA Galaxy Tab (for example), so I decided to try for myself:
I suspect doing a FULL ROM flash would be a *very* bad idea (it seems doing that with a GSM ROM on other (non-GSM) tabs KILLS it). However, the technique I used was only to apply the kernel and filesystems, so I would *think* if you had a backup from before (always best to have a backup anyway, right?) you could always revert. You may want to look around and check to see if stock WIFI images are out there (I don't know for sure) but the Voodoo or CwM (ClockworkMod) recovery backups should be fine either way.
Then if you apply the filesystem and kernel files from 2.3.4 and they don't work you should be able to revert (I would assume, I can certainly flash back and forth on mine). I would *think* the kernel supports vanilla hardware + CDMA additionally (i.e. you don't need it, but it doesn't hurt), but may be fine.
But again, unless you're prepared to take the risk, I cannot say for sure, you can wait and see if anyone else chimes in, but that's my take.
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Lol thanks... I guess if someone has the time and patience to try it and it works then please let the rest of us p1010 owners know
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
I have the P1010 also and from what I've heard, the two models (P1010 and P1000) have different hardware which makes the latter model possible for the ginger update while ours likely will never get it.
Enjoy it for what it is. That's all I can say.
jstrayy said:
No offense but if you're going to criticize you might as well not even comment to avoid any frustrations or arguments as a result.
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No offence but you are the one who was rude by bumping your topic after 2 hours and also accusing people who didnt answer as not courteous, so obviously you are going to get criticism.
Your problem is that you cant be bothered to go read or search and expect people to jump on your topic and bring all the info to you. This is XDA-developers, not tech support, try and at least help yourself first before demanding answers.
If anyone tests the spring gingerbread method and it works, please say so. xD Im too much of a coward to risk my tab.
OmniLemur said:
If anyone tests the spring gingerbread method and it works, please say so. xD Im too much of a coward to risk my tab.
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You can save a flashable ROM in the sdcard. Then if the tab got bricked, you can insert the sdcard in and reflash again. But i don't recommend doing this because me myself never flashed my tab, only my nexus one.
Alright, I am just trying to find out where to start. Like what's the difference in bootloaders, roms, etc. Is a ROM a Kernal? Stuff like that.
I want to basically like take this Captivate back to stock and start from there, problem is, I have no idea how to get there.
On bootup it currently has the Galaxy S screen with a Cyanogenmod so I guessing it is running that.
Pertinent info:
Model: SGH-I897 - AT&T
Android Version: 4.0.1
Mod Version: IceCreamHackish-11282011-Captivate
Build Number: ITL41D
Baseband Version: I9000UGJK4 - This doesn't seem right to me (think there might be a problem with the SIM board but not sure)
Recovery/Download Mode brings up CWM-based Recovery v5.5.0.2
Any help/guidance would be appreciated.
A ROM is basically all the things that you see on screen that's part of the system, i.e. the user interface and menus and such. The kernel is essentially the software interface to the hardware, and controls the core OS functions. A ROM is going to come with a kernel because nothing can work without one, however they are not the same thing. Nothing is wrong with your baseband, as being on a CM based ROM requires an i9000 modem in order to work properly.
Sent from my CM9 ICS i897 Captivate
korockinout13 said:
A ROM is basically all the things that you see on screen that's part of the system, i.e. the user interface and menus and such. The kernel is essentially the software interface to the hardware, and controls the core OS functions. A ROM is going to come with a kernel because nothing can work without one, however they are not the same thing. Nothing is wrong with your baseband, as being on a CM based ROM requires an i9000 modem in order to work properly.
Sent from my CM9 ICS i897 Captivate
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I didn't think these had i9000 modems. :/
They use i9000 based Kernels because they're ported from the i9000 itself.
^if that statement is wrong someone correct me, I'm merely stupid to some things
That being said, anyone that can help me get this thing back to the original software?
Read all the stickies on how to use ODIN, download mode, CWM and what a JIG is. Using ODIN can make your captivate a brick so I suggest you read alot and understand it.
prbassplayer said:
Read all the stickies on how to use ODIN, download mode, CWM and what a JIG is. Using ODIN can make your captivate a brick so I suggest you read alot and understand it.
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I have Odin, I know about download mode and the jig as well. I have read the stickies, the problem is that most of them are not very thorough. I am kinda stuck at what I can/can't put on the phone. What is the difference between the Rogers Stocks that are available? Will they work on my phone? Questions like that are the ones that I kinda need help with that I cannot find answers for.
Why do you want to go to Rogers stock if you are on AT&T?
sthodupunuri said:
Why do you want to go to Rogers stock if you are on AT&T?
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No where in the ROMs section after looking do I see a [STOCK] AT&T post
onlymojo said:
No where in the ROMs section after looking do I see a [STOCK] AT&T post
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as i recall, the AT&T captivate is called the I897 and the rogers captivate is the I896.....
i wonder if all those I897's in front of the rom version would indicate they are stock for AT&T?
oh crap, look at that...post number 4 takes you to just the rogers ones...
Pirateghost said:
as i recall, the AT&T captivate is called the I897 and the rogers captivate is the I896.....
i wonder if all those I897's in front of the rom version would indicate they are stock for AT&T?
oh crap, look at that...post number 4 takes you to just the rogers ones...
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Sarcasm how nice. I wasn't looking for Rogers in particular but if you are going to be picky, I would rather not assume that just because someone put i897 infront of it that it is 100% for AT&T. If you choose to do so, that's your perrogative.
onlymojo said:
Sarcasm how nice. I wasn't looking for Rogers in particular but if you are going to be picky, I would rather not assume that just because someone put i897 infront of it that it is 100% for AT&T. If you choose to do so, that's your perrogative.
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Yeah you can't trust those jerks that post up the stock roms. Stupid model numbers.
If I choose to do so? Lmao. OK. Why don't you just go download the stuff yourself and see? Lazy people these days looking for.handouts I see. I didn't just assume, I have actually used them. Funny enough so have lots of others in the threads. But nope don't take their words for it they are probably lying just so you would do something stupid.
Sent from my HTC PH39100