Hi I found a similar article on androidforums.com so I thought id make one here as a lot of people still seem to not know how to flash basebands and go from there. Ill start from the beginning.
For those who don't understand what this is about.
Old Baseband = If you have the Stock Froyo (2.2) Android system on your phone then you have the OLD BASEBAND, and you do not need this unless you updated to past 2.2.2 then continue reading if you wish to root your phone the easy way.
New Baseband = If you updated to the Stock Gingerbread (2.3) Android System on your Optimus One, then you fit this category, Lg have implemented a new baseband in this update which makes any Roms based on the old baseband not function, as well as making it more difficult to root your phone
If you're already on official Gingerbread version you will need to downgrade your version to Froyo 2.2.2 using KDZ Updater. This is because the new Gingerbread contains the new baseband, and the Froyo firmware is the old baseband.
To do this please go onto this link that contains kdz and the stock Froyo 2.2.2 Rom required to flash. The reason you need 2.2.2 is its the easiest and proven version to work with Gingerbreak to root your device.
Notice: If by some ACCIDENTAL reason, your phone gets stuck in EMERGENCY MODE during flashing, follow the instructions on this link how to use KDZs functions to continue flashing the firmware you downloaded in Emergency mode.
The Kdz File for new baseband is below, use the same method as above only using the v20G .kdz file instead of the 2.2.2 v10E update.
This will update your phone to the official LG 2.3 firmware, in which the new baseband originated.
If then stuck on LG Logo OR boot animation, try pulling and putting in your battery, turning on your phone and holding down volume down and home key, this should reset your phone to factory and then you will be able to boot into the stock gingerbread.
The easiest way to get root privileges on Old Baseband (2.2.2) firmware device is by using Gingerbreak apk. Just download it, install it and run it.
To get Root access on the New Baseband (2.3.3) use SuperOneClick
Or direct link to the latest version
Make sure, after you download the program, you go into your cmd, then go into the ADB folder, drag the ABD exe file into command prompt, delete the .exe part and add devices, so it look like this
Download the ADB.zip attachment on this post, EXTRACT it so cmdXP and cmd7 are located inside the ADB folder in the Superoneclick directory, and run either version, depending on your windows version (This links you directly into ADB app, instead of manually dragging ADB.exe int cmd, really its just for your convinience.)
Then all you have to do is type the following lines.
adb devices
press enter
adb shell
press enter
then type in the following directly after
echo 1 > /data/local/lge_adb.conf
press enter.
Then go into Superoneclick.exe, select auto method and run root, this should then eventually root your device.
Some Antivirus softwares will detect Superoneclick as a Virus.
IT IS NOT A VIRUS, just the types of exploite code it uses makes some antivirus software think of it as malicious. Just disable your AV for 5 mins before you extract Superoneclick.
There's two popular custom Recovery versions for O1 - AmonRa and ClockworkMod
The easiest way to flash ClockworkMod Recovery is by downloading ROM Manager app from the Market (free or donate version doesn't matter) and choose to flash the latest recovery version and choose the option to Reboot in Recovery mode.
For Other Recoveries including Amonra there are a few links, but here is the one that has flashable zips
Just flash the zip files in Clockworkmod recovery menu, after you install that through Rom Manager if you wish to use a different recovery.
Now that you got the right baseband + your device is rooted and loaded with a custom recovery you may install any Rom you wish that is based on the correct baseband such as
Mik_os 6.5.8 Cyanogenmod port (OLD BASEBAND).
[UNOFFICIAL][DEV/GEEKS-ONLY] Cyanogenmod 9 (Android 4.0.3)[BETA][NEW BASEBAND]
Oxygen ROM 2.3.2 (Android 2.3.7)[NEW BASEBAND]
Next time, search better
Also posted in wrong thread, this is developmentthread...
Don't know how many guides still to come on downgrading baseband.....
People...do search before making a new guide......
MODERATOR...plz look into this thread...
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
fundoozzz said:
Don't know how many guides still to come on downgrading baseband.....
People...do search before making a new guide......
MODERATOR...plz look into this thread...
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
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Guys i did a search and looked into the sticky how to, and the only thing about downgrading baseband is using LGMDP, and kdz is only "mentioned" as a tool for unbricking your phone and flashing old firmware, new users would not know to use kdz.
Also this is a universal guide to root ANY lg optimus one together with having the old baseband, without having to mess around with SDK or LGMDP.
All members have to do now is look at this thread and all their questions are answered hopefully...
DIfference betweem this and doks.
This uses Official Lg KDZ updater, which means much less likely to brick your phone and if it does, KDZ is what is used to unbrick it anyway,
This option is much simpler to use for anyone.
I hear a lot about the new baseband making ROMs incompatible, but is there any advantage to the new baseband?
its not that they are making roms incompatiable, its that they are not designed for those Roms,
So far there has been no reports of any advantage having a new baseband, Lg engineers obviously decided on it for some reason, but the old baseband is more than fine, and in fact i have read several reports that with the new baseband gsm reception got worse in areas that they used to have fine reception, but thats all speculation.
Your best bet is to try for yourself, but if you want to make use of Roms such as miks cyanogen mod or others you have to use the old baseband.
There are other Roms available on the new baseband, so its upto you.
I suggest what rom you would like to install on your phone first, then pick the baseband it requires, as its only a simple flashing of your firmware.
Also note Gingerbreak.apk doesnt root any stock firmware past the 2.2.2 update.
