i hve chocobread flashed
from few days my games and apps go automatically back as when back button is pressed as i result i exit from game or apps using automatically
wat to do plz help its urgent
U can look for any other rom available here....it must be some bug in chocobread....Try any CM7 based rom ....
Sent from my GT-S5570 using xda premium
Chocobread is a stock rom and there is somme bugs on it....so try another rom (as emanom) or a CM7 rom
hi ive downloaded cm7 nightly for my x8 but there is no radio on it and the voice search and search dialer dont work i get an audio error
any help please
Minicm 2.1.8 with naa v10 is very goog rom,in minicm radio is working Flash phone with seus
Try install rom again, if even this still not working, try another rom
Tried installing again no change it must have no radio
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Hello any1 lol
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jonnieitis said:
Hello any1 lol
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If this means you're still waiting for some help/answer ...
Let me lay it out to you: The CM7 Shakira ROM, developed by the FreeXperia Team, is NOT feature complete and since they ceased further development (only bug fixing as they see fit) it's not actively developed.
This ROM is by no means fit for everyday usage, nor is it free of bugs (on the contrary, that thing is buggy like hell).
You're better off using nAa's Kernel and MiniCM7 combo or any other Gingerbread custom ROM.
Ty B.jay
Sent from my E15i using XDA App
I WAS USING gingerDX v 28b and when i saw your rom i liked a lot. It is good for daily usage i loved it but when i connect to any wifi my phone automatically reboots and the loop continues after every 10 to 15 min. can someone help me out for this.
I am using stock kernel + experience walkman mod v1.0 Rom......!!!
Please help me out for this...!!!
soccerb4u said:
I WAS USING gingerDX v 28b and when i saw your rom i liked a lot. It is good for daily usage i loved it but when i connect to any wifi my phone automatically reboots and the loop continues after every 10 to 15 min. can someone help me out for this.
I am using stock kernel + experience walkman mod v1.0 Rom......!!!
Please help me out for this...!!!
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maybe you should try older versions
hey can u help me unlocking my bootloader on 11w34 ...???
soccerb4u said:
hey can u help me unlocking my bootloader on 11w34 ...???
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no because you gonna brick it
okie ....thx...i asked because you know once without reading the warnings provided i unlocked my bootloader but i was lucky enough that my phone did not brick but the phone did not detect my network signal.....my sim was not being detected so i again flashed my stock rom by SEUS and then everything was fyn again.....
So i thought there might be a solution for that so i asked you....
someone ask the same question as u....what the capacity of u'r sd card?
Capacity is 8GB ,....Class 4 sd card......!!!
Try without the mod Walkman
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No seriusly , use popular Roms like Gdx and MiniCM not any crap modded roms .
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Mockingbird said:
No seriusly , use popular Roms like Gdx and MiniCM not any crap modded roms .
Sent from my E15i using xda app-developers app
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Crappy modded roms doesn't have so much bugs like gdx 28!
hey guys I have been having this issue since i upgraded my phone to v20s .. so i changed the version into v20a .. but the same thing ,, it didn't do that on the original rom ..
it just does like u see in the vid
I can't use launchers and it acts like it shuts down and restarts again ..
it runs 2.3.4 rooted v20a
sorry I know the camera is shyt ..
Any help ?????
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Is there any way i can replace my default home.apk ?? This could be the problem i guess
Sent from my LG-P970
Hey guys needed help…I have a rooted galaxy note gt n7000N from some few days i am experiencing a prob where my phone automatically gets switched off and gets stuck onto the start screen and heats up a lot..I was using sweet rom 1st, thought there is a problem in the rom but i flashed the amnix xperia rom and the problem repeatedThe only way after this the phone starts is by restoring the phone from the boot mode using philz recovery.Please help asapThankx in advance
Those roms are based on jellybean leaks that have that bug. Use official roms instead.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
Guzmanus said:
Those roms are based on jellybean leaks that have that bug. Use official roms instead.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
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thankx for the reply mate.
so you telling me to go back to stock..?
Or stock, or stock based custom roms, or aosp based roms. But jb leak based roms are still unstable.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
Yup.! Just change your rom. maybe change to stable rom . I experience that on my phone. And i just change my rom. Using CM 9.1 :thumbup:
Jayeshthakkar1990 said:
Hey guys needed help…I have a rooted galaxy note gt n7000N from some few days i am experiencing a prob where my phone automatically gets switched off and gets stuck onto the start screen and heats up a lot..I was using sweet rom 1st, thought there is a problem in the rom but i flashed the amnix xperia rom and the problem repeatedThe only way after this the phone starts is by restoring the phone from the boot mode using philz recovery.Please help asapThankx in advance
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wertcross123 said:
Yup.! Just change your rom. maybe change to stable rom . I experience that on my phone. And i just change my rom. Using CM 9.1 :thumbup
bro i am a bit new to all this...
please name some stable roms that you noe and how do i switch to CM 9.1?
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I seem to have a similar problem. Using Galactus 3.1 (Based on XXLSC leak) and yesterday my phone rebooted and is stuck on the Boot screen. Even when I try and reboot it is stuck on the Boot screen heats up. I've tried wipes and Re-installing the Rom with no luck.
Please advise
go to Philz settings in recovery and choose "clean before new rom install".. then flash the rom again..
nokiamodeln91 said:
go to Philz settings in recovery and choose "clean before new rom install".. then flash the rom again..
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i did tht will flashing the aminx rom...
but still the prob occured 2c after tht
Flash a stock rom instead or any cm rom they all are stable
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
hello all i flashed jb xxlsc on my gnote rooted and having cwm
after intsalling apps from app backup when i flash anything on it like playstation certificates or xperiia launcher for our device it just freezes at galaxy note bootup splash screen it never gets boot till i factory reset my phone i tried differnt rom like ultimate rom latest and firmware zslm5 all have same problem i am using philz kernel latest. plzz help i wasnt having this problem on ics . plzz help this is a request
i got this problems wif xxlsc too....
i think u need to do it all over it again by not restoring any backup data as most of the custom rom might not tally wif ur previous rom.
cuz different romers have differents deodex system. check it out or someone will give u the right answer !
so far i'm not getting any bootloop when battery is flatt or during screen on pulled out battery n it's startup normally
just like official rom does !
What data are you restoring? Restoring system apps can cause boot loops or force closes.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Just manually paste the apk's which are needed to be in system otherwise try installing them normally don't use titanium for restoring system apps.. Just a advice
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Hey guys I am just installing simple games when I flash from cwm then I get bootloop is this a kernel problem I am using phlox.
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Thanx everyone i just came back to stock ics .
That is a bug in stock jb leaks.
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