The LCD has gone haywire on my NC and I can't see any of the screens to reset it to stock.
I am running MIUI on it, and did the 8 consecutive reboots to get it to boot into recovery, but I can't see the options on the screens.
B&N has the replacement on the way, I just need to send this back per the agreement.
Any ideas on how I can get thing back to factory given that parts of the screen is unreadable?
What would you do?
The LCD has gone haywire on my NC and I can't see any of the screens to reset it to stock.
I am running MIUI on it, and did the 8 consecutive reboots to get it to boot into recovery, but I can't see the options on the screens.
B&N has the replacement on the way, I just need to send this back per the agreement.
Any ideas on how I can get thing back to factory given that parts of the screen is unreadable?
What would you do?
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Use ADB to make it unbootable, just start removing directories.
you can try something like this
adb shell
format SYSTEM:
format DATA:
format CACHE:
I had the same problem. I used android screencast to help me wipe my nook. It didn't work especially well but it will display the screen on your PC so that you can see what's going on. Unless it's been updated since I did it the screen will be turned 180 degrees and you won't be able to control it from the PC but it will work well enough to help you see what's going on.
Thanks guys...I've never used ADB, but I am downloading the SDK now. Its taking forever.
I think I may be able to figure it out between both of those suggestions.
The only other question I have is about my registration for the Market. I read one place where you should deregister your device before the new one comes in. How can I do that if I can't go into settings?
There's no way to deregister the device without doing it from the device itself. If you do the screencast option you can go through the steps to deregister the device which will in turn return it to factory condition and obviously remove it from your account on BN.
Thanks guys...I've never used ADB, but I am downloading the SDK now. Its taking forever.
I think I may be able to figure it out between both of those suggestions.
The only other question I have is about my registration for the Market. I read one place where you should deregister your device before the new one comes in. How can I do that if I can't go into settings?
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You don't deregister from the Android Market, although you probably want to deregister the Nook from your Barnes and Noble account and you can do that over the phone with B&N support.
I'm stuck.
I can't get Screencast to work because I can't check to see if it's in debug mode or detected by adb devices.
All I see is the boot recovery screen with a bunch of lines going through. The only option that is visible is "wipe cache partition".
If someone could tell me what other options are on this menu, so I can navigate up and down to reset this thing, that would be great.
Like, how many clicks down or up on each screen to completely wipe and reset to stock.
Or, if I just returned on RMA this thing, as is, would that prevent them from sending me a replacement (which I mistakenly though they did already)?
Who has screenshots of all the boot menus?
Bump - any thoughts?
I ripped my SD slot out a few months back after getting a card stuck in it, I threw the Nook in a corner in disgust and left it there,
I've tried to get it back up and running over the last few days, I've charged it fully over two days using the wall charger but it refuses to boot - I have nothing at all displayed. when i plug it into my PC I hear the noise it makes when a usb device is plugged in but that's it - nothing..
So with all the methods of restoring it need the SD slot..I guessing it's a gonna??
Any ideas??
Could try to convert back to stock. There is a 3 finger method of restoring your nook back to stock. You can find the link here in XDA right here.
Then you can take it back to B&N for a replacement if its still under warranty. Don't be so hardcore with losing on game-mode next time
I tried that last night but will try again with a fresh head ....
Nope..not having it, Tried everything now, using the three finger method brings nothing up on the nook screen at all - totally blank although the pc ssems to respond by making a couple of bleeps so assumed this was akin to the nook being turned on , tried it eight times and nothing..I really do think it's dead...
There is a program in the sdk (/tools/ddms) that allows you to see what is on the screen (and take screenshots). I believe this pulls from what the system is pushing to the screen (not what is actually on the screen). If that is the case, you can hit the power button like you normally would to bring up the lock screen, refresh using the application and see if it is pushing anything. You'd have to be quick, because if the NC is in standby, it won't show anything.
Also, you may want to try pulling some logcats to see what is going on.
I think the nook should be unplugged from the computer when trying the 8 failed boots. Also make sure to hold down the power button at least 8 seconds to make sure the nook is really off.
Sent from my NookColor using xda app-developers app
Can't seem to get the pc to see the Nook, it asks for OMAP3630 driver??
DDms can't see the nook ..
tried the 8 failed boot method...
