GingerDXv12 Blackout issues - XPERIA X8 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi everyone,
Lately while working on GingerDxv12 (w/opt.hotfix)
The screen tends to blackout after couple of minutes while its idle,
pushing the power button yields nothing, same for the operating 3 keys.
But when sliding the keyboard up, it makes the unlocking sound (but not always) ; as it seems that the phone got somesort of a coma, the only way to fix it for now is plugging out the batt.
Anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Edit: Oops! just found out this is the X8 forum (how'd i got here anyway?) can anyone move it to X10 forum? Thanks again and sorry


Stuck power button

Hi all, long time, Happy New Year.
I have an old IIi that I would like to try and get up and running again. The problem is ( and why it's on the shelf ) the power button is unresponsive, it doesn't push in, come out, it's sort of 'stuck' Has anyone seen this before, if so, any ideas on how to get around / fix this problem ?
Thanks in advance.
bopdude said:
Hi all, long time, Happy New Year.
I have an old IIi that I would like to try and get up and running again. The problem is ( and why it's on the shelf ) the power button is unresponsive, it doesn't push in, come out, it's sort of 'stuck' Has anyone seen this before, if so, any ideas on how to get around / fix this problem ?
Thanks in advance.
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try to take off the black plastic antenna cover on the back and see if the small button on the main board is working... search this forums for the service manual... it tells you how to take that cover off.

Help buttons not working on my At&t tilt

Alright my At&t tilt front face buttons started to not work (i could only use the arrow buttons and the ok button) and my keyboard stopped working but the arrow keys would. i upgraded the rom after calling htc for help. that didnt fix a thing and now today none of the buttons work. i keep getting the PTT to come up and ask for installation and edfc keeps typing themselves on the screen. so idk if it is a software problem or if the hard ware is malfunctioning.
Damn, I got the same problem. Does anybody know how to fix this?
the same problem here... :/
same problema here.
i already tried another radio, another SPL, another ROM and nothing.
any idea?
Just updating.
Yesterday my tytn started working perfectly again, but today the same problem is occuring. I did nothing, so probably is really a hardware issue.
I have a similar problem.
Send/End + Soft Keys + Keyboard are not working. The issue is not resolved yet?
Wow, this problem just happened to me as well. I've searched everywhere on the net and couldn't find anything.
So is this a pervasive issue? Anyone with any hint as to what might be the source of the problem?
Originally, I thought it the PTT button was stuck in the PRESSED position because the phone behaves as if this button was constantly being pressed. For example my PTT button was mapped to Voice Recorder if the PTT button was held down. The voice recorder constantly comes on everytime I turn the phone on!!
I have the exact same problem.
The only change I recently made (two weeks ago) was installing tom tom navigator.
First I thought it was a virus and I installed bull guard, but with no success.
It opens/closes the start menu every second, no buttons work apart from the directional buttons and it writes "edfc" in my textmessages when I turn on/off the screen with the power button.
Most of the time(!) this irritating opening/closing of the start menu only happens after I first turn off/on the screen (with the power button).
I saw this problem described in a post dating back almost two years ago. Someone ought to know the answer to our problems. What does HTC say about it?
I have been lucky and not had this issue yet; but I would recommend starting by flashing the stock rom from HTC. Then hard reset; that will clear everything back to original. If you still experence this after that, then you have a hardware issue. Good luck
This just happened to me this morning. I cant use any buttons and nothing is popping up. This is soo wierd cause the phone was just sitting there overnight!!
Me too...
I have been going nuts with this issue for a couple months now. Makes the phone unusable half the time. I am so disappointed to find that a ROM reload doesn't fix it!! I remapped the 6 key to none and that sort of helps but it was mapped to Voice record before and it would constantly record memos until all the memory was gone in the phone and then it would all crash from there. So frustrating.
I too get the edfc message after I reboot....
It really seems like a virus the way it acts but I guess if it is a hardware issue then it's not a virus.
Anyone ever figure anything out with this? Nothing has changed on my phone recently.
Still an issue?
Holy Toledo fellow Tilt Users. Have you ditched your half-functioning touchscreen, or have we figured out how to solve this issue.
I am going to do what was suggested (original HTC Rom & hard reset) and will let you know if I get the rest of my keyboard back...
All buttons except for power and... NOT WORKING
Outside "Enter" buttons work but they are mapped to Windows key. ? Weird. For some reason the kaiser thinks it is something else. I do not know how it got this way, but there must be a way to convince the hardware of the existence of all my other buttons. The entire keyboard does not work.
Hard Reset & stock HTC Rom did not help. I was surprised that I could hard reset it at all since the two soft buttons are unresponsive to software.
Anyone figure this out yet?
Hi, I got the same issue today as well - Has anyone got rid of this?

