Since installing a kk4 ROM I no longer get H symbol for data connection. Any ideas as to why? I'm on Rogers network with captivate. Thanks
using modem ugkc1
When I switch back to apex. H data shows up again.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using xda premium
Really? This has been known and covered since the first I9000 FROYO Ports.
I9000 modem/kennels offer hsupa
I897 do not.
Sorry for the noob question. So i'm on TRusello effen ROM. Can I change to i9000 kernel and modem?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using xda premium
Not if you wanna boot up...
Firmware has to match kernel for gingerbread, on froyo you could mix I897 firmware with I9000 kernel and modem but on gingerbread it will Get stuck on the kernel splash and go no farther.
^ I honestly didn't realize this. (with Gingerbread that is) Thanks.
Try to see what modem you are using in the apex rom; it will be in the about phone section. Download that modem and flash that over the KK4 rom. Should work. (I had the same problem but with AT&T so i don't know what modem you use)
An I897 modem and an I9000 kernel or vice versa, will cause very awful static during phone calls.
Not true.....Mine works fine!
Sent from my Captivate using xda premium
Wait what? I9000 modem on I897 rom+kernel working fine with no static?
no.. i897 modem....i9000 kernel...(ics beta 1)
Sent from my i897 using xda premium
ezcats said:
no.. i897 modem....i9000 kernel...(ics beta 1)
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Which modem and which kernel ??
4-2ndtwin said:
Which modem and which kernel ??
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Modem: JL3
Kernel: Fugumod i9000
You are running I9000 kernel AND i9000 modem. ICS no clue wth that is so GB rules don't necesary apply. But I promise you it isn't possible to use I9000 modem with out static at the very least.
prbassplayer said:
You are running I9000 kernel AND i9000 modem. ICS no clue wth that is so GB rules don't necesary apply. But I promise you it isn't possible to use I9000 modem with out static at the very least.
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I just tried the KK1 modem....its not bad at all...not as good as the i9000 one but still good.
Need help with captivate. Phone works fine in 3g area but will not work when im in edge area. No internet or phone. Phone does not display att just says no service.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
is it stock? what baseband are you on?
Firmware 2.2.1 js5 baseband i9000 zsjpg kernel hardcore speedmod i97-k13c 500hz#28 build numb phoenix 6.0 js5
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
jpg modem did funky things with my service as well, try switching to UGJL2
ridethelight said:
jpg modem did funky things with my service as well, try switching to UGJL2
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or JK4
Ok thanks. I don't know how to do it but know someone that can.
Sent from my SGH-I897 using XDA App
Never mind. Lost it and can't find it
bobbi1972jo said:
Ok thanks. I don't know how to do it but know someone that can.
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It's VERY easy. Download the modem you want and put it on the root of the SD card. Make sure the modem is a CWM flashable zip. Reboot into CWM, install, then reboot. All done. Depending on where you live, will affect which modem you should use. If you're in the US, JK4 is a VERY good one.
I wanted to know if we are able to flash i9000 JVB ROMS and just flash an appropriate captivate kernel and modem. I know this is possible with some roms (such as miui) and want to know if the same could be done with jvb, as they have many more rom options to try atm
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h0ckey10 said:
I wanted to know if we are able to flash i9000 JVB ROMS and just flash an appropriate captivate kernel and modem. I know this is possible with some roms (such as miui) and want to know if the same could be done with jvb, as they have many more rom options to try atm
Yes just make shoe you have gb ones but I find talon pretty good imho.
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Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
h0ckey10 said:
I wanted to know if we are able to flash i9000 JVB ROMS and just flash an appropriate captivate kernel and modem. I know this is possible with some roms (such as miui) and want to know if the same could be done with jvb, as they have many more rom options to try atm
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Yes, you can flash stock GB then flash any ROM you want and flash different kernel, modem after.
But you do have to get Stock GB 2.3.3 1st
Is it possible to upgrade with the recently leaked European Gingerbread 2.3.4 image to the Bell's Vibrant I9000M?
I'm currently running Froyo 2.2, firmware UGKC1. Have downloaded the official 2.3.4 from and already rooted and unlocked my phone.
gurwindersng said:
Is it possible to upgrade with the recently leaked European Gingerbread 2.3.4 image to the Bell's Vibrant I9000M?
I'm currently running Froyo 2.2, firmware UGKC1. Have downloaded the official 2.3.4 from and already rooted and unlocked my phone.
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It is... i would suggest going this route instead of through the one from samfirmware.
I use darky's ROM. I upgraded to 10.1 (it is 2.3.3), then recently upgraded via CWM to Dark Core 2.7.3 (which has the 2.3.4 GB firmware). Beware that the core is beta at this time, and so far in 2 days i haven't had any real issues on my phone., then check the forums.
