I was trying to do the odin3 1click install on my samsung captivate and it never got past the file analysis so i closed odin and unpluged my phone then took out the battery. When i plugged my phone in the pc again i had the phone icon, tringle with "!" and a computer. i cried. after awhile of looking threw the endless comments from the odin3 thread i found out how to get into download mood when its plugged into the computer so i plug it in start odin then put the phone into download mode it finds it i click start and it never gets past file analysis. PLEASE Help if you know anything else i can try or if i am doing something wrong i need this phone back or my parents who bought it a week ago will KILL me. not literally but still, if you know anything please help.
This post really needs to be in the odin3 thread and not its own thread. Anyways, 3 things to try, first, reset the computer, start odin3 and reset the phone again, that always works for me. Second, try re downloading odin3 and a pc restart, and last, try another computer. Good luck and I wish you the best.
Hundred posts about this already. Check the forum. I would try again and again.
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I had this issue. You really need to make sure you have good drivers installed. Also, try a different USB port. I also had an issue where it didn't like to do odin through a usb extenstion cord. Strange stuff.
In the future please do read the stickies, but here you go:
Remove battery, SIM etc
Close Odin
Unplug USB
Make sure kies is closed (if you use it)
Open Odin 1 click
Plug in battery
Hold both volume buttons (NO POWER)
Plug in USB
Click start in Odin
Somewhere along the line pray that you arent one of the unlucky suckers who can't use button combos on their phones
Ps. This: i plug it in start odin is where you went wrong. You must have Odin running BEFORE plugging the phone in (Unless you're using my method, in which case that doesn't apply)
i know theres stickies on this but ive read them and done everything they have said and got nothing to work so i figured there was a different problem. i tried your way zilch with odin oped hold volume and plug in without power. it went straight into download but still didnt move past file analysis and ive tried on 2 diffrent pc's and re downloaded oden about 5 times i am desperate and new to these forums im sry if im doing the wrong thing here
And youre definetly closing odin before every flash attempt right? Odin gets cranky if it has previously "seen" your phone.
You might want to reinstall drivers or try a different usb port as well
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
And for fun i would reboot the PC and disable anti virus while you attempt odin. Never know
Change the USB port that it is plugged into. Out of my computer's 12 USB ports, only ports 6 and 9 work and they're on the back of my PC.
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ty for your help everyone you were all great i tried it on the usb on the back of my keyboard belive it or not and it worked thanks for all the help!!
anyone can help me for unbrick the zte nubia z5s?
djtechno98 said:
anyone can help me for unbrick the zte nubia z5s?
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You're in the wrong sub-section, this is for the Captivate (S1).
Also, I'm not sure there's support for the zte nubia z5s here but perhaps you can get some help in the zte blade sub-section.
K so like an idiot i deleted framework-res, and now my phone turns on to a black screen. I've tried to reflash it with odin and odin 1 click, but it always gets stuck at "file analysis". I don't get why because I used odin 1 click to install froyo in the first place so I know it works.
Anyway, I have no idea what to do, as I can't get any files on or off my phone because ADP will always say the device is not connected.
if its stuck at file analysis keep fiddling until it goes past that for instance plug in into download mode with it open and then unplug and replug it in. just keep trying.
i've been trying for hours... rebooting.. reinstalling.. everything. it won't get past File Analysis...
Are you trying to use the odin 1click to flash back to jf6? That might work.
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droidal said:
Are you trying to use the odin 1click to flash back to jf6? That might work.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
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nope, still hangs at File Analysis
i have done the same and now back up i used an old odin to go back to original stock and then updated to froyo after. If you can use sdk adb reboot recovery and fromat your sd card then try odin again this worked for me
maybe try restarting computer. make sure you dont have anything adb related running. pull battery. start odin one click. put battery back in. hold vol-up and down at same time(just the vol. buttons no power) plug in usb from comp. to your phone while you still have the vol. buttons held. should be in download mode. click start.
and if you wanna try pushing a new framework, i guess you could try to boot into recovery and adb should see it then as debugging mode is auto on in recovery mode. let us know.
sbtim said:
K so like an idiot i deleted framework-res, and now my phone turns on to a black screen. I've tried to reflash it with odin and odin 1 click, but it always gets stuck at "file analysis". I don't get why because I used odin 1 click to install froyo in the first place so I know it works.