Personally i pick the functionality and advantage of having a custom rom such as cyanogenmod over an update to the baseband
Does this guide work for Optimus T (LG P509) ? I have got one recently and currently using stock 2.2 on it. I don't know the difference between LG p500 and LG P509. I'm coming from T-Mobile G1 on which I'm using CM 7.1. Thanks for guidance.
Sent from my Dream/Sapphire using xda premium
Doing a little search i found this thread
looking at it, i assume you can use this guide for p509, but i can not be 100% sure, try finding the t-mobile 2.2 kdz file, but yes not 100% sure the main difference.
deniso177 said:
DIfference betweem this and doks.
This uses Official Lg KDZ updater, which means much less likely to brick your phone and if it does, KDZ is what is used to unbrick it anyway,
This option is much simpler to use for anyone.
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KDZ can brick your phone permanently. Dont use KDZ unless there is no other option, and using KDZ just to flash baseband is just dumb since there are better and safer methods. KDZ wipes out everything, so there is a high chance to brick, and it can't be fixed other than by going to the service center. This thread by doktornoktor is safer.
Thanks anyway for sharing.
Gremaldin said:
KDZ can brick your phone permanently. Dont use KDZ unless there is no other option, and using KDZ just to flash baseband is just dumb since there are better and safer methods. KDZ wipes out everything, so there is a high chance to brick, and it can't be fixed other than by going to the service center. This thread by doktornoktor is safer.
Thanks anyway for sharing.
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I think KDZ is quite a safe method, rather than the LGMDP incorrectly backing up your NV2 and losing IMEI etc
Gremaldin said:
KDZ can brick your phone permanently. Dont use KDZ unless there is no other option, and using KDZ just to flash baseband is just dumb since there are better and safer methods. KDZ wipes out everything, so there is a high chance to brick, and it can't be fixed other than by going to the service center. This thread by doktornoktor is safer.
Thanks anyway for sharing.
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As you already quoted it, i said that this method is different from Doks.
As for wiping all data completely, so its all brand new and neat, then try to fiddle around with internals and possibly have a bug result from it.
KDZ is what is used to UNBRICK your phone in the first place, so go do some research before posting unnecessary things.
Lastly how about you show some respect and keep your negative and rude comments to yourself, if you dont like this method dont do it, dont abuse people in the process.
terratrix said:
I think KDZ is quite a safe method, rather than the LGMDP incorrectly backing up your NV2 and losing IMEI etc
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And yep exactly, i personally prefer completely reinstalling something to make it work properly, then doing things dodgy.
tried using gingerbreak to root my device but stuck in rooting and exploit ph0ne does not reboot..
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
ichigo200 said:
tried using gingerbreak to root my device but stuck in rooting and exploit ph0ne does not reboot..
Sent from my LG-P500 using xda premium
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it means your phone is past the firmware update that gingerbreak works on,
as it says in the first post, use kdz and the file in the link to flash your phone to that firmware, and then gingerbreak will work
You guys will only learn when you finally end up with a bricked phone. It has happened to several people, including me. I am not a noob, I have used KDZ before and I know very well how to use it. Most of the time, everything goes smoothly. But even if we follow all instructions to the letter, there is a chance of KDZ bricking our phone for good.
A warning to anyone tempted to do this. Like the original poster, I also have an LG Optimus T. I am technically savvy (15 years IT experience) and I followed the directions to the letter, but the end result is a bricked, unrecoverable phone. Had I known the risks involved, I would have been perfectly content with Froyo and waited for the official upgrade to arrive.
Here is how mine failed: during the kdz update process, while the phone was on the "Emergency Mode" screen, the kdz updater program threw an exception and crashed. This caused the phone to be permanently locked in emergency mode. The buttons are unresponsive and the only way to turn it off is to remove the battery. With the battery in, it immediately goes to the emergency screen. No combination of button presses (eg, hard reset) does anything. The computer will still see the devices but only if I remove the battery and start the phone up by inserting the USB cable.
I have tried every method for recovery I could find including the following. In each case, I tried it with the modem device listed in device manager both disabled and enabled, as instructed in other recovery threads I found.
Flashing the original .kdz ROM in emergency and cs_emergency modes. When I did, it failed with an exception 4008.
Flashing the original .dz ROM with all of the tools I could find. LGMDP and LGDP2 could see the phone's COM port but beyond that, they could not communicate with the phone in any way. I couldn't even retrieve the IMEI number.
Updating the phone with the LG update software. It actually detects that the phone needs an update and starts to do one but it fails at the point where it tries to communicate with the phone.
Based on other posts I found for the same problem, I believe the phone is completely unrecoverable. I spent over six hours trying to solve the problem and I'm kicking myself for even trying this. I have put in a repair claim with LG and I'm waiting for instructions on how to proceed.
I would not recommend you try this unless you are not worried about destroying your phone. I imagine most installs go without a hitch but if the buggy kdz updater software crashes like it did for me, your phone will likely be bricked permanently.
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In short, don't mess with KDZ unless you really have to.
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IF you still think KDZ is safe, then go ahead, use it. I don't care if you end up with a bricked phone.
EDIT: The guys at the service center favour LGMPD over KDZ too
Gremaldin said:
You guys will only learn when you finally end up with a bricked phone. It has happened to several people, including me. I am not a noob, I have used KDZ before and I know very well how to use it. Most of the time, everything goes smoothly. But even if we follow all instructions to the letter, there is a chance of KDZ bricking our phone for good.
