i was flashing I897UCKF1 Odin-1-Click and it Failed and my phone screen turned a pinkish color so i pluged the phone out and and when i put it into download mode the only thing show's is some pixles. please help, for the first few trys it would come be recognized but now its not being recognized please help
what do in need to do
Can you get into download mode? What were you running on this phone, froyo/GB, before you tried flashing kf1?
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Please use more descriptive thread titles. For the people respectful enough to do a search before posting, titles like yours are of no use. Also, it is better to post to an existing related thread rather than start a new one. There must be a dozen or more threads like this one currently going on.
Please search and use threads that are already here instead of opening a new thread.
all the info on how to recover from a bad flash is posted in the forums.
Sorry if somebody before me open a topic like this.
I bougth a brand new Galaxy s, and i wanna fix the lag on it, and i found a few ways how to do it, but when i wanna go into the recovery mode, i CANT the device want get ito recovery mode!!!
Any ideas? sorry for my bad english.
suua said:
Sorry if somebody before me open a topic like this.
I bougth a brand new Galaxy s, and i wanna fix the lag on it, and i found a few ways how to do it, but when i wanna go into the recovery mode, i CANT the device want get ito recovery mode!!!
Any ideas? sorry for my bad english.
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Cripes! Read the [email protected] stickies about three button recovery!
And this is definitely not development, thread has been reported.
suua, as chambo pointed out, please read the stickies at the top of these sections. You will find all sorts of useful information referenced there, including instructions on the proper place to put new threads, and all sorts of info on getting into recovery mode.
Thread moved, and closed
when ever i use odin its stops at file transfer. I did exactly what was advised to do
in the forums, also on my captivate whenever i go to download mode i never see the triangle thingy?
This doesn't belong in Development. My first thought is that it looks like you aren't in Download Mode when running Odin. If you search on methods to get into Download, you'll get a bunch of threads and methods as well.
Edit: Here's a good thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=858765
Please search before opening a new thread.
ok so i have a sprint galaxy tab i was trying to put this on my tab with no idea what i was doing....http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1020167 i had flashed it on the the device then it hung at the samsung screen forever without ever changing so i went to the restore option in the volume up power settings and selected a random restore point to boot from my tab came on this time back to 2.2 or whatever it was but i was getting all these force closes i go threw the setup process on my phone and now when i click on my wifi i get a error and my screen does not turn to the side and a bunch of other stuff can someone please help me i had no idea what i was doing when i did this i just want my phone to work like it worked when i got it out of the box please help thank you....
First, wrong section..
Second, check this thread for answers.
alright well i have tried the stock rom section of the link you gave me plenty of times since yesterday and i have the sw upgrade app running on my computer but i always get the same damn error when im at the start software download screen....cannot open binary file!....wtf
What you have done wrong is rushed into something you have no clue about which is a stupid thing to do with your device. First read, read and more read and when you know what you are doing THEN attempt to flash your device and not until.
Also you are posting in the wrong section, You have no business posting anything in here. If you want to ask a question then you reply to a roms thread or create a topic in the Q&A forum.
This isnt just a couple of boys complaining, it's a solid rule here.
Don't respond here - let it die. Then go to the Q&A section and start fresh there please.
its alright this can be closed now i fixed my tab
I actually thought the topic of this post was sarcasm. Got a laugh out of me. Thx.
dakota0615 said:
its alright this can be closed now i fixed my tab
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Glad for you. What was your fix? Lets get some good out of this.
I was installing xRecovery on my Xperia X8.I was testing the xRecovery to see if it works or not.But my phone stucks at Sony Ericsson. Any solution to unbrick my phone?Flash mode still works and phone still vibrarate.
Hi there,
So, i assume that you have a working flashtool & driver.
Download this X8_E15_2.1.1.C.0.0_generic.ftf.7z and put it in firmware folder of your flashtool.
Enter flashmode and flash X8_E15_2.1.1.C.0.0_generic.ftf.7z to your phone.