Anyway, I have no idea what to do, as I can't get any files on or off my phone because ADP will always say the device is not connected.
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Are you using 64 bit Windows 7? I am and had a similar problem. On my original attempts to flash my phone with earlier versions of Cognition, I learned that if you don't disable the lagfix, you can have a problem. Assuming you used one I hope you disabled it. I also used odin 1-click at the time and it didn't work terribly well, mostly due to the voodoo lagfix ext4 filesystem.
Secondly, I've also found that it's best to go into download mode using the following method:
I do a battery pull, remove sim and sdcard (if you have one), put battery back in. Make sure your USB cable is plugged into a USB port on the motherboard, not one of those front USB ports (they sometimes don't get enough juice, you wouldn't want the device to disconnect in the middle of a flash). Hold volume up/down and plug in the USB cable. Odin one click should recognize the phone is hooked up to a COM port. At that point, you click the start button and it flashes. It should not take more than 1-2 minutes to flash. If Odin looks like it it is not working, rather it sits at Verifying or does not actually move at a brisk pace, it's not going to work. You can let it sit for hours and it will never flash. If this happens, do the battery pull and try again. My first time doing this was rather nerve wracking as i thought i bricked my phone. Had the screen with the phone/exclamation mark/computer and the computer did not detect my phone via USB. I've seen people who say reinstalling the Samsung drivers or rebooting the computer or switching USB ports might help as well.
Ever since i figured out the above, i've been able to flash my Captivate on Win 7 64bit without a hitch. Currently running the latest build of Cognition 2.2 and loving it.
I've done all of the above and Odin hangs on Verifying, ADB gives the same error message on every "ADB" command : "error: device offline: (while in recovery mode)
My computer/Odin does recognize that it's plugged in, but it won't mount and let me into the SD card or format it, etc.
edit : fixed
sbtim said:
edit : fixed
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You should post what you did to fix it in case someone has the same issue
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Yes he should.
What did you do to fix it? Do tell.
10 bucks says he succeeded once he read the directions properly.
Reading is hard, that is why so few people do it.
Same exact thing happened to to me 2 days ago. All I did was:
1)take the battery and SIM card out, wait a few seconds,
2)run Odin3 on my PC and hookup the USB cable to the phone while still off
3) hold both Volume buttons down while phone is off and connected
3)at the same time, slide in the battery with 1 finger or have someone do it
4)keep volume keys held down as the battery is installed and my phone turned on straight into download mode
5) phone pops up in Odin3 and just click Start, flashed to stock JH6
I am 80% sure I wasn't holding the power button while holding the Vol keys. If that doesn't work above ^^^ hold all 3 buttons and it should go into download mode.
so.. I fubard framework.apk trying to get teh circle battery mod on my phone (it just hung forever and *poof* black screen o' nothing after I pulled the battery)
So.. I'm following the directions but windows keeps finding the phone as some type of crazy serial device and is asking for drivers ... so I'm fux0red methinks.
Any help is appreciated - but I think I did a real number on this thing.
Ok... these are the steps I've done.
Shutdown the device.
Pulled battery, Sim, SD Card.
Popped the battery back in.... didn't power it up.
Turned on Odin3
Popped the USB cable into the phone while holding both volume buttons.
I get the lil triangle.
... then I get a windows message stating "SERIAL GADGET" and the XP wizard comes up looking for drivers. It doesnt find anything of course.
So.. I rinse and repeat and it can't find the device.
So what am I missing o wise XDA folks?
avgjoegeek said:
Ok... these are the steps I've done.
Shutdown the device.
Pulled battery, Sim, SD Card.
Popped the battery back in.... didn't power it up.