We are quite in Sync. Co-incidentally I upgraded to Darky's ROM(10.1) about an hour back. I'll give a try to the Beta now. Pls do share your experience with the beta overtime.
gurwindersng said:
We are quite in Sync. Co-incidentally I upgraded to Darky's ROM(10.1) about an hour back. I'll give a try to the Beta now. Pls do share your experience with the beta ove.rtime.
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So far so good... other than my battery. Although i do have a momax 2700mah battery, it only lasted 30ish hours before it died... including using superpower to manage night time usage. I should be getting more than that with this battery (and i have done the reconditioning with the battery since i got it).
Even with 10.1 i got a day and a half or so... but the half day doesn't work for me as i need it for a full day.
Now that i've done one round of recondition on my battery, i'm anxious to see how good the battery will last now.
10.1 works with the JVP kernel fine (at least some of the features for it). I had to upgrade gtalk to the video talk version myself though (although i'm sure it'll be included in the next darkyrom).
Let me know what you think of it...
Hey guys i am also on the I9000M through bell and would love to get the gingerbread on here but the last time i tried i couldnt connect to my 3g for wireless and i couldnt call out or recieve calls please tell me the guide you used because man that gingerbread was fast and smooth.
Right now heres what my phone status is
Model number GT I9000M
Firmware version 2.2
Baseband version I9000UGKC1
Kernel version
[email protected] #4
Build number FROYO UGKC1
Thanks in advance for any help
ps my phone is already rooted
you can get gingerbread, but you need to take the extra step of flashing the kc1 modem, or do the 850 band tweak on a euro modem
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
And is there a tutorial for that?
And thanks.
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bambam1978 said:
And is there a tutorial for that?
And thanks.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
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Just flash kc1 in odin or search for 850 enabled modems.
Swyped from a galaxy far far away.
Can i fladh it with cwm and if i have to use odin which slot does it go in?
Thanks for the response.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
bambam1978 said:
Can i fladh it with cwm and if i have to use odin which slot does it go in?
Thanks for the response.
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Yes perka has a cwm flashable kc1 modem. If you use odin it goes in the phone column.
Swyped from a galaxy far far away.
YEEESSSSSSS I finally got exactly what I wanted! Thank you everyone!!!!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I want to upgrade my Samsung Galaxy s Vibrant BELL to Gingerbread 2.3.4
Can some one help me,
I want to upgrade my Samsung Galaxy s Vibrant BELL to Gingerbread 2.3.4
I need instruction and right tools to download for upgrading
I need instruction and right tools to root my phone
I need instruction and right tools to flash my phone.
joelhon said:
Just flash kc1 in odin or search for 850 enabled modems.
Swyped from a galaxy far far away.
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Do you do the KC1 modem AFTER the GB firmware flash or during?...
ccrows said:
Do you do the KC1 modem AFTER the GB firmware flash or during?...
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I could say after if you using Odin.
But before starting ask yourself what do you really want....
Just the 2.3.4 stock or a custom rom (like Darky's), rooted?, Aply a new theme?
ENO_qc said:
I could say after if you using Odin.
But before starting ask yourself what do you really want....
Just the 2.3.4 stock or a custom rom (like Darky's), rooted?, Aply a new theme?
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So far just the stock. I'm growing impatient waiting around for Bell...
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
Actually I just want 2.3.4 with BLN and I would be happy...
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App
ccrows said:
Do you do the KC1 modem AFTER the GB firmware flash or during?...
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ccrows said:
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I answered you two post ago.....
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Ive recently flashed the 2.3.3 I9000 gingerbread bootloaders. Am I foolish to assume that I can now flash not only Captivate roms but galaxy s I9000 roms as well?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I9000 roms will require a captivate kernel for proper button mapping and orientation
Sent from my I897 using XDA Premium App
I've been running Talon kernels since I first got root. Can you recommend a good Captivate kernel that will work with the I9000 roms?
Sent from my GT-I9000
Talon should do, obviously gb version
Sent from my I897 using XDA Premium App
I tried to flash an I9000 jvr rom and the home button fix didn't work. So I flashed a talon kernel and got a soft brick. Flashed back to stock. Will have to try a diff kernel?
Sent from my Super Smooth Cappy
talleywhacker said:
I tried to flash an I9000 jvr rom and the home button fix didn't work. So I flashed a talon kernel and got a soft brick. Flashed back to stock. Will have to try a diff kernel?
Sent from my Super Smooth Cappy
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The ROM u r talking about comes with a kernel for captivate. You dont need to flash any fix on top of it. With that said you can flash I9000 roms that have been redone for captivate and which are present in Captivate Android Development and not Galaxy S Android Development
watsa said:
The ROM u r talking about comes with a kernel for captivate. You dont need to flash any fix on top of it. With that said you can flash I9000 roms that have been redone for captivate and which are present in Captivate Android Development and not Galaxy S Android Development
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That was my original question. If any I9000 Rom would work now or if it had to be captivate specific.
Sent from my Super Smooth Cappy
Btw Watsa,
I just flashed Apex 9.0 JVR yesterday and haven't had a single issue. Very nicely done.