IF you still think KDZ is safe, then go ahead, use it. I don't care if you end up with a bricked phone.
EDIT: The guys at the service center favour LGMPD over KDZ too
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I have used KDZ more than 2 dozen times -.- Just used it again this morning. I never ended up with a bricked phone mind you. They favour LGMPD since it's more updated, while KDZ is a little old but still very good.
There is a fairly equal share of bricked phones using LGDMPD, eventhough they got it back by using other people's NV2, they need to hope they are lucky to escape the long arm of the law.
Gremaldin said:
You guys will only learn when you finally end up with a bricked phone. It has happened to several people, including me. I am not a noob, I have used KDZ before and I know very well how to use it. Most of the time, everything goes smoothly. But even if we follow all instructions to the letter, there is a chance of KDZ bricking our phone for good.
IF you still think KDZ is safe, then go ahead, use it. I don't care if you end up with a bricked phone.
EDIT: The guys at the service center favour LGMPD over KDZ too
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Mate your the one who clearly doesnt get it.
And i read your post on androidforums, you even managed to brick your phone installing custom recovery, clearly your phone software is buggy, not kdz, kdz is capable of recovering while in emergency mode as well, but of course there are freak accidents.
Every single Rom, Kernel, Recovery also carry a chance of bricking your phone.
I have used Kdz dozens of times and never had a problem with it, in fact, its what solved my problems in the first place.
And exactly wat terra said, the way LGDMPD works can also cause bricked phoes or taking shortcuts to make things half work.
You have to know what your doing, and follow instructions TO THE WORD, and you should be fine, if your going to skim read then you brick your phone doing the simplest of tasks (such as repeatedly flashing zips without reloading recovery...)
I will always prefer kdz as thats what the firmware comes with originally + i prefer doing clean installs any day.
Please Help...
Guys please help me. everything was running fine until I decided to switch to stock 2.3.3. I was unaware with this baseband thing. I switched to stock 2.3.3. I did not like it, so decided to roll back to cm7, I did, and here i am with no signal in my phone... I did flash the old baseband, but am still stuck with no signal... am in real trouble, and now if I again switch to stock 2.3.3, then also I dont get a network coverage at all. Please help me buddies
---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------
And yes one more thing, even if I flash back the old stock froyo, via kdz or lgmdp, I cant get the network coverage... the guy at LG service center says there's some problem with the board... but I dont think its the board problem, is there any way to diagnose this issue or am I *ucked?
shreyas.kukde said:
Guys please help me. everything was running fine until I decided to switch to stock 2.3.3. I was unaware with this baseband thing. I switched to stock 2.3.3. I did not like it, so decided to roll back to cm7, I did, and here i am with no signal in my phone... I did flash the old baseband, but am still stuck with no signal... am in real trouble, and now if I again switch to stock 2.3.3, then also I dont get a network coverage at all. Please help me buddies
---------- Post added at 04:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 PM ----------
And yes one more thing, even if I flash back the old stock froyo, via kdz or lgmdp, I cant get the network coverage... the guy at LG service center says there's some problem with the board... but I dont think its the board problem, is there any way to diagnose this issue or am I *ucked?
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Hey mate, well no gsm is normally caused by the wrong baseband, so flashing back to the old one should fix the problem, try to re-flash the stock froyo given in the link on first post and see if that works, and if still no coverage then its a hardware problem and Lg should replace it for you, just dont forget to flash back to stock again if you rooted it, then they should fix it within the warranty.
Got my phone (AT&T Captivate, firmware 2.1-update1 version JH7, kernel 2.6.29, build eclair.UCJH7) on december 28 from a AT&T store (it even came with a pic taken december 20 ) and I've already been able to boot into download mode (power off, hold volume keys then plug usb) and into that menu used to install packages (power off, hold volume keys then power on). Guess my hardware and firmware are ok, so I may be able to recover my phone by myself in case things go south.
I've been doing my homework lately (been reading stickys, tutorials and faqs for 10 days) but I'm still confused about some procedures. I'm not going to list everything I've read here, but I would like someone to correct me if I've learnt wrong. I don't really need the easiest methods, I want to understand the options available and to choose the best ones (aka the hardest path).
First of all, it seems I need to root my phone in order to be able to create backups, carrier-unlock it and flash custom roms. But it doesn't make much sense to me, since rooting it seem to be enough to prevent it from receiving FOTA updates - and I want to make the most comprehensive backup possible, in such a way I could restore my phone to 'factory condition' if needed.
Second, I realize there are many ways, programs and guides to root the phone - the most famous ones, One-Click root/unroot and z4root, seem to be listed in the wiki (http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Samsung_Galaxy_S/SGH-I897), but there is also CLShortFuse's One-Click Root and Allow Non-Market Apps, which sounds interesting but I don't know if it is undo-able. So there are different ways to root the phone, but there is little to none information on what's the difference between these methods, which is 'better' and what difference does it make if I root it permanently or by some reversible method. Does it affect performance? How each of them work? I have no clue.
The mess gets even greater when it comes to creating backups. People mention different programs to make these backups (clockwork recovery, titanium backup) but I don't understand if they back up different parts of the phone. Some even seem to change the bootloader of the phone - shouldn't it be backed up prior to any modification? Do I flash these backups using Odin? Which programs should I use to have a full backup? Is there anything left I should back up manually?