Turned on Odin3
Popped the USB cable into the phone while holding both volume buttons.
I get the lil triangle.
... then I get a windows message stating "SERIAL GADGET" and the XP wizard comes up looking for drivers. It doesnt find anything of course.
So.. I rinse and repeat and it can't find the device.
So what am I missing o wise XDA folks?
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Have you searched for the drivers and installed them on your xp machine?
I'm still a noob so I'm not sure of it will help.
Please though, once you get it sorted please post your solution here for the benefit of those whip comer after you.
Good luck!
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Get the right drivers if you havent already and find the USB port that works. Post 8 above is very good. On my netbook, only one of the three usb ports works for the captivate, i've marked it since with a happy face.
Ok.. at home now on my Win7 machine - all is good in Odin restore land...
Except - I flash using the Odin 1 Click and still boot to a black screen.
I think because I had the Voodoo lagfix on it - it won't format correctly and load the rest of the ROM onto the SDCard
So, to start off, the issue at hand is not download mode, I can get into that quite easily. It's that neither one click odin or regular odin won't recognize it. I've gone back to stock so many times without issue, but this particular time I tried, it froze on sbl.bin. My screen turned a greenish black, and stayed on that for about 10 minutes before I decided it was frozen and I did a battery pull. Tried it again and the exact same thing happened. Now, windows says "One of the usb devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and windows does not recognize it"
I was going from icezar's Darky's 5.5 to stock when this happened. I've gone from the first i9000 2.2.1 stock rom back to stock 2.1 with no problems before. Any ideas? I've also reinstalled drivers, and I still get that error. also, my power button doesn't do squat when it's completely powered off. Only the volume up+down button combo can bring the download screen up, other than that, no go.
Ouch - You've reinstalled the drivers.
Odin doesn't see it when you have download mode and the USB plugged in.
Can you get ADB to see the device while in download mode?
You had USB Debugging turned on before things went south?
Hmm.. you could try:
Turn on ODIN
Remove the SIM, external SDCard, and battery.
Hold down both volume buttons - plug in the USB cable then jam in the battery and see if ODIN will recognize it then.
But.. if you can't get the computer to recognize your device even after re-installing the USB Drivers?
eh you might wait for a few more posts - but I think you might be fubard.
so you went into download mode, clicked start in ODIN 1 click and got hung up? nothing else happened during the process? Was the cable plugged all the way in?
Not sure how ADB would work if windows isn't recognizing it.. Do you have another PC you can connect to?
Sounds like it pooched while he was trying to Odin 1 Click back to stock and now its probably fubard as his computer won't recognize the device.
Good call on trying a different computer.
Btw - where are you downloading the USB drivers from? There are multiple sources out there and some seem to work better than others.
Thanks for the replies guys
I got them from the wiki page way back when around it was first put up... but I haven't really changed them since they were the only ones that I found worked at the time and pretty well actually, they've recognized my captivate perfectly all the time! Well, until recently. I also have kies mini installed if that means anything. I am gonna try a friend's computer and see what happens. *crosses fingers*
alex4lex said:
Thanks for the replies guys
I got them from the wiki page way back when around it was first put up... but I haven't really changed them since they were the only ones that I found worked at the time and pretty well actually, they've recognized my captivate perfectly all the time! Well, until recently. I also have kies mini installed if that means anything. I am gonna try a friend's computer and see what happens. *crosses fingers*
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if you haven't already, try the files attached to the Odin 1 click thread (on any pc you can get your hands on )
not sure what options you have until you can get a pc to recognize the device
Yup.. the good news if you can get into Download mode on your phone - its def not bricked.
I use the Odin 1-Click USB drivers posted there and have had no issues on either my work rig Windows XP 32 bit or Windows 7 64-bit.