All is not well
Its now on a popular auction site for spares..I give in.
new one bought and on its way..
p2daz said:
Its now on a popular auction site for spares..I give in.
new one bought and on its way..
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PM me... I can either fix it and send it back... or perhaps we can work out a price to buy it from you.
I have the same problem. The only way I could get it to recognize it was by holding power for 8 seconds and then would go away after a ssecond or [email protected]
DizzyDen said:
PM me... I can either fix it and send it back... or perhaps we can work out a price to buy it from you.
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Thank you for the offer but I've bought another and might as well keep it for spares, the postage to the states and back alone would cost what I've paid for the replacement.
Or you could tell me how you would fix it ;-)
What I would wind up doing depends a lot on what is on it already, and what methods were used... first thing I'd do is modify ROM's to ensure mmcblk0p8 was seen as sdcard... then go from there...
I wish I could give you a definitive "Do this, then this, and finally this" type of answer... but there are so many variables in place there's no way I can without knowing more of what is there...
If you have a custom ROM on it... go to playstore and get adb wireless
Does any one know if it's possible to wipe a Nook HD+ Demo unit. I came into possession of one and I'd like to wipe it to make a standard version
karascott said:
Does any one know if it's possible to wipe a Nook HD+ Demo unit. I came into possession of one and I'd like to wipe it to make a standard version
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You might try the 8 failed boot procedure. Just interrupt the boot 8 times in a row by powering off after it tries to boot for a couple of seconds. On the 8th boot it will wipe everything and restore to factory. It may just go to stock and it may go to demo mode.
Sent from my Nook HD+ Running CM10
leapinlar said:
You might try the 8 failed boot procedure. Just interrupt the boot 8 times in a row by powering off after it tries to boot for a couple of seconds. On the 8th boot it will wipe everything and restore to factory. It may just go to stock and it may got to demo mode.
Sent from my Nook HD+ Running CM10
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Thanks i'll give it a try. you think it's possible to install a different os on it? like a nexus 7
karascott said:
Thanks i'll give it a try. you think it's possible to install a different os on it? like a nexus 7
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Not yet on internal memory. But if you look in the HD+ development forum you will see that an early version of CM10 was released for putting on SD.
Sent from my Nook HD+ Running CM10
I view the current state of CM10 on Nook HD+ as pre-Alpha BTW.
And I wonder what's the different between retail and demo? Or is Demo is just an "skip OOBE" version? In that case, a simple factory reset might do.
Try going to settings (tap the upper right corner) > All Settings > Device Info > Erase & Deregister.
I tried the factory reset. And it seems to work except when I try to register the device. What would be a "skip oobe"?
That's why people need to start reading. It's possible that B&N will not recognize the demo unit as one of their retail device whether by serial number or some other thing. You can still try 8bootloop which will change the development ID, but not the serial. The "Skip OOBE" is pretty much similar to a demo(note that I never seen the demo at store before), I guess. It let you play with the nook w/o register.
karascott said:
I tried the factory reset. And it seems to work except when I try to register the device. What would be a "skip oobe"?
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The instructions are kind of buried in the general thread. Look here. Or for B&N instructions look here.
I would avoid registering it with b&n. Unless they've started a demo unit giveaway program, they track the serial numbers.
Im curious, when you got it did it still have the b&n bootable sd card in it? That's how they put these in demo mode, rather than the button combo used on the NC.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
You have a demo unit? Sorry if I'm incorrect, but did you happen to steal one of these? If so, shame on you.
GabbleRatchet said:
Im curious, when you got it did it still have the b&n bootable sd card in it? That's how they put these in demo mode, rather than the button combo used on the NC.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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Interesting. The ones at my local store all say they are TEST's Nook just like it does when you skip oobe.
You don't need a card to get into demo mode.
The skip OOBE process lets you put the device into demo mode. I ran mine as "Test's Nook" for awhile in hopes of capturing a system image before the OTA update hit me. But I spent too much time futzing with the ADB drivers and forgot that I had wifi on.
Fortunately, the first two updates didn't break root.
Wierd. My local store was given sdcards for all HD/HD+ demo units that put them in a mode that cycles through videos of product features. Does it do that when you skip oobe?
And how would we know that? At least for me, I don't have the sdcard you talking about.