I'll quit talking for now because I've already written a lot and I still have many questions; if I write all of them at once, no one will ever have the patience to read them.
Erk, a long post deserves a long answer
So first off, il tell you about recovering your phone. Since you just got it, you can go back to the store and play dumb to get a new one in case anything goes wrong. You can also use the 3 button combos to get into download mode and use odins back to stock to get back to your original 2.1 eclair firmware . To do that you would need to get into download mode. Now there are a couple ways to do this, and i can only explain two since ive actually used two. (Well 3 actually, but il get to the third after these 2)
The first method is using the 3 button combo which you should already know. The second method is using adb commands such as (adb shell, adb reboot download, adb reboot recovery, adb devices). The third way is building a jig. Thats basically connecting 301k 1/4 watt worth of resistors together and placing them on pin 4 and 5 on your micro usb slot. You can read more about that on the tutorial on how to build a jig for your phone.
To restore to your factory setting, odin's one click back to stock thing should do the job. It simple installs the stock 2.1 eclair all over again (without the root).
To root your phone, any method from the wiki should work. None of them are really "better" :S, they all do the same job and give you super user permissions. None of them root your permanently since you can always go back to stock using Odin's... It does not really affect performance, not to any extent i have noticed :S, and unfortunately, i dont really know how it works.
As for creating backups, Titanium Backup is the best solution. Whether you have the few extra bucks to spend for the premium one or simply want to use the free one, its one of the best tools out there. I personally use it and its one of the best. It backs up all the data (except for my text messages). It creates a folder on your internal memory which you can just copy to your desktop. When the time comes that you need to restore your backup, just copy the folder back into your internal memory, load up titanium backup. Restore it and voila .
I think ive answered everything, if ive missed anything, let me know
Edit : Forgot to mention this . If your truly interested in customization. Custom roms are the best there is a howto in the themes and apps section on how to install it. It comes pre-rooted (if that is the word to use :S) and theyre much better than the stock firmware. Im currently using serendipity v3.0 (flashed it yesterday)
supaphreek, guess I'll have to thank you twice: once for reading my enormous post, and again for you supacompleteanswer.
I'm being paranoid with recovery because I actually bought the phone in the US then came back to my country (Brazil), so I'm a few thousand miles away from the simple lets-return-this-thing solution.
From everything I've read, I believe the most instructive were the wiki at http://forum.xda-developers.com/wiki/index.php?title=Samsung_Galaxy_S/SGH-I897 , the FAQ at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=858765 , the PDF guide from user nbs11 at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=761819 and the wiki at http://www.capfaq.com/w/FAQ. These contain most of the info a newbie user would ever need and I'd definitely recommend them to any newbie user who happen to be reading this. And for everyone afraid of bricking, it's a tremendous relief to know pretty much any mess you do can be reverted using download mode and Odin, so the first thing to test is if you can get into download mode using one of the ways described by our buddy supaphreek.
On the rooting matter, I found no discussion at all about which is better, so they should be pretty similar (though I have no idea which is the oldest version, I'd assume the recent ones might be a little improved). There is some discussion on what's the better lagfix and many of the cooked ROMs already come with some lagfix installed, but this is another story...
Once I get my phone rooted, it seems to be trivial to carrier-unlock it. There's even an app on android market for this, so I won't even need sideloading. Since all this procedure does is just give me a number, there's hardly any difference among all the unlocking procedures out there.
For the backup, I'll still do it using both titanium and clockwork, as suggested by nbs11 on the pdf I've linked on this post. Better safe than sorry, right?
And yes, I'm truly interested in customization and I'll go deep down that path, I'm just packing up my head with some knowledge to avoid being desperate if things eventually go fubar.
As a last question, is there somewhere I can get 1-click Odin with my exact firmware version? (2.1-update1, I897UCJH7, Kernel 2.6.29 [email protected] #2, build eclair.ucjh7) And how important is it to get the exact same firmware?
As I've done my research, I found 1-click odin with JF6 here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=731989
I've also found the 'standalone' I897UCJH7 on this topic (where this guy even flashed succesfully his phone using old JH2 firmware without problems, so finding the exact firmware version might not be the greatest issue): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=10056254&postcount=36 but this process is a bit more complicated and uses regular Odin and clockwork recovery. Nonetheless, from what I've understood, I can still use any old version of odin to flash JF6 then use my own clockwork backup, right?
Hmm, unfortunately, im not sure if there is a specific Odin for that firmware :S. However what you can do is use one that reverts you to any stock version, and then flash the version you want through clockwork mod
I'll do that. Thanks again!
Also if you one click to stock, you can OTA update to the most recent firnware. I suggest titanium premium if you are going to flash a lot of custom roms, it is a lot faster to restore and also syncs with dropbox
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
Be careful trying to flash with odin. Some newer builds get instabrick flashing back to jf6 and must go with jh2 or newer.
So, you may want to invest a few bucks in a jig setup before blindly using odin.
Thanks for the tip, sixstringsg.
Newter55, as my phone is brand new I believe I may have one of these insta-brickable devices. If I happen to try flashing it with a recent rom, does it get recoverably bricked (fixed by flashing an older rom), or I'm left with a $500 paperweight?