Epic success! Phone is back to 2.1 stock! Thanks for all the help joegeek and fisherman
odin crashed while going back to stock then
my phone will get to download mode buuuuut.. my computer doesnt recognize my phone...
i re-downloaded drivers and the phone is recognized however odin failed the 2 times i got it in dl mode(took about an hour to get it each time)... so i have a jig ordered but with odin not working im not feeling optimistic
nothing seems to happen when its plugged into the wall no battery icon. i reinstalled drivers hoping that would help with no luck.. i just got it back in dl mode after like an hour of it not turning on for me but it doesnt do anything once i get it there.
Get odin3 one click and use it in dl mode. It will brg ur phone back to stock
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
definately problem of bad USB..either cable or port....try using different USB cable or different computer....Use full odin by iCezar...its with minimum risk....specially very beneficial in cases like yours....
my pc doesnt see my phone. thats the issue i cant use odin. and the only thing my phone will do is glow black or go to download mode, idk if its charging but its getting hard to get it in dl mode, multiple tries atm no luck
i have already tried reinstalling the drivers. what are they called so i can delete them and install again rather then just redownload maybe that will help?
donks232 said:
my pc doesnt see my phone. thats the issue i can use odin
i have already tried reinstalling the drivers. what are they called so i can delete them and install again rather then just redownload maybe that will help?
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did you always had this problem or just when in DL mode? if you always had this problem then ofcourse something wrong with USB port...but if its only for DL mode then u remove and redownload drivers....
viny2cool said:
did you always had this problem or just when in DL mode? if you always had this problem then ofcourse something wrong with USB port...but if its only for DL mode then u remove and redownload drivers....
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nope this only happened AFTER my crash on odin. my pc has always seen the phone.
try connecting your phone to pc when odin is already running. See whether it detects. Mine worked this way. said:
try connecting your phone to pc when odin is already running. See whether it detects. Mine worked this way.
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i tried that once of twice
need help
ive got this error after tryimg to bring my phone back to 2.1. any one please help me, my email is [email protected]. igot an error with a black background and showing caution sign between a phone and a computer maybe its brick, need help.
thank you so much for your help.
sorry idont know where to put this.
jvmiralles said:
ive got this error after tryimg to bring my phone back to 2.1. any one please help me, my email is [email protected]. igot an error with a black background and showing caution sign between a phone and a computer maybe its brick, need help.
thank you so much for your help.
sorry idont know where to put this.
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thats not a big deal, just get it in download mode, and flash it with odin.
EDIT: might as well us this post to say what my computer says with usb since i got in in dl mode again...
USB device not recognized
one of the usb devices attached to this computer has
malfunctioned, and windows does not recognize it.
then something about for assistance in solving this issue click here
this has happened to me acouple times, the first was my fault I pull the usb before odin finished. I could get back into Download mode but Odin would not see the phone and computer would not recognize the phone either, device not recognized.
I tried rebooting, re-installing drivers etc. did not work.
but after an hour or so I finally got it to recognize and odin'd back to stock and back to flashing I was.
this is what I did hope it works for you.
1. disconnect all usb devices
2. un-install captivate drivers
3. reboot computer
4. goto device manager and verify that there is no USB device errors, if there is delete them and reboot again verify again in device manager.
5. install captivate drivers
6. reboot computer
7. start ODIN (DG or iCezars, iCezars is safer)
8. plug USB cable into the computer first (the one that came with the phone not an after market one)
9. hold both up and down volume buttons on the phone
10. plug the usb cable into the phone quickly to get into download mode (if I plugged the phone is slowly ODIN did not recognize the phone no COM, once I did it quick and it picked it up)
11. push START as soon as ODIN shows the COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4 etc (this had to be done quickly too, If i waited ODIN would show the COM but still would not start flashing back to stock)
this worked for me more than once I hope it helps you good luck
oh ok thanks, ill give that a try when i get off of work. i hope my battery doesnt die idk if its charging or not
well no luck even getting back to download mode. i bought a jig so i guess im waiting and trying while i wait.
i keep reading its possible to completely brick if odin fails... did i perma brick?
well a bump of sorts, the jig should come in the mail tomorrow. i miss my phone
jig came in the mail, im working on a few failed odin3 attempts but as i freaked out and started typing this post it seems like a great success. the jig works wonderful
donks232 said:
jig came in the mail, im working on a few failed odin3 attempts but as i freaked out and started typing this post it seems like a great success. the jig works wonderful
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I have not had to do this but I know some others had issues with Odin and had to right click on Odin and run as administrator for it to work. Also the Odin 1 click should work in almost any situation to get you back to stock. The only worry (again never had the problem) is that depending on the build version of the phone you could lose the three button recovery. Look for the Odin that DG posted.