HiddenG said:
You have a demo unit? Sorry if I'm incorrect, but did you happen to steal one of these? If so, shame on you.
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I do have a demo unit and it was given to me.
I've tried reboot in and a firmware restart still no results. I have one more unit I can try. So we'll see what happens. Anyone else have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
GabbleRatchet said:
Wierd. My local store was given sdcards for all HD/HD+ demo units that put them in a mode that cycles through videos of product features. Does it do that when you skip oobe?
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No, it doesn't play videos automatically when you skip registration. But it does say Test's Nook at the top instead of a profile name.
someone0 said:
And how would we know that? At least for me, I don't have the sdcard you talking about.
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How would we know what? I know bn sent cards to stores because I worked for the company for 11 years and still have a lot of friends there.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
The SD cards being sent it true, but only partially. The SD cards are put into the devices before startup and then booted from it specifically. Then the FW gets flashed with the information that is on the SD cards. Once the device is flashed/updated with the data from the SD card you do NOT need to keep the card in the device. In fact you should not keep it in the device.
To ENABLE demo mode you have to go to All Settings > Device Information and then press the Volume Up button and tap with your finger just above the volume bar that shows up at the top of the screen. Another menu pops up with a box asking for Demo mode (among other information). If it's checked, uncheck it. But just keep in mind that the demo information is still flashed onto the device and I'm not aware of any way to restore it or erase it.
But once it's out of Demo mode you should be able to deregister the device (has happened at my store one or twice already). But like some others have mentioned, the serial numbers for each demo machine are tracked so it might be flagged as stolen.
Hello all,
Been a satisfied user of nook hd+ with emmc. Yesterday, leaking water from my bag soaked my sleeve that I put my HD+, and as a result, I noticed that the HD+ didn't turn on after that.
After a day or so of drying and powering (with no luck), I plugged the device to the charger. Then I saw the green light and the red light flashing multiple times. On the screen, the nook sign turned on as well as the cyanomod introduction screen. However, after that, the device shuts off completely. The system didn't respond to the power button after that, and the charger indicator light didn't turn on after that. I tried leaving the charger on all night but same pattern showed.
I suspected that due to the liquid spill, something happened to the internals that effected the battery.
Now my questions are:
1. Does Nook HD+ deal with spills in the warranty(don't think so)? If not, is there a spill sensor (like the iphone and samsung phones where if it gets wet it changes color, etc) ? Can local barnes and nobles stores deal with device warranty, etc?
2. I remember that warranty also involves the machine has to not be rooted, etc, and therefore will have to be brought back to factory settings. I will have to check, but if I didn't make a stock backup of my own, can I still put an emmc cm10.1 device back to factory settings using the files available in xda? I did register my device via nook servers.
3. As a followup to 1, if there is some drying and/or reassembly required, are there any videos or instructions on opening the cover of the nook hd+? I only saw some videos in youtube for opening the nook hd color, but couldn't find any on hd+.
Thanks to all the help in advance.
I'll answer your last question first. There is an HD+ teardown thread and video here.
Your local B&N store can deal with warranty. They just look up your serial number to see when you registered it and verify it does not work and they will issue you a new one.
But you are right that putting CM on it voids the warranty. If they can see any evidence it has had CM on it they will not honor the warranty. But yours does not power on, so I'm not sure they can tell.
If you did not replace the stock recovery with either verygreen's or my recovery, you might be able to do an 8 failed boot reset, but it sounds like it does not even power on.
And if you can boot to your CWM SD, you can put stock back on it by flashing one of my stock ROMs in my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature. But I suspect you cannot boot to it.
Thanks Leapinlar for the fast and informative advice. I will follow your steps and update the post if necessary.
leapinlar said:
I'll answer your last question first. There is an HD+ teardown thread and video here.
Your local B&N store can deal with warranty. They just look up your serial number to see when you registered it and verify it does not work and they will issue you a new one.
But you are right that putting CM on it voids the warranty. If they can see any evidence it has had CM on it they will not honor the warranty. But yours does not power on, so I'm not sure they can tell.
If you did not replace the stock recovery with either verygreen's or my recovery, you might be able to do an 8 failed boot reset, but it sounds like it does not even power on.
And if you can boot to your CWM SD, you can put stock back on it by flashing one of my stock ROMs in my HD/HD+ CWM thread linked in my signature. But I suspect you cannot boot to it.
