does anyone have a link to the stock fxz? Ive bricked my bionic and the one for download here will not work for some reason.
did you install the drivers as well?
What download link "here" are you talking about? I was about to link you the one from here, as it worked just fine for me. It only works if you didn't install any of the OTA leaks. If you go to About Phone and your "Baseband version" has 05.15.02 at the end, you can't FXZ because you upgraded the kernel and radio.
[FXZ] Droid Bionic Stock 5.5.1_84_DBN-55
Turned out to be the computer I was using. I switched to my older vista laptop and it flashed right away. Thanks for the help.
I've following the step using RSDLite and flash the GOT 2.2 to my MS. Later on when I want to flash my stock FW by RSD but I CANNOT! Why?
wich version of the fw you want to flash.
Check this link.
Flashing the nonservice sbf will clear all data.
Sent from my Milestone using Tapatalk
I was able to do it Quite Easily...What exactly happens when you try to flash the Stock Sbf?Any error or what?And which SBF are you trying to Flash?2.0 and 2.0.1 will make the Boot loader hang.
Hong Kong 2.0.1 or 2.0
I am following those steps...I am ok when I flash the GOT 2.2, but I can't when I want 2.1 back
interesting enough...I can now successfully flash UK 2.1 and when I help my friend to flash GOT 2.2, it fail again. the RSD said flash error...
the error code is 0x7100, i've search for it and some people said moving the file to other location will help. I did it but seems the error is still here, or the RSD skip all process and said finished, nothing changed! Do any one know how to solve?
Sent from my Milestone using XDA App
I've looked at a guide on gizmoninja to take a VZW Tab to stock DJ11, then allow the new EC02 update to run, and then flash the Heimdall files for EC02. My question is why let the update run and then flash the EC02 files? Why not just flash the EC02 files? Is it because those Heimdall files are already rooted, is that the difference? I'd like to get to the EC02 update so I can use the Bluetooth capabilities. Or would a different/custom ROM be better?
As a background, my Tab was originally branded for US Cellular that I flashed to stock VZW DJ11. I then did a manual root. I haven't been able to get the update to run and I've flashed 2 different "stock" files.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
hmm, I have a rooted version of DJ11 installed presently, and I have no problem with Bluetooth transfers. As such, I don't think that you need EC02 in order to use it, unless I am missing something. Originally, I did install EC02 via the update, and was able to root it through superoneclick. I decided to revert back to DJ11 for the time being though, as I had installed a custom kernal and it was causing me to have a lot of force close issues.
As for rooting EC02, a lot of people have reported issues. There was some kind of bootloader change in that update that screwed things up. Perhaps that is why the guide suggests installing the update and then flashing a rooted rom.
I soft bricked my vzw tab yesterday. I was on ec02, but didn't know that the rotation fix file had to be unzipped. Did it twice, third time I just used the ec02 and flashed the new kernel after. Unzipped the fix this time! Haven't had a problem yet. Seems way more responsive. Since ec02 has all the files needed there is no reason to go backwards, it works without doing the dj11 steps.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA Premium App
Thanks for the input. I guess I'll take the plunge and just flash the EC02 files and see what happens....? I'll report back. BTW, Hammer, where is the rotation fix file that you mentioned? I hadn't seen any mention about a fix. Or maybe I just missed it in my quick glances! #609
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA Premium App
I have a uscc tab flashed with the verizon stock rom, and the ec02 update errors at about %30. I think its because the baseband is still at dj29. I think I still have the uscc modem still loaded, because the verizon stock restore tut I followed did not have me flash a modem file. I could use either the verizon moden file and try to flash that, or if anyone has the files to restore ec02 to flash straight over. Can someone on a verizon tab tell me what their baseband is along with the corresponding build id?
Sent from my SCH-I800 using Tapatalk
Got it to work!
I finally took the plunge and just flashed the rooted EC02 files from gizmoninja and it worked perfectly! The Tab rebooted normally and I was on EC02. All my programs were still there and I was still rooted. I didn't have any issue with the screen reorienting when I turned it and it seems faster. I was also able to pair and use my "old" ThinkOutside/iGo folding bluetooth keyboard!
Here is the progression of device data:
Model SCH i800 NSU
Hardware version SCH-800.0.3
Firmware version 2.2
Baseband ver S:I800.0.3K.DJ29
Build SCH-I800.DJ29
After flashing to stock DJ11 from tutorials here at XDA and rooting via a combination of SuperOneClick and manually via ADB:
Model SCH i800
Hardware version SCH-I800.0.3
Firmware version 2.2
Baseband ver S:I800.0.3K.DJ29
Kernel [email protected] #3
Build SCH-I800.DJ11
After flashing the rooted EC02 files from gizmoninja:
Model SCH-i800
Hardware version SCH-I800.0.3
Firmware version 2.2
Baseband ver S:I800.0.3K.DJ29
Kernel [email protected] #3
Build SCH-I800.EC02
As I said in the OP, I started with a Tab branded for US Cellular and now I have a Tab that looks just like a VZW one! BTW, I use my Tab WiFi only; no data plan or cellular to worry about.
Hope this helps!
I just received a new stock non-rooted droid bionic. The phone is running the latest 902 firmware. Everything works fine except wifi, I keep getting a wifi error and had to reboot the phone Several times to get it to work only once. Im thinking this is a software issue and wanted to try and downgrade the firmware using rsd lite,(specifically to the 832 firmware) is it possible to downgrade the firmware weather i root or not? And if so how do I go about it because rsd lite will not let me flash the older firmware on stock. Any help with this issue and even the wifi would be great.
Search for path saver don't know where the link is but I am sure its around some where
Sent from my AXI0M IONIC using XDA App
My friend has a bionic that he flashed the leak where he didn't have to be rooted is there a way he can go back to stock latest gingerbread firmware and wait til it its officially released? He's having to much problems with it.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
FXZ to .902 using RSDLite, then take OTA to get back to .905.
What problems?
I haven't heard anything negative at all about the leaks before this.
Also needing to FXZ back to stock from ICS leak 2233
I also flashed to ICS from. 905. I love ICS and have had absolutely zero problems with the leak version but I need to go back to 905 via 902 to get ready for the OTA update. I have rsdlite but need a "working" link to the FXZ file for 902. I was observing a thread in the development section but that link went to fileserve with a message that it was pulled because of copyright violation. Hopefully I can find the right file and avoid bricking during my jump back to Ginger.
Johnny7778 said:
I have rsdlite but need a "working" link to the FXZ file for 902.
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I have a droid bionic that i rooted and installed CWM via bootstrap. We were on 905 and i tried to flash different ICS roms and now i just get the motorola logo and it doesnt do anything. I cant get back into CWM, what do i need to do?
You are going to need to fxz .905 from a computer using rsd lite. There are links for the files somewhere in these threads. If I can find them I will post links for you. To use the ics leak roms you will need to install a leak first. Recommend .232 or lower so you can still go back to .905 if something goes wrong