Sent from My KickAss Captivated CM7 OC'd 1.4Ghz/Undervolted
Just bricked mine... had a problem with kies mini while updating to official 2.2, had to enter download mode to return to stock but Odin failed and now this piece of **** won't even turn on nor enter download mode.. ****ing bad luck?
Toddyn said:
Just bricked mine... had a problem with kies mini while updating to official 2.2, had to enter download mode to return to stock but Odin failed and now this piece of **** won't even turn on nor enter download mode.. ****ing bad luck?
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Did you try a jig?
ok to start with I am soft bricked cause i got the phone-!-computer on my screen. here is how it got bricked to start with... was updating to android 2.3 gingerbread with kies mini and the first time when finished updating my wifi would not work so i flashed the rom with odin and it was a bad version cause instantly it went to recovery mode. so I went and downloaded odin one click and flashed it back to stock android eclair and went to update to 2.2 froyo with kies mini our power blinked and now im softbricked.
ok here is what ive tried so far... 3 button combo both volumes and power tried all that. ok next i tried one click unbrick it just say failed everytime... tried AIO captivate toolbox and no avail.. went radio shack got 3 resistors 100k made a jig touched pins 4 and 5 and didnt work either.. so my questions are as follows
1. what next????
2. could i have possibly shorted out my usb port on my phone since i accidently slipped and touched a pin i should not have and AIO captivate toolbox says usb debugging isnt on.
3. is there any way to test the micro usb port on the phone to see if its working right?
any and all help would be very much appreciated.
You're actually in an ok place. That phone--/!\--computer screen will function like download mode most times. Just try your Odin file again and you should be fine.
odin isnt recognizing it. is there a way i can make it recognize it?
I just went through this and got my phone working so no need to panic. Odin wouldnt see my phone but heimdall does. Search for the kb2 heimdall one click package and see if that helps. Since you flashed back to 2.2 youll need to use kb2. If you are on GB i897 bootloaders youll need the kk4 heimdall one click package
garydv2002 said:
odin isnt recognizing it. is there a way i can make it recognize it?
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Try different ports, if nothing else. Look in the "Captivate Connection Issues" post in my signature for more items.
Also, you will probably want to stop using the AIO Toolbox. That particular piece of software is a little risky, as it flashes a known dangerous bootloader setup.
I found myself in the same boat. 3-button combo won't work, you have to remove battery and usb cable. Replace battery. Plug usb cable into the motherboard directly(rear), hold volume + and volume - then plug the usb cable into your phone. hold volume buttons until your phone boots into download mode. (assuming you have proper drivers installed)
didnt work
tried both heimdels kk2 and kk4 they both say looking for device. and also tried plugging my usb cord into every usb port on my computer still nothing.
Did your drivers unseat? for some odd reason i had to reinstall the drivers to get mine out of soft brick.
would that be the drivers for the program or the phone? and also on the kk2 and kk4 they download as jar files just like oneclick unbrick did so do i need to unzip them and move the jar file to where the exe folder is then right click and run as administrator or can i just run the jar file i downloaded?
also the the zadig driver program that comes with heindel programs will not see my phone at all when plugged in any usb port but my wife has a captivate also and when i plugged hers in zadig can see it as samsung usb composite device....
garydv2002 said:
odin isnt recognizing it. is there a way i can make it recognize it?
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Pull battery, pull cable. With phone off, replace battery. Then press volume up only, and power. When screen loads, plug your USB in. If you get the system files screen, press the menu key. Then try Oden. This is what I had to do to get it to work.