Note: Your phone will restore to Eclair 2.1update1 during this process has finished
calling this thread locked in 5..
Sent from my E15i using XDA
First of all, this is not a love advice forum, so the title "I'm So Pissed Off" is unfitting.
You need to summarise the content of your thread in the title, not share your feeling with us.
Secondly, have you performed a Search in the Q&A section?
Because I used the keyword "brick" and 14 pages of results came up.
So there are many members that were in your shoes at some point.
You should benefit from their threads instead of opening a new one.
Thread closed.
Hi all, I have searched and searched on here for what I need but just cant seem to find it. my GT-S5830 will go into dload mode but when i reboot it gives me the exclemation phone to pc sign. I have dloaded the "S5830XWKTR_S5830H3GKT4_S5830NEKT2_HOME.tar.md5" file and numerous versions of odin of which I now believe that "odin Multi_Downloader_v4.43" is the correct one for me. I think I am missing other files but am not sure. When I press start I get the message "unamed file not found" and in corner i get "killer timer"
I know this forum is designed for new users to learn for themselves and must use the search facility's etc to gain knowledge however I am an OLD new user and was wondering if anyone could help me sort this phone out. I recently rooted it (or at least I think i did) then tried to put new rom on it previous to getting the exclemation symbol. I now am trying to restore it to factory settings unrooted with my 3 carrier. maybe so that I can then root it and install new rom.... thats if I dont find getting my phone back to working condition to complicated..
Thanks in advance for any help and I am sorry admin if I am posting unhelpfully, I dont wish to clog the forum.
wenglishboy said:
Hi all, I have searched and searched on here for what I need but just cant seem to find it. my GT-S5830 will go into dload mode but when i reboot it gives me the exclemation phone to pc sign. I have dloaded the "S5830XWKTR_S5830H3GKT4_S5830NEKT2_HOME.tar.md5" file and numerous versions of odin of which I now believe that "odin Multi_Downloader_v4.43" is the correct one for me. I think I am missing other files but am not sure. When I press start I get the message "unamed file not found" and in corner i get "killer timer"
I know this forum is designed for new users to learn for themselves and must use the search facility's etc to gain knowledge however I am an OLD new user and was wondering if anyone could help me sort this phone out. I recently rooted it (or at least I think i did) then tried to put new rom on it previous to getting the exclemation symbol. I now am trying to restore it to factory settings unrooted with my 3 carrier. maybe so that I can then root it and install new rom.... thats if I dont find getting my phone back to working condition to complicated..
Thanks in advance for any help and I am sorry admin if I am posting unhelpfully, I dont wish to clog the forum.
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Try this Guide
wenglishboy said:
Hi all, I have searched and searched on here for what I need but just cant seem to find it. my GT-S5830 will go into dload mode but when i reboot it gives me the exclemation phone to pc sign. I have dloaded the "S5830XWKTR_S5830H3GKT4_S5830NEKT2_HOME.tar.md5" file and numerous versions of odin of which I now believe that "odin Multi_Downloader_v4.43" is the correct one for me. I think I am missing other files but am not sure. When I press start I get the message "unamed file not found" and in corner i get "killer timer"
I know this forum is designed for new users to learn for themselves and must use the search facility's etc to gain knowledge however I am an OLD new user and was wondering if anyone could help me sort this phone out. I recently rooted it (or at least I think i did) then tried to put new rom on it previous to getting the exclemation symbol. I now am trying to restore it to factory settings unrooted with my 3 carrier. maybe so that I can then root it and install new rom.... thats if I dont find getting my phone back to working condition to complicated..
Thanks in advance for any help and I am sorry admin if I am posting unhelpfully, I dont wish to clog the forum.
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Follow brijeshep's guide.No matter how old you are, we will help you, but we have rules so you must read rules before posting anything, ok?
Next time use correctly the forum, we have a great Questions&Answer SECTION. Welcome to XDA Forums