1. i got my first android 2 days back. Since the minute i got it in my hands i started trying to update the 2.2 version to 2.3 but in vain.
2. Then tried to ROOT my device by using the SuperOneClickv1.9.5 the CMD window Freezes
3. The third problem is all the apps are installed to PHONE memory by default. and even APP2SD cant move a few apps. I get LOW MEMORY warning.
4. I cant even get SMS , it says SMS memory Full
(or something similar)
5. If i upgrade to 2.3.4 can i be able to ROOT my Nexus One ?
Please kindly help me with all the problems ...
This is my first post here , if this is a wrong section please let me know Thank you
My Nexus info :
Version : 2.2
Baseband Version :
Kernel :
[email protected] #1
Build: 2.16.405.1 CL223106 release-keys
Read the wiki.
Use the search feature.
i did search the google. so many threads
i expected a better response
You don't search the Google. You search the very forum you are on.
You read the wiki that again is on this forum.
All the info is there. Read it.
Then if there is a issue or something you don't quite get , people will gladly help ya including myself.
Ok i finally rooted my Nexus One with "UniversalAndroot-1.6.2-beta5.apk
It said Rooting was done.
I can see the SUPER USER app too.
But Titanium Backup says it cant access the root. What should be the problem ?
Ok finally got it rooted by installing BusyBox .
i was trying this : Darktremor Installation Instructions for a2sd
But i dont have the opton "partition sdcard"
I really need HELP please
I ROOTED the device.
Installed ROM MANAGER and tried the CYANOGENMOD 7.0.3
After the installation I get INFINITE loop of Cyanogen menu
I tried the RESTORE SYSTEM and no use.
I then installed the "81304b2de707.signed-passion-GRI40-from-FRG83G.81304b2d.zip"
Now again the same problem ...
I get Infinite Boot loops. Please Help
Wipe the device before loading a new ROM. "Wipe all data / Factory reset" option in recovery.
I did. But no use
Finally restored the backup i did yesterday. Now the mobile is switching on.
But acting odd.
Auto rotate of screen not working.
I cant move shortcuts or widgets on home screen.
If i move it they are automatically dwleted .. .
Please give me a simple process to change the rom.
First off, if you are using CW Mod 3.+, go back to a pre 3. version or get Amon_Ra
If you go back to a pre 3. CW-- Wipe system 3X and all data/caches 5X, then retry
Did you reformat your sd card outside of phone with something like sdformatter and repartition 1gb 0 swap--back up card first and Nandroid
You may have jumped into this too quick, with only having phone 2 days
You need to flash Cyanogen rom then gapps then DT
I would study the CM7 thread, from OP page on--
Did you reformat your sd card outside of phone with something like sdformatter and repartition 1gb 0 swap--back up card first and Nandroid
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I formatted using the OPTION in the ROM MANAGER.
i gave SWAP 32 mb and the other to be 512 mb.
What is and howdo i backup "Nandroid"
CW-- Wipe system 3X and all data/caches 5X, then retry
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3x and 5x does it mean 3 times and 5 times ?
When the system was getting the Infinite Looping.
I restored the recovery rom. And while the recovery process was hapenning it freezed at "LOST+FOUND" Had to remove the battery.
Today i was trying to backup the ROM again and again it freezed at "LOST+FOUND" . Had to remove the battery.
Is it normal ??
I read some HOW TO stuff but seemed very complicated. so Then i went for the YOUTUBE EASY steps videos. So I rooted with the APP i specified above. And went for the ROM MANAGER.
You may have jumped into this too quick, with only having phone 2 days
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Well all my friends have the LATEST versions. Even my brother had 2.3 on his Nexus S.
Only i seem to be stuck here .
Would there be any hardware faults for all these errors i get ?
The nexus s shipped with 2.3
This is why I and others will always tell you people to read the wiki.
Flashing roms and partitioning the SD card with a ext partition while not even know a nandroid backup is....:-(
1. Boot the phone into recovery. Not sure if its still cwm since I don't know wtf you meant by recovery rom but eh.
2. In recovery factory reset/wipe clear data etc. Basically clean everything you can a option to clean/wipe/format EXCEPT SD card.
3. Flash a rom. . Flash gapps if its cm7.
4. Read wiki.
5. Read wiki.
6. Read wiki.
Basically get the phone running. Stop ****ing with **** until you have a clue what you're doing. Then have fun.