Gingerbread through mini kies sucks. Your better off getting Gingerbread here:
didnt work either
tried the just the volume up and power and plugged in usb still stuck in brick mode...
didnt work
the volume up and power then plug usb didnt work still in brick mode. should i try the usb jig with the phone off or on? when i touch pins 4 and 5 with the jig and the phone off the screen will come on but still computer- ! - phone no download mode
got it
finally got into download mode with the jig and alot of wiggling cussing fussing griping and finally praying lol.... thanks to all of you for your help not many strangers will help people anymore so thanks guys for your time i really appreciate it greatly
I have the Phone...!... computer screen ive done ever battery pull method oden cant "see" it but my computer says that a unidentifiable USB is plugged in. any advice?
cappy flasher said:
I have the Phone...!... computer screen ive done ever battery pull method oden cant "see" it but my computer says that a unidentifiable USB is plugged in. any advice?
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Unistall your phone's drivers, restart pc and reinstall them.
So i dont know what the drivers are I had a friend set this all up for me. also i think if odin id updated that might work. It was current at the time but when a few months pass its time to update!
---------- Post added at 03:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 AM ----------
BWolf56 said:
Unistall your phone's drivers, restart pc and reinstall them.
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so i just updated odin and i still got nothing. so what are the drivers? ill try that.
if you dont even know what drivers are in windows, and have other people set things up for you, you should not be flashing your phone in the first place.
any time you buy a device and hook it up to windows you install??? drivers.
Google: "drivers"... a piece of software that tells an operating system how to use a device.
but it is doubtful reinstalling your drivers will help
what version of odin are you using? what are you trying to flash now? what were you flashing when it messed up?
im sorry but this may end up being an expensive lesson not to do things you dont understand. you may have to send your phone away to be jtagged or unbricked.
I still have the phone...! screen so i should be able to flash it back to stock. and even though i didn't add the drivers I know what im doing so don't assume Im a noob at this. and for your information I own 6 Samsung captivates and I work for Mobile Tech Videos so I flash these phone a lot I flash at least twice a day. so Jtaging it will be rather inexpensive but I would like to figure this out so I don't have to spend my time shipping this phone out. I notice that a lot of people have the same trouble as I am having so if I figure out how to solve the worst soft brick (witch I now have) it will be great for A post that covers everything with this screen. I got my phone this way by the USB port falling out during flashing so I'm lucky to even have this screen. I was at gingerbread 2.3.5 stock flashing to ice cream sandwich. I tryed using the USB jig but it failed so all I need to know is what the driver names are so i can try what was recommended. I also think ADB might help solve the problem some how some way. I just got the most recent Odin I was using 1.3 now im using 1.85
Not to be mean or start something, but if you work for mobile tech videos and you don't know what drivers are or you say you flash phones multiple times a day, then you should have a GREAT idea of what to do to fix this problem. Did you flash an ICS ROM and it bootlooped on the first flash, well that is supposed to happen. And Since you were on 2.3.5 then there is no DL mode combo problem. I don't know what to tell you. use your resources and Google it, or better yet let me Google that for you...
cappy flasher said:
I still have the phone...! screen so i should be able to flash it back to stock. and even though i didn't add the drivers I know what im doing so don't assume Im a noob at this. and for your information I own 6 Samsung captivates and I work for Mobile Tech Videos so I flash these phone a lot I flash at least twice a day. so Jtaging it will be rather inexpensive but I would like to figure this out so I don't have to spend my time shipping this phone out. I notice that a lot of people have the same trouble as I am having so if I figure out how to solve the worst soft brick (witch I now have) it will be great for A post that covers everything with this screen. I got my phone this way by the USB port falling out during flashing so I'm lucky to even have this screen. I was at gingerbread 2.3.5 stock flashing to ice cream sandwich. I tryed using the USB jig but it failed so all I need to know is what the driver names are so i can try what was recommended. I also think ADB might help solve the problem some how some way. I just got the most recent Odin I was using 1.3 now im using 1.85
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Heimdall flash!
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