I'm sure that it was caused by some apps I installed. Any videos including the Samsung Promo Vid couldn't be played. But after I reboot my phone, everything is fine.
But, if I don't use my phone (means I did not touch or open any apps), after hours the videos run fine. I realise after heavy use (after several apps are opened), the videos can't be played anymore.
Does anyone have the same issue too?
what kernel are u using? is stagefright enabled? download and install mobo player from market and temme if u still have those issue!!
Forgot to mention that I'm using the stock JVK ROM. May I ask what is stagefright?
if u dont know what it is then u havent done anything, so try a clean flash again and things will be back to normal..
I'm flashing a ROM from Samfirmware.com. Do I need to flash my JVK back to Froyo before flashing in a new 2.3.3? My JVK contains Bootloader.
Not necessary flash as it is.. ..u will b fine
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
I flashed a clean new stock ROM from Samfirmware.com and the issue persist. I googled around and most of them have this issue with their Youtube videos. However, my Youtube is working fine but not the videos in my SD Card.
As stated, after I reboot my phone, everything is fine.
I've just downloaded ROM Manager free from Market.
I need to update to froyo without connecting to PC (I don't have UPS and power shut downs are common in my area. Moreover, installing from phone seems to be simple).
I've clicked Flash to Clockwork Mod Recovery. And Have backedup Current ROM.
How do i update now?
I have downloaded a XXJPU firmware from sam-firmware.com
It consists of the following files
Are these files enough to update through ROM Manager? If yes, where should i place these files and how do i proceed?
Please help - have been in stock firmware since I've bought. (No Froyo nor gingerbread, because of my lack of knowledge )
Thanks in advance!
The files which you have mentioned can only be updated through Odin or Heimdall which requires computer access.
The only way which I know that you can flash through ClockworkMod recovery is through custom firmwares. Bear in mind that the custom firmware which I'll be providing the link to is Froyo (2.2.1)
Follow the "Clean guide" which shows how to install that custom firmware with the highest percentage of success.
(JUST follow step 4, the part where you need to transfer the custom ROM into your phone and NOT the part about CWM "update .zip" since you already have clockworkmod recovery)
And then, jump/skip all the way to step 12 and follow the procedures from there normally.
I assume that you have a clean eclair ROM which does not have any tweaks/lagfixs (such as Voodoo etc.)
Hope this helps.
Thanks man.
I'm really afraid of using custom ROMs...
If only there was an easy way to update to official ROMs...
Anyway, i'm going to try this Darky's ROM. Hope it is not filled of bugs.
Installed Darky's ROM. Thank you and Darky. I finally got froyo.
ROM Seems to be super fast. But lags(gets stuck in some apps) more frequent than eclair
And seems to have bugs
Like for example: Defauly Music Player is not working properly.
Also lost default Galaxy S lockscreen (though i can get than using an android market app)
Not sure about battery though.
Problem solved. Will be replying in Darky's thread about the bugs...
emmarbee said:
Installed Darky's ROM. Thank you and Darky. I finally got froyo.
ROM Seems to be super fast. But lags(gets stuck in some apps) more frequent than eclair
And seems to have bugs
Like for example: Defauly Music Player is not working properly.
Also lost default Galaxy S lockscreen (though i can get than using an android market app)
Not sure about battery though.
Problem solved. Will be replying in Darky's thread about the bugs...
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When you go from eclair to froyo, a factory reset is a must otherwise you will stuck with force closes and crashing apps, make sure you back up your apps, contacts and text messages then preform a factory reset after that your sgs will run fast and smooth buddy.
Then there is this battery issue, with costum rom your battery will drain quicker, so do a full charge then reboot into recovery and search for battery stats and do a battery wipe, this will add some more power to your battery.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
emmarbee said:
Installed Darky's ROM. Thank you and Darky. I finally got froyo.
ROM Seems to be super fast. But lags(gets stuck in some apps) more frequent than eclair
And seems to have bugs
Like for example: Defauly Music Player is not working properly.
Also lost default Galaxy S lockscreen (though i can get than using an android market app)
Not sure about battery though.
Problem solved. Will be replying in Darky's thread about the bugs...
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There's a version 6.0 from Darky
Follow the steps from the new "Installation guide" and remember to do step 7 if you think that your phone is not performing up to par.
Make sure to back up your stuff onto your internal or external SD-card before proceeding and follow ALL the steps shown there
For whatever reason all 3 of the music applications I have force close when I try to play any sound file. The stock app wouldn't work, I tried the MIUI player, and the Honeycomb player. What could be the problem?
