Looking for some assistance getting the NDK working properly on Windows 7 (64).
I followed all of the instructions to set up the NDK in windows but am running into an issue.
Per the instructions you need to install CYGWIN which i did and then go to the root NDK folder and run build/host-setup.sh.
Once I run this i get the following error;
ERROR: Could not find a valid GNU make executable.
Please ensure GNU Make 3.81 or later is installed.
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I do have GNU make 3.81 installed for windows.
If i try to use cygwin to run a make APP=hello-jni as a test as it states i get the error;
bash: make: command not found
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if i use windows command prompt i can run the make.exe fine.
I'm thinking the issue is because its trying to use a Linux based make since i would assume Cygwin cannot rune EXE files.
Could anyone assist me with this that has it set up and working properly in windows?
Any takers please?
Check 'Make' package in Cygwin setup.
Do yourself a favor and use a real operating system. Ditch that MSJUNK.
On top of that, I *strongly* suggest that NOBODY EVER use windoze for compiling ANYTHING. When you are building software for other people to use, you most *definitely* do NOT want to build software that has been compromised. Windoze is the world's number ONE compromised platform. It about as save as having your way with a 50 year old street corner hooker without protection.
First of all, I need to give my thanks to great DevGhostofNet for his excellent work on getting Ubuntu 11.01 running on Xoom. I borrowed his template on this instruction page as I really don't have my template and using this way to show my appreciation to his work.
Second, I figured though I am not big dev by any means, hopefully any time I spent on such things can add some value to owners of either DS7 or Xoom, especially DS7, which really needs any effort on it in addition to testing help.
So I would throw in my two-cent hours/efforts to get this started. I see huge potential in it, though now it is quite WIP, because the non-graphical version is running well but not Gnome sessions.
1.What is working?
Shell Ubuntu 11.04
I modified the installation scripts to mount DS7 partitions correctly and copy some modified script into original image.
2. What is not working?
Gnome Session
I can install necessary components up to a point where the wall paper is loaded, sidebar is loaded but the guest system did not take/register input properly yet.
3. Why we care?
It has huge potential in it. It uses a part of your sdcard to run a guest system, and you can literally install all those great Ubuntu apps in it in future when more dev effort makes this happen.
4. What is the impact to my existing Android OS?
Minimal. The impacts are:
1. there will be ubuntu scripts in /system/bin/
2. Loop7 device will be borrowed while ubuntu is mounted.
3. under /sdcard, there is a folder ubuntu which pretty much contains everything
4. in LOST.DIR of your /sdcard, there may be lots of temp files if you experimented a lot of install/uninstall of this guest system.
If you still want to take a crack now.........
DISCLAIMER: I will not responsible for any bricked device. Please although this experiment won't affect your other files at all, but **** happens all the time, please do backup and understand what you are trying to do before proceed.
[Before Installation:]
1. You should know what you are doing at this step.
2. You have rooted your device already
3. You configured adb and have a terminal apps in your DS7. (Terminal apps can be found in market. Android Terminal seems to work fine)
4. You have a VNC client. (Android-vnc in market seems fine)
1. Download the DS7Ubuntu files From my post at http://www.OpinionatedFool.com
2. Extract it into /sdcard/ubuntu folder
3. Open a terminal
cd /sdcard/ubuntu
sh ubuntu install
Just click yes when you are asked some questions. This process takes about 5 mins
reboot after installation
NOW after rebooting, you officially are running a text based Ubuntu 11.04
4. Open you terminal
ubuntu start
ubuntu shell
If you are interested to go further, I really encourage to because we need better devs to bring us further. I am willing to try more but it will take longer time as I have been away from Linux for a good 6 years.
5. After you are in Ubuntu Shell environment. you can do
vi /sbin/installubuntu
6. Inside installubuntu, the following are present:
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q update
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q upgrade
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q install python-software-properties
#/usr/bin/add-apt-repository ppa:unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q update
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q install tightvncserver xrdp
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q install ca-certificates desktop-file-utils doc-base eog g
conf-editor gedit ghostscript-x gnome-about gnome-applets gnome-control-center g
nome-media gnome-menus gnome-nettool gnome-panel gnome-session gnome-session-can
berra gnome-system-monitor gnome-system-tools gnome-terminal gnome-themes-select
ed gnome-themes-ubuntu gnome-utils gtk2-engines gtk2-engines-pixbuf gucharmap hu
manity-icon-theme indicator-applet-session inputattach language-selector launchp
ad-integration lftp libgd2-xpm libgnome2-perl libpam-ck-connector libsasl2-modul
es libxp6 nautilus nautilus-sendto notify-osd rarian-compat screen smbclient sof
tware-center synaptic software-properties-gtk ttf-dejavu-core ttf-freefont ubunt
u-artwork ubuntu-extras-keyring ubuntu-sounds unzip update-manager update-notifi
er x-ttcidfont-conf xterm yelp zenity zip maximus
/usr/bin/dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
/bin/ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl
I am good up to completion of this step in the script above
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q install tightvncserver xrdp
Then the following bulk apt-get process will cause issues. The main course is on gconf2 as far as I know.
I tried to install them separately after install gconf2, but it is not stably working.
i.e. sometimes I did install them all correctly, but sometimes I am getting segmentation error, which is annoying and requires wipe ubuntu folder and reinstall ubuntu.
I am too rusty on Linux now that better devs may figure it out easily.
[How to Uninstall it?]
In case you want to get rid of it. Here is how:
Through ADB or Terminal Simulator in your DS7
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk3p3 /system
rm /system/bin/ubuntu*
mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mmcblk3p3 /system
[Next Step]
Install and configure a working copy of Gnome-session on this successfully. Hopefully there will be Kernel Dev to have a Ubuntu kernel specifically for DS7? That will be the best.
We can then
1. Run Apache server and you will access your files through Dell Streak 7 as long as you are tethering in its own LAN. (or a lot more)
2. Run browsers in graphical version of Ubuntu on your DS7 so that you can do whatever with hulu or netflix or anything. Basically you are carrying a freaking DS7 laptop with you. with touch screen and huge mobility
1. pts need to mounted
2. use Unity-2d seems to be better than Unity
3. mtab need to be replace manually with the mtab I included in the zip file
4. kernel is not configured to have shared memory management ...
I'll definitely be following this thread with interest!
native ubuntu would be nicer rather than the crap of chrooted ones, they are just pointless IMHO as the device has to try and manage 2 oses at once, the 7 doesnt realy have the ram to manage that
Any updates on this project ?
Guess not :-(
Quick question to the op
Does wifi work so you can update / install packages?
If so, does it see the wifi cards chipset? I'm looking into getting aircrack-ng set up to tinker with. ( saves me from dragging out my laptop to test security on networks with my job )
Currently I'm using my Mac with kismac which does the job nicely , however, if I can use the ds7 under Ubuntu its one less reason to drag it along.
Can you copy the device information for me or does it act like a LAN card ?
Thanks !!
what is the latest development?
In a few weeks, i will tell my team to look at the cm7.1 things. I hope you will help us? I will send you a pm but remember me
is this still being worked on or attempted? or is there a ubuntu rom out already?
Is this anything like Ubuntu installer...
First off this is completely from Rennat over at PreCentral
TUTORIAL: How to get the UbuntuChroot up and running for your HP TouchPad
UbuntuChroot is the raw Ubuntu terminal without the familiar GNOME graphical interface that all have come to think of Ubuntu. With this installed, you will be able to install ubuntu programs and launch them with in the terminal card.
To do this, the basic rundown will be making a new WebOS Doctor that has a separete partition of memory for Ubuntu to run with in. Then we will install it on your TouchPad and mount that partition so it will be able to be used after a reboot of the device. Lastly, we will install Xecutah, XServer, and UbuntuChroot from Preware and boot up Ubuntu on your TouchPad.
Both credit and Props go to WebOS Internals for making this possible and putting in all the hard work they have to make it as easy as it is.
I nor WebOS Internals take no responsibility over what may happen to your device. If you follow these instructions it 'should' work perfectly. If you do endup messing something up you 'should' be able to just doctor the device using the stock WebOS Doctor from HP.
Step Zero:
- I have provided 2 different ways to set your device up to install the UbuntuChroot onto your device; use the meta-doctor and create your own doctor (Step 1-A) or do as Step 1-B says and contact my army of monkeys for an easier alternitive that won't take forever.
##You my want to backup app data and the like using Save/Restore in Preware as you will lose all your data buy installing a WebOS Doctor. Please do so! And done hesitate to ask questions.
Step 1-A: Creating a WebOS Doctor
- We will be using the Meta Doctor to create a special WebOS Doctor that will create a 2GB (or more if you wish to do so) partition in /media/ext3fs/ were Ubuntu will be.
- Use the WebOS Internals Guide to installing and running the Meta Doctor. In Step 2 you will have to rename you downloaded webOS doctor to the name of the Bell Mobility doctor they have under Step 2'3 (webosdoctorp100ewwbellmo.jar) go ahead and add the webOS version after it like it advises.
- In Step 2'6, if you are using a Wifi Only TouchPad you will be using the last one which has touchpad for device and WiFi all for the carrier.
- Once the Meta Doctor is done, run the Web's Doctor it created under the 'builds' folder. And setup your device.
Step 1-B: Contacting My Army of Monkeys
- If you are having trouble with or are intimidated by Step 1-A go ahead and contact my army of monkeys at [email protected]. Simple.
Step 2: Mounting the new ext3fc partition on bootup
- Now before we continue we have to make sure we have the partition fully setup and mounted on bootup. To do this follow the below WebOS Internals instructions.
All of this is done on device either via novaterm or an SSH login. (simpler terms mean use WebOS Quick install by connecting you device, opening WebOSQuickInstall, and click Tools-Command Line.) If your device does NOT have a folder at /media/ext3fs then you will need to create it first. Use the following two commands:
mount -o remount,rw /
mkdir -p /media/ext3fs
it is important that you use /media/ext3fs as the location, otherwise some homebrew applications (such as Optware and the Ubuntu 11.04 Chroot) will not be able to find it and use it properly.
After you have created the mountpoint, we are going to edit the fstab file to set it up to mount at bootup.
mount -o remount,rw /
echo "/dev/mapper/store-ext3fs /media/ext3fs ext3 noatime,data=writeback 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
Now to get it mounted you have several options, the best one is the first command as it will use the data in /etc/fstab. If that works, then you have done this correctly and your ext3fs will mount at bootup.
mount -a
If you do not want it mounted at bootup, but you do need it mounted, you can use this command.
mount /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs /media/ext3fs
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Step 3: Adding Testing Feeds
- Follow these WebOS Internals Instructions to add the Testing Feeds.
NOTE: These are edited slightly and will only work on a Wifi only TouchPad.
- Open Preware and wait for it to finish loading.
- Open the App Menu (tap "Preware" in the top left corner of the screen) and tap Manage feeds.
- Scroll to the bottom until you see the New Feed box.
- Type or paste a name (webos-testing-armv7) and URL (Right Click - Copy Address) sure the URL does *not* have a slash at the end.
- Make sure the IS COMPRESSED option is set to YES.
- Tap Add Feed and then tap Yes when the alert pops up.
- Gesture swipe back. Preware will alert you that you have added feeds and ask if you want to update them now. Choose YES.
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Step 4: Installing UbuntuChroot, Xecutah, and XServer
- Open up Preware and tap List Of Everything.
- Search for and install the following: UbuntuChroot, Xecutah, and XServer
- Now opened Xecutah and tap XServer and a new card will come up.
- Go back to Xecutah and tap UbuntuChroot. Then swipe back to the new card that came up.
- Now you should have the Ubuntu terminal. Done. It should have a few 'mount' commands and then the @Touchpad:
Step 5: Installing Programs
- Now to have some fun after all that work you put in!
- Type the below and it will update the program lists.
apt-get update
- Now type the following to install what ever you wish!
/***type the below for AbiWord
apt-get install abiword
/***type the below for the Chromium Browser
apt-get install chromium-browser
/***type the below for GIMP
apt-get install gimp
/***type the below for Eclipse
apt-get install eclipse
/**type the below for LibreOffice
apt-get install LibreOffice
/***type the below for LXDE (a windows graphical interface) and then launch it by typing lxsession.
apt-get install lxde
agian from precentral enjoy guys
Mods please move to there thread i was in a rush (dead battery) and put it in the wrong forum
Does anything else besides chromium, abiword, eclipse, libreoffice, lxde and gimp work?
linkinpark4175 said:
Does anything else besides chromium, abiword, eclipse, libreoffice, lxde and gimp work?
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anything you can compile for ARM or want to compile for ARM. there is a apt repository.
You could also find a complete guide to install Ubuntu Linux on HP TouchPad here
same thing
XDAnoobr said:
You could also find a complete guide to install Ubuntu Linux on HP TouchPad here
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agian that is only for Chroot which is the exact same thing
Works great, now I have lxde on my touchpad.
able to get ubuntu chroot working properly, with libreoffice
now, hunting for a Bluetooth Keyboard
any one going to test if BT Mouses work? (yeah, i know theres a touchscreen)
Is multi-touch supported on this?
what version of libreoffice does it install the latest one? And if anyone has installed it the ubuntu laggy or is it normal.
harsh3090416 said:
what version of libreoffice does it install the latest one? And if anyone has installed it the ubuntu laggy or is it normal.
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a little laggy sometimes, but still usable most of the time without any problems
libreoffice 3.3.2... you should probably check the ubuntu ARM 11.04 repository to see what is there
top says 1gb ram, 0.90gb used.... not sure why......
EDIT: Tried pairing a BT Mouse... able to find the device via "BT->Search other", but unable to pair properly. Mouse said paired successful, but touchpad couldnt continue, kept searching for devices
Tried "BT->Search Keyboard", but couldnt find the mouse this way
Now they have Debian chroot. Works great as well. Both can coexist at once. All it is is a folder at /media/extfs
Btw, has anyone gotten gnome working? I keep getting segmentation faults.
Is there a way to make that partition without meta doctor?
DJGonzo said:
Is there a way to make that partition without meta doctor?
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metadoctor makes a partition
you could loop a filesystem ontop of the existing partition to avoid this issue, but the page below recommends against it
mount: mounting /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs on /media/ext3fs failed: No such file o
r directory
Why am i getting this error when trying to mount? It's really ticking me off as I haven't done anything different from the instructions.
I just spent an hour redoing the whole thing and guess what... i'm pissed off
same ****
samvillian said:
mount: mounting /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs on /media/ext3fs failed: No such file o
r directory
Why am i getting this error when trying to mount? It's really ticking me off as I haven't done anything different from the instructions.
I just spent an hour redoing the whole thing and guess what... i'm pissed off
same ****
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looks like you didn't do metadoctor properly,
or you didn't make the /media/ext3fs directory,
or "mount -o remount,rw" didn't execute properly
1st problem: your touchpad should have around 10GB free(out of 16GB, or do the math if you have a 32/64gb)
2nd problem: go back to cmd prompt and check that /media/ext3fs exists
3rd problem: reinstall via webos doctor and do it again
kevina90 said:
Now they have Debian chroot. Works great as well. Both can coexist at once. All it is is a folder at /media/extfs
Btw, has anyone gotten gnome working? I keep getting segmentation faults.
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Sorry, this is off topic. I'm sure Android will get here, but I really want to use my Touchpad (I haven't done much because I figured everything would get wiped anyway this weekend), so I think I'm going to give Linux a go. My understanding of Linux is rather crap. I thought Linux was the OS, and Ubuntu and other things were just GUIs to make it easier for people unfamiliar with command line. How could Debian simultaneously coexist?
I know I could go to wikipedia and look around and try to understand it, but by chance does anyone know any website that kinda describes Linux to beginners? I don't just want to follow the directions step by step on the guide (although its brilliant, looks very easy)without having the slightest effin idea what everything is, you know? Its weird, Linux confuses me, I don't know why. I've used ubuntu a number of times but it's just browsing firefox, not exactly rocket science!
Thanks if you can easily give link and press send then thanks but don't go out of your way, I can find something eventually, but I don't want someone else mucking around for my sake. Its no emergency.
Komodo Rogue said:
Sorry, this is off topic. I'm sure Android will get here, but I really want to use my Touchpad (I haven't done much because I figured everything would get wiped anyway this weekend), so I think I'm going to give Linux a go. My understanding of Linux is rather crap. I thought Linux was the OS, and Ubuntu and other things were just GUIs to make it easier for people unfamiliar with command line. How could Debian simultaneously coexist?
I know I could go to wikipedia and look around and try to understand it, but by chance does anyone know any website that kinda describes Linux to beginners? I don't just want to follow the directions step by step on the guide (although its brilliant, looks very easy)without having the slightest effin idea what everything is, you know? Its weird, Linux confuses me, I don't know why. I've used ubuntu a number of times but it's just browsing firefox, not exactly rocket science!
Thanks if you can easily give link and press send then thanks but don't go out of your way, I can find something eventually, but I don't want someone else mucking around for my sake. Its no emergency.
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I would just find a book on amazon about linux with good reviews made in the past 1-2 years. I would look for one that is distribution neutral.
The reason you can have webos on there and another version of linux is because it's basically installed in another partition (not really, but that's the easiest way I can describe it to you). The actual details of how chroot works are different, but that should relate enough to you to get what it it is.
Linux is the Kernel. Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and the rest are distributions of that kernel along with a GUI, and programs to make it a fully functional OS like Windows or OS X.
The Debian and Ubuntu on WebOS is minimal pared down distribution with no gui.
I just went thru all the steps , contacting the army of monkeys, and installed all the preware stuff.
I get Service Error Unable to run command : /sbin/initctl start org.webinternals.debian-squeeze etc etc
Unknown job org.webosinternals.debian-squeeze-chroot.
I got this with the Ubuntu chroot too. any ideas?
paperWastage said:
looks like you didn't do metadoctor properly,
or you didn't make the /media/ext3fs directory,
or "mount -o remount,rw" didn't execute properly
1st problem: your touchpad should have around 10GB free(out of 16GB, or do the math if you have a 32/64gb)
2nd problem: go back to cmd prompt and check that /media/ext3fs exists
3rd problem: reinstall via webos doctor and do it again
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I've redone webos doctor like 4 times already.
How do I check if the directory exists? Plus i'm on a fresh 32gb, so its not that.
edit: i tested to see if the directories existed and i found a possible error.
i just cd to the folder to see if it exists, and media/ext3fs existed.
but the /dev/mapper/store-ext3fs doesn't exist apparently...
would that be the issue?
(Posted this over at Rootz Wiki and WebOSNation and it was suggested I post here for better response)
I am trying to use Knoppix to install Evervolv 4.3 onto my TP. Each time I open the terminal where the Palm,Inc files are, then enter the commands for installing, I get this:
[email protected]:/media/sda1/SAVE/pALM, iNC$ novacom.exe boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller5E
bash: novacom.exe: command not found
trying this, produces:
[email protected]:/media/sda1/SAVE/pALM, iNC$ ./novacom boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller5E
bash: ./novacom: No such file or directory
and this gets this:
[email protected]:/media/sda1/SAVE/pALM, iNC$ novacom boot mem:// < ACMEInstaller5E
failed to connect to server
I've re-installed novacom several times, updated the drivers and found the "palm-novacom_1.0.76_i386.deb" install in SynapticPM and that is what resides in my pALM, iNC directory.
There is no .exe or boot folder that I can see.
Novacom never did create a Palm, Inc folder at any time. I had to make a new folder with the name "pALM iNC" to double check this.
I also tried the suggestion over at WebOsNation here:
[Link removed due to newby status-check]
Here's the upshot of it, though-
[email protected]:/media/sda1/SAVE/pALM, iNC$ novacomd & novacom boot mem:// <ACMEInstaller5E
[1] 30138
bash: novacomd: command not found
failed to connect to server
[1]+ Exit 127 novacomd
Can I do something different to get this to work? I am totally new to TP, Android and Linux.
Thanks heaps.
Novacom.exe is a Windows executable file and won't work on linux from the command line, afaik.
Could always use a windows emulator or a friend's PC =)
Try this one:
It's easier on Windows.
Should work on KNOPPIX too:
Thanks, but, "File not found" on all those links for DL's.
I am wondering too why I can't get WebOSQuickInstall to work properly and thinking this may be a common factor here.
Whenever I go to install it, I get the "installing novacom drivers", then success, then cannot install as "no device connected" or something to that effect.
Could those all be related?
yedall vague
After double checking my Java install from suggestions over at Rootz Wiki, I discover I had not installed Java. I was using Iced Tea-Web Plugin for Java applets and thought I was good to go.
Plus, I thought I had installed it because a Java pkg kept showing up in Synaptic PM, but I went to Oracle and it couldn't be found.
So, after hunting for some info I found this:
and following this I ended up with-
Cannot write to `jdk-7u51-linux-i586.tar.gz' (No space left on device).
download failed
Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed.
I am running Knoppix on a 8Gb flash drive, and I will have to extend the data img before I try again.
Going on holiday for awhile, so won't be able to post back with results until I get back.
Thanks for the input guys.
Hope this helps somebody in the same predicament.
Using linux
TouchyTouchy said:
After double checking my Java install from suggestions over at Rootz Wiki, I discover I had not installed Java. I was using Iced Tea-Web Plugin for Java applets and thought I was good to go.
Plus, I thought I had installed it because a Java pkg kept showing up in Synaptic PM, but I went to Oracle and it couldn't be found.
So, after hunting for some info I found this:
and following this I ended up with-
Cannot write to `jdk-7u51-linux-i586.tar.gz' (No space left on device).
download failed
Oracle JDK 7 is NOT installed.
I am running Knoppix on a 8Gb flash drive, and I will have to extend the data img before I try again.
Going on holiday for awhile, so won't be able to post back with results until I get back.
Thanks for the input guys.
Hope this helps somebody in the same predicament.
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Did you get it installed?