Well after using the same file many times. i finally got the CM7 running
Thank you all for helping me out . . .
Sorry for being so noob
glad you got it
you want 0 swap not 32
also, don't recommend, as mentioned, using CWMod 3.+
Definitely read wiki and scour threads from OP pages on to learn
I have 14 pages of bookmarks going back over a year from studying
Do regular backups of phone and sdcard
Good Luck
I've been on XDA today for atleast 3 hours and havent gotten anywhere, I have owned my G1 since dec. 08, rooted it, and kept the firmware at 1.1. I have jesus freak recovery 1.41.
Like I said, I've been on XDA forums for 3 hours already and haven't had any clarity what so ever and am just frustrated right now. Without being 100% I managed to upgrade to 1.6 withy cyanogen I lost everything that was on my phone, it hurts but I'm just frustrated to the point right now that the phone is functioning slower than before and theres lag between the screens and functions. With the upgrade, all of the phones original fucntions "contacts, alarm clock, calculator, etc." force closed and nothing worked, i tried to factory reset and because of the stupid sync issue from the begining skrewed me and about half of my info saved to my google account. I'm so frustrated right now.
I need to know how to install the newest recovery to hopefully work with Nand because I had to Manually rename the DRC83_base_defanged to update.zip and then had to manually rename update-cm- to update.zip to install each one at a time without having the ability to freely choose what zip i wanted to install.
I haven't been able to find what issues there are with using another phones firmware on the G1, i've seen the Hero firmware, the home screen looks gorgeous and runs like a dream, but I haven't been able to find anything saying that it is okay or a BAD idea to attempt to install it, also I havent been able to find any info on finding the newest g1 firmware or any mods to be able to make the g1 firmware look like the hero, or any other android platforms. I have just found constant cooked firmware after firmware with a hard time decyphering why one may be better than the other. If someone could help me, I would GREATLY appreciate it.
I continute to run into threads "how to root" or "down load this, and download this, and assuming you have something with options you dont have, make it work like this"
Please someone help.
First you need to upgrade your recovery b/c the one you have is very very Ancient with a capital A....You have to wipe before you flash the defanged then flash cyan w/o rebooting.
I want to upgrade my recovery, but I haven't found anything that can help me upgrade the thing. any links to tell me how to do it? and is there no order that I have to install the firmware? instead of having to go from 1.1 to 1.5 to 1.6, can i just go from 1.1 to 1.6 in one hit?
step 1: search the development forum for amon ra's recovery. read the instructions to flash it.
step 2: go to cyanogenmod.com and read the instructions for upgrading from scratch.
once you've done those two things, you'll be much happier.
maniacallyhappy said:
I want to upgrade my recovery, but I haven't found anything that can help me upgrade the thing. any links to tell me how to do it? and is there no order that I have to install the firmware? instead of having to go from 1.1 to 1.5 to 1.6, can i just go from 1.1 to 1.6 in one hit?
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You don't re-root when you need to change roms you just wipe in recovery mode
You need amon_ra
Like the other guys have said, upgrade to Amon_RA recovery. This allows you to flash updates from any filename, not just update.zip. The link is in my signature, or it's on the G1 Dev Forum in the sticky threads.
After that, boot into recovery and go to the Wipe section. Wipe all the things there, not just data. I never used to wipe everything either and I found that was the source of alot of my problems when changing ROMs. Obviously if you have your SD card partitioned and you choose to wipe your ext then you will lose what is on there.
Cyanogen has good instructions on his Wiki, but basically you want to flash DRC83_base_defanged, DO NOT reboot, and flash CM over the top straight away, then reboot your phone and you'll have a nice clean CM install.
This flashes the HTC Developer image which includes legal Google apps (Gmail, Maps, etc) and then flashes CM over the top which includes all his cool changes but does not delete the Google apps which we aren't supposed to distribute because it's illegal. Perhaps you are not aware, but Cyanogen got a Cease & Desist letter from Google, which is why we now do the defanged base method. More ROMs are moving to this method as time goes on, Pay's ROM and Super D are two which do this.
As an aside, I have found CM is not the fastest ROM. Some people have had better success with a ROM called Super D which is quite popular and includes many of the Eclair bits and pieces which CM does anyway. I personally use Dwang's ROM which is a much more plain Donut image however it absolutely flies. Both of these are linked in my sig, and are usually within the first few pages of the G1 Dev Forum anyway.
Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate how helpful the community has been. I've been having some issues with the the upgrading and maintaining because of my memory card slot dying out. A lot of the times the system will not register that I have my micro sd card in it or it'll say the sd card is blank. I just hope the phone lasts the extra 6 months till the end of my contract
Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using XDA App
maniacallyhappy said:
I've been having some issues with the the upgrading and maintaining because of my memory card slot dying out. A lot of the times the system will not register that I have my micro sd card in it or it'll say the sd card is blank.
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I used to have this problem too, but it went away when I moved to 1.6 (coincidentally the same time I replaced the SD Card that came with my phone with a new Class 6 card). So either the upgrade of the OS or the SD Card fixed it.
In going to have to try the new men card cause the system is already at 1.6 but the phone is still trying to kill itself.
Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using XDA App
Have posted this a number of places with no luck, including Rom Mgr thread:
If I flash a rom, set it up, then back up, Rom Mgr will not reboot to system. Goes to X and hangs. Sometimes after 3 tries or so it works or if I Restore the recent backup it works. Nothing consistent.
This started when I used amon 2.0 to increase ext to 1024mb for running eVil's desire rom. I had numerous issues where I could not even back up or restore. Seemed to always hang on android-secure part. Since then I reformatted sdcard with sdformatter, then used RM to create 1024 ext3. Flashed fresh eVil HD Gamma rom. All went well, but again after setting everything up and then tapping on reboot into system it hung again. It did not hang after initial flashing of rom and Circle Battery .zip. It booted into system fine.
When I got back to system and homescreens, I uninstalled RM and reinstalled. Although, I had done that before, but before I reformatted sdcard.
So, if this keeps up, only conclusion is RM even though I installed latest from Market, or this rom is messing things up. But, no mention of this issue anywhere else. I will try to boot into Clockwork thru Quick Boot (did that before also) to get to recovery and see how it goes.
Anyone have any idea for a solution to this nightmare, or had a similar experience. Running out of ideas. I am going to dl latest MIUI rom and see how it performs. And maybe load an earlier version of eVil's HD rom.
Thanks for any help, know this is weird,
Only thing I would suggest is to stop using ROM manager. There is really no need for it. Anything you can do in that, you can do either in recovery, or via a terminal.
efrant said:
Only thing I would suggest is to stop using ROM manager. There is really no need for it. Anything you can do in that, you can do either in recovery, or via a terminal.
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IMO, using an in-OS software to control the recovery is risky. I prefer having full control by manually flashing everything!
Thanks guys for replying,
I can try reboot recovery thru terminal and Quick Boot. Although, it did it right after repartitioning with Amon_Ra. So, thought it might not be Rom Mgr.
Really thought the reformat of sdcard would do it. May have two issues. Next step is to get the latest eVil rom off and go back to previous version and/or repartition back to 512mb sdext.
Just Frustrated and Confused
Just an update guys, since you were kind enough to reply to my post
I have kept the 1024 sdext made thru RM/CW removed both eVil's roms and relashed a fresh MIUI. No issues so far, time will tell. Will probably reflash a MicroMod rom too. Can't believe the larger HD rom was the cause. I loved the rom.
If I figure it out one way or the other I'll update. I can't even google my problem and find someone else with it.
id get rid of rom manager and clockwork. i flashed many many many things/times with amon ra recovery alone without issues, but all i hear are problems with rom manager/clockwork. i mean how easy is it to just go into recovery and flash? or just download something through the browser... my 2 cents
I've been doing this for 8 months and started with amon. Never had issues with either amon or rm/cw. Started using rm/cw just to try when doing a lot of nightlies with cyan.
But, I recently repartitioned to 1024 sdext3 with amon to run desire rom and amon hung too.
Still 1024 and no hanging with MIUI, using rm/cw. I don't have a preference one way or the other, as long as it works.
Don't think it is either amon or rm/cw, but the rom and my ext not working well together. Had no issues with the 512 ext and desire rom. But, I was getting windows warnings on errors on my sdcard and thought it time to reformat anyway.
Thanks for the advice all, I will run MIUI and Micro for awhile and maybe go back to 512 ext.