Running Cognition v3.04 with Firebird Kernal 2.05
im having issues where media scanner wont detect my stuff and when i try to play music using astro it fc's astro, and video player fc's on open, wont even detect my pix in my gallery......
A case of bad flash? Did it happen on all ROMs or just the one u r on? Did u try flashing to stock and then flashing ur rom?
its most definitely a flashing issue, it wont detect my pictures or anything either. i cant set my ringtones or anything. im downloading Odin on my windows computer (i do most of my tinkering with a macbook) so i can flash back to stock and start over. its really pissing me off that i finally found the modem/kernal/ROM combo i like and i get a million FCs.
Hi everyone,
I have an i9000 and ive tried out many different roms, never even soft bricked it, i have experience with odin etc so i pretty much know what im doing and am not a n00b. i was on darky v10 rc6 and when i upgraded to the stable 10.1 everything seemed fine, but i the impossible game starting lagging really badly, when it never had before, however the rest of the phone functioned perfectly. i tried enabling and disabling the lagfixes. i went over to gingerreal, back to a froyo ROM from docs kitchen, and finally just flashed back to unrooted gingerbread from samfirmware. each time, i wiped the data and the cache, and installed nothing but a fresh copy of the impossible game from the market, and made sure no other tasks were running, but every time, the only issue i could find was that the impossible game lagged. when i got back to stock, i thought i had solved it as it played fine for a few minutes, but the next time i loaded it up it started lagging again. note: i am not this anal about the impossible game, im just worried its symptomatic of a bigger problem with the phone. do you have any suggestions of how i can fix this issue? thanks so much for you help.
I know it's a pain but maybe try connecting your phone to your PC and formatting the phones SD before flashing, could be clogged up with old files? Just a suggestion I could be wrong
I always format the SD through windows before a new ROM as doing it through CWM doesn't seem to remove a lot of the android folders + files - Could be slowing it down, as I said though, I'm no expert
try hard reset may be?
Update: I formatted the internal SD, external SD, took out the sim and external SD, wiped all data, reflashed stock then flashed 10.1 darky resurrection (odin package) this was all while fully charged. without putting back in the sim or external SD i did nothing but redownload the impossible game, and just like before, it started off fine but after 1-2 plays the lag came back. any ideas at all? this is so weird.
did ur proplem got soulved yet ?? if yes can u tell me how ? because im having the same proplem i guess
i flashed alots of darky rom
games are lagging alot on darky roms i guess darky roms isnt for games
had proplems like lag with nova 2 hd and order and chaos online lags and glitch with darky's rom
so going back to stock to try the games if they will lag
all the users i have asked who is using stock those 2 games isnt lagging for them so i guess darky roms isnt for games ...
going to try stock 2.3.4 JVQ and let u know
did u full wipe from cwm ?like clear cache ..etc ?
did u go fro cwm and go advance then clear devalik cache ?
So Bell Canada and Samsung both have terrible technical support.
My phone is i9000m, Bell Canada, running 2.3.3 (UGKG3). It had 2.2 in the box, and I upgraded through kies pretty recently.
Since the upgrade I have a few new problems that I didn't have before:
-GPS, which used to give me useful and reasonably accurate tracks for my walks and bike rides now spits out a bunch of garbage.
-Download mode still works, but recovery mode doesn't.
-Serious power drain under "Android OS." Upwards of 90% in an hour. Goes away if I kill "google services."
Do a factory reset if you haven't done one already. Most of the time that clears up any update bugs...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
ccrows said:
Do a factory reset if you haven't done one already. Most of the time that clears up any update bugs...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda premium
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This did nothing for me except give me the headache of re-installing all my apps (again). Still no recovery mode, shoddy GPS, and crazy battery drain... oh and my bluetooth keyboard no longer pairs? What's up with that!?
Anyone have any other ideas???
New issue:
Market hangs at white screen after starting install on 10th app. Reset sometimes allows installing another one or two, but after that it'll hang again.
guardianfox said:
New issue:
Market hangs at white screen after starting install on 10th app. Reset sometimes allows installing another one or two, but after that it'll hang again.
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Fixed, rolled back to previous version of Market.
New issue since another factory reset (2nd), 10 second delay between button press and lock screen.
I am sorely tempted to defenestrate my phone...
Why don't you flash a custom rom?
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woolf clubs said:
Why don't you flash a custom rom?