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Actually, I do have an issue right now though- I find that when I first plug the charger in, I see the "nook", then the "cyanoboot" screen briefly comes up before it shuts off. Now I would have to assume that the BN rep will check by plugging the device to see if it doesn't turn on, and will consequently see the cyanoboot screen. Is there any way I can at least get that screen to just display nook? I have yet to try plugging the cwm sd.
gomavs123 said:
Actually, I do have an issue right now though- I find that when I first plug the charger in, I see the "nook", then the "cyanoboot" screen briefly comes up before it shuts off. Now I would have to assume that the BN rep will check by plugging the device to see if it doesn't turn on, and will consequently see the cyanoboot screen. Is there any way I can at least get that screen to just display nook? I have yet to try plugging the cwm sd.
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The only hope you have is if you can boot to CWM SD. But that cyanoboot screen gives me hope. You may be able to repair it with that.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
leapinlar said:
The only hope you have is if you can boot to CWM SD. But that cyanoboot screen gives me hope. You may be able to repair it with that.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
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Alright, I tried putting in the cwm SD, and what happens is that it gets to the main menu. I got it to the "factory reset", and it says wiping /data.. but after that the thing shuts off. When I take the SD out and restart, sometimes it actually fires up the device all the way to the beginning screen, but then shuts off. During this brief moment I noticed that the battery meter was shown at full.
I also called up the local BN and found out because I bought it at a different store other than BN, I won't be able to get it exchanged- I would have to call and register a claim.
I guess now my main issue now is to wipe out everything somehow, or at least get rid of the beginning cyanoboot screen, so that the corporate nook won't notice this issue.
If nothing I am planning to actually use the steps to open up the casing and attempt drying out whatever precipitation is left and hope that it will work. However, I am worried that they will notice the casing has been tampered with and void my warranty.
Any help and/or more advice will be helpful!
gomavs123 said:
Alright, I tried putting in the cwm SD, and what happens is that it gets to the main menu. I got it to the "factory reset", and it says wiping /data.. but after that the thing shuts off. When I take the SD out and restart, sometimes it actually fires up the device all the way to the beginning screen, but then shuts off. During this brief moment I noticed that the battery meter was shown at full.
I also called up the local BN and found out because I bought it at a different store other than BN, I won't be able to get it exchanged- I would have to call and register a claim.
I guess now my main issue now is to wipe out everything somehow, or at least get rid of the beginning cyanoboot screen, so that the corporate nook won't notice this issue.
If nothing I am planning to actually use the steps to open up the casing and attempt drying out whatever precipitation is left and hope that it will work. However, I am worried that they will notice the casing has been tampered with and void my warranty.
Any help and/or more advice will be helpful!
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Wiping data does not really help. See if you can flash the stock recovery from my HD/HD+ CWM thread, item 5. Then see if you can flash the stock zip I also have there.
And that is BS about B&N not honoring the warranty because you bought it somewhere else. I bought my HD at Target and registered it with B&N. I had a problem, took it to B&N, they looked up the serial number, saw I registered it less than a year ago and they gave me a new one. Before I did that I had asked an associate there if I needed the receipt and she said no, they just look on the computer, and if I did not have an extended warranty from Target, they could take care of it. And when I came back a few days later, that is exactly what they did.
When you take it in to your store, since they seem to be finicky, don't mention where you bought it or show them your receipt.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
Pour some more water into it. With some sugar.
Oops not sugar salt then? Pepper? WD40? (Looking around my humble abode for appropriate "solutions.")
leapinlar said:
Wiping data does not really help. See if you can flash the stock recovery from my HD/HD+ CWM thread, item 5. Then see if you can flash the stock zip I also have there.
And that is BS about B&N not honoring the warranty because you bought it somewhere else. I bought my HD at Target and registered it with B&N. I had a problem, took it to B&N, they looked up the serial number, saw I registered it less than a year ago and they gave me a new one. Before I did that I had asked an associate there if I needed the receipt and she said no, they just look on the computer, and if I did not have an extended warranty from Target, they could take care of it. And when I came back a few days later, that is exactly what they did.
When you take it in to your store, since they seem to be finicky, don't mention where you bought it or show them your receipt.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
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Yeah I tried flashing your zip file, but now the response never even gets to reading the sd card- it just shows the nook icon, then the cyanoboot icon then turns off. Taking the sd card off or back on doesn't change anything.