You just need to use the correct firmware version of odin if you manage to get in trouble. Many people flash rom over rom, including myself, but it is highly likely that at some point you will need odin if you are flashing roms so it is best to ensure that you have that set up first. Look for the odin thread by c3popl (sp?) in development forum and you should find what you need. Read through that and look for others with your base firmware. Or look through q&a at the "help I bricked" threads . On my phone and posting links is a pita or I would make it easy for you.
If your phone came with JH7, follow this guide:
If you use one of the Odin one-clicks and brick your phone, you'll need a USB jig to recover.
You guys are awesome. Thank you newter55 and GGXtreme for this info! I hope I'll never need it, but I'll buy a cable and make a jig.
The news: I've rooted my phone using One Click Root / Unroot by TGA_Gunnman (for the record: it worked with my JH7 Captivate bought in 28 dec). Once I booted windows, installed dotnet framework 4 and the samsung drivers (easy too, but a pita), rooting was easy and failproof. However, someone using linux might find it easier to just download 1-click root, find the root.zip file in there, rename it as update.zip, put the zip in the internal sdcard, boot the phone holding the volume buttons and then 'install packages'. This way there will be no need to fight Wine nor install anything nor look for a windows computer with admin privileges.
Also unlocked my phone using SGS Unlock Tool, available in the Android Market. The unrooted option won't work, but once rooted it worked like a champ. Next step: I'll do the backups, and then... start messing up my new toy!
Fellow androiders,
I believe I am in a really rare brick situation that no matter how I try, it still does not show any turn around.
I bought a Korean version Milestone(Moto Qrty, as they put], and I took it to China. Because the original phone did not support sending Chinese text message, plus, too much telco provided apps are making the phone sluggish, I decided to follow my friend advice, to switch to widely available open-sourced Froyo (I wanted the CM).
I thought that the flashing process would not be too difficult and I could handle it by myself. But, it turns out that I have become a victim of an overly simplified version of flashing guide. I don't know what exactly have done wrong, after successfully rooted the phone, I vaguely remember that I have used CM ROM for Droid, instead of CM ROM for Milestone.
And that made my phone a brick. My phone will turn on, but will restart again and again after M logo(So-called M boot loop).
[Background information of the Phone and my PC environment]
Phone Model: A853
Original Bootloader version: A0.20
Original Android System: Froyo
RSD lite version: 5.3.1. (later switched to 4.6 due to the suspicion of RSD bug)
Operating System: Windows 7 64 bit, English
[What I have tried so far]
I have tried to follow many tips on the internet. Tips from Korean websites, from Chinese websites, and from English websites. Basically, these tips will let you flash back to the original ROM by using RSD lite.
But, no matter what I try, it will not fix the boot loop problem.
I've tried to
1) Bring the phone to the original status [did not work.]
- flash the bootloader into A0.20 (the original bootloader) with RSD lite;
- flash with original Froyo sbf (following the advice from Korean websites, flashed Clair first, and then flashed Froyo) with RSD lite.
(A853_2.1(Eclair).SBF / A853_2.2.1(Proyo).SBF)
* According to what Koreans say, it would make your phone into the original status, will even remove signs of root.
2) Used many combination of following bootloader and ROMs
- flash the bootloader into 90.78ch
- flash the bootloader into 90.78
- GOT221 ROM
- And some other un-name-able ROMs
3) Used many different OpenRecovery Variations
OpenRecovery v1.46
OpenRecovery 3.3
OpenRecovery GOT mod v2.1
4) Restore Nandroid backup which I made right before I made my phone brick.
5) Cleaned data/cache/dalvic as I do every flash, and tried boot without SIM card and SDCard.
[Some discoveries and successes]
- With 90.78ch + GOT2.2.1, it will show "Android" screen, but it will reboot as soon as the phone OS interface show up.
- According to my friend, when he flashed back to the original bootloader A0.20 + original froyo Rom, it showed TelCo Symbol "T" once (which is the booting screen right after M).
[Final Comment]
What I really want to know is that is it the time I give up on it? or is there any value of pursuing other knowledge on bring this phone back?
I really need this phone, and it will take some times to save money to buy another smartphone, I would really really appreciate if you can help me bring this phone back to normal.
Thank you.
some users reported problems with sdcard. try to boot without sdcard, and wipe everything after or before the flash process.
and i don think it's hard bricked...
Sir, I have tried so, somehow, I did not have lucks other had.
roofghost said:
Sir, I have tried so, somehow, I did not have lucks other had.
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So you've tried flashing different bootloaders, with no success? I always thought flashing another bootloader version different from your own was risky.
If not, you can just try flashing the SBF from here: http://android.doshaska.net/rootable , then installing OpenRecovery, rooting the phone, flashing a custom ROM, etc.
..... my bad
I have the same issue,
in recovery there is message when wiping data/factory reset:
E:Error in CACHE:fota/log
(no space left on device)
I am wondering, if I move CACHE to SD would it help??
Yesterday I have installed original Rom (shols~) and phone booted once to android and when I have rebooted it, there is M bootloop again.
Please help me
skadude66 said:
So you've tried flashing different bootloaders, with no success? I always thought flashing another bootloader version different from your own was risky.
If not, you can just try flashing the SBF from here: android.doshaska.net/rootable , then installing OpenRecovery, rooting the phone, flashing a custom ROM, etc.
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Thanks, did not work.
I have a feeling that the "doshaska" will know how to solve this. Anyone know how to contact or PM him?
By the way,
in this case, is there anyway can fix the brick via "console" in the OpenRecovery?
