Title says it all. Not seeing one.
adrynalyne said:
Title says it all. Not seeing one.
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Hopefully I can get you a full recovery (xml .zip or sbf) Like was found for the Droid 3. No promises though. Easy to make dumps from there among other things.
how do i pull system dump?
I have a Deodexed Dump from P3Droid... Not sure if you wanted a ODEX. Say the word and I post the link.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
DroidTh3ory said:
I have a Deodexed Dump from P3Droid... Not sure if you wanted a ODEX. Say the word and I post the link.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using XDA App
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Can you post the link for me please.
sk8tingusmc said:
Can you post the link for me please.
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Here is a dump of the System Apps from P3Droid
*full* dump would be nice (or just webtop?)
Bump. Particularly interested in a tarball or dd img of the /osh partition to play with the newer webtop on Atrix... anyone? Many thanks...
eval- said:
Bump. Particularly interested in a tarball or dd img of the /osh partition to play with the newer webtop on Atrix... anyone? Many thanks...
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I have a dd image of it, I'll upload it later today.
Berzerker7 said:
I have a dd image of it, I'll upload it later today.
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Thanks I would appreciate that.
sk8tingusmc said:
Thanks I would appreciate that.
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Here you go.
Here's a system dump from Immolate: Droid Bionic - System Dump
It's from this thread which was originally on here but for some reason was moved to General...
Oh snap!
adrynalyne said:
Title says it all. Not seeing one.
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Does this mean you're leaving the Tunaboat and coming to the Bionic?
noob question
what does this system dump do for my bionic and how do i apply it once downloaded. im trying to learn all this stuff. thanks for your help.
Awesome! Thanks a lot for the link. I was able to use the P3Droid system dump to fix what I had deleted. I won't trust Titanium backup again and instead of deleting I'll just freeze which is what I should have done in the first place. But man am I relieved!
Anyone have an updated Dump?
Looking for a full APK Dump of 5.9.905, I know this is an old thread but I don't see anything recent on the topic.
can anyone, upload or send this file to me ? [email protected]
Please see attached. Stock, unrooted.
Its in the system dump posted by wes garner...
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
s3gfault said:
Please see attached. Stock, unrooted.
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thank you so much!!!!
also i downloaded the original dump but couldn't figure out how to extract it, i don't have a samsung phone yet! but i wanted to export the UI to my motocliq for the time being.
I have modified the default DK17 Mms.apk (messaging app) to allow a 5MB message Limit.
EDIT: Opps I forgot the apk file..Sorry
As always this is a community and we share our work!!! So with that said devs are more then welcome to use my work, just give credit.
is it only for dk17 or can it be used with any of the froyo roms?
Sweeeeet how do I get this?! Thanks for your hard work on this.
My phone is "the ****" and your phone is just ****!
LOL! Is this just an informational post or is there supposed to be a link somewhere?
walord said:
LOL! Is this just an informational post or is there supposed to be a link somewhere?
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He forgot the link I guess. You can go to flyers2114's thread in Android Development thread thats title i forget but its about MMS limit and prolly on page two by now. Mammon posted the attachment there. I'd post it but Im on by my phone right now.
EDIT: Title of the thread is "MMS Send/Recieve limit" in the Android Development sub-forum.
Attachment is posted there still.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
walord said:
LOL! Is this just an informational post or is there supposed to be a link somewhere?
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Sent from my Epic 4G
Need a litte help installing. Its giving me an error message "Application not installed" What steps do I need to make this work? And thanks in advance.
My phone is "the ****" and your phone is just ****!
Mr.Muscles said:
Need a litte help installing. Its giving me an error message "Application not installed" What steps do I need to make this work? And thanks in advance.
My phone is "the ****" and your phone is just ****!
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X 2
Does this only work on the deox version or can we install it on the leaked tar. I tried and got the same error.
done12many2 said:
X 2
Does this only work on the deox version or can we install it on the leaked tar. I tried and got the same error.
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Since its a system app I assume you guys will have to push it to system/app. Or make a zip with a System / App directory and flash it with clockwork.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
I like using Sdx stock app removal tool. Just backup the original and uninstall it. Then rename it to mmsoriginal.apk (it's in the sdcard/sdx/backup/apps folder). Then just drop the new apk into the same folder and restore it with sdx stock app remover to install.
I pushed this to system/app but it doesn't appear to be working. When I try to attach a 1.5mb picture, it says it's too large and compresses the picture. Anyone else getting issues like this?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
shinma6980 said:
I pushed this to system/app but it doesn't appear to be working. When I try to attach a 1.5mb picture, it says it's too large and compresses the picture. Anyone else getting issues like this?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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yep same thing and my pics still have a blur to them !!
Does this work on the dk28 roms?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
Someone has already tried to dump the ROM of the galaxy?
I'm not sure if someone already did, but I was able to backup all my stuff with Recovery, if you guys want I can upload my boot/system files.. Just let me know.
FricoRico said:
I'm not sure if someone already did, but I was able to backup all my stuff with Recovery, if you guys want I can upload my boot/system files.. Just let me know.
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I have to dump the ROM and get ready for the changes now
Already done some time ago. See root thread third post.
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA Premium App
You look at this post: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1093028
Could someone pull the ramdisk from this device and upload it please.
if someone will tell how - no prob. )
not possible without root , its quite secure i tell you.
you cannot even read *.rc files here
now we got it, for v08c (which is not our 10x editions) but pretty much the same, but open for root
Dexter_nlb said:
now we got it, for v08c (which is not our 10x editions) but pretty much the same, but open for root
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So can that be flashed?
Sent from my LG-P880 using xda premium
ianford10 said:
So can that be flashed?
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no, its just a ramdisk dump
Dexter_nlb said:
no, its just a ramdisk dump
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Thank you for uploading. Is it possible I could get it put on another site too? Won't let me download in the us. If not I can always try and hack around a bit to make it let me download
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
on the site CyanogenMod there download link ramdisk zip file, someone has already seen?
Before I post it, does anyone know what T-Mobile app is requesting root privelages every time it boots? I don't like it, and I want it gone before I post the zip...
I don't know what it is, but I've denied it root access a week ago and haven't seen any I'll effects since.
Sent from my SM-G920T using XDA Free mobile app
mikeyinid said:
Before I post it, does anyone know what T-Mobile app is requesting root privelages every time it boots? I don't like it, and I want it gone before I post the zip...
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guyd said:
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haha. i know that, but in /system I cant find it.
mikeyinid said:
haha. i know that, but in /system I cant find it.
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Did you look in both /system/app and /system/priv-app ???
guyd said:
Did you look in both /system/app and /system/priv-app ???
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indeed i did. its fine, ill post the zip anyway. the app can be disabled.
mikeyinid said:
indeed i did. its fine, ill post the zip anyway. the app can be disabled.
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There's likely a Vendor folder in there somewhere. That's where most of the AT&T bloatware was located.