Hi everyone,
I recently upgraded to the Samsung Galaxy s 2 on T-mobile here in the UK. Obvisously it came with T-mobile's version of Android 2.3.3 . When the phone starts up or shuts down, it displays T-mobile's logo wallpaper.
The phones has an option to search for updates, but it can never connect to the server.
It does not have the option to sign into the Samsung account, it does not exist on my handset, only Google account and the usual facebook and others options.
As a result of this I don't have the option to use Samsung's mobile tracker. For those unsure google samsungdive.
I don't need to use other networks on my handset, just T-mobile. T-mobile have removed the tracking option so this is why I want to put Samsung's software on my phone.
My question or what I want to do is this:
1)Remove the current T-mobile Android software from my phone and install Samsung's Android firmware.
2)Have the option of signing into Samsung's account from my phone and be able to use Samsung's tracker.
3)Be able to update to the latest updates as and when available.
Please advise me as to what I have to do or what my best options are.
Thanks very much!
I would flash the stock version of JVR and use a custom kernel like semaphore etc
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My friend can you tell which modem u r using on t mobile. Or baseband
Baseband version:
I Spoke to Samsung about this and they said because I got the phone through my contract with T-Mobile, T-Mobile have played around with the software and some features are not present compared with buying the phone sim free with the Original Samsung software.
They said if I remove current software and put Generic Samsung software I will void warranty on the phone.
What do you think about this?
I'd flash anyway mate, worse case scenario is if you get a fault, you can reset to factory using ODIN. Plus, I have a t-mobile s1 and it was flashed day of purchase from t-mobile, and even if you ring them, they aint really too bothered if its been flashed. Example, I flashed my brothers which played up, he rang t-mobile told them it was flashed they said well done, and would replace it if I couldnt sort it.....which I did.
In a nutshell....flash and dont look back!! Its really quite hard to'kill' an android phone!!
Hi there. I've searched around and couldn't find an answer, so if this is already posted please point me in that direction.
I'm about to purchase an unlocked Galaxy Tab originally from the Rogers network off of a friend. I'm with Bell. I'm one of the lucky few that have the unlimited data plan originally offered with the Palm Pre, that also works with Android.
My question is if Bell will realize that I don't have a tablet plan when I do the steps in order to make calls/sms working and block my device or change my plan. Does anyone have a voice plan that they've been able to use with Bell on the Galaxy Tab without them noticing? This is more of a precautionary for me, because I'd really like to keep my data plan and would be quite upset if Bell were to change it.
My reasoning for getting a Rogers Tab unlocked is my assumption that Bell won't have the IMEI for a device they don't sell, so it may be safer for me. Thoughts?
i would like to know as well. im in the proccess of doing same
Sent from my GT-P1000R using XDA App
I use my Galaxy Tab as my primary / only device, which includes phone calls on Bell Mobility. I used to have Blackberry on a voice and data plan, and when I got the Tab and realized I wanted nothing else / rooted / flashed a useful ROM that supports voice, all I did was plug the new SIM into the Tab.
I haven't had any problems or changes made by Bell. I doubt they can see my device, or care, as I have called for misc reasons from the device. I simply never told them of the device change.
Now, my plan prior to the device change supported voice and data. So if your current plan does that I think you'll be ok.
I have here a great working Samsung Galaxy T849 Tab from T-Mobile USA.
It is unlocked already and I can use it with a SIM different from T-Mobile USA
It is not yet rooted.
Now here is what I would like to do (like most of you years before):
I would like to enable the dialer for making GSM calls.
I would also like to have an unbranded Firmware without the T-Mobile logo and the custom apps which are preinstalled (I read a European firmware will do).
Of course I would like to have an Android Gingerbread version (2.3.3 or 2.3.6) instead of the current Froyo (2.2).
I know the Tab is very similar to the P1000, actually it says:
Modell number: SGH-Z849
Firmware version: 2.2
Baseband Version: P1000XXJK5
Kernel version: [email protected] #1
Build number: FROYO.UVJJB
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I got the P1000XWJQ8_P1000DBTJQ1_DBT firmware from sammobile.com (samfirmware.com) or I can download any other P1000 Gingerbread firmware from there.
I think the modem (GSM/3G) is different from the P1000.
Can the T849 use an internet connection faster than 3G EDGE (like 3.5G up to 3.6/7.2 Mb/s) outside the USA?
Can I simply use the mentioned P1000 firmware with Odin or will I brick my Tablet?
All posts I found about the T849 are very old and most links and downloads do not work anymore.
I was not able to find a z4root.1.3.0.apk which will root my device.
The web page of Team Overcome is dead for years. Their downloads seem not available anymore.
Please help!
Yes, I am on T849 now running AOKP JB. Our tab is the same as P1000 and more. Our modem/radio support more bands.
I used to run overcome ROM. In Australia.
I can make phone calls and have 3G data.
Follow my signature for new overcome link and guides.
Jump to page 7 of the guide.
Forget about rooting/backup, just flash away.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using xda app-developers app
thank you for your fast answer.
Your link in your signature will even lead me to a Android 4.1.0. !!!???
I would have been happy with a 2.3.x solution.
Will this very advanced Android version work on our "slow" single-core Tabs in a proper and fast way?
The Cortex A8 with its 1GHz speed is really a fast processor (I think the fastest mobile single-core) but won't Android 4.1.0 slow it down?
Important for anybody in the future who will read this thread:
Please pay special attention to page 8 of 15 of the mentioned PDF-manual.
Please chose the correct "modem.bin" file corresponding to your modem-hardware (Europe, North America, South America etc.).
Once overcome kernel is in, you have clockworkmod recovery. You can flash all the way to android 4.2.2
Try out and find out for how good are they for yourself.
For modem, JPZ is almost always the best one outside USA.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Oh, thanks again.
So I will have Android 2.3.6 with the update, not a 4.x.x version.
Only the Kernel is 4.1.1.
I got this wrong before
Now my T849 is branded T-Mobile and from the USA.
I will use it outside the USA (Europe and Asia) and the 3G/3.5G signal is here on 2100 MHz as I found out on my old 3G Router Huawei B200W.
Will the T849 support the 2100 MHz 3G frequency after an update?
So far I got only EDGE speed.
So I have the modem options:
Will the JPZ work with my hardware?
I did firmware updates before with Odin (Galaxy S 2 from Gingerbread to Jelly Bean; Wave II from Bada 1 to Bada 2; Galaxy Young - now on 2.3.6) but the work was not so complex so I am better safe than sorry.
JPZ should give you HSDPA at 2100Mhz.
If not, there are modem from the Captivate that works, but huge battery drain.
The overcome Rom is called series 7 4.1
But it is GB 2.3.5
What I meant is after that you can flash CM9/10/10.1 or AOKP or anything you wish.
I am on AOKP JB 4.2.2 but it is unreleased yet. I am one of the tester.
Sent from my GT-I9300 using xda app-developers app
Wow, this is all amazing news!
Once I have it back I will try it out, Gingerbread is great!
I can get the tab for around US$ 80,- in a perfect running condition as I was able to test it for two days.
Small excursus:
Android 4.x is great with extra features as I know from my Galaxy S 2 (R.I.P.) but since I got the first 4.0.x version on it I got a new mainboard one year ago and now, one week after flashing 4.1.1 (or was it 4.1.2?) the main board is dead again. They say in the service center it was overheated.
I did not do anything but surfing and some music from time to time. The board will coast US$ 240,- , three times the price for this used tab
I won't have it fixed since the warranty is expired. Maybe I can sell the display "as new" since it is also the second one.
Didn't have good luck with the GS2 :crying:
There is no hardware problem with the old Froyo and Gingerbread phones / tabs here in the family / friends.
was ingVas
Here is my positive feedback!
It worked fine and now I have Android 2.3.3 on my T849.
Calling and receiving calling works now - even though this did not right away?
Can send and receive SMS /texts.
The T-Mobile branding is gone.
As I think (see screen-shot) I should have the Overcome Kernel now. The installation in the recovery was aborted but it is there!?
So far I can use only EGDE (up tp 384 kbp/s) for data connection, the 2100 MHz seems not to work (with JPZ modem (see screen-shot)).
I have seen P1000 / T849 running Android Jelly Bean on ebay.com today! (maybe get another Tab for my wife)
I will try to contact the owners.
Thanks again, priyana!
PS: there was NO need to root the Tab. The instruction was a little bit confusing in this point and I spent some time finding info about how to root it.
Gingerbread was / is really a big step compared to Froyo Android, was naver aware of this until I found out this week (new keyboard, stock browser especially).
what network are you using?
Could be due to wrong APN settings that you are not getting 3G.
And BTW, the Overcome Kernel is installed via Odin.
Whatever you tried to flash and aborted "from recovery" couldn't have been overcome kernel.
Yeah, no need rooting and checking bootloader etc.
That is why in my original reply:
"Jump to page 7 of the guide.
Forget about rooting/backup, just flash away."
Hello again,
I am in the Philippines.
I use Globe and Smart, these are the main providers here.
In "GSM only" on the tab I have signal, I can call/text and have a (slow) internet connection with the data package activated.
In "WCDMA only" I have NO SIGNAL AT ALL, showing no bars for the signal only the circle with the line.
So: no call, no text, no internet.
Internet - faster than EDGE - is is here the Philippines only on 2100 MHz,
I have tried this with my 3G browser.
Regarding to the official Samsung page the T839 does not have access to the 2100 MHz:
Frequencies and Data Type GSM: 850/900/1800/1900
Data Speed GPRS/EDGE
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I have read some other threads here in xda-developers: some were successful, some not.
Maybe they built in different hardware and mine really does not support anything faster than EDGE.
For no I can live with this.
Anyway I have currently network issues with messages (the Tab is fine, my wife does not get my texts on the same network for a week now, when I send a text to her other phone which is the other network she gets it right away).
Maybe I will try flashing other modems which I find here.
Well, not saying that your link is inaccurate.
Just that it is incomplete.
It shows the GSM/EDGE freq but not the UMTS (3G) freq.
This one shows it has 2100MHz
but not a Samsung official link.
Pretty sure (I own one T849 too) that it can do 2100MHz UMTS.
Edit: linking you to one post that is not to do with Galaxy Tab, but about APNs for The Phillipines:
Coming closer to success!
I have now the original European (German) Firmware 2.3.6 XWJQ8 from sammobile.com.
(Sorry for kicking out your ROM for now, might go back later since YOUR Rom and Kernel seem more stable :good:
This XWJQ8 definitely has the European modem (also for here).
Then I changed to "WCDMA" and in this mode I restarted the Tab.
After reboot I got "gray" signal bars, meaning I am not in my network but it said "Emergency call only"
So technically we come closer.
I went to the front site of the house and I was able to register on my network.
Unfortunately I was not yet able to make calls in WCDMA and I didn't get an "E" or "3G" or "H", "H+" or whatever even when switching on the paket data.
There is really a network issue right now here...
I can confirm now that the T849 is able to connect to the W2100 UMTS network outside the USA, I think this is usually the case for UMTS faster than EDGE.
I got a signal saying "H" and sometimes "H+" and the Speedtest was successful with a little bit slower than 1Mb/s.
I was also able to place calls in the WCDMA mode which seems to be an issue in other threads here in this forum.
Now I love my T849 / P1000 even more since I do not have to carry about two phones.
A bluetooth or normal headset will do but also the normal speaker is much better than any other phone on the market, what else does somebody need?
Off-topic: I was able to root it and got ride off many unneeded apps (my first root on a smart phones BTW).
ES File Explorer did an update from one day to the other so I was not able to reinstall some needed apps (orientation rotating did not work and the home /search button were disabled, OOPS).
Better choice is Titanium backup (free version will do).
The phone is now mostly custom made for me.
I also deleted all unnecessary ring tones and notification tones.
priyana said:
Once overcome kernel is in, you have clockworkmod recovery. You can flash all the way to android 4.2.2
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I'm in the U.S. with teh same model T849, (rooted via z4root). Like Der-mali, I am focused on getting GSM voice capability, but am also interested in an updated rom like ics or JB.
One of the primary reasons I grabbed the t-mobile version was for it's voice capability, but I was disappointed because I was under the impression I would be stuck with the overcome rom if I wanted to retain the voice capabilities. If I read your post right, overclock is a stepping stone for most (all?) of the gsm roms?
Does that also mean that most of the GSM roms have the dialer app, sms etc built in as well? That essentially, it will just be question of choosing the right t-mobile modem for use in teh U.S. and that most (all?) gsm roms are available to me without sacrificing gsm calling?
Sorry for the noob question, but I'm new to teh tab scene and trying to make sense of my options.
P.S. do you have any favorite roms (preferably JB, that support gsm voice/sms) that you'd recommend or have enjoyed using?
Please disregard this post since it is based on wrong assumption due to a misunderstanding (my fault!).
I do not want to confuse anybody new to this topic because of a failure that happended to me during my Overcome installation.
I will post the solution to my problem later.
GB-stock-safe-v5 is not overcome ROM.
It is Samsung JQ1 GB 2.3.3
Overcome Series 7 version 4.1 if I am not mistaken is a GB 2.3.6
Perhaps you only have gone as far as GB-stock-safe-v5 + Overcome Kernel?
That is not Overcome ROM at all.
---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:45 PM ----------
devinpatterson said:
I'm in the U.S. with teh same model T849, (rooted via z4root). Like Der-mali, I am focused on getting GSM voice capability, but am also interested in an updated rom like ics or JB.
One of the primary reasons I grabbed the t-mobile version was for it's voice capability, but I was disappointed because I was under the impression I would be stuck with the overcome rom if I wanted to retain the voice capabilities. If I read your post right, overclock is a stepping stone for most (all?) of the gsm roms?
Does that also mean that most of the GSM roms have the dialer app, sms etc built in as well? That essentially, it will just be question of choosing the right t-mobile modem for use in teh U.S. and that most (all?) gsm roms are available to me without sacrificing gsm calling?
Sorry for the noob question, but I'm new to teh tab scene and trying to make sense of my options.
P.S. do you have any favorite roms (preferably JB, that support gsm voice/sms) that you'd recommend or have enjoyed using?
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You are correct. In fact, most ROMs, be it stock Samsung (except the North American version:TMo,AT&T, or Canadian telcos) or open source based, have dialers and SMS.
The next part is more confusing for you:
- the JJ3 or whatever stock Tmo modem for the tab, can let you do only 1 thing: 3G data at 1700MHz
- therefore even with Euro ROM, you can't make phone call. For that you need the JPZ modem. But JPZ modem won't support 3G at 1700MHz, you will only get 2G Edge speed.
- For us who are not in the USA, JPZ modem is good for us because we get voice call and 3G at 2100MHz.
- if you want to retain 3G and make voice call, you need a script to switch the modem and reboot.
One such script for GB ROM (so called BML ROM) is created by rotohammer. It is called roto modem switcher, you can find in in old threads here.
I have modified it to run in the new "MTD" ROM. let me know if you need it.
Having said all of that, I am not sure if the telco will detect that you are using a TAB and then: 1) don't let you make calls, 2) if you use phone SIM, don't let you access data.
All of those are telco's restrictions. Hope they don't affect you.
I now have the Overcome Rom on my T849 and I can confirm that it is GB 2.3.6. :good:
Most unneeded apps were already removed and I even removed more like SocialHub, DigitalFrame, ThinkOffice etc.
I think I will later place my own APKs into the respective app folder of the ROM so I can use it as a personal recovery.
I think what is long overdue is that "Market" should be replaced" with "PlayStore" APK. This applies for all ROMs on the "market".
I do not know at the moment if this is easily doable since there seem to be lots of dependencies for the PlayStore, I will have a look at it.
Something went wrong last time. That was this issue with not being able to install the ROM in the recovery mode I was talking about
priyana said:
You are correct. In fact, most ROMs, be it stock Samsung (except the North American version:TMo,AT&T, or Canadian telcos) or open source based, have dialers and SMS.
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I really appreciate the clarification/explanation, it gives my tab a whole new lease on life.
priyana said:
The next part is more confusing for you:
- the JJ3 or whatever stock Tmo modem for the tab, can let you do only 1 thing: 3G data at 1700MHz.....But JPZ modem won't support 3G at 1700MHz, you will only get 2G Edge speed.
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No worries on this one. I'm in the unenviable position of only having 2g coverage by t-mobile (even though verizon as well as AT&T has already rolled out 4G lte coverage here).
Maybe I'll keep an eye out for an at&t version of the tab. From browsing the "[HOW-TO] Flash your at&t Tab to make calls + 1900+850 WCDMA - UPDATED" thread it looks like modem rom and supported bands are a lot less problematic than t-mobile version (and in my case I'd have 3G).
Thanks Priyana for taking the time to help me out/walk me through the telephony issues, I appreciate it :good:
der-mali said:
I think what is long overdue is that "Market" should be replaced" with "PlayStore" APK. This applies for all ROMs on the "market".
I do not know at the moment if this is easily doable since there seem to be lots of dependencies for the PlayStore, I will have a look at it.
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Looking forward to hearing if you were successful
There is a file called "gapps" here:
You can copy this ZIP file into the internal SD card of your tab and install it from the recovery mode
(you should have the Overcome or a similar recovery kernel).
I have not done it for GB 2.3.6 but it works for the JB 4.2.2 version which I am currently using.
I would say GB 2.3.6 is better for the P1000, JB 4.2.2 got a very complex operation system for a "mobile computer" like our tabs.
More here:
Version as of 5 Apr 2013 is running very well, 25 Apr 2013 with the Kernel 3.x didn't work out for me (no external SD card, camera issues).