So... you have open recovery and can get to the console...
What happens if you copy CM to the updates folder and flash CM?
zeppelinrox said:
So... you have open recovery and can get to the console...
What happens if you copy CM to the updates folder and flash CM?
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Yes, I can enter OpenRecovery and can get to the console.
sorry about the CM, I think I will have to try that again and let you know then.
Is there any CM ROM you want me to try? (Hopefully with a reliable instruction. If you are busy, you can just leave this part, I will look for myself about the instruction.)
Truly thank you and glad to see new reply under this topic.
Well, use OR's mount as usb function and plug into your computer.
Copy the latest CM7 (I think that's what you want - or any ROM really) to the updates folder.
Wipe all caches
Then apply the update
It should "just work"
I mean, the hardest part is getting into OR lol
I'm surprised that your battery hasn't died yet
zeppelinrox said:
Well, use OR's mount as usb function and plug into your computer.
Copy the latest CM7 (I think that's what you want - or any ROM really) to the updates folder.
Wipe all caches
Then apply the update
It should "just work"
I mean, the hardest part is getting into OR lol
I'm surprised that your battery hasn't died yet
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Can I install CM7 on Froyo? I thought that was for the Android 2.3.
I have just flashed back to the original bootloader of A0.20 (it was 90.78 as I play around with it.), and flashed the original korean .sbf froyo. Just to follow your suggestion.
I will try to install vulnerable recovery. I think in this way, I can use OpenRecovery again.
About my batter, I purchased a separate battery charger.
I will keep my status updated as soon as I try this out.
same problem and flash so many rom My milestone can't acess sdcard on recovery mode and android os.
Sent from my Milestone using XDA App
guys same problem here, help us
I'm pretty new to this, and I didn't fully understand the whole rom, flash, kernel stuff but I did it anyway, seeing as I jailbroke my ipod when I knew next to nothing about that kinda stuff...
Well, I rebooted into recovery using rom manager, and it didn't reboot. It shut off, but didn't turn back on.. I tried to turn it back on myself and only the lg logo would appear..
So I googled what was happening to my phone. It's either in the 'boot loop' or bricked... i don't know the difference, or if there's even one but what the hell do I do to fix it? ..
I tried holding down the power, 3D and volume down button but the recovery menu doesn't come up... and I really don't wanna download any more programs to fix it :/
Im sorry but you must now have to download some programs to fix. You follow this guide http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1491870
And Flash your firmware using the kdz files. If you have anymore problems feel free to ask.
Sent from my LG-P925 using xda app-developers app
This worked for me
Sorry about the phone. This worked easier for me:
BUT I already had .bin and .fls files on my computer, not .kdz. I suppose either way is about the same. It does feel like you are groping in the dark for a while, then it all comes together. And when you are done learning all about it you can fix all your friends' Androids for a bunch of Starbucks coffee or whatever.
Also, be careful with custom recovery (CWM/TWRP); just be sure it works with your particular phone first. That's what 'bricked' mine; I had custom recovery not really compatible with the setup I have going on my Thrill and got bootloop. I had to reflash the ROM image as in above link or the one in the other poster to get out of it.
sorry guys ive been busy with work lately ill have to give that first option a go seeing as i basically have nothing left of the old system
ill update after i try it.
That last post of mine is old. This is my LG Flash Tool guide:
Drivers are tricky to set up the first time you try it, but Flash Tool is more reliable in my opinion.
BTW P920 and P925 are the same device. Thrill is just the US AT&T branded version (who I have never used; I unlocked mine with a Straight Talk SIM). I have a Thrill and some small numbering inside the battery cover says "P920."
ok i just now have the time to try to restore my phone.
id like to get it back to rooted stock ics as its sole purpose will be games/other non important junk and id like to still have the 3d.
the phone currently has no os and boot to twrp i also dont have any of my old recovery files so im essentially starting from scratch on my new laptop.
where do i go from here?
can i just download a zip or recovery and and use the restore/install feature on twrp?
Follow the guide to install rooted stock ICS by way of LG Flash Tool.
bricked lg thrill 4g
my phone is bricked the only thing it has is cwm recovery
i need to be able to get an os on it ..i dont can if it stock or rooted gb or ics i just need it done.and the above link's files no longer work... i need a no bs way to get this fixed ..any takers?
i have an lg thrill it was on stock att gb then i did the update through official lg tool the touch screen will not respond not even the bottom buttons so i flashed back to gb and it works again..so i tried roms and the ics or jb have no touch either just gb any ideas?
Probably a bad flash. LG Updater is a piece of 'work,' to be polite. Use LG Flash Tool for custom ROMs or to update to ICS.
Correct driver setup as in step 1 there is most important for a good flash. Read all that extra carefully. It can be tricky doing it the first time.
I would stay away from Smartflash. Too many lost IMEI stories.
If you did not know, P925 and P920 are the same device. P925 is American AT&T branded. Check out the fine print on the inside of the battery cover...my Thrill says P920, not 925. Anyway, all the good stuff is over at the Optimus 3D forum.
Oh, and you lose 3D function with JB ROMs; devs have not, and may never, get that to work. So stick with ICS if you want your 3D.
drastic00 said:
Probably a bad flash. LG Updater is a piece of 'work,' to be polite. Use LG Flash Tool for custom ROMs or to update to ICS.
Correct driver setup as in step 1 there is most important for a good flash. Read all that extra carefully. It can be tricky doing it the first time.
