I have been trying to root my phone and seem to be having problems. I have searched and found some people having the same problems but could not find an answer.
I tried using AIO Captivate Toolbox 3.0 and when it reboots in recovery and I click on reinstall packages I get this error..
signature verification failed. Installation aborted
I tried super on click and it says its rooted and there is an superuser icon on my phone but when it asks to test to see if its rooted and asks me to check my phone, nothing happens. I then install rom manager and thats installs fine and I can install Clockwork Recovery but when I get it to boot in recovery it just brings me back to the recovery 3e and I will try to reinstall packages again and it gives me this error..
e:failed to verify whole-file signature
e: signature verification failed
So I dont know what Im doing wrong. I had a Sony xperia x10 and im use to flashing and installing roms on that. This phone is much different lol
ottawadad34 said:
I have been trying to root my phone and seem to be having problems. I have searched and found some people having the same problems but could not find an answer.
I tried using AIO Captivate Toolbox 3.0 and when it reboots in recovery and I click on reinstall packages I get this error..
signature verification failed. Installation aborted
I tried super on click and it says its rooted and there is an superuser icon on my phone but when it asks to test to see if its rooted and asks me to check my phone, nothing happens. I then install rom manager and thats installs fine and I can install Clockwork Recovery but when I get it to boot in recovery it just brings me back to the recovery 3e and I will try to reinstall packages again and it gives me this error..
e:failed to verify whole-file signature
e: signature verification failed
So I dont know what Im doing wrong. I had a Sony xperia x10 and im use to flashing and installing roms on that. This phone is much different lol
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I had the same issue and I found this solution. Worked like a charm:
Download the 3e_recovery_installer.zip file only and unzip.
Put your unit in Debugging mode and connect to the USB cable on your PC
Run the Install.bat file from DOS prompt and wait.
A temporary root will be performed (Doesn't matter if you're rooted or not, I was already rooted and had no issues)
Once completed, reboot into CWR. You will probably get the standard recovery screen. Select Reinstall Package and let it go. Select Reboot. (If the machine boots to the OS, go back to Rom Manager and reboot to CWR again to test.)
If the E3 Recovery screen comes up again, select Reinstall Package again. (Yes, you have to do it twice!)
As soon as it's done the CWR screen will pop up. From here on out, it should work as normal when selected from the Rom Manager app.
Hope that helps,
Now if someone would just post the Captivate AT&T default Notification sounds for me, I'd be a happy camper! I miss my old sounds!
Are you running stock froyo? There is a fix for sign verification error in vibrant forums. Search it. I am on xda app or would have given you the link
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
viny2cool said:
Are you running stock froyo? There is a fix for sign verification error in vibrant forums. Search it. I am on xda app or would have given you the link
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
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Umm I believe the link I posted above is to that exact thread you are referring to. I am running the captivate with the Stock (upgraded) 2.2 rom and this worked perfectly for me. Just follow the instructions.
Thanks. I will try that and let u know how it goes and yes im running stock 2.2
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using XDA Premium App
Thanks for all the help. It worked and now my phone reboots in the proper recovery.
ottawadad34 said:
Thanks for all the help. It worked and now my phone reboots in the proper recovery.
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Glad I could help.
It won't work for me, I'm on stock 2.2 (already rooted) and when Itry it I get:
"The system cannot find the patch specified"
"Temp root failed! install cannot continue"
Any idea how to make it work??
EDIT: My bad.. Wasn't doing it correctly lol - I wouldn't suggest this to a newb tho ^^
PLEASE HELP ME- i get an error whenever I try flashing a new rom
I have galaxy s, android 2.3.3
im using clockworkmod recovery v3.0.0.5 and my phone is already rooted of course
e: signature verification failed installation aborted
what should I do???
plz help me ppl!!!!
What ROM are you trying to install? Also how sure are you that you have CWM working?
DrFredPhD said:
What ROM are you trying to install? Also how sure are you that you have CWM working?
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I'm trying to install Overcome ROM on Galaxy Tab. I get the same error. When I boor in recovery.. I don't have that option to disable the signature thing.
Please help.
This is because you guys are in 3e Recovery. A new Recovery Mod where it only allow Signed Zip files.
Get back 2e Recovery. There are a lot of ways to do this. Search around the forum.
darixtorento said:
PLEASE HELP ME- i get an error whenever I try flashing a new rom
I have galaxy s, android 2.3.3
im using clockworkmod recovery v3.0.0.5 and my phone is already rooted of course
e: signature verification failed installation aborted
what should I do???
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Okay This is what I found.....
Flashing Recovery via the Rom manager app brings up 3E recovery. using the 3-button method brings up the 2E recovery that is part of my speedmod kernel......