Thanks for that info involving the bn. I am planning to go to a differerent bn location tomorrow to see if they will see. One thing though- do you remember if they plugged the device to check? Or do they just type in the serial directly? I am just a bit nervous about if they will try to boot it and see the cyanoboot icon and refusing the replacement.
Will update later. As always, thanks for the suggestions.
gomavs123 said:
Yeah I tried flashing your zip file, but now the response never even gets to reading the sd card- it just shows the nook icon, then the cyanoboot icon then turns off. Taking the sd card off or back on doesn't change anything.
Thanks for that info involving the bn. I am planning to go to a differerent bn location tomorrow to see if they will see. One thing though- do you remember if they plugged the device to check? Or do they just type in the serial directly? I am just a bit nervous about if they will try to boot it and see the cyanoboot icon and refusing the replacement.
Will update later. As always, thanks for the suggestions.
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They plugged it in. I would not take it in unless you can get that cyanoboot off.
Were you able to flash the stock recovery? If so, try booting 8 times in a row without the sd in, it may repair itself.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
leapinlar said:
They plugged it in. I would not take it in unless you can get that cyanoboot off.
Were you able to flash the stock recovery? If so, try booting 8 times in a row without the sd in, it may repair itself.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
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Unfortunately no, I wasn't able to flash the stock recovery. Before, the cwm boot screen from the sd came on, but now it doesn't even do that. Also the bad part about my issue is that the power button actually doesn't do anything- I have to plug it back in and out for it to show something. (nook icon-> cyanoboot screen, turning off)
I am wondering if opening the cover at this point is the only method left in order for me to get it to respond at all, perhaps disconnecting the battery or looking for wet terminals.. not too sure hwo to do this without making it visually shown that I tampered with it.
But I will also heed your advice and not take it in unless I can get rid of that screen. thanks
Or find a way to make sure it does not boot at all
check out XBMC the future of TV
mcord11758 said:
Or find a way to make sure it does not boot at all
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Yes, open it and disconnect the battery. Lol.
And if you use the right plastic tools, it may never show that you opened it.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
Alright, here is what happened. I actually ended up taking the front plastic cover off. The adhesives were a pain to deal with as I took the cover off, but I luckily had some of the tools as outlined in the teardown article you referred me to.
Surprisingly, removing that casing somehow enabled the nook to respond without shutting off.
Fearing that it might shut down again, I quickly used the stock cwm sd with the full recovery zip (400mb file) and reflashed it to factory settings. Now the cyanoboot screen was gone, although the nook screen froze at the 99% mark.
Following earlier advice, I went to a different barnes and nobles(not the one I called and got shot down from lol), and it was relatively okay- a rep actually wanted to see the receipt, but after pressing my case about warranty repairs not requiring it, they decided to take it anyways and replaced it with a BRAND NEW sealed nook hd+. Having the box helped the situation as well, since appraently it simplified the exchange process from their end.
all in all, I was able to get my nook replaced via warranty, thanks to the help here and the files available for flashing!
Thanks again for the help
Set the HD+ on a warm surface for awhile (top of PC, top of cable box, etc.) the heat may help the moisture evaporate.
That is really good news. Glad things worked out.
If your new device boots easily to an SD, you might want to keep stock recovery on there so it can reset itself if there is a problem. Go ahead and put CM10.1 on emmc, but stock recovery allows an automatic restore to stock ROM if things go wrong.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
Glad to know your issue is resolved. I also learned from you that B&N has better warranty policy than ASUS. I just sent my nexus 7 to ASUS due to a thin green line on the screen. On the RMA instructions they clearly said water damage is not covered. I had to spend about $10 to ship it back and it is still under repair (status shows repair in progress) after 3 days.
Yeah I might go ahead and keep the stock recovery there so I can indeed reflash if anything goes wrong- obviously it did occur.
Thanks again.
@View92612- actually I am not sure if nook covers it against liquid spills either- in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. This was also the reason why I was thinking of opening the device up to make sure there wasn't a liquid spill sensor like many cellphones do nowdays.
Remember also that technically- in house exchange is ONLY valid for devices bought at B&N. It is clearly a store-to-store, situation-to-situation basis, as I have found out (see my earlier posts for proof).
Hope you get that ASUS properly repaired. I remember hearing not so good repair stories for asus and acer products due to repairs having to happen overseas.
gomavs123 said:
Hope you get that ASUS properly repaired. I remember hearing not so good repair stories for asus and acer products due to repairs having to happen overseas.
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Thanks for the reminder. My Nexus 7 just came back with a beautiful, brand new LCD with a part number label. Apparently the easiest way to fix a screen problem is to simply replace with a new one. It went to Grapevine, TX which is right next to the DFW airport. I hope my Nook HD+ would not have a similar issue later. But having a B&N store nearby(about 5 minutes from home) is quite helpful in such scenarios...
Hello all, I appreciate any help you could give me.
I just recently bought a Kindle Fire (2015) with the intention of rooting it out, and throwing CyanogenMod on there, but I'm having trouble finding solid, step-by-step instructions. I'm not entirely unfamiliar with the process in general, I currently own a Nook Color that I did the same thing with. Originally my Nook was running off an SD card that had CM on it as part of a bootable SD card, but after a while I had decided to just skip the extra step, free up a little bit of space on the card, and throw it natively onto the Nook.
However, time has not been kind to my poor Color and with the 5th Gen Kindle being almost comically cheap, (I got it during a recent sale for less than 40 bucks after shipping) and way more powerful than my poor Nook it looked like it was time to retire my beloved tablet.
I've got a passing familiarity with how ADB works, and I've used some of the tools for college work. I've rummaged through CM's wiki on the unofficial release for the system, but honestly the thread on here for the process is not very concise. It gives leaps of steps, rather than an Idiot Proof methodology and I'd really rather not brick out the tablet no matter how cheap it cost.
Alternatively! I really only used my Nook for book reading, I just didn't like the limited functionality that it offered originally, is there any suggestions on other possible ROMs that would offer a bit more functionality without the somewhat unnecessary power that CM offers?
I appreciate, greatly, any guidance that you all could offer me. :highfive:
First step, turn off the wifi, then go into settings, Device Options, System Updates and see what Fire OS it says you are running.
If as I suspect it's 5.1.1 then you can't root or install any roms atm.
Pond-life said:
First step, turn off the wifi, then go into settings, Device Options, System Updates and see what Fire OS it says you are running.
If as I suspect it's 5.1.1 then you can't root or install any roms atm.
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Most likely it is, but just out of curiosity, I don't currently have anything on it, so if I were to set it back to factory defaults would it still keep the 5.1.1, or since when I got it it updated (Which is why I think it does have the 5.1.1 as you said) would it bounce back to the previous version?
If it does bounce back, any suggestions on where to go to try and proceed with the rooting?
Vez'Roth said:
so if I were to set it back to factory defaults would it still keep the 5.1.1
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Yep, once the fire updates itself, you're stuck with it. And don't try to manually side load 5.0.1, results in a brick.
No root is available for 5.1.1. No custom ROMs. Only thing you can currently do on 5.1.1 is install google play store.
Vez'Roth said:
Most likely it is, but just out of curiosity, I don't currently have anything on it, so if I were to set it back to factory defaults would it still keep the 5.1.1, or since when I got it it updated (Which is why I think it does have the 5.1.1 as you said) would it bounce back to the previous version?
If it does bounce back, any suggestions on where to go to try and proceed with the rooting?
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Nope factory defaults doesn't affect the system only personal files, it would be on a clean 5.1.1 which it already is.
And trying to revert from 5.1.1 to the old 5.0.1 bricks the tablet.
So if it is on that, your quest to apply a different rom of any kind is thwarted for now.
Pond-life said:
Nope factory defaults doesn't affect the system only personal files, it would be on a clean 5.1.1 which it already is.
And trying to revert from 5.1.1 to the old 5.0.1 bricks the tablet.
So if it is on that, your quest to apply a different rom of any kind is thwarted for now.
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Thank you for responding at least. I will remain thwarted, but I am sure that this will not stop you all, or me, for long. It'll be broken open again. I don't know why these companies are so against it.
Vez'Roth said:
Thank you for responding at least. I will remain thwarted, but I am sure that this will not stop you all, or me, for long. It'll be broken open again. I don't know why these companies are so against it.
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Because they're EVILLLLL!
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