Did learn for anyone using Rom Mgr that it does now do 1024 ext3 partitioning. Many people thought, as I, it stopped at 512 and ext2. Maybe it use to. Verified the ext 3 thru Mini Partition Tool Wizard. Just FYI.
I appreciate all the advice and help, I need it sometimes. But, seems (I hope) that I forgot to reboot into recovery after repartitioning. This tip came from Amon_RA and seems to have fixed my "reboot into system from recovery" issue.
I am now back on eVil's great HD Desire rom and 1024 sdext3 working great.
I have been trying for the past 3 days to return my N1 to the stock program. I have unlocked the phone and i was enjoying rooting for the past 8 months. I installed many different builds like Modaco, LeoGingerbread, Rodrigues MIUI, MicroMod Gingerbread and then Cyanogen Mod 7 (build 36), that is when it started to have tons of force close and the programs would stop running.
I always cleared the phone before i installed a new build.
I decided to return the phone back to the original factory settings and start fresh but it is giving me some problems.
I have used many different version of the PASSIMG files on XDA but i always get an issue with an Android program stopping unexpectedly.
At first it was the Settings that did not work, i fixed that.
Now it is the Calendar AND Market who keep force closing.
I have been trying for the past 3 days looking for a solution but i have come to the end of my patience.....
If ANYONE has a solution, i would love to hear from you.
Right now i am just thinking of getting a new phone but i love my Nexus 1
This is the first phone i ever rooted so my knowledge of rooting is limited to the 8 months of installing different builds. I never created a program or modified any.
Phone status right now
Nexus 1
Bell Network
HBOOT: 0.33.0012
Dec 17 2009,13:05:23
Firmware: 2.1 Update1
Baseband: 32.26.0024U_4.04.00.03_2
Kernel version: 2.6.29-01117-g4bc62c2
Build number: EPF30
I am going to take a stab in the dark here...are you by chance using ClockWorkMod recovery? If so did you upgrade to Assuming this is correct you are in the same boat as I was...your not going to like it but if you are first go back to or older. Next you will need to format your entire SD card and repartition it, then do a restore. That should work. Hopefully you have backups of your SD card contents... If a restore doesn't work still then you may need to format and partition again and do a fresh install. I lost a lot of sleep the other night trying to figure out WTF happened. It seems that something it changes the SD-EXT and cannot be repaired without a format. I was mad enough about the whole situation that I have ditched CWM and am now running RA.
Galloway said:
I am going to take a stab in the dark here...are you by chance using ClockWorkMod recovery? If so did you upgrade to Assuming this is correct you are in the same boat as I was...your not going to like it but if you are first go back to or older. Next you will need to format your entire SD card and repartition it, then do a restore. That should work. Hopefully you have backups of your SD card contents... If a restore doesn't work still then you may need to format and partition again and do a fresh install. I lost a lot of sleep the other night trying to figure out WTF happened. It seems that something it changes the SD-EXT and cannot be repaired without a format. I was mad enough about the whole situation that I have ditched CWM and am now running RA.
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I sis upgrade to the ClockWorkMod and that is when the problem all started.
I downgraded to the 2.5.4 version and i was able to install the CyanogenMod 36 and then it really went all bad.
I was so frustrated that it was not working that i formated (and i did back it up) my SD card. Then i did what i said and i am still having issues.....
Where did you get and how did you install RA? I was used to the CWM and i really liked it until they upgraded to version 3.
Look in Developer section.
Take your SD card out, reformat it in Windows, then put it back and repartition for EXT, if you're using old Apps2SD (/A2SD/Apps2EXT).
Wipe everything.
Install any ROM.
Hi Forum
I'm still a newbie in all this android business, I try to read as many threads as possible before asking questions, however I just read A LOT about this MIUI, and people said there was released one for Optimus 2X? I just can't find it anywhere on the MIUI site.
Also if I do want this, how do I go about installing it? Can something go bad? I just don't want to brick my phone as I was close to doing so when I was playing around with flashing my SE phones
Help would be greatly appreciated
Kind Regards
Hi, you might wanna start and flash CyanogenMod first, also that is the best path to MIUI since the whole structure of MIUI for O2X is CM7. So go ahead to the CM7 thread and follow the guide there (I believe there is one).
I can't however tell you that not everything will go OK, since I don't know what knowledge do you have, but just be careful and everything will go great.