Hope this helps other noobs like me having the same trouble.
I'm getting the same problem... any chance you could post how you solved it?
I can't flash any .zip file on my bionic CWM just says installation aborted E: signature verification aborted. Can some one help me?
You need to toggle signature verification to off in the install ROM section of clockwork recovery mod.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using xda premium
thanks man i found it
I keep getting a "signature verification fail" whenever i try to flash anything via cwm. Anything i should check? Im still a noob at this stuff, phone is rooted.
Click on the verification toggle in cwm before flashing, if unsigned.
I dont have that option.
Sent from my Galaxy Note
Can anyone help me, I've tried to update to JB but I keep getting this same error.. I have root and locked bootloader (i even tried factory resetting)
Sent from my XT890 using xda app-developers app
Anyone know what Im doing wrong?
Sent from my XT890 using xda app-developers app
Do you have CWM recovery installed?
I do not
Sent from my XT890 using xda app-developers app
What is your system version, how are you trying to update and what kind of error do you get? If you explain your problems someone might give you a solution.
free2live said:
What is your system version, how are you trying to update and what kind of error do you get? If you explain your problems someone might give you a solution.
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The system version is in the attached image. i
i've been trying the OTA update, i got a popup a few hours ago.. the problem basically is this, the phone shuts down to install the update, a green android with a blue spherical spinning thing appears, then about quarter of the way (you can see the blue progress bar below the droid) it freezes for a little bit then a green droid with a red warning sign appears with a frozen blue bar at the quarter way point and the phone reboots and it then says 'System Update Failed' once booted into the homescreen
Sent from my Razr I XT890
That's odd. Try to re-download the update as it may be corrupted. I don't know of any reason why the update would not be installed even though you are rooted on a locked bootloader.
Manually install the update through Recovery. This will give us the full error.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I get an error too when I try to install the new OTA update to JB.
I get this on CWM:
- "Install untrusted package ?" I enter "Yes - install untrusted zip"
With details:
"E: failed to verify whole-file signature
E: signature verification failed"
Next error:
"file_getprop: failed to stat "/system/build.prop": No such file or directory
E: Error in /cache/Blur_Version.81.5.40002.XT890.Retail.en.EU.zip (status 7)
Installation aborted"
So I try reboot system now, but the phone reboot and try ti update again.
What can I do please ? I tried a wipe date without success.
I'm trying to wipe cache and downloading the update again at this time.
GuiGuiGTT said:
I get an error too when I try to install the new OTA update to JB.
I get this on CWM:
- "Install untrusted package ?" I enter "Yes - install untrusted zip"
With details:
"E: failed to verify whole-file signature
E: signature verification failed"
Next error:
"file_getprop: failed to stat "/system/build.prop": No such file or directory
E: Error in /cache/Blur_Version.81.5.40002.XT890.Retail.en.EU.zip (status 7)
Installation aborted"
So I try reboot system now, but the phone reboot and try ti update again.
What can I do please ? I tried a wipe date without success.
I'm trying to wipe cache and downloading the update again at this time.
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You have to uninstall the CWM recovery to use OTA update
mattlgroff said:
Manually install the update through Recovery. This will give us the full error.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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How would I do this?
@free2live Ive tried it 2-3 times now with no luck
Sent from my Razr I XT890
Ok ! So simple... Thanks free2live !!
I will try this :victory:
AW: Problem 'System Update Failed'?
Manny- said:
How would I do this?
@free2live Ive tried it 2-3 times now with no luck
Sent from my Razr I XT890
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Nevermind, it wasn't your Error
Damn i should read better.
Sent from my XT890
HSD-Pilot said:
Your Screenshot is Orange GB and your Error Message shows the Retail EU Update.zip.
Maybe you should try the orange GB JB with an Stock Recovery
Sent from my XT890
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I think the error message was posted by someone else
AW: Problem 'System Update Failed'?
Lol...i figured it out
Sent from my XT890
Manny- said:
How would I do this?
@free2live Ive tried it 2-3 times now with no luck
Sent from my Razr I XT890
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Boot to Motorola Recovery....install it...?
Not difficult.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
How easy is it to do the whole motorola recovery process? Could I get a little help?
Sent from my XT890 using xda premium
I removed CWM and I get exactly the same error as Manny-
I tried to boot to recovery but the screen stay black with the android doodle with the red warning... :crying:
After waiting several minutes, the phone reboots.
And now Superuser isn't working
Sent from my XT890 using xda premium
I had the same error while I had "[DeOdexed Rom] 81.5.31002 Retail Great Britain" from mattlgroff. Tried everything but ended up getting back to Stock ROM and was able to update normally.