I would stay away from Smartflash. Too many lost IMEI stories.
If you did not know, P925 and P920 are the same device. P925 is American AT&T branded. Check out the fine print on the inside of the battery cover...my Thrill says P920, not 925. Anyway, all the good stuff is over at the Optimus 3D forum.
Oh, and you lose 3D function with JB ROMs; devs have not, and may never, get that to work. So stick with ICS if you want your 3D.
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hey men, i tried your guide, and i still cant use the phone, i mean, the touch isn't working at all =/, other than that, really usefull guide
i hope you can help me.
best regards!
It is critical to uninstall all LG stuff from pc and reboot pc before attempting to install drivers for LG Flash Tool, to avoid software conflicts. I suspect something is wrong there.
ok, ill try again, if anything comes up, ill post here. thanks for the answer! :good:
---------- Post added at 05:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 PM ----------
drastic00 said:
It is critical to uninstall all LG stuff from pc and reboot pc before attempting to install drivers for LG Flash Tool, to avoid software conflicts. I suspect something is wrong there.
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btw, i've got a confusion. before i tried to install Official ICS from your guide, i installed other roms, like CM10, and another one, i don't remember the name, and both got the same problem, touch screen doesn't work. so i went back to stock GB and the touch screen worked with no problem.
got any ideas?
thanks for the help.:good:
Probably same thing, drivers are not quite right. The ones from the guide conflict with the ones used by official LG updater. If they are on your pc at the same time, or if the ones from the guide(s) are not installed correctly, or at all, bad flash will probably result. So all those little steps and details in the guide are critical for a good flash for anything above GB; likely in going back to GB, the official drivers were ok to have, so flash to GB went ok. So follow all details in the guide very carefully (especially part 1).
ive had the phone since at&t had it on display. rooted it and had various roms for the last couple years and never had any serious issues. last night i flashed jellycream v2 and then did a factory reset inside the rom. the phone prompted that it would reboot twice and that it was normal. it rebooted into twrp and did nothing afterwards. i rebooted it from the recovery and all it did was reboot back into recovery. i decided to flash a different version of twrp and still the same. then flashed clockwork and still got the same result. i wiped the bootloader and basically went through the rooting process again. flashed the latest version of twrp and the phone is still only booting into recovery.
i am at a loss because this is as far as my knowledge goes. its like the phone is stuck still trying to wait for that factory reset from the jellycream rom or something and it wont do anything else but load TWRP.
If factory hard reset will not work (with phone off, press power and volume up together for some seconds. You might want to try also holding home on the touch screen.) flashing firmware will fix it unless you have hardware failure, which I doubt.
Part 1 can be tricky, so take your time and get that right before proceeding.
drastic00 said:
If factory hard reset will not work (with phone off, press power and volume up together for some seconds. You might want to try also holding home on the touch screen.) flashing firmware will fix it unless you have hardware failure, which I doubt.
Part 1 can be tricky, so take your time and get that right before proceeding.
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so far i get the grey LG screen with 'booti mmc_read xxxx' at the upper left with the hard reset. it only takes 2 seconds to show up but the phone shuts off if i continue to hold the power and volume buttons. ill read up on that link here.
I missed that you wiped bootloader. You need that . So you could maybe just install the wkpark bootloader in recovery. You would do 1 and 3 here (1.25a file is down the page)
I think Jellycream actually requires you have it, if I remember correctly.
Not sure why factory reset would cause that issue, but it will definitely not start without bootloader.
Flashing firmware will also write the (stock) bootloader if that does not do it. It will also reinstall the OS if system is corrupt or missing.
I can't find the thread for Jellycream2. Would you post a link? Are you sure it is for P920/P925 (same device, one is AT&T branded. I have the Thrill P925). If it is not for those device numbers, you may need xbsall's unbrick guide.
Also, if Jellycream2 is based on ICS and you were on a GB ROM, you would likely have needed to first upgrade to ICS and then install the ROM.
I'm just trying to understand why a factory reset could brick your phone...
drastic00 said:
I can't find the thread for Jellycream2. Would you post a link? Are you sure it is for P920/P925 (same device, one is AT&T branded. I have the Thrill P925). If it is not for those device numbers, you may need xbsall's unbrick guide.
Also, if Jellycream2 is based on ICS and you were on a GB ROM, you would likely have needed to first upgrade to ICS and then install the ROM.
I'm just trying to understand why a factory reset could brick your phone...
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ok basic rundown of what i did in the last year;
when first played around with rooted it about a year ago i used all-in-one to do it. i had already upgraded to ics using the lg mobile support tool prior to rooting. rooting went off fine until i installed a Beats Audio app from the play store. when the phone rebooted after it would be stuck at the grey LG logo. i didnt know what to do so i used twrp and wiped the whole phone. then i used all-in-one and flashed the ICS bootloader and did the flash kernel 4 fix or something its one of the last options to do. then using twrp i flashed ICS_V20_P20, Stock_V20P_Rooted, and a Thrill Update, the phone rebooted fine in an ICS rom but it ran like complete ****, so i tried various roms and the one i settled with was called OptimusRS V1. i used that up until 2 days ago when i flashed the jellycream rom.
after i factory reset that i tried to flash the different wkpark bootloader and twrp that came with the megatron tool hoping that would fix the issue. but it did so i reflashed the original twrp and ics bootloader from all-in-one.
failed to mention this before but i tried 3 different recovery files in between each attempt and it would flash and reboot fine but the phone would still do the same thing and just load recovery.
ill find links when i get off work today. thats the basic history of the phone though.