As for the MIUI installation it is somewhere in the only miui Thread at the moment in the development section.
Sent from my Optimus 2X using XDA App
miui germany .de celebration HD beta version ^^
i think they removed the link
I found the link, but what is the process? I understand I have to install RomManager, then clockworkrecovery, place the miui .zip on my SD card (only got internal, is that ok?), boot into recovery, "install from zip"
Is that all? Anything I need to do before?
i am also interested in this
Anyone with time and generosity who wants to help us newbies ?
External is needed if I'm right someone may be able to back me up with that but basically use rom manager to flash clockwork mod recovery (cwm). Use volume buttons to move up and down Recovery menu and power button to select, it's recommended to make a nandroid backup before flashing so you always have an go back to how it was if anything goes wrong. Next step after backup is to factory reset, wipe cache partition, go into advanced and wipe dalvik cache and battery stats. Now go to install zip from sd card and then choose zip from sd card and select your rom and flash and reboot. I'm new to this also so hope this helps.
Sent from my Optimus 2X using XDA Premium App
but where does one get the zip image
The zip file is no problem, are you sure about the external SD thing tho? I don't have one
if you wqnt to flash roms you should get one. i got a 16gb one for about 14 euros from amazon
Could you link me to that ?
unfugor said:
if you wqnt to flash roms you should get one. i got a 16gb one for about 14 euros from amazon
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Wrong ! There are 2 versions of CWM. One for external and one for internal.
Go to dev section and search
As others have said, start with cyanogen to "cut you teeth" and then you can move to the MIUI ROM
MIUIUIUIUIUI is *dogshite* awful, but the installation process still remains the same. Flash zip. You do not need an external SD, you just need to read a bit more on recovery mounts.
But what is the point installing cynagenmod and then installing MIUI right after?
the current MIUI for o2x is based off CM7.
But wouldn't it be the same as installing it from Stock in comparison to installing it from CM, won't I have to wipe and factory everything anyway?
Please clarify As said, I'm still very new to all of this!
if you are concern about bricking i suggest u make a nandroid backup or have another working rom on your sdcard. other than that process is the same.
Is there any way to do this without internet connection on my phone? My carrier stopped my internet connection because I forgot a bill I can't get rom manager due to not being able to get to market, any .apk or such?
OK before anyone flames me I already searched... and searched.... and searched & couldn't find the information I needed. I am only asking for assistance/input from members who are knowledgable on flashing ROMs & Kernals. Unfortunatly XDA is growing at a rate that makes searching almost unbearable.
OK to the reason for the post. I am finally looking to flash my AT&T Samsung Captivate to a custom ROM. No I don't need help flashing, got that covered. I am looking to upgrade to CM9 (Stable). I was also looking at maybe flashing the Devil Kernal also. I had originaly upgraded to ICS from Samsung via kies & rooted my phone. It ran fine with no problems for several months. Sometime a few weeks ago it started to random reboot or crash & reboot for no apparent reason. It finally locked up completly & could only use the 3 button to get it to move. I previously posted trying to get help with that here (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1957224). The only way I could get it to come back was to go into recovery, do a factory reset & wipe everything. So now I am back to 2.3.5 ( Also my phone is currently not rooed as a result of the wipeout. My phone is running like crap now after all that & what I consider fuctioning minimally.
So now the assistance/input portion of the thread. Because of the problems I had prior & the current state of the phone how should I proceed? Because of what I am looking to do with both the ROM & Kernal & being unrooted. Is there some app or PC program I should run to check my phone to make sure its not a hardware issue? Also should I get to a state & flash the kernal first then go to CM9? Do I need to flash the kernal at all? Forum posts are like a spiders web & some say yes, others no. My head feels like it is going to explode!
I am just looking to do this in the best way possible to achieve the best success. I unfortunatly don't have a lot of time to keep flashing ROMs all the time & funds are tight with family so buying a new S3 isn't going to happen either. Im hoping that someone knowledgable with the android system can help me do this right.
Thanks in advanced!
OK so I took the plunge & screwed my phone up. I tried piecing info from about 20 different threads & somewhere it went wrong. If anyone actually reads this please take the 2 seconds to help. Another sites members already pissed me off with their "oh a noob" crap. I swear as much crap as people give the i-freaks its seeming more and more that the android community is becoming just as bad.