Sent from my Galaxy S using XDA Premium App
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If I could find a rom that fills all my needs better than stock 2.2, I'd be all over it. I have a lengthy list of requirements though, and warranty eligibility is in the top 3 (especially if I defenestrate the thing).
Can anybody recommend a rom with bluetooth working for wiimote and keyboards, netflix working smoothly (2.2 doesn't, stock 2.3.3 does), good power consumption, and stability?
In the mean time, I'm still dealing with the other issues outlined in this thread.
Flashing a custom rom would almost definately sort all your problems. As to which rom, you seem perfectly capable of reading. If you are worried about warranty, you can simply flash back to stock...........
Sent from my Galaxy S using XDA Premium App
woolf clubs said:
Flashing a custom rom would almost definately sort all your problems. As to which rom, you seem perfectly capable of reading. If you are worried about warranty, you can simply flash back to stock...........
Sent from my Galaxy S using XDA Premium App
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For me that`s a last-ditch solution. I`m usually in a hurry when I break a phone and I`d want to be able to just plop it down at the bell booth during the work day, rather than taking it home first and flashing it (assuming it`s not broken beyond that point).
I recommend you to try perform a Hard Reset with code *2767*3855# in dialer ( formats also your internal SD), flash the phone again (better with Odin) with a "standard" version.
Optional make a new Hard Reset (in special if didn't repartition the phone).
After that you can use a custom rom if you want. In past I used DocRambone rom, but now I preffer S.U.R.F.A.C.E. rom with Hardcore kernel and GO Launcher. GPS, phone, browser ....running without problems and battery keeps me over 50 h of medium use without GPS.
Tried hard reset and flashing the same stock 2.3.3 UGKG3 rom. No change. Still can't get into recovery mode, still crap gps, still 10 second lag between button press and screen on, still crazy battery drain.
Rolled back to 2.2, everything works except recovery mode and having weird problems with market imagining that I have apps I've never even looked at before and difficulty downloading. Market cache clear doesn't help. Hard reset doesn't help.
Upgraded through kies to UGKG3 again. Same problems as before, but market works at least. If no solutions available today, I'm taking it to Bell for service and maybe exchange. If that doesn't resolve I'll flash a custom rom.
DSGE said:
I recommend you to try perform a Hard Reset with code *2767*3855# in dialer ( formats also your internal SD), flash the phone again (better with Odin) with a "standard" version.
Optional make a new Hard Reset (in special if didn't repartition the phone).
After that you can use a custom rom if you want. In past I used DocRambone rom, but now I preffer S.U.R.F.A.C.E. rom with Hardcore kernel and GO Launcher. GPS, phone, browser ....running without problems and battery keeps me over 50 h of medium use without GPS.
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New update...
GPS borked entirely this time. Gets a fix, but the fix doesn't follow me. If I run My Tracks, it just stays in a 10 meter area while I walk in a 4km circle away from and back to that area.
guardianfox said:
Tried hard reset and flashing the same stock 2.3.3 UGKG3 rom. No change. Still can't get into recovery mode, still crap gps, still 10 second lag between button press and screen on, still crazy battery drain.
Rolled back to 2.2, everything works except recovery mode and having weird problems with market imagining that I have apps I've never even looked at before and difficulty downloading. Market cache clear doesn't help. Hard reset doesn't help.
Upgraded through kies to UGKG3 again. Same problems as before, but market works at least. If no solutions available today, I'm taking it to Bell for service and maybe exchange. If that doesn't resolve I'll flash a custom rom.
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Phone was sent in for repairs and returned to me this morning. GPS still broken (completely, no signal period). Everything else seems fine.
the issues you are having suggest to me the problem is with the KG3 stock rom.
Before getting even more frustrated with both your phone and Bell, I would advocate:
1. do a complete phone clean with sd card reformat (sent you a pm with a link)
2. flash the stock JVR pda in odin and also flash the KG3 modem and CSC at the same time
3. you are then still on stock Samsung, official firmware and within warranty even if that firmware has yet to be released in Canada
4. then if you want you can still flash a custom JVR kernel and a custom JVR rom if you want to improve performance and/or alter features beyond stock
lgsshedden said:
the issues you are having suggest to me the problem is with the KG3 stock rom.
Before getting even more frustrated with both your phone and Bell, I would advocate:
1. do a complete phone clean with sd card reformat (sent you a pm with a link)
2. flash the stock JVR pda in odin and also flash the KG3 modem and CSC at the same time
3. you are then still on stock Samsung, official firmware and within warranty even if that firmware has yet to be released in Canada
4. then if you want you can still flash a custom JVR kernel and a custom JVR rom if you want to improve performance and/or alter features beyond stock
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Thanks for your help. I'll look into it.