Hmm. Stil not sure then . Maybe a corrupt zip or you wiped something important. Flashing with LG Flashtool should recover it. And always make a Nandroid backup before installing anything from recovery.
thats the jellycream rom.
im downloading the files for your xbsa rom at the moment. i do remember yesterday when i used the megatron tool i saw an option to flash the stock bootloader and recovery. i tried it but all i got was the pink LG logo then a security error message below it and the phone shut off.
Oh, ok, OptimusRS's ROM.
Hmm, I thought v20 was GB or something... If it is not ICS then that would be the problem. Also it does say there you need wkpark bootloader for that ROM.
Also, xbsall's v28B includes recovery but it is in system partition. I don't know if that ROM requires you install it from recovery partition or not.
If you still want Jellycream you should be able to flash xbsall's ICS v28B (the normal partitions one, not large partitions), then install wkpark bootloader 1.25a in recovery, then the ROM.
drastic00 said:
Oh, ok, OptimusRS's ROM.
Hmm, I thought v20 was GB or something... If it is not ICS then that would be the problem. Also it does say there you need wkpark bootloader for that ROM.
Also, xbsall's v28B includes recovery but it is in system partition. I don't know if that ROM requires you install it from recovery partition or not.
If you still want Jellycream you should be able to flash xbsall's ICS v28B (the normal partitions one, not large partitions), then install wkpark bootloader 1.25a in recovery, then the ROM.
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well that breaks down that a bit better. my progress at the moment is step f6. when i connect the phone nothing installs though. it just reconnects and disconnects every second or so. im guessing its because i already have those files. dunno though. i cant get my pc to install the adb drivers for the life of me when the phone is connected in recovery mode.it sees the new hardware just cant find the files.
actually i got it. for some reason the phone wouldnt install anything until i put the battery back in at that step. i continued successfully to step M. the phone is setting up my google account at the moment.
will flashing the baseband be necessary if my apn and sim work like the phone is now? my provider is h20(canadian i heard) but im the usa.
HUGE thanks regardless
Cool :thumbup::beer:
The no battery part is just for driver install, which is fiddly for this phone. Sometimes trial and error is a factor.
The baseband you have now would be the one you had previously. If it works, no problem. The one in the v28B pack is supposed to be optimized for the v28B .bin file, but hey, whatever works.
drastic00 said:
Cool :thumbup::beer:
The no battery part is just for driver install, which is fiddly for this phone. Sometimes trial and error is a factor.
The baseband you have now would be the one you had previously. If it works, no problem. The one in the v28B pack is supposed to be optimized for the v28B .bin file, but hey, whatever works.
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im only getting E for data. i tried to flash a baseband meant for at&t but it says failed after about 90 seconds. still no 4g though. i did flash the xbsav8 before i set my apn up. i might just go with an optimusRS rom again though. i was happy with it. probably not jellycream this time.
Baseband fail after 80 or so sec is normal. It means it worked. Check your baseband in android settings/about phone.
You might try speed test app to compare actual speed. ATT 4G icon is a lie on this phone IMO.
Now that your pc is set up you can flash any P925/920 bin. Kdz files (combo of bin and fls, there is another tool for flashing those files) can be extracted into separate bin and fls, but I have not done it. The advantage is you can flash baseband separately.
Xbsalls vX3D (see his page) with the P925G fls file gives me 4G icon on Straight Talk in the US, but I like his vR3D better, and I can't tell a speed difference, honestly.
I have not actually measured the speed in either, however.
And for either of those ROMs, you must flash his large partition version of v28B first...very important.
oh its definitely like 2g speeds. its pretty slow. i tried using my providers app and website and its saying the phone i have isnt registered to them anymore so it might be just that. if thats the case ill just bring it in so they can do that for me. when i rooted it the first time i wasnt getting any data and they had to re-register the phone to get it to work right.
my baseband says OMAPP4430/XMM6260. for comparison and/or confirm differences. i have no idea lol.
side question though; my sdcard still has recovery files for the optimusRS v1 rom i had on it. i really liked the setup i had when i made the recovery for it. Im tempted to reinstall it but im really not too sure if itll work or worse harm my phone again.
Lots of variables, but you must remember that xbsall's P940 recovery app he he uses has recovery in system partition. The recovery you had before was probably in recovery partition. They write restores from two different places. Probably you would get an error, but not positive. Understanding that may take some Googling...
If you try it, back up before trying to restore the old backup. Then you could hopefully restore if the restore fails, know what I mean?
Probably the safest thing is to use the all in one tool to install recovery in recovery partition and use that one to restore backup.
I do know when I have restored backups, I have wiped Dalvik, Cache, and Factory Reset (in recovery) and then restore. Then it works. Some people wipe system too.
You can usually flash to recover from a problem, but then you have to set your phone up again
Well I recovered everything. All settings and personalized stuff. Just everything. Everything is running normal again. Just now my data is saying im using an h20 microcell instead of just H20 with a 4g connection. This 2g stuff is for the birds. I'm almost thinking the firmware we flashed has something to do with it. The phone is functional though. Just slow and no mms. I haven't been able to find much on the forums about it. I'll poke around more tomorrow.
Sent from my LG-P920 using xda app-developers app
I'd try another baseband.