Sent from my Super Smooth Cappy
Is it possible to get bck the GB stock modem for JB?? Reason being is that my network now isn't as good as it used to when i was GB.. i often have low signal and i dont get the 'H' like i used to.. i really dont want to go bck to GB so I have flashed a few modems but none works as good as the stock one..Any suggestions?? .
ROM: SlimBean 4.1.2
Country: Jamaica
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda app-developers app
shadieboy said:
Is it possible to get bck the GB stock modem for JB?? Reason being is that my network now isn't as good as it used to when i was GB.. i often have low signal and i dont get the 'H' like i used to.. i really dont want to go bck to GB so I have flashed a few modems but none works as good as the stock one..Any suggestions?? .
ROM: SlimBean 4.1.2
Country: Jamaica
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I think the stock one is JK4 for JB. But for jamaica, I'd suggest looking at the modems your carrier is on, those would probably be the best.
Ok after doing some research i found out that the network I'm on uses the 900mhz frequency.. which modem uses 900mhz as default?
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shadieboy said:
Ok after doing some research i found out that the network I'm on uses the 900mhz frequency.. which modem uses 900mhz as default?
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A modem with 850mhz unlocked would probably do great but what I think would be best is to find the base of your carrier's modem.
BWolf56 said:
A modem with 850mhz unlocked would probably do great but what I think would be best is to find the base of your carrier's modem.
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Sorry for being a noob but I'm lost.. what do u mean by "the base of my carrier's modem"??
My network is Digicel
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shadieboy said:
Sorry for being a noob but I'm lost.. what do u mean by "the base of my carrier's modem"??
My network is Digicel
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Well, JK4 is actually UGJK4. So let's say you have JK3 (UGJK3) and it works great, you know that the newer modem, JK4, will work well.
But now that I'm thinking about it, did your phone come with GB? If so, it's quite hard to us to know which modem is came with. Modems are by area so (almost) every carrier uses different one. There's a modem thread in the Dev section (stickied), you might have to try a few different one.
BWolf56 said:
Well, JK4 is actually UGJK4. So let's say you have JK3 (UGJK3) and it works great, you know that the newer modem, JK4, will work well.
But now that I'm thinking about it, did your phone come with GB? If so, it's quite hard to us to know which modem is came with. Modems are by area so (almost) every carrier uses different one. There's a modem thread in the Dev section (stickied), you might have to try a few different one.
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When i got the phone it was running Froyo which I later updated to GB.. my brother's Cappy has the UCKK4 and he's still running GB.. we got the phone the same time and both updated the same time so I'm assuming that is what I had before I upgraded to JB.. I'm on JK3 modem but i can't seem to flash JK4 or any other modem.. it always ends with an error...
[Status: 0]
Installation aborted..
I re-downloaded the file several times and still nothing.. I even changed the CWM and nothing.... I'm on the verge of giving up
CWM: Semaphore 2.8.0
Sent from my SGH-I897 using xda app-developers app
U can use Odin3 v1.83 (the regular Odin) to flash a modem as well. Just pull the modem.bin out of the cwm zip of the modem u want, get into download mode, put the modem.bin in the PHONE tab/slot in Odin and flash.
Get the Odin here if u don't have it already...
If u r running a JB Rom, then u will have to use one of these modems...
I have had success with the i9000ugkc1.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
4-2ndtwin said:
U can use Odin3 v1.83 (the regular Odin) to flash a modem as well. Just pull the modem.bin out of the cwm zip of the modem u want, get into download mode, put the modem.bin in the PHONE tab/slot in Odin and flash.
Get the Odin here if u don't have it already...
If u r running a JB Rom, then u will have to use one of these modems...
I have had success with the i9000ugkc1.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using xda premium
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I give up... i followed your instructions and ended up with an unknown imei so I had to re-flash everything.. I'm just gonna stick with the modem I have...
Thanks though.:thumbup:
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shadieboy said:
I give up... i followed your instructions and ended up with an unknown imei so I had to re-flash everything.. I'm just gonna stick with the modem I have...
Thanks though.:thumbup:
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No need to give up, you can flash modems after modems without any problem. It just a bit time consuming.
To be safe, backup your efs folder so that if your IMEI is unknown again, you can use the backup.
shadieboy said:
Ok after doing some research i found out that the network I'm on uses the 900mhz frequency.. which modem uses 900mhz as default?
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From what i know of the Captivate specs...the gsm 900mhz frequency that it can operate on is just the 2g/edge network. U said u saw the H before on GB rom (custom rom or leaked firmware, i'm guessing?). That letter H can be changed to read whatever letter u want. Just saying.
So in reality the problem may not be the modems (although some modems will work better than others for sure), it may just be the network service that your provider has in your area... It may just be low/bad cell signal.
What other frequencies are used by your provider ? Compare that with the frequency band specs of the Captivate and you will get a better answer on the quality of service you should expect. Maybe your provider has a coverage map that you could compare to as well.
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