Power Button- slow?

i noticed recently that if i press the power button, it sometimes takes a really long time to turn the screen on. i know the hardware works because the backlight in the soft buttons turns on immediately, but the screen remains black for up to 10 seconds. this happens rarely. however, im fairly sure it isnt a software problem because ive wiped completely and installed a fresh rom and the problem seems to persist. perhaps i just recently noticed, and the problem was always there? does anyone else have this problem?
three threads above yours.
could be a hardware issue.
Mine does this every few days.. I am still on the stock 2.1 rom.
Mine also does this, I only noticed it after flashing Cyanogenmod 5.0.6. so I thought it might have been a bug. I also assumed it was a bug because the phone seems to act strangely when you are touching the screen and try to hit the power button.
Hopefully this isn't a hardware issue, I've had the phone since release.
Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?
It happens to me as well, but very infrequently. Maybe every few days... so it doesn't bother me enough to worry about it.
I'm on stock ROM btw.
I am leaning towards thinking this may be software related. A few minutes ago I was at the lock screen and tried about 50 times (yes I waited long enough after each press) and simply could not get the screen to turn off. I then tried long pressing the power button and, sure enough, each time it would bring up the shutdown menu (yes, over the lock screen). Must be a bug right?
Hmm, my problem's slightly different. Around half of the time, I have to press the power button twice to turn the screen on. Sometimes, pressing it the first time doesn't turn the screen on, had to press the power button firmly again.
This started only recently. On stock n1 and bought it during feb.
that means that your power button is dying, like many others' (including mine)
this is the first time, it takes 2 clicks to work....than it will increase.
Expect a repair soon...
Well i am having the issue other way around. i am not been able to put my phone in stand by mode by clicking on it and it is do a hard press then i get options to shut off the phone
any suggestions what might be causing it ?
I'm happy I haven't received this problem yet
i want my yogurt lol froyo time
negroplasty said:
Mine also does this, I only noticed it after flashing Cyanogenmod 5.0.6. so I thought it might have been a bug. I also assumed it was a bug because the phone seems to act strangely when you are touching the screen and try to hit the power button.
Hopefully this isn't a hardware issue, I've had the phone since release.
Is anyone else experiencing similar issues?
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I am having the same issue and i wonder if you were able to find the cause for it. I have the same rom as you do on your phone
negroplasty said:
I am leaning towards thinking this may be software related. A few minutes ago I was at the lock screen and tried about 50 times (yes I waited long enough after each press) and simply could not get the screen to turn off. I then tried long pressing the power button and, sure enough, each time it would bring up the shutdown menu (yes, over the lock screen). Must be a bug right?
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I have a similar problem. When I unplug the N1 from the charger, the screen comes on showing the lock screen, and I can't get it to turn off. If I unlock the phone, however, then the power button works normally. I don't think it was doing this until recently (I bought it in January the first day it was offered and am running the stock update1 ROM).
So here is my theory if the power button is a problem then it needs to act up both ways and not only one way. right now i can put the phone in sleep mode but i can wake it up. i will post the issues on the development forum and might be able to find an asnswer to it
So seems like the issues is because of Cyanogenmod 5.0.6 because since i have flashed another rom it is working just fine. i will be doing some more testing before i can be certain
Another problem I am experiencing is when I long press the power button, it pulls up the phone options menu but also turns off the screen. It's extremely frustrating as it does this quite frequently; right after I power on the screen again and unlock the device it works properly every time - so much so that I am convinced this is a software issue.
I am now running froyo, rooted with Cyan's minor root patch. I can also say for sure I experienced the same problem on CM 5.0.6, but it definitely occurred less frequently.
Am I alone here?
di2356 said:
i noticed recently that if i press the power button, it sometimes takes a really long time to turn the screen on. i know the hardware works because the backlight in the soft buttons turns on immediately, but the screen remains black for up to 10 seconds. this happens rarely. however, im fairly sure it isnt a software problem because ive wiped completely and installed a fresh rom and the problem seems to persist. perhaps i just recently noticed, and the problem was always there? does anyone else have this problem?
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I just started having this problem after upgrading to 2.2.
I have this every so often. But sometimes wonder if it is flyscreen doing it
You guys should all just be running the app no lock to take the power autumn out of the equation.
Ahhhhh! I just need trackball wakeup!
I have a similar issue where my screen will turn on but will be unresponsive. When i turn it on and off, the backlight jut comes and goes. If it times out it won't turn back on for a bit(the backlight will come on still).
I just wiped my phone, hoping that'll fix it since it only started happening on a regular basis since I updated to Froyo

Screen Freeze Issue

Forgive me if this has already been covered somewhere else, I searched around the forums and didnt find anything. There were one or two shady websites that I saw with random posts about the same problem. But I am having an issue with my HTC One, every now and again while I am in an app or just messing around through the menus it kind of glitches a little bit and the screen freezes. Its strange because the app keeps running and I can even use the volume controls on the sides and the volume changes on the screen (the visual appears and everything) but the touchscreen/back/and home buttons are unresponsive until I press the power button and turn the screen off for a second, then back on.....
Anyone have any insight as to what is happening here and how I might go about fixing it? I have tried a factory reset which seems to fix the problem at least temporarily. I am running a stock sprint htc one, hardware version 0004, software version 3.04.651.2
I would be most grateful for any assistance
Thanks yall

Capacitive keys randomly stop working

Hey guys, does anyone else have the issue that hardware keys randomly stop working, especially after a wake-up, and they randomly start working again? It feels like the process for these keys sometimes hangs itself for a while.
Einheit-101 said:
Hey guys, does anyone else have the issue that hardware keys randomly stop working, especially after a wake-up, and they randomly start working again? It feels like the process for these keys sometimes hangs itself for a while.
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That happens to me every once in a while, and has ever since I've owned the phone back in the kitkat days. Just press the power button to lock the screen and unlock it again. Fixes it for me.
Yes thats what i say, iam aware that Power off/on fixes it but i thought that there may be a fix for it. The software of this phone is running so amazingly well that this little bug is quite annoying
And with Android 6 came a new bug, it takes now 5 seconds to switch to front camera. I dont know if others have this aswell.