So here is where I am. I wiped my phone & tried to install CM9 (cm-9.1.0-captivatemtd). I installed it on the SD card via my pc/USB, booted into recovery, tried to install & got error. So I tried again using speedmod kernal (speedmod-kernel-i897-k13e-500hz) & got same results. The I flashed the corn kernal (CornKernel_UCKK4_v705) & made 100% sure was rooted, tried again, error. So I read yet ANOTHER thread that said to flash ICS CM9 you need a compatible kernal. So I flashed Devil (Devil3_1.1.3_ICS_cappy_CFS_BLN_CMC_20120807). There were actually 2 & ZERO info as to which of the 2 you were supposed to use. Well after I flashed it I got stuck on a boot loop & could not get into recovery after that. So I tried flashing back to Corn, now I am just stuck at the boot screen. I can though boot into recovery still.
So now I have no idea what to do. I have spent my whole day trying to get this done. I tried & I failed. Apprently easy for some, not for others. Someone please help me!
When u first flash the CM9 Rom it should reboot into the CM9's recovery within a few seconds. Then from that recovery just select install the CM9 Rom and it will do the full install of that rom. Should be good after that.
And what error are u getting when u have tried the install and it failed ??
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
Thank the gods I got a response! First off thank you 4-2ndtwin for even taking the time.
OK so I am still on the Corn Kernal which uses "SystemsCorps CwM- Based Recovery v5.1.0.7". Using the 3 button I selected I did the following
- Install zip from SD card
- Choose zip from SD card
- selected "cm-9.1.0-captivatemtd.zip
- selected yes "Install cm-9.1.0-captivatemtd.zip"
Then it says finding updates.... then opening updates...
The error flashes on the screen so quick I cant even read it before it goes back to the select location for zip. I did it several times and I did see something that said "E:Can't open sd card...." , "bad!". I had to do it like 20 times to get that much from it.
I am lost. I have been looking high and low & cant seem to figure this out.
If you can't help no worries. I am starting to price out new phones but really dont want to. But if you can that would be awesome!
R u copying the rom onto ur internal sd card and not the removable sdcard ?
Maybe a bad download of the Rom...Try fresh download or even a different Rom.
Have u ever seen the "Encryption Unsuccessful" error on ur phone ?? -- it is the cause/result of the internal sdcard gettin messed up. But people with that error are able to flash Roms from their external sd.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda premium
i installed it via usb/pc to the main sd, dont have a removable installed. its in the same spot as the "update.zip" is located from the ota/kies upgrade. I checked and apparently I am dislexic. the file size was wrong. I cant get my phone to boot anymore though. gets stuck on the corn start up & never goes past it. I tried using the odin3 one click & now my phone no matter what I do says "firmware upgrade failed" "try using recovery mode". so now I cant do anything.
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app
*** Update ***
I finally got the Odin3 one click to work. I am now back to 2.1-update1, kernal is 2.6.29 [email protected] #2.
So I moved the CM9 zip file and verified 3 times the file size is correct.
So now do I just flash the kernal & then install from recovery or do I need to update to 2.3?
Im learning as I go, but damn its a painfull process! LOL
Shoktronic said:
Thank the gods I got a response! First off thank you 4-2ndtwin for even taking the time.
OK so I am still on the Corn Kernal which uses "SystemsCorps CwM- Based Recovery v5.1.0.7". Using the 3 button I selected I did the following
- Install zip from SD card
- Choose zip from SD card
- selected "cm-9.1.0-captivatemtd.zip
- selected yes "Install cm-9.1.0-captivatemtd.zip"
Then it says finding updates.... then opening updates...
The error flashes on the screen so quick I cant even read it before it goes back to the select location for zip. I did it several times and I did see something that said "E:Can't open sd card...." , "bad!". I had to do it like 20 times to get that much from it.
I am lost. I have been looking high and low & cant seem to figure this out.
If you can't help no worries. I am starting to price out new phones but really dont want to. But if you can that would be awesome!
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This problem is solved simply by booting into recovery and flashing the zip a second time.
You can flash from 2.1, but I recommend you be on Gingerbread bootloaders.
Well I am on the 2nd update & then should hopefully be able to try it all again. After this update I am going to flash the new kernal, root & then try the update again.... hopefully!
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF700T using xda app-developers app