how to see "lock status" on a X8? - XPERIA X8 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Is there a secret code to input in order to see all lock status of my X8?

never mind I've found the sequence


Xperia Z; Lockscreen

on my Xperia Z when i set pattern for lockscreen the default mode lost!
now it directly goes to pattern to unlock the phone!
is it normal? or i should do sth else?
x102x96x said:
on my Xperia Z when i set pattern for lockscreen the default mode lost!
now it directly goes to pattern to unlock the phone!
is it normal? or i should do sth else?
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Uhm let me see if I got this right:
For example you set face unlock, when you try to unlock the phone, the phone asks you for face unlock instead of the default unlock?
If that's the case, then yes. It's supposed to work that way.
Dsteppa said:
Uhm let me see if I got this right:
For example you set face unlock, when you try to unlock the phone, the phone asks you for face unlock instead of the default unlock?
If that's the case, then yes. It's supposed to work that way.
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u now using x z and it happens to u?
yeah i set for example face-lock mode, then the default disabled! and then i cannot return to default mode cause disabled by credentials and
i should factory reset it.
that default lock mode is not important but i thought it might be a problem or mistake by me!
Got it!
it s about Credentials that disabled swipe mode (default)
I removed credentials and then swipe became enable.
as in if you "clear credentials" at the bottom of that menu the default swipe unlock will return? does face unlock remain too?
frankie99969 said:
as in if you "clear credentials" at the bottom of that menu the default swipe unlock will return? does face unlock remain too?
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it s about the level of security (in my experience)
if u choose high level for example pattern then the low level security will disable.
after i cleared all credentials all kind of lock screen return but for example my vpn connections losts
after that when i set pattern again and create vpn connections now i don have swipe again.
it seems logical rather than a bug.

[Q] [ROM-PAC_4.2.2] Unable to lock Screen with PIN

Hi Folks,
I`m using the actual PAC-Rom and can´t lock the screen with a PIN-Code. It is possible to enter a PIN in the settings but the
"Screen lock" entry don´t change - it´s still "Slide". Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Smart Unlock not working on Xiaomi Redmi Note 2

I have bought a while ago the application Smart Unlock. I am trying to use it on my smartphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 with MIUI 8.3 (undelying is Android 5.0.2) without root. But the app does not seem to work properly. I was going for an app that removes/bypasses the default Android locking screen which I currently use with 4-digit PIN code while I am connected to a trusted wifi.
Here is what I have done:
I added my wifi to the list of trusted wifi networks, I see the network with a green icon, so I assume Smart Unlock recongizes it,
I allowed Smart Unlock to "Start on boot" by checking the option in the menu,
I checked Smart Unlock's system rights and I can see that it is allowed to "turn on bluetooth", "show on lock screen" and "launch on background", on the other hand it is not allowed to "send MMS",
I set Smart Unlock as a device administrator in security system settings,
I pinned Smart Unlock to my "always-on" applications (this is to prevent turning Smart Unlock off when I kill all my open apps to release RAM).
But despite all the above mentioned steps I cannot make Smart Unlock to work. When I have my smartphone unlocked (i.e. I am standing on my desktop) I can see in the notification bar a message saying "Smart Unlock, device unlocked", so far so good. So I turn off my screen, Android locks itself, I turn the screen back on and I am requested to enter my PIN code. Now, the notification bar says "Smart Unlock - Safe zone detected, first unlock manually". So I enter my PIN code and get to my desktop, the notification bar says, again, "Smart Unlock, device unlocked". And now I am in a loop. I can again turn off the screen and upon next unlocking I am again requested to enter my PIN code to unlock the device. So, basically, I never end up in a situation when I am NOT requested to enter my PIN code while on trusted wifi.
I would be glad if you could point me in the right direction how to use your app properly. I am willing to send you any logs or screenshots that may be of help.
Thank you in advance

can't set up smart lock

Like in my past Android devices, I want to keep the phone unlocked when at home but in the smart lock menu, I can't set up trusted places or devices, there's only the voice match option
Found the answer in the "smart unlock" thread (i searched for "smart lock" before posting new, which is why it didn't show up in the first place)

Question pattern unlock?

silly question but I cant seem to find pattern unlock for lock screen option on x90pp? is it available? just wondering.
if so, where and how to set it? its a backup for fingerprint if i have wet hand or want someone to unlock etc..tight now i only see a passcode etc.
Press 'other password type' and choose 'pattern'