Before I do that, do you or anyone else have the stock settings under *#*#3214789650#*#* (AngryGPS)??? The settings for the SUPL Settings section are all BLANK!!! I can only assume the rest of the settings in AngryGPS are too. That seems bad.
Hello World!
let me first explain my problem :
i got a GT-i9000 (Samsung Galaxy S) from my friend.
the device already installed with custom ROM (lidroid if i'm not mistaken).
problem is, many features of this sweet device is not working :
sound not working at all (no sound coming out from speakers and 3.5mm jack)
the accelerometer are inverted (tilting the phone up makes the ball on 'calibration' go right)
so i tried to install CM7, and then CM9 on this device.
but now all of the soft buttons doesn't work. (all 3 buttons doesn't work at all)
PLUS all the problems i described above.
i tried installing custom kernel for CM7/CM9
but the problem still there.
and then, i tried to install a stock ROM from samfirmware.
but i don't know what my device is from.
apparently, the box are missing too..
i already tried updating the phone software with Kies, but it always stuck at "connecting phone.."
oh, and strangely, the Baseband part of the about phone is always shown as "Unknown"..
is it has something to do with modem?
Sounds weird. I would suggest a complete reset/wipe and a flashing of a stock ROM (e.g. from Sammobile). Be sure you wipe anything, including dalvik cache and cache partition.
I think you may have a damaged I9000.
To be sure, try again flashing Samsung ROM from Samfirmware (important! with 'repartition' and 'bootloader update' options).
I recommend XXJVT 3-file.
Try to flash it to its stock ROM using your current location, if that's what you're problem, location shouldn't be a problem for now, you should try to make it work first. Then if all else fails, I think you gotta return that phone to your friend coz the ROMs you mentioned should be working properly (unless you didn't wipe your cache).
opt1user said:
I think you may have a damaged I9000.
To be sure, try again flashing Samsung ROM from Samfirmware (important! with 'repartition' and 'bootloader update' options).
I recommend XXJVT 3-file.
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yes, i thought so too..
can you give me the links? i really confused with what i must download from samfirmware..
mvfajarda said:
Try to flash it to its stock ROM using your current location, if that's what you're problem, location shouldn't be a problem for now, you should try to make it work first. Then if all else fails, I think you gotta return that phone to your friend coz the ROMs you mentioned should be working properly (unless you didn't wipe your cache).
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well, i want to connect my phone and update it through Kies, but the phone is always stuck at "connecting device"..
oh, and one more thing.. can changing ROM breaks the hardware of a phone?
you can use this tutorial (and files within) to flash to a stock rooted rom + CWM .
If you wanna keep it stock just dont flash the ICS rom they're talking about in the topic ,use odin and thats it .
edit : changing roms cant break the hardware (as far as i know,unless ofc there are some features that force hardware over their limit ,for example if you force the audio volume too much your speakers will start making noises when playing music) ,though it can rarely brick the phone (if you rly mess up or odin crashes while flashing )
rekatluos said:
you can use this tutorial (and files within) to flash to a stock rooted rom + CWM .
If you wanna keep it stock just dont flash the ICS rom they're talking about in the topic ,use odin and thats it .
edit : changing roms cant break the hardware (as far as i know,unless ofc there are some features that force hardware over their limit ,for example if you force the audio volume too much your speakers will start making noises when playing music) ,though it can rarely brick the phone (if you rly mess up or odin crashes while flashing )
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yes. this is exactly what i do after i installed CM9.
i forgot to add this on my first post..
um, so now my device is using i9000XWJVZ. and the baseband is still showing "unknown", and those 2 problems i described above are still there..
any ideas?
baseband version = modem (if im not mistaken) . flash another modem maybe? i have baseband version I9020AUCKF1 (nexus modem)
hmm...we should make a test to make sure the hardware is working allright. Download Andro Sensor and see what accelerometer sensor says (do this with all roms).
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
laehtis said:
hmm...we should make a test to make sure the hardware is working allright. Download Andro Sensor and see what accelerometer sensor says (do this with all roms).
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA
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i've just downloaded the app and the sensors are working just fine. it just.. inverted..
sionirvine said:
i've just downloaded the app and the sensors are working just fine. it just.. inverted..
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Okay good to know that hardware isn't probably broken. Hmm...add me on google talk [email protected]
let's solve your problems!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA