Hi i have floyo v 1.0 but my android market dnt stop crashing and the browser too what can i do ?? plz help me
Have you try a full wipe or reinstall the Rom? It solve the most problems
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
more cm6 has this problem.
why you do not using cm7.1 ?
Please guys give me some Rom where is everything work NO GIGNERDX
I 'm now on phone and can 't find rom.... please guys I hit thanks button ;DD
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
Stornmix v2.2 it owesome..
nelikp said:
Stornmix v2.2 it owesome..
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+1 same for me too
Probably Minicm7.
Why not GingerDX?
Hit the THANKS button if I helped!!
Sent from my W8 using Tapatalk
If you can live with froyo use minicm6, It is bugless and very fast
Gingerxperia for me!!!
Stromix is too slow
FroyoPro v1.1 or try a new 2.1 Eclair with X-mini and couple other stuff included
it is heroDoid for me..
Xperia X8 (white/blue)
heroDroid 2.3 with stock kernel
16GB MicroSDHC
Press thanks if I helped you..
gingerxperia for me.
and froyopro is fast too.
For me after GingerDX best choice is MiniCM(
i'm now using default ROM of SE android 2.1. I like the current version of timescape so much. Default version installed in X8 isn't so good if i compare it with new version of timescape. I rooted it already. Is there any way to install the new timescape without changing rom??
Thanks in ADVANCE
Yes. I think so. You can check gingerdx post. It has timescape there. Hope this helped
Sent from my X8 using XDA App
Hi guys
The question is a simple one. How do I go about Installing TimeScape and MediaScape on my XPERIA X8? I want to know if it is possible to do this when the device is running Cyanogenmod 7.1.
Thanks in advance
You can install timescape, just search it. But X8 doesn't support mediascape. There is a version for our X8 but it's buggy.
Sent from my X8 using XDA
What store should I search?
Store? No, just xda.
Here is Timescape.
Cheers mate
Sent from my X8 using XDA
i hve chocobread flashed
from few days my games and apps go automatically back as when back button is pressed as i result i exit from game or apps using automatically
wat to do plz help its urgent
U can look for any other rom available here....it must be some bug in chocobread....Try any CM7 based rom ....
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
Chocobread is a stock rom and there is somme bugs on it....so try another rom (as emanom) or a CM7 rom
So today i'm trying to download GingerDX it seems too most famous ROM on xperia x8 ever. I just wanna know which version is better with less bug V31 or down.
I am using V31b for STOCK KERNEL and I haven't find any bugs so far
If you have your bootloader unlocked install v31b for custom kernel
Try GingerDX V31b with nAa-kernel.The latest the better ;D
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
Please help I have installed with naa karnel but unable 2 create Google account it restart
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk 2
rahulgorain said:
Please help I have installed with naa karnel but unable 2 create Google account it restart
Sent from my E15i using Tapatalk 2
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Install gapps. Next time read the post carefully before starting or you could damage your phone.
Sent from my X8 using xda app-developers app
V31b is pretty bug free (I'm using stock kernel)
YEAH! use latest version Ginger DX and don't use with JIMDEM Tweaks! i got bootloop when i tried to install Jimdem Tweaks in
latest version of Ginger DX several times.
maybe JIMDEM Tweaks not compatible with the latest version of Ginger DX.
95mediatech said:
YEAH! use latest version Ginger DX and don't use with JIMDEM Tweaks! i got bootloop when i tried to install Jimdem Tweaks in
latest version of Ginger DX several times.
maybe JIMDEM Tweaks not compatible with the latest version of Ginger DX.
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JIMDEM tweaks are not compatible? thx for the information
which is best version of GingerDx ROM for locked bootloader x8
i want to install gingerdx rom. i have 11w41 manufacture code so i can't unlock my bootloader plz suggest me which is bug free best version
of gingerdx ROM. i have SEMC kernal, with 015 baseband. plz help.
thanks in advance
jnaqvi28 said:
i want to install gingerdx rom. i have 11w41 manufacture code so i can't unlock my bootloader plz suggest me which is bug free best version
of gingerdx ROM. i have SEMC kernal, with 015 baseband. plz help.
thanks in advance
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The answer is in this topic. Your kernel is stock.